Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

good lord, all you anti-America naysayers are depressing

Obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "anti-American."

Actually, that is anti-American
Agreed, so is wanting everyone who even slightly criticizes the US to leave.

Of course, no one is saying that. THat you had to lie about what people ARE saying, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Is America systemically racist?
We have a race who systemically get themselves into jackpots and then blame others for it.

It's it interesting how we're bad because our grandparents were racists, but evenifigoalone doesn't have that problem, he's not bad.

So evenifigoalone , to clarify, so your ancestors didn't do anything bad like ours did or you have different rules where you aren't responsible for the actions of dead people like we are?
Godboy The indians varied...generally speaking...............Indians were less agressive the further north and eastern you you head more southern and western--they became more and more violent and awful.
The ones who were extremely isolated would of course be peaceful. Who would they have to fight against? Most tribes would slaughter settlers on sight if they saw their wagons near their territory. They would kill women and children with glee and be proud of it after. They would take home human fucking trophies (scalps). These were demented people.
That is not really the experiences recorded in journals of the oregon trail and other westward expansions. It certainly wasn't for my mother's forefathers in Neb and Kan. As Turtlesoup said, the further south.... although the tribes closer to the mexican border had been at war with mexico for generations.
Journals of the Oregon trail? The results of one group traveling through a territory once can hardly be considered the norm.
Well, besides those, all you have is second hand imaginings.
No, i literally have the reports from historians. I just posted a couple videos. You should watch them.

I watched the video and it didn't contradict anything I said. I didn't say there weren't violent Indians, I said they weren't all the same. The video didn't say they were
VIRTUALLY all the same, with rare exceptions.
good lord, all you anti-America naysayers are depressing

Obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "anti-American."

Actually, that is anti-American
Agreed, so is wanting everyone who even slightly criticizes the US to leave.

Of course, no one is saying that. THat you had to lie about what people ARE saying, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Is America systemically racist?
We have a race who systemically get themselves into jackpots and then blame others for it.

It's it interesting how we're bad because our grandparents were racists, but evenifigoalone doesn't have that problem, he's not bad.

So evenifigoalone , to clarify, so your ancestors didn't do anything bad like ours did or you have different rules where you aren't responsible for the actions of dead people like we are?
Isn't that one of the great things about America? My father's father, whom I was blessed to never have met, was reportedly a pro-German nationalist who died shortly before Hitler came to power. I grew up learning that the civil rights movement was America's highest achievement.
good lord, all you anti-America naysayers are depressing

Obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "anti-American."

Actually, that is anti-American
Agreed, so is wanting everyone who even slightly criticizes the US to leave.

Of course, no one is saying that. THat you had to lie about what people ARE saying, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Is America systemically racist?
We have a race who systemically get themselves into jackpots and then blame others for it.

It's it interesting how we're bad because our grandparents were racists, but evenifigoalone doesn't have that problem, he's not bad.

So evenifigoalone , to clarify, so your ancestors didn't do anything bad like ours did or you have different rules where you aren't responsible for the actions of dead people like we are?
Isn't that one of the great things about America? My father's father, whom I was blessed to never have met, was reportedly a pro-German nationalist who died shortly before Hitler came to power. I grew up learning that the civil rights movement was America's highest achievement.

My great grandmother (mother's mother's mother came to the US from Germany in the late 19th century because she was scared about the warlike trend in Germany and didn't want her sons to be killed in wars. She made a great call.

My great grandfather (father's mother's father) fought in the civil war in a Michigan unit against slavery. He joined when he was 17. As was customary then, he wrote 18 on the bottom of his foot and when they asked him his age he said "I stand over 18." They weren't picky.

But according to evenifigoalone I'm still a racist because of my lineage. He's not. He hasn't explained how he knows his ancestors weren't racist since he isn't a racist
good lord, all you anti-America naysayers are depressing

Obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "anti-American."

Actually, that is anti-American
Agreed, so is wanting everyone who even slightly criticizes the US to leave.

Of course, no one is saying that. THat you had to lie about what people ARE saying, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Is America systemically racist?
We have a race who systemically get themselves into jackpots and then blame others for it.

It's it interesting how we're bad because our grandparents were racists, but evenifigoalone doesn't have that problem, he's not bad.

So evenifigoalone , to clarify, so your ancestors didn't do anything bad like ours did or you have different rules where you aren't responsible for the actions of dead people like we are?
Isn't that one of the great things about America? My father's father, whom I was blessed to never have met, was reportedly a pro-German nationalist who died shortly before Hitler came to power. I grew up learning that the civil rights movement was America's highest achievement.

My great grandmother (mother's mother's mother came to the US from Germany in the late 19th century because she was scared about the warlike trend in Germany and didn't want her sons to be killed in wars. She made a great call.

My great grandfather (father's mother's father) fought in the civil war in a Michigan unit against slavery. He joined when he was 17. As was customary then, he wrote 18 on the bottom of his foot and when they asked him his age he said "I stand over 18." They weren't picky.

But according to evenifigoalone I'm still a racist because of my lineage. He's not. He hasn't explained how he knows his ancestors weren't racist since he isn't a racist
On a somewhat related note, my favorite Homer Simpsonism is "Son the first step on the way to failure is ... trying."
good lord, all you anti-America naysayers are depressing

Obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "anti-American."

Actually, that is anti-American
Agreed, so is wanting everyone who even slightly criticizes the US to leave.

Of course, no one is saying that. THat you had to lie about what people ARE saying, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Is America systemically racist?
We have a race who systemically get themselves into jackpots and then blame others for it.

It's it interesting how we're bad because our grandparents were racists, but evenifigoalone doesn't have that problem, he's not bad.

So evenifigoalone , to clarify, so your ancestors didn't do anything bad like ours did or you have different rules where you aren't responsible for the actions of dead people like we are?
Isn't that one of the great things about America? My father's father, whom I was blessed to never have met, was reportedly a pro-German nationalist who died shortly before Hitler came to power. I grew up learning that the civil rights movement was America's highest achievement.

My great grandmother (mother's mother's mother came to the US from Germany in the late 19th century because she was scared about the warlike trend in Germany and didn't want her sons to be killed in wars. She made a great call.

My great grandfather (father's mother's father) fought in the civil war in a Michigan unit against slavery. He joined when he was 17. As was customary then, he wrote 18 on the bottom of his foot and when they asked him his age he said "I stand over 18." They weren't picky.

But according to evenifigoalone I'm still a racist because of my lineage. He's not. He hasn't explained how he knows his ancestors weren't racist since he isn't a racist
On a somewhat related note, my favorite Homer Simpsonism is "Son the first step on the way to failure is ... trying."

That's a good one.

The thing with the sins of our fathers is that even if we were to say fine, we'll make up for slavery by people who didn't own slaves paying trillions of dollars to people who weren't slaves to make up for it, Democrats would not let it go. They will double down on the anger. Democrats always get more angry when they get their way.

It would almost be worth it if we could pay blacks a trillion dollars just to end the Democrat race baiting. But again, it would never work
How about Murica's free citizens giving away more money to charitable organizations than the rest of the world combined?
Tithes are hardly something to be proud of.
However, it isn't always tithes, which by the way are not compulsory like taxes.
Case in point;

Back during the 1980s when my wife was married to former husband and lived in Idaho, her husband worked with another chap, 'John' building houses. As everyone eventually went their separate ways, 'John' started a business making trusses for homes and small commercial buildings.

'John's' business has grown over the years and is quite successful, employing over a hundred people. John and his family could be considered wealthy to a degree and could enjoy a higher standard of living than they do, but John has chosen a better use for some of his profits/wealth.

John and his wife are devout Christians and as John told me once, he felt the will of the Lord upon him so for several years now he's been using a large part of his profits to support an orphanage and school in a country in Africa. He's had some challenges along the way, one major one was a local manager whom was ripping of the funds for personal use/gain. John got rid of him and seems secure with the replacement.

The way John makes wise oversight of his investment towards the orphanage and school shows a return on the dollar far beyond what we often see in Federal guv'mint foreign aid. I'd wager that John's money goes as far as 3-4 times what USA foreign aid would.
The way John makes wise oversight of his investment towards the orphanage and school shows a return on the dollar far beyond what we often see in Federal guv'mint foreign aid. I'd wager that John's money goes as far as 3-4 times what USA foreign aid would.
However, also purely anecdotally, no representative of the taxpayers in general ever asked John to "invest" like that overseas. You see, like Bill Gates and many religious "non-profits", John pays way way less in taxes as a result of his "charitable" foreign gifts. Perhaps John has even set up a foundation where other rich bastards can shelter their profits tax free with absolutely no risk of the people's representatives ever being able to do anything better with all that money, and ensuring that his progeny never have to work any real job like he did. Because, you know, that was all just so fucking tragic, exceptional, and hard. Plus, those kids obviously deserve nothing but pink unicorns and marshmallow cushiness.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

The US has more rescue dogs than any other country.

Most places, they eat them.
good lord, all you anti-America naysayers are depressing

Obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "anti-American."

Actually, that is anti-American
Agreed, so is wanting everyone who even slightly criticizes the US to leave.

Of course, no one is saying that. THat you had to lie about what people ARE saying, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Is America systemically racist?
We have a race who systemically get themselves into jackpots and then blame others for it.

It's it interesting how we're bad because our grandparents were racists, but evenifigoalone doesn't have that problem, he's not bad.

So evenifigoalone , to clarify, so your ancestors didn't do anything bad like ours did or you have different rules where you aren't responsible for the actions of dead people like we are?
What my great great granddaddy MAY have done has no bearing on the here and now. Live in the past then get passed by in the present
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Is America systemically racist?
We have a race who systemically get themselves into jackpots and then blame others for it.

It's it interesting how we're bad because our grandparents were racists, but evenifigoalone doesn't have that problem, he's not bad.

So evenifigoalone , to clarify, so your ancestors didn't do anything bad like ours did or you have different rules where you aren't responsible for the actions of dead people like we are?
What my great great granddaddy MAY have done has no bearing on the here and now. Live in the past then get passed by in the present

As I keep pointing out, the sins of the fathers of Democrats don't visit them. Only we are responsible for the sins of our fathers. In fact we're responsible for the sins of dead Democrats too since they were the slave owners as well as the KKK and Jim Crow.

My wife is a woman of color. When we got engaged, my family loved her. The only question was if she is a Christian. She is, more than I am. Her race has never been an issue. Still from the Democrats, it's racist, racist, racist! To my daughters who are also women of color it's racist, racist, racist. Wow, from lily white teachers. And it has been for the 40 years I was old enough to follow politics. I don't know who far before that it started, that's only as long as I remember
The way John makes wise oversight of his investment towards the orphanage and school shows a return on the dollar far beyond what we often see in Federal guv'mint foreign aid. I'd wager that John's money goes as far as 3-4 times what USA foreign aid would.
However, also purely anecdotally, no representative of the taxpayers in general ever asked John to "invest" like that overseas. You see, like Bill Gates and many religious "non-profits", John pays way way less in taxes as a result of his "charitable" foreign gifts. Perhaps John has even set up a foundation where other rich bastards can shelter their profits tax free with absolutely no risk of the people's representatives ever being able to do anything better with all that money, and ensuring that his progeny never have to work any real job like he did. Because, you know, that was all just so fucking tragic, exceptional, and hard. Plus, those kids obviously deserve nothing but pink unicorns and marshmallow cushiness.
And a pile of bovine droppings as well!

Obviously you are another of those Leftists since you think guv'mint could spend the same amount of dollar$ as wisely and effectively as a private citizen does when it's their money going directly ~ without another guv'mint employee or three to skim off the top for their useless efforts. You also appear to fail to grasp how most of those "people's representatives" usually skim off for their own gain and fail to "do anything better with all that money."

If fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you barely earned enough in your lifetime to support your self, let alone produce extra to share with others. For that matter, I doubt you did much productive in the private sector where wealth is created and wouldn't be surprised if most of what you got was via wealth redistribution.

Leftists usually have a better idea, so long as it's other people's money, labor, effort, and risk involved. I'd wager that like most Leftist, you give little or more likely nothing to any charity or non-profit.

You also display some other levels of gross ignorance. Charitable "gifts" only reduce your taxable income amount, which in John's case would be that portion of his business profits going to him as compensation, etc. In John's case he can direct where it goes and how efficiently it is used, something most of us can't do with our tax dollar$.

Also, John got to where he is by taking risk, there was no guarantee his business would succeed or continue to do so. He's also provided real jobs to his employees. And his children work and provide for themselves, they aren't living off of dad's money.

A final note here, those with wealth don't put that money in a coffee can and bury it in the back yard. They often invest into other businesses and ventures that will grow their wealth and provide for the general economic prosperity. They usually have acquired their well through a combination of working hard, long hours, often more like 60-80 hours a week, they were lucky to some degree, worked smart, and took risks that many others won't. John could as easily loose it all, in fact has come close a couple of times due to flux in the housing markets and economic downturns.

It's fairly clear you know squat about economics, wealth creation versus wealth taking,hard and smart work, risk taking, or doing more for others than for yourself.
good lord, all you anti-America naysayers are depressing

Obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "anti-American."

Actually, that is anti-American
Agreed, so is wanting everyone who even slightly criticizes the US to leave.

Of course, no one is saying that. THat you had to lie about what people ARE saying, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Is America systemically racist?
We have a race who systemically get themselves into jackpots and then blame others for it.

It's it interesting how we're bad because our grandparents were racists, but evenifigoalone doesn't have that problem, he's not bad.

So evenifigoalone , to clarify, so your ancestors didn't do anything bad like ours did or you have different rules where you aren't responsible for the actions of dead people like we are?
Isn't that one of the great things about America? My father's father, whom I was blessed to never have met, was reportedly a pro-German nationalist who died shortly before Hitler came to power. I grew up learning that the civil rights movement was America's highest achievement.

My great grandmother (mother's mother's mother came to the US from Germany in the late 19th century because she was scared about the warlike trend in Germany and didn't want her sons to be killed in wars. She made a great call.

My great grandfather (father's mother's father) fought in the civil war in a Michigan unit against slavery. He joined when he was 17. As was customary then, he wrote 18 on the bottom of his foot and when they asked him his age he said "I stand over 18." They weren't picky.

But according to evenifigoalone I'm still a racist because of my lineage. He's not. He hasn't explained how he knows his ancestors weren't racist since he isn't a racist
On a somewhat related note, my favorite Homer Simpsonism is "Son the first step on the way to failure is ... trying."

That's a good one.

The thing with the sins of our fathers is that even if we were to say fine, we'll make up for slavery by people who didn't own slaves paying trillions of dollars to people who weren't slaves to make up for it, Democrats would not let it go. They will double down on the anger. Democrats always get more angry when they get their way.

It would almost be worth it if we could pay blacks a trillion dollars just to end the Democrat race baiting. But again, it would never work
On my Father's side, they came over from Germany around the start of the 1900s.
On my Mother's side, they came over from Armenia a little bit later, but just before the Turks began their pogrom of genocide.

I don't have a family heritage of being in this nation back when there was slavery. For that matter, I recently saw where only about 40% of Blacks have roots back to that era of slavery.

So way I see it most Blacks don't deserve reparations, and I shouldn't have to pay any.

My great grandmother (mother's mother's mother came to the US from Germany in the late 19th century because she was scared about the warlike trend in Germany and didn't want her sons to be killed in wars. She made a great call.

My great grandfather (father's mother's father) fought in the civil war in a Michigan unit against slavery. He joined when he was 17. As was customary then, he wrote 18 on the bottom of his foot and when they asked him his age he said "I stand over 18." They weren't picky.

But according to evenifigoalone I'm still a racist because of my lineage. He's not. He hasn't explained how he knows his ancestors weren't racist since he isn't a racist
On a somewhat related note, my favorite Homer Simpsonism is "Son the first step on the way to failure is ... trying."

That's a good one.

The thing with the sins of our fathers is that even if we were to say fine, we'll make up for slavery by people who didn't own slaves paying trillions of dollars to people who weren't slaves to make up for it, Democrats would not let it go. They will double down on the anger. Democrats always get more angry when they get their way.

It would almost be worth it if we could pay blacks a trillion dollars just to end the Democrat race baiting. But again, it would never work
On my Father's side, they came over from Germany around the start of the 1900s.
On my Mother's side, they came over from Armenia a little bit later, but just before the Turks began their pogrom of genocide.

I don't have a family heritage of being in this nation back when there was slavery. For that matter, I recently saw where only about 40% of Blacks have roots back to that era of slavery.

So way I see it most Blacks don't deserve reparations, and I shouldn't have to pay any.

Yes, your family wasn't here when slavery happened. My family fought against slavery. But slavery is our fault while Democrats are the party that actually owned slaves and has subjugated blacks since and they aren't responsible for shit.

Democrats are garbage human beings

My great grandmother (mother's mother's mother came to the US from Germany in the late 19th century because she was scared about the warlike trend in Germany and didn't want her sons to be killed in wars. She made a great call.

My great grandfather (father's mother's father) fought in the civil war in a Michigan unit against slavery. He joined when he was 17. As was customary then, he wrote 18 on the bottom of his foot and when they asked him his age he said "I stand over 18." They weren't picky.

But according to evenifigoalone I'm still a racist because of my lineage. He's not. He hasn't explained how he knows his ancestors weren't racist since he isn't a racist
On a somewhat related note, my favorite Homer Simpsonism is "Son the first step on the way to failure is ... trying."

That's a good one.

The thing with the sins of our fathers is that even if we were to say fine, we'll make up for slavery by people who didn't own slaves paying trillions of dollars to people who weren't slaves to make up for it, Democrats would not let it go. They will double down on the anger. Democrats always get more angry when they get their way.

It would almost be worth it if we could pay blacks a trillion dollars just to end the Democrat race baiting. But again, it would never work
On my Father's side, they came over from Germany around the start of the 1900s.
On my Mother's side, they came over from Armenia a little bit later, but just before the Turks began their pogrom of genocide.

I don't have a family heritage of being in this nation back when there was slavery. For that matter, I recently saw where only about 40% of Blacks have roots back to that era of slavery.

So way I see it most Blacks don't deserve reparations, and I shouldn't have to pay any.

I don't mean this directed at you, we're in agreement. But I do think that reparations are owed. Black slaves totally deserve to be paid. The problem is that the people who owe them are dead and the people they are owed to are dead. I doubt you disagree with that

My great grandmother (mother's mother's mother came to the US from Germany in the late 19th century because she was scared about the warlike trend in Germany and didn't want her sons to be killed in wars. She made a great call.

My great grandfather (father's mother's father) fought in the civil war in a Michigan unit against slavery. He joined when he was 17. As was customary then, he wrote 18 on the bottom of his foot and when they asked him his age he said "I stand over 18." They weren't picky.

But according to evenifigoalone I'm still a racist because of my lineage. He's not. He hasn't explained how he knows his ancestors weren't racist since he isn't a racist
On a somewhat related note, my favorite Homer Simpsonism is "Son the first step on the way to failure is ... trying."

That's a good one.

The thing with the sins of our fathers is that even if we were to say fine, we'll make up for slavery by people who didn't own slaves paying trillions of dollars to people who weren't slaves to make up for it, Democrats would not let it go. They will double down on the anger. Democrats always get more angry when they get their way.

It would almost be worth it if we could pay blacks a trillion dollars just to end the Democrat race baiting. But again, it would never work
On my Father's side, they came over from Germany around the start of the 1900s.
On my Mother's side, they came over from Armenia a little bit later, but just before the Turks began their pogrom of genocide.

I don't have a family heritage of being in this nation back when there was slavery. For that matter, I recently saw where only about 40% of Blacks have roots back to that era of slavery.

So way I see it most Blacks don't deserve reparations, and I shouldn't have to pay any.

Yes, your family wasn't here when slavery happened. My family fought against slavery. But slavery is our fault while Democrats are the party that actually owned slaves and has subjugated blacks since and they aren't responsible for shit.

Democrats are garbage human beings
Its not really about party. Most people in Miss want medicaid expansion and more infrastructure spending. But the voting rights act mandated gerrymandering is unpopular with a maj, and in a lot of places school integration led to a decline in acad standards

That's a good one.

The thing with the sins of our fathers is that even if we were to say fine, we'll make up for slavery by people who didn't own slaves paying trillions of dollars to people who weren't slaves to make up for it, Democrats would not let it go. They will double down on the anger. Democrats always get more angry when they get their way.

It would almost be worth it if we could pay blacks a trillion dollars just to end the Democrat race baiting. But again, it would never work
On my Father's side, they came over from Germany around the start of the 1900s.
On my Mother's side, they came over from Armenia a little bit later, but just before the Turks began their pogrom of genocide.

I don't have a family heritage of being in this nation back when there was slavery. For that matter, I recently saw where only about 40% of Blacks have roots back to that era of slavery.

So way I see it most Blacks don't deserve reparations, and I shouldn't have to pay any.

Yes, your family wasn't here when slavery happened. My family fought against slavery. But slavery is our fault while Democrats are the party that actually owned slaves and has subjugated blacks since and they aren't responsible for shit.

Democrats are garbage human beings
Its not really about party. Most people in Miss want medicaid expansion and more infrastructure spending. But the voting rights act mandated gerrymandering is unpopular with a maj, and in a lot of places school integration led to a decline in acad standards

I'm not clear what that had to do with the post you responded to

That's a good one.

The thing with the sins of our fathers is that even if we were to say fine, we'll make up for slavery by people who didn't own slaves paying trillions of dollars to people who weren't slaves to make up for it, Democrats would not let it go. They will double down on the anger. Democrats always get more angry when they get their way.

It would almost be worth it if we could pay blacks a trillion dollars just to end the Democrat race baiting. But again, it would never work
On my Father's side, they came over from Germany around the start of the 1900s.
On my Mother's side, they came over from Armenia a little bit later, but just before the Turks began their pogrom of genocide.

I don't have a family heritage of being in this nation back when there was slavery. For that matter, I recently saw where only about 40% of Blacks have roots back to that era of slavery.

So way I see it most Blacks don't deserve reparations, and I shouldn't have to pay any.

Yes, your family wasn't here when slavery happened. My family fought against slavery. But slavery is our fault while Democrats are the party that actually owned slaves and has subjugated blacks since and they aren't responsible for shit.

Democrats are garbage human beings
Its not really about party. Most people in Miss want medicaid expansion and more infrastructure spending. But the voting rights act mandated gerrymandering is unpopular with a maj, and in a lot of places school integration led to a decline in acad standards

I'm not clear what that had to do with the post you responded to
Today's gopers and dems have no ties to slavery or Jim Crow

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