Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

FWIW, the start of the American War for Independence was over a year before the Declaration of Independence (nominally July 4, 1776), in other words, our Fore-Fathers/Founding-Fathers were fighting the British Imperialism over a year before this nation Declared it's Independence.

Battles of Lexington and Concord​

The battles of Lexington and Concord were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War.[9] The battles were fought on April 19, 1775 in Middlesex County, Province of Massachusetts Bay, within the towns of Lexington, Concord, Lincoln, Menotomy (present-day Arlington), and Cambridge. They marked the outbreak of armed conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in America.

In late 1774, Colonial leaders adopted the Suffolk Resolves in resistance to the alterations made to the Massachusetts colonial government by the British parliament following the Boston Tea Party. The colonial assembly responded by forming a Patriot provisional government known as the Massachusetts Provincial Congress and calling for local militias to train for possible hostilities. The Colonial government exercised effective control of the colony outside of British-controlled Boston. In response, the British government in February 1775 declared Massachusetts to be in a state of rebellion.
A quote needs quotation marks.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

The United States federal government is corrupt, just not as corrupt as places like China, Mexico, North Korea, etc.

With that said, the U.S. probably comes out WAY ahead of most other nations in terms of its generosity to the world. Yes, the U.S. has its share of sins too.

You and I are not responsible for what SOME early Americans did to native Americans. By the way, the native Americans also had their fair share of evil people.

I look at it this way. I'm proud of some things that America has done and ashamed of others just like I'm not pleased with all of my life choices and actions.

I'm proud of how the U.S. transformed Japan into a democratic nation that supported peace and human rights. I'm NOT proud of our poor choice to wage war on North Vietnam. I'm proud of how the U.S. so generously helped to rebuild much of Europe after WW II. I'm NOT proud of how the U.S. permitted slavery to exist for as long as it did.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

The United States federal government is corrupt, just not as corrupt as places like China, Mexico, North Korea, etc.

With that said, the U.S. probably comes out WAY ahead of most other nations in terms of its generosity to the world. Yes, the U.S. has its share of sins too.

You and I are not responsible for what SOME early Americans did to native Americans. By the way, the native Americans also had their fair share of evil people.

I look at it this way. I'm proud of some things that America has done and ashamed of others just like I'm not pleased with all of my life choices and actions.

I'm proud of how the U.S. transformed Japan into a democratic nation that supported peace and human rights.

What a luck that the Japanese had not to do so.

I'm NOT proud of our poor choice to wage war on North Vietnam. I'm proud of how the U.S. so generously helped to rebuild much of Europe after WW II. I'm NOT proud of how the U.S. permitted slavery to exist for as long as it did.
You see a lot of this in the US specially nowadays. people who will talk about how proud they are so being American and how great the country is even as our country slips down Into Obscurity. .

they're actually only a handful of things we'd leave the world in and they're mostly bad things.
1; we have more religious fundamentalist than any other first world nation.

2; we have more people in prison per capita than any other Nation and mostly for nonviolent drug possession which is the single largest contributor to our prison population.

3; we spend more on Military funding in the next 30 highest spending Nations combined and all but a couple are among our closest allies and none are considered hostiile. This isn't a bad thing in and of itself but when you add the fact that the vast majority of military funding goes to bonuses for military contractors and not actual military funding and it shows system for the military is based on whose ass you kiss, and where the corrupt Congressman and Military Officers Who oversee the distribution of contracts own stock, it shows that the vast majority of that funding is designed just to line people's pockets and almost none of it actually goes to a door support our military or our service members. In fact for a number of years service members were forced against their will to use subpar body armor and banned from using other armour's which were better than the ones the military gave them because the people who made the decisions owned stock in the company that made the subpar armor. (Supporting the troops is only important if it's not money to be made apparently)

We are not remotely the best in any academic fields, our manufacturing sector has completely died off with companies taking advantage of free trade and the non-existent labor laws in third world countries.
We have one of the worst education systems in the entire first world. We have one of the highest homeless populations of any first world nations, and many of our politicians are openly hostile towards homeless people treating them more like a plague than people in need of help.

I would say there is very little to be proud of as an American that actually means anything. you're always going to have the fake Patriots that condemn you if you point out any of the country's laws. they would rather pretend that the United States is perfect in the greatest nation in the history of mankind and ignore any issues or flaws, and then just pretend the country isn't on the verge of collapsing.

Those types of people of course portray themselves as patriotic, but in reality true Patriots want to make their country actually better, you're not a patriot just because you wave a flag and call America the greatest country on Earth you're a patriot if you actually want to do the work to make it the greatest country on Earth.
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they're actually only a handful of things we'd leave the world in and they're mostly bad things.
Yes, the U.S. is the evilest and most wicked and corrupt nation to ever exist in this world. The overwhelming majority of nations in the world are better than the U.S. in every metric as evidenced by the fact that nobody wants to come to the U.S. and the fact that MILLIONS of Americans are emigrating to other nations.
they're actually only a handful of things we'd leave the world in and they're mostly bad things.
Yes, the U.S. is the evilest and most wicked and corrupt nation to ever exist in this world. The overwhelming majority of nations in the world are better than the U.S. in every metric as evidenced by the fact that nobody wants to come to the U.S. and the fact that MILLIONS of Americans are emigrating to other nations.
Like I said fake Patriots who willingly ignore their countries faults, and would rather pretend their country is perfect then do the work to make it better
Like I said fake Patriots who willingly ignore their countries faults, and would rather pretend their country is perfect then do the work to make it better
As I stated a few posts earlier, the U.S. has a mixed history of "good" and "bad". Your belief that the U.S. is one of the worst in the world is comically ignorant.
I have changed my mind on this topic.

There is NOTHING about America of which to be proud.

America is irreparably damaged and we must "destroy that which we created."

I believe Texas should lead the way and exit this irreparably racist country forever.
Where is texas going to go
Nowhere. Just go back to before joining this irreparably racist union. Texas will be the Republic of Texas again.
Texas is going no where fast, same as California.
I have changed my mind on this topic.

There is NOTHING about America of which to be proud.

America is irreparably damaged and we must "destroy that which we created."

I believe Texas should lead the way and exit this irreparably racist country forever.
Where is texas going to go
Nowhere. Just go back to before joining this irreparably racist union. Texas will be the Republic of Texas again.
Texas leads the country in racism...
And shitfaced illegal aliens
they're actually only a handful of things we'd leave the world in and they're mostly bad things.
Yes, the U.S. is the evilest and most wicked and corrupt nation to ever exist in this world. The overwhelming majority of nations in the world are better than the U.S. in every metric as evidenced by the fact that nobody wants to come to the U.S. and the fact that MILLIONS of Americans are emigrating to other nations.
Like I said fake Patriots who willingly ignore their countries faults, and would rather pretend their country is perfect then do the work to make it better
So what are you personally doing to make it better?

BTW, how does your "better" match to founding principles?
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

The greatest thing you can be proud of while living in America is you are free to be stupid, well until they outlaw being stupid which will happen one day…
America is one of the few countries where almost anyone can legally own machine guns, assault weapons, silencers, exploding targets, and all the ammunition they can afford.

Try doing those things in the UK.
You can not buy a machine gun manufactured after 1986 which makes them rare and horrifyingly expensive. Assault is an action and there is no such thing as a silencer.

Sorry. I had to word that so even a liberal would understand.

Class III/NFA, modern sporting rifle, suppressor.
good lord, all you anti-America naysayers are depressing

Obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "anti-American."

Actually, that is anti-American
Agreed, so is wanting everyone who even slightly criticizes the US to leave.

Of course, no one is saying that. THat you had to lie about what people ARE saying, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Is America systemically racist?
There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.

That did happen, but to say that is descriptive of all Indians is ridiculous. They actually ran the gamut from violent to peaceful. And we sure didn't do much to inspire the peaceful ones
Were the settlers any different? They didnt form up war parties to hunt indians, they just grew crops and hunted for their families. The indians treated the settlers savagely for the most part, with some exceptions.

I have grown tired of the romanticized version of peaceful indians, while demonizing Americans. Our only crime was being culturally superior and winning the war. Yes, we were at war with indians and they lost. Tough shit.

There were peaceful and violent on both sides. And I didn't demonize Americans. What you said wasn't historically accurate
Which part wasnt accurate?

You said that all Indians were violent. They weren't all violent. Most of them were not
There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.

That did happen, but to say that is descriptive of all Indians is ridiculous. They actually ran the gamut from violent to peaceful. And we sure didn't do much to inspire the peaceful ones
Were the settlers any different? They didnt form up war parties to hunt indians, they just grew crops and hunted for their families. The indians treated the settlers savagely for the most part, with some exceptions.

I have grown tired of the romanticized version of peaceful indians, while demonizing Americans. Our only crime was being culturally superior and winning the war. Yes, we were at war with indians and they lost. Tough shit.

There were peaceful and violent on both sides. And I didn't demonize Americans. What you said wasn't historically accurate
Which part wasnt accurate?

You said that all Indians were violent. They weren't all violent. Most of them were not
The fuck they werent. No one was "peaceful" back in those days. Peaceful groups were quickly wiped out wherever they existed in the world, with few exceptions.
good lord, all you anti-America naysayers are depressing

Obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "anti-American."

Actually, that is anti-American
Agreed, so is wanting everyone who even slightly criticizes the US to leave.

Of course, no one is saying that. THat you had to lie about what people ARE saying, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Based on the fact that a pissed off conservative suggested you get the fuck out. I'm betting that you did say something that deserved such a response.
Uhh, they were responding to my OP. But thanks for admitting you haven't actually read my posts after.

Have you thought of ANYTHING do be proud of this country for yet?

evenifigoalone - So I went back and read the OP.

A lot of people are tired of being blamed for the actions of dead people. Do you understand how we would get tired of that? Well, you may not have done X, but your grandfather did! How can I ever recover from that since you say I'm responsible for what dead people did. There is nothing I can do about that.

I also have to ask why this view of yours that we are personally responsible for the actions of dead people is used to benefit Democrats. With the history of dead Democrats, doesn't that directly contradict your view we are responsible for the actions of dead people? Dead Democrats were the slave owners, founded the KKK, created Jim Crow, lynched, burned crosses and were segregationists. By your own philosophy, that means you are personally responsible for those things. But the Democrat party should be rewarded? Try to at least be consistent.

Notice I said nothing about telling you to leave. But I'm curious what company you would exemplify as not having dead people who did bad things like ours did
good lord, all you anti-America naysayers are depressing

Obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "anti-American."

Actually, that is anti-American
Agreed, so is wanting everyone who even slightly criticizes the US to leave.

Of course, no one is saying that. THat you had to lie about what people ARE saying, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
.....have you read this thread? Again. Multiple. People. Have said either that I should pack my bags and leave, or that I don't deserve to live here if I had to ask the question posed in this thread. I will go back and quote posts if I have to.

You lefttards are not "slightly criticizing" the us. YOu are rabid anti-American assholes. With all due respect.
You're making broad sweeping assumptions about me based on, what? I have said nothing like what you are implying. I would thank you not to put words in my mouth.

Based on the fact that a pissed off conservative suggested you get the fuck out. I'm betting that you did say something that deserved such a response.
Let me paraphrase those conversations for you....

evenifigoalone says: "The US sucks"
Someone responds:" If you hate it so much, why dont you go to a better country?"

Then evenifigoalone complains that people are telling him to leave.

So evenifigoalone , what country do you advocate? Who doesn't suck like we do?
Texas is going no where fast, same as California.
Texas has the Permian Basis.

Oh an to the OP, yes there are plenty of things to be proud of just like there a plenty of things to be nos so proud.

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