Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

I'm not a socialist, I actually said in my OP that I'm against socialism. Many on this site need to learn to address what's actually said and not what you assume to be the case.
I'm a centrist who has a mixture of left and right beliefs. Before that, for many years I was a right wing libertarian.
Actually, you said this, which is more generic and less specific;
" (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.) "

Whatever ~ don't get your knickers in knot.

Nothing personal here as my posts are usually addressed to the larger and general audience.

Subject/topic still remains the same, FWIW.
FWIW, the start of the American War for Independence was over a year before the Declaration of Independence (nominally July 4, 1776), in other words, our Fore-Fathers/Founding-Fathers were fighting the British Imperialism over a year before this nation Declared it's Independence.

Battles of Lexington and Concord​

The battles of Lexington and Concord were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War.[9] The battles were fought on April 19, 1775 in Middlesex County, Province of Massachusetts Bay, within the towns of Lexington, Concord, Lincoln, Menotomy (present-day Arlington), and Cambridge. They marked the outbreak of armed conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in America.

In late 1774, Colonial leaders adopted the Suffolk Resolves in resistance to the alterations made to the Massachusetts colonial government by the British parliament following the Boston Tea Party. The colonial assembly responded by forming a Patriot provisional government known as the Massachusetts Provincial Congress and calling for local militias to train for possible hostilities. The Colonial government exercised effective control of the colony outside of British-controlled Boston. In response, the British government in February 1775 declared Massachusetts to be in a state of rebellion.
You are the world's laughing stock and horror.

The world's laughing stock and horror? And yet look at the southern border where all those people are running from all that upward mobility to get here for our racism. Look at all the Chinese, Indians, Russians, Australians, British and other European and Asians who are begging to come here in droves because they're so tired of the upward mobility in their own countries and want to come here where they can be prejudiced against and put in their own places and kept there.
Yes the third world wants to come here, the UK and the rest of the modern world not so much.
I'm not a socialist, I actually said in my OP that I'm against socialism. Many on this site need to learn to address what's actually said and not what you assume to be the case.
I'm a centrist who has a mixture of left and right beliefs. Before that, for many years I was a right wing libertarian.
Actually, you said this, which is more generic and less specific;
" (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.) "

Whatever ~ don't get your knickers in knot.

Nothing personal here as my posts are usually addressed to the larger and general audience.

Subject/topic still remains the same, FWIW.
Every socialist party in a democracy has been similar and you don't know how. Pathetic. Also this similar to every communist party there has ever been in a modern country. Which by the way disappeared after the fall of the USSR. Canada and every other modern country has everything that's social is swant already. Only here is so brainwashed dumb like the Republicans base.
You are the world's laughing stock and horror.

The world's laughing stock and horror? And yet look at the southern border where all those people are running from all that upward mobility to get here for our racism. Look at all the Chinese, Indians, Russians, Australians, British and other European and Asians who are begging to come here in droves because they're so tired of the upward mobility in their own countries and want to come here where they can be prejudiced against and put in their own places and kept there.
Yes the third world wants to come here, the UK and the rest of the modern world not so much.
If it's convenient to reach the USA. Otherwise socialist hand-outs Europe works just as well for freebooters/free-loaders/looters.
I'm not a socialist, I actually said in my OP that I'm against socialism. Many on this site need to learn to address what's actually said and not what you assume to be the case.
I'm a centrist who has a mixture of left and right beliefs. Before that, for many years I was a right wing libertarian.
Actually, you said this, which is more generic and less specific;
" (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.) "

Whatever ~ don't get your knickers in knot.

Nothing personal here as my posts are usually addressed to the larger and general audience.

Subject/topic still remains the same, FWIW.
Every socialist party in a democracy has been similar and you don't know how. Pathetic. Also this similar to every communist party there has ever been in a modern country. Which by the way disappeared after the fall of the USSR. Canada and every other modern country has everything that's social is swant already. Only here is so brainwashed dumb like the Republicans base.
My "how" is that socialism of any form involves the non-producers and deadwood looting and taking fro the productive producers of society.

If you have a different definition, please share and let us see the faults of such. Socialism vs communism is green apples vs red apples, but still apples.

My dumb brainwash is you get what you work for and produce, but have no right to what others work for and produce. To claim and expect such is theft and criminal.

Your parasitic and deadwood looter and thief view is ...
You are the world's laughing stock and horror.

The world's laughing stock and horror? And yet look at the southern border where all those people are running from all that upward mobility to get here for our racism. Look at all the Chinese, Indians, Russians, Australians, British and other European and Asians who are begging to come here in droves because they're so tired of the upward mobility in their own countries and want to come here where they can be prejudiced against and put in their own places and kept there.
Yes the third world wants to come here, the UK and the rest of the modern world not so much.
If it's convenient to reach the USA. Otherwise socialist hand-outs Europe works just as well for freebooters/free-loaders/looters.
You really ought to try getting your news from a journalistic source not a propaganda one. Every modern country is happier than we are, They don't have poverty or homelessness like we do and have a living wage health care day care great vacations after one year of work cheap college and training for upward mobility ID card to end illegal immigration, and they mainly tax the rich their fair share. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
I'm not a socialist, I actually said in my OP that I'm against socialism. Many on this site need to learn to address what's actually said and not what you assume to be the case.
I'm a centrist who has a mixture of left and right beliefs. Before that, for many years I was a right wing libertarian.
Actually, you said this, which is more generic and less specific;
" (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.) "

Whatever ~ don't get your knickers in knot.

Nothing personal here as my posts are usually addressed to the larger and general audience.

Subject/topic still remains the same, FWIW.
Every socialist party in a democracy has been similar and you don't know how. Pathetic. Also this similar to every communist party there has ever been in a modern country. Which by the way disappeared after the fall of the USSR. Canada and every other modern country has everything that's social is swant already. Only here is so brainwashed dumb like the Republicans base.
My "how" is that socialism of any form involves the non-producers and deadwood looting and taking fro the productive producers of society.

If you have a different definition, please share and let us see the faults of such. Socialism vs communism is green apples vs red apples, but still apples.

My dumb brainwash is you get what you work for and produce, but have no right to what others work for and produce. To claim and expect such is theft and criminal.

Your parasitic and deadwood looter and thief view is ...
Yes yes Canada is just like that. So are Australian New Zealand France today etc etc. All are Marxist dictatorships right you idiot? Change the channel stupid. "We are all socialist now!"--President of Finland when Obamacare passed. But the GOP screwed that up for some people so we're still not socialists. A fair capitalist economy with a good safety net. Horrors!!
Landing on the moon was the last great thing we did.
No it was electing Trump, the greatest liberal troll in history
Actually, the "liberal troll" honors would go to the Bush dynasty, Sr. and Jr.; whom were less Conservative than Trump when it came to policies and actions performed. Both Bush's would rate as RINO and CINO before Trump would.

For that matter, even JFK, we he as alive and young today as 60+ years ago would, fail to gain the backing of Democrats/DNC as being too conservative by their current standards and ideology. True, some hard core Republicans might see JFK as also a RINO/CINO, but still, JFK had too much common sense and conservative perspective and values to be a Dumbocrat in today's political environment.

As much as I admired JFK, he did one great dis-service to our nation and body politic. He established the concept of personal charisma as a valid POTUS qualification. Nothing wrong with being "likable", but it is way down there on the skill-sets of effective CEO/CFO which is the primary duty of a POTUS. We saw this backfire in the case of forked-tongue, snake-oil salesperson and general seditionist BHO, whose Alinsky like agenda to "fundamentally change 'Amerika' " still has deep repercussions in need of correctives.

Barry Obama was an even greater "liberal troll" than any seen in recent decades. Biden is just another sock-puppet copy of the same.
All Republicans since Reagan have totally sucked with their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Kennedy would love Biden as he is going after the same policies that he would. Without the women and the charisma mostly. What is amazing is that we have had so little progress between LBJ and Obama who at least got Obamacare. GOP is a disgrace and only their disgraceful propaganda machine makes this garbage possible. Change the channel
I'm not a socialist, I actually said in my OP that I'm against socialism. Many on this site need to learn to address what's actually said and not what you assume to be the case.
I'm a centrist who has a mixture of left and right beliefs. Before that, for many years I was a right wing libertarian.
Actually, you said this, which is more generic and less specific;
" (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.) "

Whatever ~ don't get your knickers in knot.

Nothing personal here as my posts are usually addressed to the larger and general audience.

Subject/topic still remains the same, FWIW.
Every socialist party in a democracy has been similar and you don't know how. Pathetic. Also this similar to every communist party there has ever been in a modern country. Which by the way disappeared after the fall of the USSR. Canada and every other modern country has everything that's social is swant already. Only here is so brainwashed dumb like the Republicans base.
My "how" is that socialism of any form involves the non-producers and deadwood looting and taking fro the productive producers of society.

If you have a different definition, please share and let us see the faults of such. Socialism vs communism is green apples vs red apples, but still apples.

My dumb brainwash is you get what you work for and produce, but have no right to what others work for and produce. To claim and expect such is theft and criminal.

Your parasitic and deadwood looter and thief view is ...
The socialists and democrats only want to raise taxes on the rich who are getting away with murder in this country today on taxes. Probably lower taxes for you. Sorry about reality.
Landing on the moon was the last great thing we did.
No it was electing Trump, the greatest liberal troll in history
Actually, the "liberal troll" honors would go to the Bush dynasty, Sr. and Jr.; whom were less Conservative than Trump when it came to policies and actions performed. Both Bush's would rate as RINO and CINO before Trump would.

For that matter, even JFK, we he as alive and young today as 60+ years ago would, fail to gain the backing of Democrats/DNC as being too conservative by their current standards and ideology. True, some hard core Republicans might see JFK as also a RINO/CINO, but still, JFK had too much common sense and conservative perspective and values to be a Dumbocrat in today's political environment.

As much as I admired JFK, he did one great dis-service to our nation and body politic. He established the concept of personal charisma as a valid POTUS qualification. Nothing wrong with being "likable", but it is way down there on the skill-sets of effective CEO/CFO which is the primary duty of a POTUS. We saw this backfire in the case of forked-tongue, snake-oil salesperson and general seditionist BHO, whose Alinsky like agenda to "fundamentally change 'Amerika' " still has deep repercussions in need of correctives.

Barry Obama was an even greater "liberal troll" than any seen in recent decades. Biden is just another sock-puppet copy of the same.
All Republicans since Reagan have totally sucked with their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Kennedy would love Biden as he is going after the same policies that he would. Without the women and the charisma mostly. What is amazing is that we have had so little progress between LBJ and Obama who at least got Obamacare. GOP is a disgrace and only their disgraceful propaganda machine makes this garbage possible. Change the channel
I'm not a socialist, I actually said in my OP that I'm against socialism. Many on this site need to learn to address what's actually said and not what you assume to be the case.
I'm a centrist who has a mixture of left and right beliefs. Before that, for many years I was a right wing libertarian.
Actually, you said this, which is more generic and less specific;
" (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.) "

Whatever ~ don't get your knickers in knot.

Nothing personal here as my posts are usually addressed to the larger and general audience.

Subject/topic still remains the same, FWIW.
Every socialist party in a democracy has been similar and you don't know how. Pathetic. Also this similar to every communist party there has ever been in a modern country. Which by the way disappeared after the fall of the USSR. Canada and every other modern country has everything that's social is swant already. Only here is so brainwashed dumb like the Republicans base.
My "how" is that socialism of any form involves the non-producers and deadwood looting and taking fro the productive producers of society.

If you have a different definition, please share and let us see the faults of such. Socialism vs communism is green apples vs red apples, but still apples.

My dumb brainwash is you get what you work for and produce, but have no right to what others work for and produce. To claim and expect such is theft and criminal.

Your parasitic and deadwood looter and thief view is ...
The socialists and democrats only want to raise taxes on the rich who are getting away with murder in this country today on taxes. Probably lower taxes for you. Sorry about reality.
Why do you want there money?
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Thanks for admitting to everyone that you hate America.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Thanks for admitting to everyone that you hate America.
I actually don't, if you've read any of my posts after the fact.
Landing on the moon was the last great thing we did.
No it was electing Trump, the greatest liberal troll in history
Actually, the "liberal troll" honors would go to the Bush dynasty, Sr. and Jr.; whom were less Conservative than Trump when it came to policies and actions performed. Both Bush's would rate as RINO and CINO before Trump would.

For that matter, even JFK, we he as alive and young today as 60+ years ago would, fail to gain the backing of Democrats/DNC as being too conservative by their current standards and ideology. True, some hard core Republicans might see JFK as also a RINO/CINO, but still, JFK had too much common sense and conservative perspective and values to be a Dumbocrat in today's political environment.

As much as I admired JFK, he did one great dis-service to our nation and body politic. He established the concept of personal charisma as a valid POTUS qualification. Nothing wrong with being "likable", but it is way down there on the skill-sets of effective CEO/CFO which is the primary duty of a POTUS. We saw this backfire in the case of forked-tongue, snake-oil salesperson and general seditionist BHO, whose Alinsky like agenda to "fundamentally change 'Amerika' " still has deep repercussions in need of correctives.

Barry Obama was an even greater "liberal troll" than any seen in recent decades. Biden is just another sock-puppet copy of the same.
All Republicans since Reagan have totally sucked with their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Kennedy would love Biden as he is going after the same policies that he would. Without the women and the charisma mostly. What is amazing is that we have had so little progress between LBJ and Obama who at least got Obamacare. GOP is a disgrace and only their disgraceful propaganda machine makes this garbage possible. Change the channel
I'm not a socialist, I actually said in my OP that I'm against socialism. Many on this site need to learn to address what's actually said and not what you assume to be the case.
I'm a centrist who has a mixture of left and right beliefs. Before that, for many years I was a right wing libertarian.
Actually, you said this, which is more generic and less specific;
" (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.) "

Whatever ~ don't get your knickers in knot.

Nothing personal here as my posts are usually addressed to the larger and general audience.

Subject/topic still remains the same, FWIW.
Every socialist party in a democracy has been similar and you don't know how. Pathetic. Also this similar to every communist party there has ever been in a modern country. Which by the way disappeared after the fall of the USSR. Canada and every other modern country has everything that's social is swant already. Only here is so brainwashed dumb like the Republicans base.
My "how" is that socialism of any form involves the non-producers and deadwood looting and taking fro the productive producers of society.

If you have a different definition, please share and let us see the faults of such. Socialism vs communism is green apples vs red apples, but still apples.

My dumb brainwash is you get what you work for and produce, but have no right to what others work for and produce. To claim and expect such is theft and criminal.

Your parasitic and deadwood looter and thief view is ...
The socialists and democrats only want to raise taxes on the rich who are getting away with murder in this country today on taxes. Probably lower taxes for you. Sorry about reality.
Why do you want there money?
When a country has a flat tax system like the one we have now since 1987, it is a totally unfair giveaway to the rich and there's not enough money to invest in infrastructure and Americans training and education. We are the richest country in the world by far and this is a joke. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible.
I have changed my mind on this topic.

There is NOTHING about America of which to be proud.

America is irreparably damaged and we must "destroy that which we created."

I believe Texas should lead the way and exit this irreparably racist country forever.
Where is texas going to go
Nowhere. Just go back to before joining this irreparably racist union. Texas will be the Republic of Texas again.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Thanks for admitting to everyone that you hate America.
Just Republican administrations... Stupidest wars ever covert BS and genocide forever. Reagan Republicans and the brainwashed.
I have changed my mind on this topic.

There is NOTHING about America of which to be proud.

America is irreparably damaged and we must "destroy that which we created."

I believe Texas should lead the way and exit this irreparably racist country forever.
Where is texas going to go
Nowhere. Just go back to before joining this irreparably racist union. Texas will be the Republic of Texas again.
Texas leads the country in racism...
America is one of the few countries where almost anyone can legally own machine guns, assault weapons, silencers, exploding targets, and all the ammunition they can afford.

Try doing those things in the UK.
You can not buy a machine gun manufactured after 1986 which makes them rare and horrifyingly expensive. Assault is an action and there is no such thing as a silencer.
Regarding the origins of "slavery" in the New World~Western Hemisphere during the ages of Exploration and Colonization by the European Powers of about 500 years ago to present ...











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