Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

I am proud to live in a country that has allowed me to succeed and live the life I have led.

Only those who are failures in life would think any other way.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
You can be proud that America, The White can manipulate every Brown nation on earth and that every Brown citizen of a nation led by a Brown leader wants to live in America, The White.
You may now go to hell.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
You can be proud that America, The White can manipulate every Brown nation on earth and that every Brown citizen of a nation led by a Brown leader wants to live in America, The White.
You may now go to hell.
Thread winner

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Why do leftists always ignore the fact that hundreds and thousands from around the socialist paradises are desperate to get here and not the other way around?
It is true the queue from the socialist paradise of Norway is hard to miss.
You can be proud that America, The White can manipulate every Brown nation on earth and that every Brown citizen of a nation led by a Brown leader wants to live in America, The White.
You may now go to hell.
Lol. Proud to be racist.

Oh well, that's something I suppose.
You can be proud that America, The White can manipulate every Brown nation on earth and that every Brown citizen of a nation led by a Brown leader wants to live in America, The White.
You may now go to hell.
Lol. Proud to be racist.

Oh well, that's something I suppose.
Proud to be a citizen of the nation that every Brown person on earth wants to reside in.
I wasn't expecting an intelligent post from you.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Guns N Roses!
America must be a great country because even someone with no talent and the IQ of a turnip can become a billionaire

Thanks to those who didn't make asshole-ish assumptions about my political beliefs and motivations and just answered the damn question. Much appreciation.
Thanks to those who didn't make asshole-ish assumptions about my political beliefs and motivations and just answered the damn question. Much appreciation.

When you throw such a charged question out there, you should probably expect some snarky replies.

Michelle "The Brute" Obama let us know she had never been proud of this country. Never. Till we elected Big Eared Barry as president.

That stuck in the craw of everyone that loves this country.
Thanks to those who didn't make asshole-ish assumptions about my political beliefs and motivations and just answered the damn question. Much appreciation.

When you throw such a charged question out there, you should probably expect some snarky replies.

Michelle "The Brute" Obama let us know she had never been proud of this country. Never. Till we elected Big Eared Barry as president.

That stuck in the craw of everyone that loves this country.
Or maybe people should re-learn common decency and not treat a geunine question like I just spit on their mother's grave.
Thanks to those who didn't make asshole-ish assumptions about my political beliefs and motivations and just answered the damn question. Much appreciation.

When you throw such a charged question out there, you should probably expect some snarky replies.

Michelle "The Brute" Obama let us know she had never been proud of this country. Never. Till we elected Big Eared Barry as president.

That stuck in the craw of everyone that loves this country.
Or maybe people should re-learn common decency and not treat a geunine question like I just spit on their mother's grave.

Some may say common decency includes not asking if there's anything to be proud of in their country. Some look upon that as a rude insult vs a serious question. Some may feel spitting on their country to be near or on par with spitting on their mother's grave.

Come on. Surely you see this.
Thanks to those who didn't make asshole-ish assumptions about my political beliefs and motivations and just answered the damn question. Much appreciation.

When you throw such a charged question out there, you should probably expect some snarky replies.

Michelle "The Brute" Obama let us know she had never been proud of this country. Never. Till we elected Big Eared Barry as president.

That stuck in the craw of everyone that loves this country.
Or maybe people should re-learn common decency and not treat a geunine question like I just spit on their mother's grave.

Some may say common decency includes not asking if there's anything to be proud of in their country. Some look upon that as a rude insult vs a serious question. Some may feel spitting on their country to be near or on par with spitting on their mother's grave.

Come on. Surely you see this.
If people are that attached to their country that nobody can criticize it, they need mental help.
Thanks to those who didn't make asshole-ish assumptions about my political beliefs and motivations and just answered the damn question. Much appreciation.

When you throw such a charged question out there, you should probably expect some snarky replies.

Michelle "The Brute" Obama let us know she had never been proud of this country. Never. Till we elected Big Eared Barry as president.

That stuck in the craw of everyone that loves this country.
Or maybe people should re-learn common decency and not treat a geunine question like I just spit on their mother's grave.

Some may say common decency includes not asking if there's anything to be proud of in their country. Some look upon that as a rude insult vs a serious question. Some may feel spitting on their country to be near or on par with spitting on their mother's grave.

Come on. Surely you see this.
If people are that attached to their country that nobody can criticize it, they need mental help.

So- it WAS a critical remark vs a true query. I thought as much, and hey- knock yourself out.

You are insulting a large percentage of people that adore this country and believe it to be the best, while being able to admit to our faults over time. I'm one of them and didn't appreciate the post either.
During World War Two....everything to be proud of.:clap:

Now? NOTHING to be proud of

Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?​


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