Is there anything worse than selling US uranium to Russia?

What is worse, the Trump hush money, or the deep state ignoring congressional oversight?

  • The Trump hush money

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • The deep state cabal in the DOJ and FBI

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
The answer is NO

I watched the dems on TV whining about all of the suspected Trump misdeeds, and every time I asked the simple question, which is worse, what Trump did or selling uranium to the Russians and getting kickbacks? Obviously its selling uranium.

Recently the FBI raided a Uranium One whistle-blower's home, and now refuses to respond to Congressional oversight

Why is the DOJ stonewalling a congressional subpoena? WTF is Whitaker doing at DOJ?
Did Wray approve the raid on the whistle-blower by the FBI?

Is the only hope that Trump and the rest of us have against the Deep State cabal the heroes at Judicial Watch?

Is there anything worse than selling US uranium to Russia? How about lying that the U.S. sold any Uranium to Russia. Nevermind that Russia already had plenty of Uranium and enough nukes to end the world before the deal. Nevermind that Canada owned the company at the time.
I was going to say..... I think Russia already has more than enough Uranium.
It's not like Iran, where they are attempting to get nuclear weapons, when they don't already have them. Russia has enough nukes to end the world. Selling them some unprocessed Uranium is not nearly that big of a deal anymore.
The only thing worse of course is the freaking mainstream media defending or ignoring it. When democrats have the mainstream media as their propaganda arm anything is possible.
Why is this thread in politics? This is nothing more than a weak and lame conspiracy theory.

Did you actually watch the video? If you did you'd see the truth.

I think this April 2015 article by a WaPo writer explains the deal so everyone can see what the Uranium One deal was all about.

The truth about the Hillary Clinton-Russia-Uranium 'scandal'

The Clinton foundation has now acknowledged mistakes in its accounting and has pledged greater transparency into its foreign donations, after the author of a forthcoming book on the foundation's finances — and their alleged connections to Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State — did a tour on the Sunday shows promoting his forthcoming revelations.

The first glimpse of these came at the end of last week, when the New York Times came out with an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, the State Department, and some very nefarious-sounding players (Russians! Uranium!), growing out of the book, "Clinton Cash" by Peter Schweizer.

There are some rather outlandish allegations being made (Mitt Romney said "It looks like bribery"), so we thought it would be good to break this story down, clarify what's known and what isn't, and understand what we should take away from it, because it could be a topic of discussion for some time.

The truth about the Hillary Clinton-Russia-Uranium 'scandal'
Worse is passing over secret material to the Russians in the oval office.
Think about it if you can get past anger and frustration. Donald Trump was a civilian and he was under (illegal?) surveillance by the FBI during the Obama administration. In other words Trump had zero power to "pass secret material". If you simply glance at the Clinton foundation it's easy to see that foreign donations increased after Russia gained uranium sites and dried up as soon as Hillary lost the election. Even a freaking criminal appointee like Comey should see a connection between Russia and the Clinton Foundation.

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