Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

I am, therefore He is.

You am therefore you am.

By the way everyone, this guys logic is exactly how our very primitive ancestors came up with god. Great logic, huh?

Does that mean "if God is does that mean god's creator is?"

Why does you existing prove god exists?
I asked you before but I will give it another try. Go back into any of his posts and show me one piece of objective evidence. If you actually have an open mind that would have been the first thing you would have looked for. Without it, you agree simply because it fits what you already believe. He's telling you you're right so it must be true.

I did that already. You must have missed it.

Yes, I did. Can you refer me to the post where you did that?

Do you have evidence for your conclusion of "no God," or simply a lack of evidence for the existence of the Biblical God?

What causes you to NOT say "I don't know, but Religious God(s) seem highly unlikely and there is no proof of them in particular," versus "there is not god of any definition, definitively?"

The latter lacks evidence as well. Proving a negative isn't the same fallacy when discussing our origins, because we are here. It's ruling out ways we got here, something a bit different imo.

I have always said the best position to take is agnostic atheist.

I explained to someone yesterday, for me to say I know 100% sure means I have explored what's on the other side of the moon and what is in black holes. I would have to be in all places at all times all throughout the universe. I would have to be a god myself.

We don't say we know for sure. But theists do. They claim to KNOW, and say we'll go to hell, or that their religion should be taught in school.

If you throw out all the organized religions, then I don't think I would have a problem with this issue. I would still be here arguing that there is no god because many of you would still believe in generic god.

This is what fascinates me. Many of you are liberal christians who agree/admit the stories in the bible are not real. They are allegories. But then ask you if the Jesus story is an allegory and they say no, even though it is just as ridiculous.

And I have no problem with there being a god or creator. If there is one, I don't think it matters. If you reject the stories of man made organized religions, this creator isn't watching you and has created a heaven and hell.

Why do I love this subject so much? It is fascinating to me that 90% of our species believes this fairytale. I feel as if we haven't evolved enough yet and I hope to speed up the process. I'm encouraged that not as many young kids are "religious". Their secular parents are raising them to be good people I promise. I see it all the time. I don't see my friends talking to their kids about god or going to church but their kids seem to be growing up just fine. And less gullible.

So post #335 was just referring to RELIGION'S God, then? "have concluded that there is no god. "

An agnostic cannot conclude that, so I was just clarifying I guess. I knew you were smarter than hard-lined atheism so I gave ya the benefit of the doubt. Also, this bold was so not on purpose but I'm lazy, so!

An agnostic can conclude that. What an agnostic can't do is fail to recognize that conclusion is nothing but unsubstantiated belief.

Do you have evidence for your conclusion of "no God," or simply a lack of evidence for the existence of the Biblical God?

What causes you to NOT say "I don't know, but Religious God(s) seem highly unlikely and there is no proof of them in particular," versus "there is not god of any definition, definitively?"

The latter lacks evidence as well. Proving a negative isn't the same fallacy when discussing our origins, because we are here. It's ruling out ways we got here, something a bit different imo.

I have always said the best position to take is agnostic atheist.

I explained to someone yesterday, for me to say I know 100% sure means I have explored what's on the other side of the moon and what is in black holes. I would have to be in all places at all times all throughout the universe. I would have to be a god myself.

We don't say we know for sure. But theists do. They claim to KNOW, and say we'll go to hell, or that their religion should be taught in school.

If you throw out all the organized religions, then I don't think I would have a problem with this issue. I would still be here arguing that there is no god because many of you would still believe in generic god.

This is what fascinates me. Many of you are liberal christians who agree/admit the stories in the bible are not real. They are allegories. But then ask you if the Jesus story is an allegory and they say no, even though it is just as ridiculous.

And I have no problem with there being a god or creator. If there is one, I don't think it matters. If you reject the stories of man made organized religions, this creator isn't watching you and has created a heaven and hell.

Why do I love this subject so much? It is fascinating to me that 90% of our species believes this fairytale. I feel as if we haven't evolved enough yet and I hope to speed up the process. I'm encouraged that not as many young kids are "religious". Their secular parents are raising them to be good people I promise. I see it all the time. I don't see my friends talking to their kids about god or going to church but their kids seem to be growing up just fine. And less gullible.

So post #335 was just referring to RELIGION'S God, then? "have concluded that there is no god. "

An agnostic cannot conclude that, so I was just clarifying I guess. I knew you were smarter than hard-lined atheism so I gave ya the benefit of the doubt. Also, this bold was so not on purpose but I'm lazy, so!

Really if we threw out all the bullshit in the organized religions, we would just be having a fun healthy debate on if something created us or not. There would be no punishment for not believing and so we really would have no reason to be defensive and neither would the other side.

If there were no talk of hell, no impossible stories, no wars started over these religions, if the rich didn't use these religions to control/fool/manipulate the masses, there would not be this animosity.

Do you have evidence for your conclusion of "no God," or simply a lack of evidence for the existence of the Biblical God?

What causes you to NOT say "I don't know, but Religious God(s) seem highly unlikely and there is no proof of them in particular," versus "there is not god of any definition, definitively?"

The latter lacks evidence as well. Proving a negative isn't the same fallacy when discussing our origins, because we are here. It's ruling out ways we got here, something a bit different imo.

I have always said the best position to take is agnostic atheist.

I explained to someone yesterday, for me to say I know 100% sure means I have explored what's on the other side of the moon and what is in black holes. I would have to be in all places at all times all throughout the universe. I would have to be a god myself.

We don't say we know for sure. But theists do. They claim to KNOW, and say we'll go to hell, or that their religion should be taught in school.

If you throw out all the organized religions, then I don't think I would have a problem with this issue. I would still be here arguing that there is no god because many of you would still believe in generic god.

This is what fascinates me. Many of you are liberal christians who agree/admit the stories in the bible are not real. They are allegories. But then ask you if the Jesus story is an allegory and they say no, even though it is just as ridiculous.

And I have no problem with there being a god or creator. If there is one, I don't think it matters. If you reject the stories of man made organized religions, this creator isn't watching you and has created a heaven and hell.

Why do I love this subject so much? It is fascinating to me that 90% of our species believes this fairytale. I feel as if we haven't evolved enough yet and I hope to speed up the process. I'm encouraged that not as many young kids are "religious". Their secular parents are raising them to be good people I promise. I see it all the time. I don't see my friends talking to their kids about god or going to church but their kids seem to be growing up just fine. And less gullible.

So post #335 was just referring to RELIGION'S God, then? "have concluded that there is no god. "

An agnostic cannot conclude that, so I was just clarifying I guess. I knew you were smarter than hard-lined atheism so I gave ya the benefit of the doubt. Also, this bold was so not on purpose but I'm lazy, so!

An agnostic can conclude that. What an agnostic can't do is fail to recognize that conclusion is nothing but unsubstantiated belief.

Well, I should have clarified then: cannot "soundly" conclude that.

Do you have evidence for your conclusion of "no God," or simply a lack of evidence for the existence of the Biblical God?

What causes you to NOT say "I don't know, but Religious God(s) seem highly unlikely and there is no proof of them in particular," versus "there is not god of any definition, definitively?"

The latter lacks evidence as well. Proving a negative isn't the same fallacy when discussing our origins, because we are here. It's ruling out ways we got here, something a bit different imo.

I have always said the best position to take is agnostic atheist.

I explained to someone yesterday, for me to say I know 100% sure means I have explored what's on the other side of the moon and what is in black holes. I would have to be in all places at all times all throughout the universe. I would have to be a god myself.

We don't say we know for sure. But theists do. They claim to KNOW, and say we'll go to hell, or that their religion should be taught in school.

If you throw out all the organized religions, then I don't think I would have a problem with this issue. I would still be here arguing that there is no god because many of you would still believe in generic god.

This is what fascinates me. Many of you are liberal christians who agree/admit the stories in the bible are not real. They are allegories. But then ask you if the Jesus story is an allegory and they say no, even though it is just as ridiculous.

And I have no problem with there being a god or creator. If there is one, I don't think it matters. If you reject the stories of man made organized religions, this creator isn't watching you and has created a heaven and hell.

Why do I love this subject so much? It is fascinating to me that 90% of our species believes this fairytale. I feel as if we haven't evolved enough yet and I hope to speed up the process. I'm encouraged that not as many young kids are "religious". Their secular parents are raising them to be good people I promise. I see it all the time. I don't see my friends talking to their kids about god or going to church but their kids seem to be growing up just fine. And less gullible.

So post #335 was just referring to RELIGION'S God, then? "have concluded that there is no god. "

An agnostic cannot conclude that, so I was just clarifying I guess. I knew you were smarter than hard-lined atheism so I gave ya the benefit of the doubt. Also, this bold was so not on purpose but I'm lazy, so!

Really if we threw out all the bullshit in the organized religions, we would just be having a fun healthy debate on if something created us or not. There would be no punishment for not believing and so we really would have no reason to be defensive and neither would the other side.

If there were no talk of hell, no impossible stories, no wars started over these religions, if the rich didn't use these religions to control/fool/manipulate the masses, there would not be this animosity.
And, if the Religions didnt use their own texts as proof of anything, i.e. viciously circular logic.
The reason you guys ramble is because you ultimately are fos.

How is blind faith dedicated to evil?
That's what it all boils down to.

Agnosticism = honesty.

Everything else is reduced to presupposition and naked assertion.

Does it matter?

And so I guess being an agnostic atheist means I do not know for sure 100% there is or isn't a god, but I lean on the side that says there is no god, because based on all the information I have available to me, it seems most likely man invented god when we were very primitive. And the only reason god is still around is because it has been hard wired into our thinking and most of us can't imagine all this came to be without a creator.

And these primitive ancient ancestors of ours came up with a lot of wild fascinating stories. Do you believe them? I don't. So I lean on the side of atheist.

And as far as going to hell for not being a christian or Muslim? LOL. Funny shit.
Your arguments all uses logical fallacies and therefore are irrelevant.

That is an argument from fallacy. Yey!!! We're all irrelevant. We should form a club. :banana:

Fight Club.

Won't work. This is a board so all we can do it talk. You never talk about fight club.

You're too scared to join Fight Club?

I won fight club and it's over.

Do you have evidence for your conclusion of "no God," or simply a lack of evidence for the existence of the Biblical God?

What causes you to NOT say "I don't know, but Religious God(s) seem highly unlikely and there is no proof of them in particular," versus "there is not god of any definition, definitively?"

The latter lacks evidence as well. Proving a negative isn't the same fallacy when discussing our origins, because we are here. It's ruling out ways we got here, something a bit different imo.

I have always said the best position to take is agnostic atheist.

I explained to someone yesterday, for me to say I know 100% sure means I have explored what's on the other side of the moon and what is in black holes. I would have to be in all places at all times all throughout the universe. I would have to be a god myself.

We don't say we know for sure. But theists do. They claim to KNOW, and say we'll go to hell, or that their religion should be taught in school.

If you throw out all the organized religions, then I don't think I would have a problem with this issue. I would still be here arguing that there is no god because many of you would still believe in generic god.

This is what fascinates me. Many of you are liberal christians who agree/admit the stories in the bible are not real. They are allegories. But then ask you if the Jesus story is an allegory and they say no, even though it is just as ridiculous.

And I have no problem with there being a god or creator. If there is one, I don't think it matters. If you reject the stories of man made organized religions, this creator isn't watching you and has created a heaven and hell.

Why do I love this subject so much? It is fascinating to me that 90% of our species believes this fairytale. I feel as if we haven't evolved enough yet and I hope to speed up the process. I'm encouraged that not as many young kids are "religious". Their secular parents are raising them to be good people I promise. I see it all the time. I don't see my friends talking to their kids about god or going to church but their kids seem to be growing up just fine. And less gullible.

So post #335 was just referring to RELIGION'S God, then? "have concluded that there is no god. "

An agnostic cannot conclude that, so I was just clarifying I guess. I knew you were smarter than hard-lined atheism so I gave ya the benefit of the doubt. Also, this bold was so not on purpose but I'm lazy, so!

Really if we threw out all the bullshit in the organized religions, we would just be having a fun healthy debate on if something created us or not. There would be no punishment for not believing and so we really would have no reason to be defensive and neither would the other side.

If there were no talk of hell, no impossible stories, no wars started over these religions, if the rich didn't use these religions to control/fool/manipulate the masses, there would not be this animosity.

None of that is caused by religion. It's all us, every nasty little thing that happens is all us. We'll beat each other to death over which soccer team we favor.
Your arguments all uses logical fallacies and therefore are irrelevant.

That is an argument from fallacy. Yey!!! We're all irrelevant. We should form a club. :banana:

Fight Club.

Won't work. This is a board so all we can do it talk. You never talk about fight club.

You're too scared to join Fight Club?

Yep. This face is too pretty to beat up.

Do you have evidence for your conclusion of "no God," or simply a lack of evidence for the existence of the Biblical God?

What causes you to NOT say "I don't know, but Religious God(s) seem highly unlikely and there is no proof of them in particular," versus "there is not god of any definition, definitively?"

The latter lacks evidence as well. Proving a negative isn't the same fallacy when discussing our origins, because we are here. It's ruling out ways we got here, something a bit different imo.

I have always said the best position to take is agnostic atheist.

I explained to someone yesterday, for me to say I know 100% sure means I have explored what's on the other side of the moon and what is in black holes. I would have to be in all places at all times all throughout the universe. I would have to be a god myself.

We don't say we know for sure. But theists do. They claim to KNOW, and say we'll go to hell, or that their religion should be taught in school.

If you throw out all the organized religions, then I don't think I would have a problem with this issue. I would still be here arguing that there is no god because many of you would still believe in generic god.

This is what fascinates me. Many of you are liberal christians who agree/admit the stories in the bible are not real. They are allegories. But then ask you if the Jesus story is an allegory and they say no, even though it is just as ridiculous.

And I have no problem with there being a god or creator. If there is one, I don't think it matters. If you reject the stories of man made organized religions, this creator isn't watching you and has created a heaven and hell.

Why do I love this subject so much? It is fascinating to me that 90% of our species believes this fairytale. I feel as if we haven't evolved enough yet and I hope to speed up the process. I'm encouraged that not as many young kids are "religious". Their secular parents are raising them to be good people I promise. I see it all the time. I don't see my friends talking to their kids about god or going to church but their kids seem to be growing up just fine. And less gullible.

So post #335 was just referring to RELIGION'S God, then? "have concluded that there is no god. "

An agnostic cannot conclude that, so I was just clarifying I guess. I knew you were smarter than hard-lined atheism so I gave ya the benefit of the doubt. Also, this bold was so not on purpose but I'm lazy, so!

An agnostic can conclude that. What an agnostic can't do is fail to recognize that conclusion is nothing but unsubstantiated belief.

Well, I should have clarified then: cannot "soundly" conclude that.

I'll buy that.
The reason you guys ramble is because you ultimately are fos.

How is blind faith dedicated to evil?
That's what it all boils down to.

Agnosticism = honesty.

Everything else is reduced to presupposition and naked assertion.

Does it matter?

And so I guess being an agnostic atheist means I do not know for sure 100% there is or isn't a god, but I lean on the side that says there is no god, because based on all the information I have available to me, it seems most likely man invented god when we were very primitive. And the only reason god is still around is because it has been hard wired into our thinking and most of us can't imagine all this came to be without a creator.

And these primitive ancient ancestors of ours came up with a lot of wild fascinating stories. Do you believe them? I don't. So I lean on the side of atheist.

And as far as going to hell for not being a christian or Muslim? LOL. Funny shit.
I think that it most certainly matters, these discussions are specific and so in order to have sound conclusions, you should want them to be completely justifiable.

I'm an agnostic that leans toward there being a god - but not a religious god, or even a cognitive or "living" god.

My definition of god would be "whatever started all of this shit - whether it be a chemical process, a spaghetti monster or my underwear."

I lean that way, but wouldn't say that I've concluded it or that I'm decided.

Do you have evidence for your conclusion of "no God," or simply a lack of evidence for the existence of the Biblical God?

What causes you to NOT say "I don't know, but Religious God(s) seem highly unlikely and there is no proof of them in particular," versus "there is not god of any definition, definitively?"

The latter lacks evidence as well. Proving a negative isn't the same fallacy when discussing our origins, because we are here. It's ruling out ways we got here, something a bit different imo.

I have always said the best position to take is agnostic atheist.

I explained to someone yesterday, for me to say I know 100% sure means I have explored what's on the other side of the moon and what is in black holes. I would have to be in all places at all times all throughout the universe. I would have to be a god myself.

We don't say we know for sure. But theists do. They claim to KNOW, and say we'll go to hell, or that their religion should be taught in school.

If you throw out all the organized religions, then I don't think I would have a problem with this issue. I would still be here arguing that there is no god because many of you would still believe in generic god.

This is what fascinates me. Many of you are liberal christians who agree/admit the stories in the bible are not real. They are allegories. But then ask you if the Jesus story is an allegory and they say no, even though it is just as ridiculous.

And I have no problem with there being a god or creator. If there is one, I don't think it matters. If you reject the stories of man made organized religions, this creator isn't watching you and has created a heaven and hell.

Why do I love this subject so much? It is fascinating to me that 90% of our species believes this fairytale. I feel as if we haven't evolved enough yet and I hope to speed up the process. I'm encouraged that not as many young kids are "religious". Their secular parents are raising them to be good people I promise. I see it all the time. I don't see my friends talking to their kids about god or going to church but their kids seem to be growing up just fine. And less gullible.

So post #335 was just referring to RELIGION'S God, then? "have concluded that there is no god. "

An agnostic cannot conclude that, so I was just clarifying I guess. I knew you were smarter than hard-lined atheism so I gave ya the benefit of the doubt. Also, this bold was so not on purpose but I'm lazy, so!

You can be an agnostic atheist.
I am, therefore He is.

You am therefore you am.

By the way everyone, this guys logic is exactly how our very primitive ancestors came up with god. Great logic, huh?

Does that mean "if God is does that mean god's creator is?"

Why does you existing prove god exists?
Can someone please translate this into English? :D

You said you are therefore he is. What proof is that?
Your arguments all uses logical fallacies and therefore are irrelevant.

That is an argument from fallacy. Yey!!! We're all irrelevant. We should form a club. :banana:

Fight Club.

Won't work. This is a board so all we can do it talk. You never talk about fight club.

You're too scared to join Fight Club?

Yep. This face is too pretty to beat up.

Too bad. You're already in Fight Club. Your face won't stay pretty for long.
an atheist or unbeliever is still bound by deifnitions and tersm. If you odn't believe in God, ergo, you have God does not exist.

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