Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

Boss is also arguing that
all we HAVE is our human logic.

No. We also have intrinsic spiritual awareness.

Logic is a human construct of the human mind, nothing more, nothing less. It is not more powerful than God, it holds no domain over God.

We were created by God, along with our thoughts, minds and concepts. Every long-winded diatribe espoused by Rawlings and supported by his ass clown buddy, are conceptions of the human mind, which God created.

I refuse to accept there are things of our reality that weren't created by God, with the exception of things that exist in the absence of God's creation. Darkness only exists in the absence of Light. Evil only exists in the absence of Good. Chaos only exists in the absence of Logic.

Shot-winded, meaningless nonsense. Boss refuses to believe that God gave us minds like his, the logic, thoughts and concepts of his mind. Boss refuses to believe that God bestowed his logic on creation. The logic of our minds is the law of identity, the law contradiction and the law of the excluded middle. Boss just used human logic to tell us things about God and ultimate reality. That must wrong because human logic doesn't tell us anything that's true. Intrinsic spiritual awareness comes from sentience and logic. Contradiction and chaos is Boss' logic. Boss is chaos.

P.S. I don't think this "refusal" to relate the logic of man's mind with the mind/logic of God
is meant as something negative or false; I believe Boss is trying to put man's knowledge in perspective with God's which is of course greater.

I agree with you that if Boss does not understand the Christian concept of
how "in Christ" our will can be made one with God's then this is not going to make sense.

To Boss it is going to sound like such a person believes they are speaking for God which is presumptious
to say the least.

But M.D. equally objects to "arrogant" assertions by atheists claiming to KNOW what can or cannot be.

It seems clear to me, nobody really takes too well to someone else thinking they "know more"
what is really going on with God than anyone else's guess.

Both M.D. and Boss object to this.

Boss expresses it by stating the knowledge and logic of man is less than God
and for all we know, we don't know what God knows or God's reasons or ways.

I think that is fair as long as you keep it open.

But MD is not being open about relative views, but seems BENT on EXCLUDING that approach to understanding.
while Boss is closed to the idea that human logic can align or represent God's logic.

So they keep clashing.

I can work with MD ways and Boss ways because I am okay with both absolutes
and relatives as not contradicting each other necessarily.

But they keep rejecting each other because they see these as conflicted. I don't.

Even though man's logic is less, it can align and represent what is going on
with God's will for humanity collectively.
I don't have a problem with that.

I also don't have a problem with people like Boss making sure NOT to
impose absolutes to the point where they exclude someone else's relative approach
and what they know.

I think the ideal is to arrive at the absolutes by free will and reason,
so this requires the faith in those truths existing
and it requires the openness to check ourselves
and know that we just know "parts" of the greater truth or logic/knowledge out there.

Nothing wrong with staying humble and keeping
it in perspective so we keep an open mind and don't get stuck on our absolutes.
How about this:
1. Given God created all things in the universe
2. there was some reason or logic for God to create the universe
3. the reason or logic had to exist BEFORE God created the universe

Since #1 and #3 contradict each other then
A. either the logic or reason was already there,
B. the whole universe was already preexistent also and not created
C. we don't know if it was A or B

I think Boss is saying
we don't know, we can only theorize what God's logic or reasons
are and what is the process of God's creation or order of the steps etc.

As for human logic:
A. Given God created all things, including humans, human nature and conscience
B. Human logic is part of the human conscience, and the laws of logic and
science are part of the laws of creation
C. then one could argue that when God created humans and our relationship
to all things in the world, then the logic ON THAT LEVEL was created by God

Boss is also arguing that
all we HAVE is our human logic.

The Little god Boss in the Gap Fallacy is Refuted Again!

Boss is arguing la-la. His "reasoning" is utterly arbitrary. Like all relativists, he's a slogan spouter. Those things that he likes that obviously hold true due to the logic we have he believes. Those things that he doesn't like that obviously hold true due to the logic that we have (For what other logic do we have but the logic that we have?) he disbelieves.

Nevertheless, I understand Boss' rational. I always have.

The bottom line: Boss necessarily holds that our logic anthropomorphizes God!

That's inevitably what he holds to be true. In fact, I know Boss has followed the line of reasoning that necessarily follows from his premise to its conclusion because he emphatically stated humans tend to ascribe sentience to God and, therefore, believe God desires to have relations with us due to the fact that human logic is the only means they have to think about God. And Boss is right. That's true. Our logic is the only means we have to think about God or about anything else. I do not dispute that.

But Boss doesn't stop there.

He goes on to say, that "only rubes like Rawlings actually believe that God has sentience or desires to have relations with us as our logic suggests. Rawlings is silly to believe that. I am more enlightened than Rawlings as I have a special logic that is not human. God created the logic we have for us because it leads us to believe spiritual things and to pursue spiritual things that are good for us [paraphrase]."

Hence, Boss knows for a fact that God does . . . not have sentience and does not desire to have relations with us!

Crickets Chirping

Non sequitur!

Rawlings: "So why do you refuse to believe that, Boss?"

Boss: "I refuse to believe that! We can only believe what's true, not know what's true, except what I know is true and you don't?" :cuckoo:

Boss can't know that to be true, because his secrete knowledge does not necessarily follow.

According to Boss, there's no possibility at all that God theologized us. No. That's not possible. Nope. That couldn't be true. God didn't give us His logic. Nah. Human logic was created. There's no way in hell the logic we have is God's logic. That's stupid. Only idiots believe that.

In fact, Emily, you don't have Boss entirely right. He didn't just say that God created human logic. He said God created logic. Logic didn't exist before God created it.

(Though in his most recent post he wrote that in the absence of Logic is chaos. I wonder what that Logic is.)

Boss holds that God doesn't have logic. Doesn't use logic. Doesn't need logic. He also said that God doesn't have a mind or consciousness. Doesn't use these things. Doesn't need these things. Boss knows these things are true.

And how do we know that Boss is necessarily saying he knows these things are true, isn't merely saying that he believes these things are true?

Answer: Because when I tell him that none of these ridiculous ideas necessarily follow, he tells me that I'm an idiot. He tells me that anyone who believes (you know, like the billions of followers of the major monotheistic religions of the world) that God has sentience and desires to have relations with us are idiots.

So all these billions of people are idiots, but Boss has the inside track. He knows that our logic anthropomorphizes God for our own good, but God's . . . nonexistent mind . . . is not really like ours in anyway whatsoever. God didn't theologize us with His logic. That's not logically possible.

Boss knows this based on a non sequitur, based on something not recommended by logic at all, based on some special knowledge, some special logic, contrary to the ramifications of the logic we have . . . based on something he could not possibly know unless he were God Himself. (By the way, How does God known anything at all without a mind?) Boss thinks he's God. More to the point, Boss is a little god standing in the gap, just making things up as he goes along. He's a slogan spouter.

And Boss knows these things because according to him we can only believe things; we can't know things. Oh, wait! Apparently, Boss doesn't really mean we. He just means the rest of us mere mortals. He, on the other hand, knows things none of the rest of us can know.

That's weird.

Boss knows things that contradict the one thing that all the major religions of the word in history have in common, the one thing that all the major philosophical and theological constructs of divinity have in common, hold to be necessarily true, logically: God did not create logic, but bestowed His logic on His creation.

You see, the relativist is just an intellectual bully. He's arrogant, boastful, full of piggish pride. He's a petulant child. Smarmy. Some of the things that are logically true about God according to the laws of thought are cool. Other things that are logically true about God according to the laws of thought are not cool. It just depends on how this or that thing tastes in his mouth. The things that might have a tinge of obligation attached to them, curiously enough, aren't cool. Like I said, the relativist is a slogan spouter.

He's the self-anointed arbiter of truth who gets angry and abusive when you point out to him the non sequiturs and contradictions of his intellectual bigotry . The relativist is insulted by these things. How dare the commonsensical rubes of the world point out the idiocy of the unexamined decrees of the enlightened folks of the world!

I have always plainly seen and understood what you presented in the above, Emily, on the grounds of epistemological skepticism. The cogitation that God must have bestowed His logic on us could arguably be a freak of nature, a mere fluke of the bioneurologically hardwired logic of human cognition. It might not be ultimately or transcendentally true beyond the confines of our minds. That's because I'm an objective observer of things.

Though I do not believe that to be true in the face of logical necessity and probability, I can clearly see that what Boss is asserting might be true as a matter of potentiality—a hypothetical that is not outside the bounds of logical possibility, even though it be a weak possibility that actually undermines the proofs for God's existence, which flies right over Boss' head. No wonder the atheists like it, that is . . . when they're not arguing against Boss' other irrationalities that conflict with their irrationalities.

Nevertheless, I allow, unlike Boss who allows no proposition but his own irrational proposition, that Boss could be right. But let's be clear about something: If Boss is right, our logic necessarily does anthropomorphize God and, therefore, is not directing us to understand anything that's necessarily true about God at all. Boss has no grounds whatsoever to assert anything about God, not even the idea that we instinctively know God exists.

Paradox. Contradiction. Incoherency.

That's just Boss contradicting the logic the rest of us have with the special logic of the little god in the gap that he is. That's what Boss is calling reasonable. That's what he's saying he knows to be true after saying that we can't know anything to be true. That's the paradox of his believe-know dichotomy, fraught with incoherency and chaos, that applies to everyone else but him.

The little god Boss in the gap fallacy.
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you give no reply at all ever, as the just previous reply confirms - the same with gunslinger, just mindless contempt. that is why nothing has developed - now's your chance to bury the ax, shot away why Jesus is not just your savior but your God - before the Almighty. idolators

*or hide behind Emily the erstwhile christian ... again, sinners.

your agenda is evil, your protestations are deceitful, groundless and cowardly - the boy's guns show his true mentality ... demonicism.

Dear BreezeWood:
1. May I ask how your response above isn't also motivated by contempt?

2. And how can you class ALL Christians as idolators for believing that Jesus represents
the Divine Justice of God.

Isn't the issue whether we include ALL PEOPLE in this universal justice,
or if we "leave some people out"

3. if you leave Christians out, by affiliation alone, or "guilt by association"
isn't that just as unfair? how is that good and justified, but if MD or Justin exclude people it is evil.
you give no reply at all ever, as the just previous reply confirms - the same with gunslinger, just mindless contempt. that is why nothing has developed - now's your chance to bury the ax, shot away why Jesus is not just your savior but your God - before the Almighty. idolators

*or hide behind Emily the erstwhile christian ... again, sinners.

your agenda is evil, your protestations are deceitful, groundless and cowardly - the boy's guns show his true mentality ... demonicism.

Dear BreezeWood:
1. May I ask how your response above isn't also motivated by contempt?

2. And how can you class ALL Christians as idolators for believing that Jesus represents
the Divine Justice of God.

Isn't the issue whether we include ALL PEOPLE in this universal justice,
or if we "leave some people out"

3. if you leave Christians out, by affiliation alone, or "guilt by association"
isn't that just as unfair? how is that good and justified, but if MD or Justin exclude people it is evil.
what you think about my new track, emily?

M.D. Rawlings Hot Air and Blather

Rawlings has simply not proven God didn't create logic, or offered any explanation as to how logic has any purpose or function outside of the human mind. Rawlings continues to lob insults and denigrations at someone who believes in God the same as he does, but just doesn't believe in his personal incarnation. This exposes Rawlings as a radical extremist and we would be advised to keep him (and his disciple Justin) well away from box cutters and airplanes.

Rawlings Refuted with No Comeback

If God did not create logic, God is not omnipotent. There is something in the universe which trumps God, which has more power than God, and that is Logic which God supposedly didn't create. There is no mainstream Christian religion which teaches this. In fact, it contradicts all spiritual understandings of God.

M.D. Rawlings and Sidekick Justin Defeat Their Own Purpose

If the objective of Rawlings Doctrine is to lead people to a better understanding of God, it has failed. There is at least one poster who has gone from accepting his original argument to rejecting anything further he has to say, basically because Rawlings has chosen to be an asshole. So his Doctrine has actually harmed it's own purpose.

M.D. Rawlings: A Portrait of Religious Hubris

While condemning others for their opinions on God, Rawlings maintains he knows best. He is prepared to reject every argument, even when people agree with his arguments. He makes a point to flood the board with the same claptrap over and over again, to demagogue the thread and filibuster. Attempts by mediators such as Emily have been in vain, as Rawlings demonstrates no discretion in who he attacks and insults. He is bound and determined that no other opinion can be allowed to stand. Much like the Taliban.
you give no reply at all ever, as the just previous reply confirms - the same with gunslinger, just mindless contempt. that is why nothing has developed - now's your chance to bury the ax, shot away why Jesus is not just your savior but your God - before the Almighty. idolators

*or hide behind Emily the erstwhile christian ... again, sinners.

your agenda is evil, your protestations are deceitful, groundless and cowardly - the boy's guns show his true mentality ... demonicism.

Dear BreezeWood:
1. May I ask how your response above isn't also motivated by contempt?

2. And how can you class ALL Christians as idolators for believing that Jesus represents
the Divine Justice of God.

Isn't the issue whether we include ALL PEOPLE in this universal justice,
or if we "leave some people out"

3. if you leave Christians out, by affiliation alone, or "guilt by association"
isn't that just as unfair? how is that good and justified, but if MD or Justin exclude people it is evil.
what you think about my new track, emily?

Very cool!
Imagine if we wrote all these arguments here out
in the form of a Rap Slam and poetry jam. ha ha.
Don't get me started!
you give no reply at all ever, as the just previous reply confirms - the same with gunslinger, just mindless contempt. that is why nothing has developed - now's your chance to bury the ax, shot away why Jesus is not just your savior but your God - before the Almighty. idolators

*or hide behind Emily the erstwhile christian ... again, sinners.

your agenda is evil, your protestations are deceitful, groundless and cowardly - the boy's guns show his true mentality ... demonicism.

Dear BreezeWood:
1. May I ask how your response above isn't also motivated by contempt?

2. And how can you class ALL Christians as idolators for believing that Jesus represents
the Divine Justice of God.

Isn't the issue whether we include ALL PEOPLE in this universal justice,
or if we "leave some people out"

3. if you leave Christians out, by affiliation alone, or "guilt by association"
isn't that just as unfair? how is that good and justified, but if MD or Justin exclude people it is evil.
what you think about my new track, emily?

Very cool!
Imagine if we wrote all these arguments here out
in the form of a Rap Slam and poetry jam. ha ha.
Don't get me started!

I might make my next track based on all of this, don't be surprised!
There is an arabic saying that states (توضيح الواضحات من المعضلات)
i.e. clarifying what is clear is very difficult.

if someone request a proof for existence of the sun while he sees it every day and asses it effects on plants and all forms of life, then it is very difficult to give him a proof.

in the same manner if one thinks that these living beings all around as and that this highly complex environmental system around us is not enough to believe in the creator, it is really very difficult to persuade him.

.... which means, "None are so blind as those who choose not to see."
Your fifteen minutes of infamous duh are over, Cornflake.

mdr: I note that you lectured Justin last night on his manners. When have I ever precluded or denigrated the potentiality of pantheism/panentheism? In the meantime, all you've done on this thread is spit on Christianity without providing a single coherent argument against it on the basis of its own premise.

No one comes to the Father except through me.

infamous is for the deceivers ... sinner.

you give no reply at all ever, as the just previous reply confirms - the same with gunslinger, just mindless contempt. that is why nothing has developed - now's your chance to bury the ax, shot away why Jesus is not just your savior but your God - before the Almighty. idolators

*or hide behind Emily the erstwhile christian ... again, sinners.

your agenda is evil, your protestations are deceitful, groundless and cowardly - the boy's guns show his true mentality ... demonicism.

Dear BreezeWood:
1. May I ask how your response above isn't also motivated by contempt?

2. And how can you class ALL Christians as idolators for believing that Jesus represents
the Divine Justice of God.

Isn't the issue whether we include ALL PEOPLE in this universal justice,
or if we "leave some people out"

3. if you leave Christians out, by affiliation alone, or "guilt by association"
isn't that just as unfair? how is that good and justified, but if MD or Justin exclude people it is evil.
what you think about my new track, emily?

Very cool!
Imagine if we wrote all these arguments here out
in the form of a Rap Slam and poetry jam. ha ha.
Don't get me started!

I might make my next track based on all of this, don't be surprised!

Funny thing

All I do is play youtube music videos while going through this thread.

Maybe it is time for some M83?
you give no reply at all ever, as the just previous reply confirms - the same with gunslinger, just mindless contempt. that is why nothing has developed - now's your chance to bury the ax, shot away why Jesus is not just your savior but your God - before the Almighty. idolators

*or hide behind Emily the erstwhile christian ... again, sinners.

your agenda is evil, your protestations are deceitful, groundless and cowardly - the boy's guns show his true mentality ... demonicism.

Dear BreezeWood:
1. May I ask how your response above isn't also motivated by contempt?

2. And how can you class ALL Christians as idolators for believing that Jesus represents
the Divine Justice of God.

Isn't the issue whether we include ALL PEOPLE in this universal justice,
or if we "leave some people out"

3. if you leave Christians out, by affiliation alone, or "guilt by association"
isn't that just as unfair? how is that good and justified, but if MD or Justin exclude people it is evil.
what you think about my new track, emily?

Very cool!
Imagine if we wrote all these arguments here out
in the form of a Rap Slam and poetry jam. ha ha.
Don't get me started!

I might make my next track based on all of this, don't be surprised!

Funny thing

All I do is play youtube music videos while going through this thread.

Maybe it is time for some M83?

Lemme know if ya like that track I dropped.

Just got done mixing my vocals today. It was tedious. But fresh off the presses two posts of mine ago, there tis.
Dear BreezeWood:
1. May I ask how your response above isn't also motivated by contempt?

2. And how can you class ALL Christians as idolators for believing that Jesus represents
the Divine Justice of God.

Isn't the issue whether we include ALL PEOPLE in this universal justice,
or if we "leave some people out"

3. if you leave Christians out, by affiliation alone, or "guilt by association"
isn't that just as unfair? how is that good and justified, but if MD or Justin exclude people it is evil.
what you think about my new track, emily?

Very cool!
Imagine if we wrote all these arguments here out
in the form of a Rap Slam and poetry jam. ha ha.
Don't get me started!

I might make my next track based on all of this, don't be surprised!

Funny thing

All I do is play youtube music videos while going through this thread.

Maybe it is time for some M83?

Lemme know if ya like that track I dropped.

Just got done mixing my vocals today. It was tedious. But fresh off the presses two posts of mine ago, there tis.

I liked it

Do you make music as a professional, or is it more hobby than a living?
  • Thanks
Reactions: GT
what you think about my new track, emily?

Very cool!
Imagine if we wrote all these arguments here out
in the form of a Rap Slam and poetry jam. ha ha.
Don't get me started!

I might make my next track based on all of this, don't be surprised!

Funny thing

All I do is play youtube music videos while going through this thread.

Maybe it is time for some M83?

Lemme know if ya like that track I dropped.

Just got done mixing my vocals today. It was tedious. But fresh off the presses two posts of mine ago, there tis.

I liked it

Do you make music as a professional, or is it more hobby than a living?

Aha, no I have a professional career outside of music. I just love doing it is all. I'm getting pretty nice at it too.
Very cool!
Imagine if we wrote all these arguments here out
in the form of a Rap Slam and poetry jam. ha ha.
Don't get me started!
I might make my next track based on all of this, don't be surprised!

Funny thing

All I do is play youtube music videos while going through this thread.

Maybe it is time for some M83?
Lemme know if ya like that track I dropped.

Just got done mixing my vocals today. It was tedious. But fresh off the presses two posts of mine ago, there tis.

I liked it

Do you make music as a professional, or is it more hobby than a living?
Aha, no I have a professional career outside of music. I just love doing it is all. I'm getting pretty nice at it too.

You ever thought about starting up a website for your music. A lot of professionals and hobbyists are turning to the internet for publishing their works.

Of course, the biggest problem is that you may walk down the street and hear one of your songs playing.
I might make my next track based on all of this, don't be surprised!

Funny thing

All I do is play youtube music videos while going through this thread.

Maybe it is time for some M83?
Lemme know if ya like that track I dropped.

Just got done mixing my vocals today. It was tedious. But fresh off the presses two posts of mine ago, there tis.

I liked it

Do you make music as a professional, or is it more hobby than a living?
Aha, no I have a professional career outside of music. I just love doing it is all. I'm getting pretty nice at it too.

You ever thought about starting up a website for your music. A lot of professionals and hobbyists are turning to the internet for publishing their works.

Of course, the biggest problem is that you may walk down the street and hear one of your songs playing.
I don't know how to make a website, so I just upload to SoundCloud or YouTube and then delete a couple days or weeks later cuz I feel I got "better" than my older stuff.

I wouldn't mind marketing myself eventually, just don't have enough songs I'm proud of just yet.

Don't get me wrong, I have like 2, 000 songs and have 2 pressed albums that I gave out locally, but everyday I get better I hate my YESTERDAY.

Its a vicious cycle. : (
Funny thing

All I do is play youtube music videos while going through this thread.

Maybe it is time for some M83?
Lemme know if ya like that track I dropped.

Just got done mixing my vocals today. It was tedious. But fresh off the presses two posts of mine ago, there tis.

I liked it

Do you make music as a professional, or is it more hobby than a living?
Aha, no I have a professional career outside of music. I just love doing it is all. I'm getting pretty nice at it too.

You ever thought about starting up a website for your music. A lot of professionals and hobbyists are turning to the internet for publishing their works.

Of course, the biggest problem is that you may walk down the street and hear one of your songs playing.
I don't know how to make a website, so I just upload to SoundCloud or YouTube and then delete a couple days or weeks later cuz I feel I got "better" than my older stuff.

I wouldn't mind marketing myself eventually, just don't have enough songs I'm proud of just yet.

Don't get me wrong, I have like 2, 000 songs and have 2 pressed albums that I gave out locally, but everyday I get better I hate my YESTERDAY.

Its a vicious cycle. : (

Sounds like Perfectionism.

Whatever you do, don't make strange music videos!!
Lemme know if ya like that track I dropped.

Just got done mixing my vocals today. It was tedious. But fresh off the presses two posts of mine ago, there tis.

I liked it

Do you make music as a professional, or is it more hobby than a living?
Aha, no I have a professional career outside of music. I just love doing it is all. I'm getting pretty nice at it too.

You ever thought about starting up a website for your music. A lot of professionals and hobbyists are turning to the internet for publishing their works.

Of course, the biggest problem is that you may walk down the street and hear one of your songs playing.
I don't know how to make a website, so I just upload to SoundCloud or YouTube and then delete a couple days or weeks later cuz I feel I got "better" than my older stuff.

I wouldn't mind marketing myself eventually, just don't have enough songs I'm proud of just yet.

Don't get me wrong, I have like 2, 000 songs and have 2 pressed albums that I gave out locally, but everyday I get better I hate my YESTERDAY.

Its a vicious cycle. : (

Sounds like Perfectionism.

Whatever you do, don't make strange music videos!!
Lol....videos endeavor!!

Might make one to today's song. : )
Funny thing

All I do is play youtube music videos while going through this thread.

Maybe it is time for some M83?
Lemme know if ya like that track I dropped.

Just got done mixing my vocals today. It was tedious. But fresh off the presses two posts of mine ago, there tis.

I liked it

Do you make music as a professional, or is it more hobby than a living?
Aha, no I have a professional career outside of music. I just love doing it is all. I'm getting pretty nice at it too.

You ever thought about starting up a website for your music. A lot of professionals and hobbyists are turning to the internet for publishing their works.

Of course, the biggest problem is that you may walk down the street and hear one of your songs playing.
I don't know how to make a website, so I just upload to SoundCloud or YouTube and then delete a couple days or weeks later cuz I feel I got "better" than my older stuff.

I wouldn't mind marketing myself eventually, just don't have enough songs I'm proud of just yet.

Don't get me wrong, I have like 2, 000 songs and have 2 pressed albums that I gave out locally, but everyday I get better I hate my YESTERDAY.

Its a vicious cycle. : (
Yours is the measure of a true artist - never satisfied and always looking to improve his craft.
  • Thanks
Reactions: GT
Lemme know if ya like that track I dropped.

Just got done mixing my vocals today. It was tedious. But fresh off the presses two posts of mine ago, there tis.

I liked it

Do you make music as a professional, or is it more hobby than a living?
Aha, no I have a professional career outside of music. I just love doing it is all. I'm getting pretty nice at it too.

You ever thought about starting up a website for your music. A lot of professionals and hobbyists are turning to the internet for publishing their works.

Of course, the biggest problem is that you may walk down the street and hear one of your songs playing.
I don't know how to make a website, so I just upload to SoundCloud or YouTube and then delete a couple days or weeks later cuz I feel I got "better" than my older stuff.

I wouldn't mind marketing myself eventually, just don't have enough songs I'm proud of just yet.

Don't get me wrong, I have like 2, 000 songs and have 2 pressed albums that I gave out locally, but everyday I get better I hate my YESTERDAY.

Its a vicious cycle. : (
Yours is the measure of a true artist - never satisfied and always looking to improve his craft.
Thanka Hollie, thats very kind of you. And a good way to look at it.
Boss is Ridiculous, Refuted and Dumbfounded: Boss Boss, but = a Tiny Little god (Boss) in the Gap!

Boss is also arguing that
all we HAVE is our human logic.
Even when we PERCEIVE what God's logic is,
we are limited and biased by our HUMAN LOGIC
so whatever logic God created for us on our level
is determining whatever we look at. it is always
limited by our human logic, which Boss is saying God created.

Now I want to isolate this thought.

Boss conflates the universal laws of logic with the exclusive powers of divinity: omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence. Boss' failure to properly execute the distinction delineated by the second law of thought (the law of contradiction) is the essence of Boss' default to the irrationalism of relativism.

On the grounds of the absolute standard for objectivity, the reductio ad absurdum of the irreducible mind and of the infinite regression of origin, which yields the logically highest conceivable standard for divine attribution without begging the question:

God's creative powers are infinitely unlimited, bound by nothing but His nature of absolute perfection. Our creative powers are limited to contriving humanly conceivable things out of preexistent materials. God's knowledge/understanding is infinitely unlimited. Our knowledge is finite as our minds our finite. God is at most immanently and transcendently everywhere, contingent on nothing else but His very own Being. We can only be in one place at a time as far as we know or can tell.

The laws of thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law the excluded middle, comprehensively, the principle of identity) Informational Knowledge.

Hence, we have the distinction between (1) operational knowledge (the laws of thought) and (2) informational knowledge (the detailed facts/actualities of existence).​

We can imagine that God's logic is different than ours. We can imagine that our logic is not God's logic, that our logic necessarily anthropomorphizes God, yielding ideas about Him that might or might not be true all we want, but we cannot explain how God's logic could be different than our own without asserting absurdities and/or the inherent contradictions of self-negation that positively prove the opposite is logically true.

In other words:

(1) how could God not hold or be bound by the law of identity: for any given A: A = A? God holds that for any given A: A A? How's that? God's a relativist, the God of contradiction and chaos? God God?

(2) How could God not hold or be bound by the law of contradiction: for any two or more propositions NOT(A = NOT-A)? God holds that two or more diametrically opposed and/or mutually exclusive propositions are true in all respects: at the same time, in the same way, within the same frame of reference? God's a relativist, the God of contradiction and chaos? God God?

(3) How could God not hold or be bound by the law of the excluded middle: for all A: A OR ~A? God does not hold that either the positive or the negative form of any given proposition of a single predicate is true, but that both the positive and the negative form would be true at the time? God's a relativist, the God of contradiction and chaos? God God?​

Hence, Boss' refusal to believe that our logic is not God's uncreated logic divinely bestowed on us is an absurdity and/or an inherent contradiction of self-negation that positively proves the opposite is logically true.

That is the inescapably reality of human cognition. For any given A: A = A. It is what it is. If this axiom of human cognition is not ultimately or transcendentally true, nothing is sure. Nothing we assert about anything is necessarily true. Yet Boss claims, not only to believe all of kinds things, but to know all kinds of things based on A: A A!

Boss is outside his mind. God is not a relativist, the God of contradiction and chaos. It is Boss, not God, who is the relativist. Hence, Boss Boss, but = a tiny little god (Boss) in the gap!

Here's the real irony in all of this: at one point Boss held that the Transcendental Argument (TAG) is logically true insofar as God's existence is concerned, but the TAG is a double proof. It necessarily holds that (1) God exists and that (2) God is the universal Principle of Identity!

According to the laws of thought, our logic was not created, for our logic is God's logic bestowed on us by God. We cannot coherently think our way out of that axiom.

Knock Knock

Anybody home?
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