Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

"Family", "tribe", "society", "nation" or "race" are all examples of something greater than self.
No gods required.

The Noise of this World and the Flatulence of their Own Conceits

Ah! See. There's the good ol' collectivist, herd mentality so very typical of so many atheists. The atheist thinks of himself as the free thinker, the originalist, the above-it-all, high-flying rationalist. But, of course, he is none of these things. His thinking is pedestrian, even boorish, for it is irrational and unimaginative, a dead end, and so it keeps him earthbound, going around and around the mulberry tree. His ideology is an incoherent collection of slogans, his thoughts, banalities bouncing off the walls of a dark and tiny room. This is why most atheists are statists, conformists, dull, drab shades of gray.

In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders.

The atheist shouts the mundane axiom "2 + 2 = 4!" as if he had struck gold . . . when the greatest axiom of them all, the voice of God Himself, imprinted on his mind, declares, "I AM!"

But all relativists are as deaf as posts, hearing nothing, believing in nothing but the noise of this world and the flatulence of their own conceits.

GT: Informal fallacy!
Emily: Can't we all just get along?
Betty Boop Inevitable: I believe in God . . . but not really.
Hollie: $%^&@#*+!
mamooth: $%^&@#*+!
Tom Sweetnam: $%^&@#*+!
Boss: We can believe truth, but never know truth, except I know things that no one else knows . . . but not really.
orogenicmanicus; Abiogenesis! Millions of kinds! Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me! Global warming!
seallybobo: Huh?
Amrchaos: Solipsism! The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of origin and existence are empirical in nature . . . but not really.
BreezeWood: Pantheistic mumbo jumbo.
QW: Science has primacy over consciousness!
Foxfyre: I know all about the classical proofs for God's existence, studied them for years . . . but not really. My tiny, pipsqueak of a god!
PratchettFan: No evidence! Informational vacuum!
asaratis: No evidence! No proof!
Brucethenonthinker: Mountains out of no hills at all!

"I AM!" says God Almighty.

Did you hear that?

Not me, I was too busy . . . outsmarting myself to hear anything worth knowing or believing.

But, of course, none of you can overthrow or escape the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and orgin. You all run and hide and pretend. The Seven Things™ that are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle):

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1: 18 - 20).​
"In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders."

He also appears in a number of "People of Walmart"' YouTube videos.

He's the "Marlboro Man" of Jehovah's Witnesses.
"Family", "tribe", "society", "nation" or "race" are all examples of something greater than self.
No gods required.

The Noise of this World and the Flatulence of their Own Conceits

Ah! See. There's the good ol' collectivist, herd mentality so very typical of so many atheists. The atheist thinks of himself as the free thinker, the originalist, the above-it-all, high-flying rationalist. But, of course, he is none of these things. His thinking is pedestrian, even boorish, for it is irrational and unimaginative, a dead end, and so it keeps him earthbound, going around and around the mulberry tree. His ideology is an incoherent collection of slogans, his thoughts, banalities bouncing off the walls of a dark and tiny room. This is why most atheists are statists, conformists, dull, drab shades of gray.

In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders.

The atheist shouts the mundane axiom "2 + 2 = 4!" as if he had struck gold . . . when the greatest axiom of them all, the voice of God Himself, imprinted on his mind, declares, "I AM!"

But all relativists are as deaf as posts, hearing nothing, believing in nothing but the noise of this world and the flatulence of their own conceits.

GT: Informal fallacy!
Emily: Can't we all just get along?
Betty Boop Inevitable: I believe in God . . . but not really.
Hollie: $%^&@#*+!
mamooth: $%^&@#*+!
Tom Sweetnam: $%^&@#*+!
Boss: We can believe truth, but never know truth, except I know things that no one else knows . . . but not really.
orogenicmanicus; Abiogenesis! Millions of kinds! Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me! Global warming!
seallybobo: Huh?
Amrchaos: Solipsism! The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of origin and existence are empirical in nature . . . but not really.
BreezeWood: Pantheistic mumbo jumbo.
QW: Science has primacy over consciousness!
Foxfyre: I know all about the classical proofs for God's existence, studied them for years . . . but not really. My tiny, pipsqueak of a god!
PratchettFan: No evidence! Informational vacuum!
asaratis: No evidence! No proof!
Brucethenonthinker: Mountains out of no hills at all!

"I AM!" says God Almighty.

Did you hear that?

Not me, I was too busy . . . outsmarting myself to hear anything worth knowing or believing.

But, of course, none of you can overthrow or escape the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and orgin. You all run and hide and pretend. The Seven Things™ that are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle):

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1: 18 - 20).​
"In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders."

He also appears in a number of "People of Walmart"' YouTube videos.

He's the "Marlboro Man" of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Is it still fun for you to mess with this clown? Clearly he is a twelve year old that pays way more attention in Sunday school than in science class. There is a point out just becomes silly don't you think?

Anyway, I find the "7 things" to fall short of proving God's existence. And apparently I am a punk and a faggot, and Justin really likes my pants because of that fact.
"Family", "tribe", "society", "nation" or "race" are all examples of something greater than self.
No gods required.

The Noise of this World and the Flatulence of their Own Conceits

Ah! See. There's the good ol' collectivist, herd mentality so very typical of so many atheists. The atheist thinks of himself as the free thinker, the originalist, the above-it-all, high-flying rationalist. But, of course, he is none of these things. His thinking is pedestrian, even boorish, for it is irrational and unimaginative, a dead end, and so it keeps him earthbound, going around and around the mulberry tree. His ideology is an incoherent collection of slogans, his thoughts, banalities bouncing off the walls of a dark and tiny room. This is why most atheists are statists, conformists, dull, drab shades of gray.

In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders.

The atheist shouts the mundane axiom "2 + 2 = 4!" as if he had struck gold . . . when the greatest axiom of them all, the voice of God Himself, imprinted on his mind, declares, "I AM!"

But all relativists are as deaf as posts, hearing nothing, believing in nothing but the noise of this world and the flatulence of their own conceits.

GT: Informal fallacy!
Emily: Can't we all just get along?
Betty Boop Inevitable: I believe in God . . . but not really.
Hollie: $%^&@#*+!
mamooth: $%^&@#*+!
Tom Sweetnam: $%^&@#*+!
Boss: We can believe truth, but never know truth, except I know things that no one else knows . . . but not really.
orogenicmanicus; Abiogenesis! Millions of kinds! Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me! Global warming!
seallybobo: Huh?
Amrchaos: Solipsism! The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of origin and existence are empirical in nature . . . but not really.
BreezeWood: Pantheistic mumbo jumbo.
QW: Science has primacy over consciousness!
Foxfyre: I know all about the classical proofs for God's existence, studied them for years . . . but not really. My tiny, pipsqueak of a god!
PratchettFan: No evidence! Informational vacuum!
asaratis: No evidence! No proof!
Brucethenonthinker: Mountains out of no hills at all!

"I AM!" says God Almighty.

Did you hear that?

Not me, I was too busy . . . outsmarting myself to hear anything worth knowing or believing.

But, of course, none of you can overthrow or escape the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and orgin. You all run and hide and pretend. The Seven Things™ that are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle):

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1: 18 - 20).​
"In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders."

He also appears in a number of "People of Walmart"' YouTube videos.

He's the "Marlboro Man" of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Is it still fun for you to mess with this clown? Clearly he is a twelve year old that pays way more attention in Sunday school than in science class. There is a point out just becomes silly don't you think?
You're right, and I suspect that any response to his pompous blustering just encourages his feverish cutting and pasting.
"Family", "tribe", "society", "nation" or "race" are all examples of something greater than self.
No gods required.

The Noise of this World and the Flatulence of their Own Conceits

Ah! See. There's the good ol' collectivist, herd mentality so very typical of so many atheists. The atheist thinks of himself as the free thinker, the originalist, the above-it-all, high-flying rationalist. But, of course, he is none of these things. His thinking is pedestrian, even boorish, for it is irrational and unimaginative, a dead end, and so it keeps him earthbound, going around and around the mulberry tree. His ideology is an incoherent collection of slogans, his thoughts, banalities bouncing off the walls of a dark and tiny room. This is why most atheists are statists, conformists, dull, drab shades of gray.

In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders.

The atheist shouts the mundane axiom "2 + 2 = 4!" as if he had struck gold . . . when the greatest axiom of them all, the voice of God Himself, imprinted on his mind, declares, "I AM!"

But all relativists are as deaf as posts, hearing nothing, believing in nothing but the noise of this world and the flatulence of their own conceits.

GT: Informal fallacy!
Emily: Can't we all just get along?
Betty Boop Inevitable: I believe in God . . . but not really.
Hollie: $%^&@#*+!
mamooth: $%^&@#*+!
Tom Sweetnam: $%^&@#*+!
Boss: We can believe truth, but never know truth, except I know things that no one else knows . . . but not really.
orogenicmanicus; Abiogenesis! Millions of kinds! Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me! Global warming!
seallybobo: Huh?
Amrchaos: Solipsism! The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of origin and existence are empirical in nature . . . but not really.
BreezeWood: Pantheistic mumbo jumbo.
QW: Science has primacy over consciousness!
Foxfyre: I know all about the classical proofs for God's existence, studied them for years . . . but not really. My tiny, pipsqueak of a god!
PratchettFan: No evidence! Informational vacuum!
asaratis: No evidence! No proof!
Brucethenonthinker: Mountains out of no hills at all!

"I AM!" says God Almighty.

Did you hear that?

Not me, I was too busy . . . outsmarting myself to hear anything worth knowing or believing.

But, of course, none of you can overthrow or escape the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and orgin. You all run and hide and pretend. The Seven Things™ that are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle):

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1: 18 - 20).​
"In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders."

He also appears in a number of "People of Walmart"' YouTube videos.

He's the "Marlboro Man" of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Is it still fun for you to mess with this clown? Clearly he is a twelve year old that pays way more attention in Sunday school than in science class. There is a point out just becomes silly don't you think?
You're right, and I suspect that any response to his pompous blustering just encourages his feverish cutting and pasting.
These people should only be mocked seeing as their is no possibility to have any kind of discussion with them.
It is totally arrogant to think to you know for a fact that a god exists or doesn't exist. That's why agnostic is the only rational stance to have, as the matter has not been settled one way or the other.

The Incontrovertible, Scientific Facts of Human Cognition/Psychology Versus the Make Believe World of Materialistic, Cross-My-Fingers Nuh-huh

Nonsense. The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin are universally self-evident due to the bioneurologically hardwired imperatives of organic logic: (1) the law of identity, (2) the law of contradiction and (3) the law of the excluded middle. I do not even need to assert my subjective belief that the laws of human thought persist in my immaterial soul and are ultimately grounded in God. We know they persist neurologically and psychologically. Science!

And the fact that God's existence cannot be logically ruled out and that it's impossible for a finite mind to think/say that God the Creator does not exist without saying/thinking, on the very face of it, that nothing could exist: the notion that God does not exist is, according to the laws of human thought, inherently contradictory, self-negating and, thus, positively proves, logically, that the opposite must be true. God must exist!

So don't give me this garbage about arrogance.

The question is: do you believe this a priori axiom of human cognition, which is no different in nature than 2 + 2 = 4, holds true ultimately/transcendentally outside the confines of our minds, beyond the imperatives of human thought . . . or not?

Is this fact of human psychology merely a fluke of nature or is it the voice of God imprinted on our brains and, perhaps, objectively speaking, our souls?

I consistently hold that all axioms must be true, as reason tells me that any attempt to negate them logically affirms them, and experience has shown me over and over again without fail that all the other a priori axioms of human cognition do hold true in the empirical realm of being.

Hence, I justifiably hold that the God axiom must be ultimately/transcendentally true. Do not tell me that I do so without good reason or out of sheer arrogance.

That is the utter bullshit of bullshitters!

I believe!

You don't!

I'm standing on something solid!

You aren't!

You're standing on the utterly unsupported belief of metaphysical materialism. Objectively speaking, you might be right, but don't tell me your belief is backed by logical consistency or by anything scientific, for it manifestly is not.

It's as simple as that, and it is due to these facts of human cognition that in history humanity has always overwhelming, consciously or instinctively, held that God must be, and there has never been and never will be any rational argument or scientific theory that would make these facts of human psychology go away.

The only arrogance around here is the arrogance of the atheist/agnostic contradictorily pretending not to understand these facts of human cognition and contradictorily pretending that he knows something more about ultimate reality than I, something that refutes these incontrovertible facts of human cognition, something only divinity could know better than the only logical facts we have to go on.

Are you guys contradictorily presupposing the existence of divinity (in truth, playing at the little gods in the gap fallacy) in order to assert the supposed superiority of your position?

Answer: Yes, you are!

You have always necessarily and, until now, as I have stripped you of your pretensions, unwittingly conceded the paradoxical nature of your position in the face of the undeniable facts of organic logic.
You don't have any actual proof that your god exist, just a lot of hot air and mumbo jumbo.
If you want to make yourself look the fool, go for it. You have that right.

If I want to look like a fool?! Shut up, you idiot. Your ass is already hanging out like that of a fool's over abiogenesis, and we classical liberals know that only sheep buy the 97% myth and the statist baloney of alarmist global warming. Contempt is the operative word here. It is contempt with which gullible fools like yourself are regarded by the elitists who sell it, and it is contempt with which those of us who know what the scoundrels are all about regard you.

Liberal? You? Bhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

I would say that you've gone insane, but that would be an insult to insane people everywhere. No sir, I will not shut up. That you actually believe you have won some kind of debate here is pathetic, to say the least. Grow up already.
If you want to make yourself look the fool, go for it. You have that right.

If I want to look like a fool?! Shut up, you idiot. Your ass is already hanging out like that of a fool's over abiogenesis, and we classical liberals know that only sheep buy the 97% myth and the statist baloney of alarmist global warming. Contempt is the operative word here. It is contempt with which gullible fools like yourself are regarded by the elitists who sell it, and it is contempt with which those of us who know what the scoundrels are all about regard you.

Liberal? You? Bhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

I would say that you've gone insane, but that would be an insult to insane people everywhere. No sir, I will not shut up. That you actually believe you have won some kind of debate here is pathetic, to say the least. Grow up already.
I've found that people such as M. Pompous Rawling who have a need to constantly declare themselves the winner is a defensive reaction to their arguments being thoroughly run off the rails.
If you want to make yourself look the fool, go for it. You have that right.

If I want to look like a fool?! Shut up, you idiot. Your ass is already hanging out like that of a fool's over abiogenesis, and we classical liberals know that only sheep buy the 97% myth and the statist baloney of alarmist global warming. Contempt is the operative word here. It is contempt with which gullible fools like yourself are regarded by the elitists who sell it, and it is contempt with which those of us who know what the scoundrels are all about regard you.

Liberal? You? Bhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

I would say that you've gone insane, but that would be an insult to insane people everywhere. No sir, I will not shut up. That you actually believe you have won some kind of debate here is pathetic, to say the least. Grow up already.
I've found that people such as M. Pompous Rawling who have a need to constantly declare themselves the winner is a defensive reaction to their arguments being thoroughly run off the rails.

He had an argument? News to me. All I saw was a lot of word salad followed by his typical insults. Oh, that argument. If that is all he can win, he can have it. Where do these people come from?
The Noise of this World and the Flatulence of their Own Conceits

It usually takes me a couple weeks of breaking down a kook before the kook directs a long rambling meltdown speech at me.

With MD, it was less than a day. Score!

MD, I'll add you to the mailing list, of course. You know, for my fan club newsletter.
The Noise of this World and the Flatulence of their Own Conceits

It usually takes me a couple weeks of breaking down a kook before the kook directs a long rambling meltdown speech at me.

With MD, it was less than a day. Score!

MD, I'll add you to the mailing list, of course. You know, for my fan club newsletter.

So now you want coffee and donuts, too? Meatloaf and mash potatoes weren't good enough for you?
So to answer the OP, no there isn't any Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God? It's made up.
"Family", "tribe", "society", "nation" or "race" are all examples of something greater than self.
No gods required.

The Noise of this World and the Flatulence of their Own Conceits

Ah! See. There's the good ol' collectivist, herd mentality so very typical of so many atheists. The atheist thinks of himself as the free thinker, the originalist, the above-it-all, high-flying rationalist. But, of course, he is none of these things. His thinking is pedestrian, even boorish, for it is irrational and unimaginative, a dead end, and so it keeps him earthbound, going around and around the mulberry tree. His ideology is an incoherent collection of slogans, his thoughts, banalities bouncing off the walls of a dark and tiny room. This is why most atheists are statists, conformists, dull, drab shades of gray.

In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders.

The atheist shouts the mundane axiom "2 + 2 = 4!" as if he had struck gold . . . when the greatest axiom of them all, the voice of God Himself, imprinted on his mind, declares, "I AM!"

But all relativists are as deaf as posts, hearing nothing, believing in nothing but the noise of this world and the flatulence of their own conceits.

GT: Informal fallacy!
Emily: Can't we all just get along?
Betty Boop Inevitable: I believe in God . . . but not really.
Hollie: $%^&@#*+!
mamooth: $%^&@#*+!
Tom Sweetnam: $%^&@#*+!
Boss: We can believe truth, but never know truth, except I know things that no one else knows . . . but not really.
orogenicmanicus; Abiogenesis! Millions of kinds! Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me! Global warming!
seallybobo: Huh?
Amrchaos: Solipsism! The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of origin and existence are empirical in nature . . . but not really.
BreezeWood: Pantheistic mumbo jumbo.
QW: Science has primacy over consciousness!
Foxfyre: I know all about the classical proofs for God's existence, studied them for years . . . but not really. My tiny, pipsqueak of a god!
PratchettFan: No evidence! Informational vacuum!
asaratis: No evidence! No proof!
Brucethenonthinker: Mountains out of no hills at all!

"I AM!" says God Almighty.

Did you hear that?

Not me, I was too busy . . . outsmarting myself to hear anything worth knowing or believing.

But, of course, none of you can overthrow or escape the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and orgin. You all run and hide and pretend. The Seven Things™ that are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle):

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1: 18 - 20).​
"In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders."

He also appears in a number of "People of Walmart"' YouTube videos.

He's the "Marlboro Man" of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Is it still fun for you to mess with this clown? Clearly he is a twelve year old that pays way more attention in Sunday school than in science class. There is a point out just becomes silly don't you think?
You're right, and I suspect that any response to his pompous blustering just encourages his feverish cutting and pasting.
These people should only be mocked seeing as their is no possibility to have any kind of discussion with them.

So now 2 + 2 = 15?

The Noise of this World and the Flatulence of their Own Conceits

Ah! See. There's the good ol' collectivist, herd mentality so very typical of so many atheists. The atheist thinks of himself as the free thinker, the originalist, the above-it-all, high-flying rationalist. But, of course, he is none of these things. His thinking is pedestrian, even boorish, for it is irrational and unimaginative, a dead end, and so it keeps him earthbound, going around and around the mulberry tree. His ideology is an incoherent collection of slogans, his thoughts, banalities bouncing off the walls of a dark and tiny room. This is why most atheists are statists, conformists, dull, drab shades of gray.

In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders.

The atheist shouts the mundane axiom "2 + 2 = 4!" as if he had struck gold . . . when the greatest axiom of them all, the voice of God Himself, imprinted on his mind, declares, "I AM!"

But all relativists are as deaf as posts, hearing nothing, believing in nothing but the noise of this world and the flatulence of their own conceits.

GT: Informal fallacy!
Emily: Can't we all just get along?
Betty Boop Inevitable: I believe in God . . . but not really.
Hollie: $%^&@#*+!
mamooth: $%^&@#*+!
Tom Sweetnam: $%^&@#*+!
Boss: We can believe truth, but never know truth, except I know things that no one else knows . . . but not really.
orogenicmanicus; Abiogenesis! Millions of kinds! Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me! Global warming!
seallybobo: Huh?
Amrchaos: Solipsism! The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of origin and existence are empirical in nature . . . but not really.
BreezeWood: Pantheistic mumbo jumbo.
QW: Science has primacy over consciousness!
Foxfyre: I know all about the classical proofs for God's existence, studied them for years . . . but not really. My tiny, pipsqueak of a god!
PratchettFan: No evidence! Informational vacuum!
asaratis: No evidence! No proof!
Brucethenonthinker: Mountains out of no hills at all!

"I AM!" says God Almighty.

Did you hear that?

Not me, I was too busy . . . outsmarting myself to hear anything worth knowing or believing.

But, of course, none of you can overthrow or escape the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and orgin. You all run and hide and pretend. The Seven Things™ that are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle):

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1: 18 - 20).​
"In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders."

He also appears in a number of "People of Walmart"' YouTube videos.

He's the "Marlboro Man" of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Is it still fun for you to mess with this clown? Clearly he is a twelve year old that pays way more attention in Sunday school than in science class. There is a point out just becomes silly don't you think?
You're right, and I suspect that any response to his pompous blustering just encourages his feverish cutting and pasting.
These people should only be mocked seeing as their is no possibility to have any kind of discussion with them.

So now 2 + 2 = 15?



Keep digging that hole, son.
If you want to make yourself look the fool, go for it. You have that right.

If I want to look like a fool?! Shut up, you idiot. Your ass is already hanging out like that of a fool's over abiogenesis, and we classical liberals know that only sheep buy the 97% myth and the statist baloney of alarmist global warming. Contempt is the operative word here. It is contempt with which gullible fools like yourself are regarded by the elitists who sell it, and it is contempt with which those of us who know what the scoundrels are all about regard you.

Liberal? You? Bhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

I would say that you've gone insane, but that would be an insult to insane people everywhere. No sir, I will not shut up. That you actually believe you have won some kind of debate here is pathetic, to say the least. Grow up already.
I've found that people such as M. Pompous Rawling who have a need to constantly declare themselves the winner is a defensive reaction to their arguments being thoroughly run off the rails.

He had an argument? News to me. All I saw was a lot of word salad followed by his typical insults. Oh, that argument. If that is all he can win, he can have it. Where do these people come from?

orogenicman: There's millions of different kinds of biological precursors in space, I tell you! Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me! Catastrophic global warming! Spaghetti monster abiogenesis is true, I tell ya! I got blisters on my fingers.
"In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders."

He also appears in a number of "People of Walmart"' YouTube videos.

He's the "Marlboro Man" of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Is it still fun for you to mess with this clown? Clearly he is a twelve year old that pays way more attention in Sunday school than in science class. There is a point out just becomes silly don't you think?
You're right, and I suspect that any response to his pompous blustering just encourages his feverish cutting and pasting.
These people should only be mocked seeing as their is no possibility to have any kind of discussion with them.

So now 2 + 2 = 15?



Keep digging that hole, son.

So you want a handout too? Whaaaaaa? Dig your own hole, Roger Rabbit.
it can be when accomplished, something you might attempt someday.

* (Hint) it requires a practical application ....

Why bother, these folks don't really seem interested in conversing.

This from you! This was our conversation:

Inevitable: So what is the proof for God's existence?

Rawlings: Well, consider the following, and I'll address substantive questions.

Inevitable: No!

Rawlings: But try. Let's see what happens.

Inevitable: No! There's no proof!

Rawlings: Why do you say that?

Inevitable: No! I'm not telling you!

Rawlings: Why did you ask for the proof?

Inevitable: No! There's no proof! Fingers plugging ears La-la-la-la-la, I can't hear you. You're a poop-poop head. Stop preaching at me. Stop asking me questions. Stop making me think. Stop talking about the issue of the OP, I just want to bitch and gossip about you. That's all I want to do.

Rawlings: Then piss off, you self-righteous, moralizing little prick.​

End of discussion.

That is how it always goes with you dogmatically closed-minded relativists.
actually, peebrain, it went down like this:

inevitable: is there proof of god in this thread?
justin davis aka md: faggot has his ears plugged! read the thread!
md rawlings aka justin davis: listen faggot, i am the greatest logician of evaaaaaa! i dont ACTUALLY have to prove anything!
inevitable: whatever guys, you seem emotional, i just asked and you havent answered.
justin davis aka md plumber: fancy pants, go flame somewhere else faggot, you liar, you you you you.....fancy pants.
md rawlings aka justin plumber: calm down with the name calling justin, this faggot will get his due.

blah blah blah. you two/one are embarrassments to humanity.
that is about what it appeared to be from my point of view.

Shut up, Inevitable. You were told there was. You were given the evidence and the proof. You read nothing. Thought about nothing. Opened your mind to nothing. You even quoted the Bible . . . some utterly irrelevant passage, and then contradictorily thumbed your nose at Romans 1: 18 - 20 which utterly negates your foolish claims that there is no evidence or proof provided by God to humanity! You don't believe. You have no faith. You don't believe God or His word. You're sitting there behind your computer screen aligning yourself with an atheist who has shown himself to be a pathological liar and an avowed enemy of God and His truths . . . as you spurn the theist who points to the testimony of scripture and the universally apparent facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin which you never once directly addressed via the standards of academic discourse: demonstrated that you actually understand what you deny to be true with a coherent counterargument as to why these things aren't true!

What did you give us instead?

"Don't preach to me!"

"I don't want to discuss it!"

"Stop asking me questions!"

"Stop telling me things!"

Fingers struck in ears "La-la-la-la-la-la. I can't here you."

Mockery. Personal attacks. Derision. Moralisms.

You're a pathological lair just like GT. You're a phony. You know for fact that's the real truth of our encounter. I tried to share something with you, and you behaved like a smarmy, snot-nosed little prick. You don't really believe in God at all. The fact that you won't believe God and renounce homosexuality tells me that you don't really believe in God or His word.

Hi M.D. Rawlings I understand why you/we come across as false to each other.
We do the best we can despite this.

As for homosexuality, it is similar to how the Bible says some Eunuchs are made by God and some by Man (Matthew 19:12)
"King James Bible
For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake.
He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

Since man is not psychic, and some people may start off one way or change to another and we don't know this,
some people set the standard to reject ALL such people as flawed and unnatural,
others give the "benefit of the doubt/innocent until proven otherwise" and count all such persons as
natural until proven unnatural; and some leave it open either way, and let people figure it out as part of their spiritual path.

MD if you are one of those people who draws the line at NO/Zero,
and I am one who says if we don't know, if it is a spiritual issue that God may know or some people may know,
then the govt cannot decide religiously for everyone and "assume" it is either all natural or all unnatural based on belief,
Then you and I have the right to our beliefs.

I respect yours and believe you hve the right to defend and practice it.
But not impose on others who believe otherwise, and vice versa where they cannot impose on you.

We need to use science to prove the process of spiritual healing
and show which people this has helped to change, but also show
cases where people did not change. They may have healed but may
not change in orientation - it depends on God.

I believe this karma comes from past relationship issues not resolved but passed down spiritually,
and the point is to bring out healing through FORGIVENESS and unconditional faith in God.

And let God do the healing and transformation that we cannot do.

No amount of rejection or judgment ever cured or healed anyone.
The healing and transformation I've seen and heard of happening
has always been through Forgiveness so this is the understanding of Christianity
I take, that this "Divine Forgiveness" or Grace in Christ is what does the transformation.

Ironically it usually happens when people agree to let go.

So as Inevitable pointed out, sometimes we have to let go for God's will to be done.
I respect him also for being as fair and openminded a person as I have found
still willing to defend his opinions while listening to others.

M.D. you miss out on the opportunity to work with others who WERE willing to
listen and work with you.

I am guessing you were not ready or too afraid of change.
So the natural human reaction is to build a wall and chase the other person away
who threatens to change your mindset.

Inevitable is not one to harass anyone and is not going to put up with that either.

I hope we can still focus on the science and research studies of spiritual healing
that also address conversion and reparation therapy for homosexual orientation.
Some people report healing and changing and some people heal without changing.
Similar with theism/atheism I have met many Buddhists and atheists/nontheists
who received the spiritual healing and still did not convert and become Christian in denomination.
Jewish people and Muslims also who receive the healing, receive and accept Christ and Christians
but do not convert to that faith. So we need to understand this process and quit trying to
tell God what to do or not to do with the outcome of spiritual healing that is in the hands of God or Nature
not us to dictate what degree of healing is going to manifest or not.

M.D. we can still focus on the science and do very well.
Similar to how you want to focus on TAG for some things,
TAG does not address how and which cases of sexual orientation are transformed by
spiritual healing. Science, research studies and statistics can show us patterns
so we can follow along and learn.

So I will still seek to set those up, and just sorry that you cannot see
the benefit in focusing there.

If your job is to say NO to that and focus on TAG that's your job.

I accept that, and will just work on these other team members on more effective ways and means.

You will have your hands full addressing church elders about
the Trinity and how to define God or names, etc.

the church elders will only listen to a man such as yourself
so we need to save your attention for that specific audience that needs you to unite them.

The Church of Christ accepts the Trinity but rejects spiritual healing.
The Jehovah's Witness reject the Trinity and also spiritual healing.

That will take a national effort to address these church elders so maybe your calling is in that vein.
The Muslims who recognize Buddhism or Constitutionalism as given by God
but the traditional ones only recognize Jewish and Christian and do not agree on Jesus,
is another huge effort that will require elders to address and not lay people.

So let's organize and find ways to focus your attention with Elders
who want to teach these concepts and points the right way
and need to form a consensus on that.

for G.T. Hollie Inevitable and others willing to look into the spiritual healing
and separate the fraud from the effective natural practices done voluntarily without harm,
we can focus there.

So it's all good, God has a purpose for each of us,
and makes us want to focus there. Thanks M.D.
and I look forward to working with you to find your flock.
If we all flock together in groups, we can do more good in teams
and not waste time arguing about things that are not our jobs.

Thank you and I will email you about how to address
the heads of various denominations to come to consensus on the Trinity.

Yours truly,

As for your 7 points, or 25 questions,
I have these 3 I find universal though expressed differently in different systems of laws
1. To love God with all our hearts minds and souls

Christianity focused on the heart, Buddhism on the mind,
and Constitutionalism on the due process free speech/press
free exercise of religion or free will and right to assemble and petition
in order to reconcile heart and mind in agreement on truth.
I don't know about you, but I need all three in order to resolve grievances.
In order to reconcile heart mind and soul, mind body and spirit, etc.

2. to love our neighbors as ourselves
as we forgive ourselves and others equally we can receive wisdom and insights
to make corrections mutually but it has to be as equal peers in Christ
adversarial combat does not allow corrections and agreements to go through

and this is where the new commandment comes in to join and fulfill the other two
3. that we love (and forgive) one another as Christ Jesus loves us with unconditional
grace. we ask and we receive. but if we do not forgive first there is no room to receive
the blessings corrections and healings of the wrong if we refuse to let go of these and make room.

So we don't just project our own conflicts and unforgiveness inside ourselves
onto our neighbors, jab for jab, thinking that is loving or hating each other as equals.
As believers we are called to be Christlike to forgive first and let God guide us in the corrections after.
so this takes Christian faith in healing, to let go first, forgive in order to receive second.

MD as you can see our secularminded friends like Hollie and Boss
want to see corrections first before they forgive, but the higher laws
and spiritual process involve forgiving first and then receiving corrections second.

So the trinity is fulfilled with these Three Commandments
one for each level, for love of God for love of humanity
and for love of Christ for Justice and Conscience that
joins the love or laws of God with the laws of love of humanity as one.

this is the content behind the Trinity that we need to understand
even if we express it differently. we must be one in heart and mind
to receive the full understanding, and this is what it means to be joined in Christ.

So all things that prevent us from joining are being removed by forgiveness
and healing. we have only to ask and we receive. to demonstrate to others
how it works and more people will feel safe to try forgiving first and seeing that it changes things second.

thanks MD

I believe you may be one to address the Pharisees
the heads of JW and Church of Christ who believe in one God
and do not want division or confusion either. I pray God guides
you and us to the right people, the right connections to bring
about unity in Christ in fulfilllment of the plans and purpose we carry.

Thank you in Jesus name Amen
"In the meantime, Christians are the true realists, the rationalists, and so they are the staunch, rugged individualists in the world, but not of it, open to every new adventure, free of the fanatical, mumbo-jumbo superstitions of a fallen humanity, beholden to no one and to no thing as sterile and miserly as the commonplace things of this passing world. Instead, they hang on every precious word and thunderous truth of a risen Savior full of life and wonders."

He also appears in a number of "People of Walmart"' YouTube videos.

He's the "Marlboro Man" of Jehovah's Witnesses.


Stumper Questions for Creationists is a Mess of Pseudoscientific Blather, and Philosophical and Theological Illiteracy

The author asks: "What is the evidence for conventional science?"


There's no such thing as evidence for conventional science . . . whatever that's supposed to be in the first place. Evidence for science? Science, in and of itself, is an empirical phenomenon? Since when? Indeed, conventional science according to the author means ontological naturalism, and there's not a lick of empirical evidence for that either.

Creationism proper is a theological construct, that includes some scientific claims, the detailed understanding of which is inferred from empirical data as processed by the methodology of science. Creationism is neither science nor opposed to science. It merely eschews the mythical dogma of the scientifically indemonstrable claims of the materialistic metaphysics of ontological naturalism.

Creationism proper is the Judeo-Christian construct of divine origin for the cosmological order and its constituents. It endorses the scientific presupposition of methodological naturalism, as opposed to the materialist's presupposition of metaphysical/ontological naturalism.

It asserts a divinely ordered history of cosmological development and biological speciation: a historical series of direct and indirect, creational events entailing the origin of existents and the processes thereof subject to the physical laws of nature previously established to govern the natural course (or subsequent events) of the variously complex and discrete properties and actualizations of material substances. Hence, this history includes subsequent creative events of biological speciation above the infrastructural-level of the chemical properties of prebiotic, organic materials.

The evidence that supports creationism is the apparent fact that the history of cosmological development and biological speciation is . . . a historical series of events entailing the emergence and coalescence of existents and the processes thereof in accordance with the physical laws of nature (the four fundamental interactions or forces: gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force) previously established via the Big Bang of the singularity.

Again, science is science, a methodology of verification and falsification regarding the properties and processes of empirical phenomena. It is not the various theories of science as such or the metaphysical apriority of ontological naturalism, and that is clearly what the author means by conventional science!

The author writes: "Many people who support conventional science feel that those who oppose it do so because of unwelcome consequences."

No! Some people unwittingly beg the question as they conflate science proper with their empirically indemonstrable presupposition that all of cosmological and biologically history is strictly and necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause-and-effect, assume without any rational or empirical justification whatsoever that the physical laws of nature and the mundane, self-ordering chemical properties of empirical existents can produce complex systems above the level of infrastructure, when no such thing has ever been known to have happened or observed to have happened at all . . . ever!

The author writes: "Why does the plain reading of nature seem to support conventional science?"

The plain reading of nature does not support what the author calls conventional science, that is, does not support the materialistic metaphysics of ontological naturalism.

Some people just assume that because we're here, the supposed processes of prebiotic chemical evolution and biological evolution must necessarily be the direct cause of biological origin and speciation, in spite of the fact that, once again, the mundane, self-ordering chemical properties of empirical existents have never been known to produce or have ever been directly observed to produce complex systems above the level of infrastructure.

The chronological evidence would look exactly the same for both old-earth creationism and presumptuous naturalism. Hocus Pocus. The acolytes of the latter have simply talked themselves into a scenario of a common ancestry based on the unwitting assumption that the chronology of things evinces something that does not necessary follow at all.

Not only does the author go on about his conventional science, the unwitting imposition of his materialistic metaphysics of ontological naturalism, but exposes his scriptural and theological ignorance in questions #11, #12, #13 and #14 under the heading of How does creationism explain the evidence for conventional science?

He writes:

Why is there the coherence among many different dating methods pointing to an old earth and life on earth for a long time—for example: radioactivity, tree rings, ice cores, corals, supernovas—from astronomy, biology, physics, geology, chemistry and archeology?​

Because the Earth and the universe are apparently much older than the young-earth creationism of the prescientific hermeneutics of Bishop Ussher's genealogical chronology would have it. The fact of the matter is that the Bible does not tell us how old the Earth or the universe is, and any claim to the contrary is scripturally speculative and gratuitous:

The enterprise of uncovering the discrete facts of nature is scientific in nature, not theological, and the facts thereof do not undermine the biblical account of origin in any way, shape or form.

In question #14, He writes:

If different kinds are not genetically related, what is the explanation for the greater and less similarities between different kinds of living things? That is to say, why would special creation produce this complex pattern rather than just resulting in all kinds being equally related to all others? That is to say, why would special creation produce this complex pattern rather than just resulting in all kinds being equally related to all others?​

The awkwardness of the author's presentation is compounded by the fact that all terrestrial creatures share the same underlying genetic motif, not just some, a fact that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a common ancestry. In other words, why not a complex pattern, albeit, as premised on what would necessarily be the same underlying genetic motif of species that are of the same planet, subject to the same environmental and atmospheric conditions thereof?

Crickets chirping

What is the nature of the author's rhetorical assumption? Why, it's the teleological assumption of the metaphysics of materialism that contradictorily presupposes to know something about how God would necessarily go about things . . . even though the same underlying genetic motif of species that are of the same planet and subject to the same environmental and atmospheric conditions, coupled with a complex diversity in morphology, make perfect sense in a special-creation scenario.

The following requires special treatment. The author writes:

(16) Why is there all the evidence for an earth, and life on earth, more than 100,000 years old, and for the relationships between living things, and why were we given the intelligence to reach those conclusions?​

Actually, the Earth is estimated to be approximately 4.5 billion years old. Life on Earth is thought to have first appeared approximately 3.5 to 3.7 billion years ago. Uh . . . and I'm just ball-parking it here, throwing this at the wall to see if it sticks: because God gave us the intelligence to figure these things out.
If you want to make yourself look the fool, go for it. You have that right.

If I want to look like a fool?! Shut up, you idiot. Your ass is already hanging out like that of a fool's over abiogenesis, and we classical liberals know that only sheep buy the 97% myth and the statist baloney of alarmist global warming. Contempt is the operative word here. It is contempt with which gullible fools like yourself are regarded by the elitists who sell it, and it is contempt with which those of us who know what the scoundrels are all about regard you.

Liberal? You? Bhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

I would say that you've gone insane, but that would be an insult to insane people everywhere. No sir, I will not shut up. That you actually believe you have won some kind of debate here is pathetic, to say the least. Grow up already.
I've found that people such as M. Pompous Rawling who have a need to constantly declare themselves the winner is a defensive reaction to their arguments being thoroughly run off the rails.

He had an argument? News to me. All I saw was a lot of word salad followed by his typical insults. Oh, that argument. If that is all he can win, he can have it. Where do these people come from?

orogenicman: There's millions of different kinds of biological precursors in space, I tell you! Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me! Catastrophic global warming! Spaghetti monster abiogenesis is true, I tell ya! I got blisters on my fingers.

No there isn't because there aren't millions of different kinds of biological precursors. And the only blisters I see are the ones rotting your brain. I can,t do anything for you, but you do have my sympathy.
So to answer the OP, no there isn't any Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God? It's made up.

Is there any sound/valid evidence that orogenicman knows what he's talking about?

The 24 Questions for the species Dropus Cranium Infans Orogenicmanicus de Basketus Weavicus

Among the amino acids of life, what are the six durables?

2. What is the actual end product in the organic synthesis of amino acids under the conditions of a reducing or semi-reducing atmosphere in nature?

3. What abiogenetic hypothesis was falsified by the Miller-Urey experiments?

4. What are the various challenges to the synthesis of cytosine under natural conditions?

5. What is the actual end product of the synthesis of cytosine in nature?

6. What is the one indispensable nucleobase in replication?

7. What is the chirality of biological amino acids?

8. What is the chirality of biological nucleic acids?

9. What is the chirality of biological sugars?

10. What is the chirality of biological phosphates?

11. What is the chiral mixture of organic molecules as they occur in nature outside living cells?

12. What is the single most unstable organic monomer/polymer outside living cells?

13. Of what organic polymer are cellular membranes composed?

14. What is the indispensable organic monomer for the synthesis of nucleotides?

15. In a nutshell, without looking it up, given the authority of your nine years of collegiate-level basket weaving, what are the nuts and bolts of the RNA-World model?

16. Why has the RNA-World hypothesis been largely abandoned?

17. What are the two types of biological sugars that must be segregated in order to prevent the disruption of RNA synthesis in living cells?

18. What are the five foundational monomers of life that nature can produce via the self-ordering properties of chemistry?

19. What do the pyrimidines need in order to polymerize?

20. What would have been the eight steps/stages of prebiotic-to-biochemical evolution via the purely natural conditions and processes of an abiogenetic origin for life?

21. At what level of nucleotide polymers (polynucleotides) does the command-organizational information for organic polymerization reside?

22. In microbiological engineering, what kind of RNA production system produces self-replicating strands of RNA?

23. In microbiological engineering, what is the difference between recombinant mutation and transmutation?

24. Why are you so full of shiticus Dropus Cranium Infans Orogenicmanicus de Basketus Weavicus?
They are your questions, Mad Dog (aka, MD). I have yet to see you answer a single one of them despite the number of times you have posted them. Why? Because you aren't looking for them to be answered. You post them because you think it makes you look smart. What it actually does is make you look desperate and stupid. Even worse, they are irrelevant to the question of whether or not there is evidence that god exists, and as such are off topic. But then, you knew that already. "God did it" is not evidence of anything. It is an unprovable tautology.
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