Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

Well I thought you believed in free will but that God wouldn't be completely omniscient in some sense because we couldn't have free will if He was. That suggested to me that you would be going on the way we commonly experience time, past, present, future, nothing heavy duty. But I admit that I apparently still don't really understand why you see it that way then. I'm not talking about God in the philosophical sense as the idea that He exists in the eternal now and is the God of infinite possibilities is biblical, though I suppose some philosophers have inferred that from thought. I don't know. But the only persons I know who have rejected this biblical understanding of God are philosophes for the reason I thought you were expressing. I think there's a misunderstanding here. There are things that can be known about God from the general revelation or from the creation itself through thought without the Bible. The Bible tells us this and even tells us what those things are. Philosophers have seen these things too. I've got no use for the things some have "seen" past these universals. Every philosopher I've looked at gets some if not most of these universals right and then go off and start making all kinds of claims that in my opinion don't follow and definitely aren't biblical.

Never fall into the trap of thinking you know what other people believe unless they express that belief.

I have no idea how we experience time. Many people believe we see it is linear, yet people often have an experience we call a flashback were they experience a past event in the present. Do they experience time differently than other people? How can anyone be sure of the answer to that question?

By the way, if you want to learn about the omniscience of God I suggest you clollect all the verses in the Bible that contradict our concept of God as all knowing and figure out how to reconcile them with your view that God knows everything. Like I said before, the omniscient, omnipotent, perfect, and ever present God most people understand is entirely a product of philosophy.
And really what does it matter what you believe or the Catholic Church says? It's what you can prove and that's nothing. I noticed I posted a bunch of very interesting stuff yesterday and asked questions and no one replied back. I suspect because they can't refute the information. For example I explained how every word written in the bible was written on hearsay and I asked, "if Jesus was so well known near and far at the time, how come none of the Jewish historians wrote about him? There were lots in that area at the time and no one wrote about it. Nor is it in the history books where Herod killed every first born son.

So without organized religions lies, what else do you really have other than wishful thinking and blissful ignorance?

Funny thing, using logic I can prove anything I want, but have not spent even a moment doing so. That is, quite simply, because I don't waste my time offering proofs to idiots that think they already know everything.

Do you really expect anyone to believe that you, being the complete idiot you are, actually spent 3 hours 58 minutes and 27 seconds watching those videos? Tell the truth, you only posted them because the titles support your personal bias.

Do you really expect anyone to believe that you, being the complete idiot you are, actually spent 3 hours 58 minutes and 27 seconds watching those videos? Tell the truth, you only posted them because the titles support your personal bias.

I'm smarter than you are, so your insults are GREAT!

Keep them coming, ass hole.

You're the intellectual coward that spends her time browsing threads where people kick around ontological theories without EVER having the balls to post you own.

Get the fuck over yourself. You're the most classic case of projecting ever invented. You point out minutia out of people's posts to harp at and then call them know it alls. You're the know it all, dickhead.

fyi sealy was obviously referring to what the bible says, your post #1264 was just another random example of you just being a dick to be a dick, not here to advance anything.

And last - I've watched tons of god debates, it's not that hard when you work from a desk.
Einstein could write the theory of relativity on here for the first time it's ever been presented if the time tables were rearranged in life's history, and quantum douchebag would be in here arguing that he spelled a word or two wrong.

Inconsequential nit pickey douchebaggery, is 99% of your posts. Go argue minutia someplace else, you're too big for your britches.
I'm smarter than you are, so your insults are GREAT!

Keep them coming, ass hole.

You're the intellectual coward that spends her time browsing threads where people kick around ontological theories without EVER having the balls to post you own.

Get the fuck over yourself. You're the most classic case of projecting ever invented. You point out minutia out of people's posts to harp at and then call them know it alls. You're the know it all, dickhead.

fyi sealy was obviously referring to what the bible says, your post #1264 was just another random example of you just being a dick to be a dick, not here to advance anything.

And last - I've watched tons of god debates, it's not that hard when you work from a desk.

You want to know why I don't post my theories? Because you wouldn't understand the math behind them, oh he who is smarter than the village idiot yet is always losing arguments to him.

As for your claim that sealy was onviosuly referring to what the Bible says I am sure you can supply the actual reference to the scripture he used to support his claim. If, on the other hand, you are as stupid as he is, you will come up just as short as he did.

I will await your revelation of where the Bible says that God is perfect and has no need of worship, as soon as I stop laughing.
I'm smarter than you are, so your insults are GREAT!

Keep them coming, ass hole.

You're the intellectual coward that spends her time browsing threads where people kick around ontological theories without EVER having the balls to post you own.

Get the fuck over yourself. You're the most classic case of projecting ever invented. You point out minutia out of people's posts to harp at and then call them know it alls. You're the know it all, dickhead.

fyi sealy was obviously referring to what the bible says, your post #1264 was just another random example of you just being a dick to be a dick, not here to advance anything.

And last - I've watched tons of god debates, it's not that hard when you work from a desk.

You want to know why I don't post my theories? Because you wouldn't understand the math behind them, oh he who is smarter than the village idiot yet is always losing arguments to him.

As for your claim that sealy was onviosuly referring to what the Bible says I am sure you can supply the actual reference to the scripture he used to support his claim. If, on the other hand, you are as stupid as he is, you will come up just as short as he did.

I will await your revelation of where the Bible says that God is perfect and has no need of worship, as soon as I stop laughing.

You have no theories, you're a contrarian with a stick up his ass, and not as smart as you think you are.
Einstein could write the theory of relativity on here for the first time it's ever been presented if the time tables were rearranged in life's history, and quantum douchebag would be in here arguing that he spelled a word or two wrong.

Inconsequential nit pickey douchebaggery, is 99% of your posts. Go argue minutia someplace else, you're too big for your britches.

Newsflash, I don't read German, so if he presented it here for the first time I would have no idea whether or not he spelled a word wrong. If I were to quibble over the spelling I would have to take it up with M. N. Sana and S. H, Bowe, the tow people who original translated his work, not Einstein.

By the way, the reason I know this is because I actually read the theory, which was initially described by Galileo.

If only you were half as smart as you think you are so that you could these avoid stupid mistakes.
You have no theories, you're a contrarian with a stick up his ass, and not as smart as you think you are.

I am the village idiot, remember? That means I think I am really stupid, yet , somehow, I keep trashing you in arguments.
Einstein could write the theory of relativity on here for the first time it's ever been presented if the time tables were rearranged in life's history, and quantum douchebag would be in here arguing that he spelled a word or two wrong.

Inconsequential nit pickey douchebaggery, is 99% of your posts. Go argue minutia someplace else, you're too big for your britches.

Newsflash, I don't read German, s.

damn, you really hammered home my point for me.
You have no theories, you're a contrarian with a stick up his ass, and not as smart as you think you are.

I am the village idiot, remember? That means I think I am really stupid, yet , somehow, I keep trashing you in arguments.

In your own mind, you can do ANYthing!

You should rewrite the theme song of a reading rainbow and theme it after yourself.
No being that is perfect would need to be worshipped! I love that!!!

Maybe that is why God doesn't come down, prove His existence to you, and demand that you worship him.

See why you you are an idiot yet?

Not yet.

See, if there was a generic "GOD" or "creator, we'd be able to see him. He would have no reason to hide and in fact he wouldn't be able to hide from us. If he existed he would be obvious.

When I say a god I mean something that created us.

When THEISTS refer to God they refer to one that sat around and intelligently designed us with a purpose and a god that cares and created a heaven and a hell for us and listens to your prayers. He tempted Adam & Eve, drowned everyone but Noah and fucked Mary. This god is completely man made.
It really doesn't seem hard to believe in gods. They're as real as any of us. But if one of them is boasting that it created the universe, my bullshit sensor goes into overload.
It really doesn't seem hard to believe in gods. They're as real as any of us. But if one of them is boasting that it created the universe, my bullshit sensor goes into overload.
Well then all we have is a matter of how each person defines who/what God, or A God, is then and the entire discussion is kind of moot before those definitions are all established, ya know?
or the underlying bias to the argument that the bible is relevant to whether or not God exists as a proxy in establishing a means for the Admission to the Everlasting.

It really doesn't seem hard to believe in gods. They're as real as any of us. But if one of them is boasting that it created the universe, my bullshit sensor goes into overload.
Well then all we have is a matter of how each person defines who/what God, or A God, is then and the entire discussion is kind of moot before those definitions are all established, ya know?

Indeed. Methinks some gods suffer from delusions of grandeur.
Well I thought you believed in free will but that God wouldn't be completely omniscient in some sense because we couldn't have free will if He was. That suggested to me that you would be going on the way we commonly experience time, past, present, future, nothing heavy duty. But I admit that I apparently still don't really understand why you see it that way then. I'm not talking about God in the philosophical sense as the idea that He exists in the eternal now and is the God of infinite possibilities is biblical, though I suppose some philosophers have inferred that from thought. I don't know. But the only persons I know who have rejected this biblical understanding of God are philosophes for the reason I thought you were expressing. I think there's a misunderstanding here. There are things that can be known about God from the general revelation or from the creation itself through thought without the Bible. The Bible tells us this and even tells us what those things are. Philosophers have seen these things too. I've got no use for the things some have "seen" past these universals. Every philosopher I've looked at gets some if not most of these universals right and then go off and start making all kinds of claims that in my opinion don't follow and definitely aren't biblical.

Never fall into the trap of thinking you know what other people believe unless they express that belief.

I have no idea how we experience time. Many people believe we see it is linear, yet people often have an experience we call a flashback were they experience a past event in the present. Do they experience time differently than other people? How can anyone be sure of the answer to that question?

By the way, if you want to learn about the omniscience of God I suggest you clollect all the verses in the Bible that contradict our concept of God as all knowing and figure out how to reconcile them with your view that God knows everything. Like I said before, the omniscient, omnipotent, perfect, and ever present God most people understand is entirely a product of philosophy.

If you want to know what is most likely just ask an agnostic atheist who is also a scientist. You'll get the most logical/rational/probable answer.
or the underlying bias to the argument that the bible is relevant to whether or not God exists as a proxy in establishing a means for the Admission to the Everlasting.


I think it is funny/odd that when we point to your pedophile priests or horrible members you say don't judge the religion by the people that represent it.

Now you seem to be saying that it is irrelevant if all the organized religions are made up.

I'm saying if your priests are liars and your religions are all made up, what argument do you have for their being a god?

I don't mind people who believe in generic god. I'm just saying it is very important that all the 1000 religions that have come and gone have been all made up. Means maybe we made up the entire concept of god to begin with. Seems that way.

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