Is there really white privilege?

You’re down to calling hats white privilege. Holy shit you’re a loon. And a racist loon at that.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Why did he have a "no hat" rule, but then only applied it to black customers?
How do you know it was only for black customers? Just because you’re white? That’s pretty arrogant. Maybe the policy was there for sideways ball caps with stupid shit printed on them. Maybe it didn’t really apply to fedoras. Did you see a black man in a fedora told to take it off?

Do you see how pathetic your racism claims are becoming?
It hasn't been there for me. Everything I have ever gotten, has been because I had to work for it.

Wow.. check your privilege, buddy.

There is no white privilege, the entire concept has become asinine in the extreme. Most of this is more of a class privilege than anything. The proof is in the fact that no one can point to any actual policy anywhere that privileges white people but rather just vague allusions to such privilege. Interestingly enough, I can point to SPECIFIC and CONCRETE policies that do actually codify racist policies against white and asian people.

Of course race and class privilege are linked, dummy. But you hear the story of the Black Professional who still gets pulled over by the cops who figures if he isn't driving anything other than a beater, he probably stole it.
Wow.. check your privilege, buddy.

Just did. Doesn't exist. Moving on.

Of course race and class privilege are linked, dummy.

Of course race and class privilege are not linked, dummy. If they were, how the heck did a bar tender, who thinks the world will end in 11 years, and that you can "spend a tax cut" on schools, can end up in the congress of the most powerful country in the world?

How do you explain Clarence Thomas, or Chris Gardner, or Denzel Washington, end up wealthy or in the highest positions in the land... if race and class are linked?

No connection between the two at all.

But you hear the story of the Black Professional who still gets pulled over by the cops who figures if he isn't driving anything other than a beater, he probably stole it.

I've been pulled over multiple times. Guess they have a bias against overweight white guys.
No. I treat them differently because they are individual people. One might be an asshole, one may be too fucking chipper.

Which has nothing to do with how they should be treated professionally.
What you want is to treat one race better than the others.

No, I want to treat every race the same. The problem is, whites have all sorts of privilege in how they are treated by law enforcement, employers, business owners, etc. And as I said, a lot of it was subtle. I'm sure if my boss had it explained to him how racist his lunch preferences were, he'd have been horrified. (This man once said, "perception is reality" in a meeting about an unrelated matter.).

I don't want to say this was even a bad boss. (In fact, a lot of stuff he did at the beginning of his role was laudible. By 2012, he just stopped giving a shit.)

I'll give you another example. I went into a convieince store, and saw a sign that read, "No Hats allowed in Store", so I immediately took off my hat. (I normally wear a fedora, it's kind of personal style thing. Also, I'm bald.) The owner said, "No, that doesn't apply to you!"

You’re insisting I treat every black person like I would my best friend and that’s not going to happen. Ever.

No one said you should. You should treat them with respect, you should give them the same professional courtesy that you'd give a white person.

I'll give you another example. I went into a convieince store, and saw a sign that read, "No Hats allowed in Store", so I immediately took off my hat. (I normally wear a fedora, it's kind of personal style thing. Also, I'm bald.) The owner said, "No, that doesn't apply to you!"

First off, you don't know who that applies to at all. Did you see him harassing any customers over it?

Maybe he said that, because he saw that you were bald, and was trying to be considerate to you.

Maybe he had shop lifters putting stuff under their hat, and walking out.

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You don't know why he had that sign there. You are just making up judgements on other people you don't know.

I had this all the way back in college. We had a black lady in my class, and the teacher was talking about unconscious racism. The black lady perked up that she saw racism constantly. Every time she got on an elevator, if there was someone on the elevator, they would clutch their bags or belonging closer, because.... she was black... and black people steal.

A month after that, I got on an elevator, and it stopped at the next floor, and a super attractive bomb shell white girl got on the elevator. Immediately I moved to the left, and clutched my stuff closer.

Holy crap! I have unconscious racism against beautiful white chicks! And I'm a Christian! I need to pray and repent of my evil to the Lord! I remember right there in the elevator laughing. That chick likely thought I was a mental patient, or something. It would have been embarrassing if it wasn't so funny remembering that black lady saying clutching your stuff closer when someone gets on the elevator with you, means you are racist.

You don't know if that man was racists or not. Maybe he was. We don't know. But when you have the mental illness of an ideology that believes everything is racists, you'll find racism everywhere. You'll find racism at the super market, at an elevator, at school, everywhere.

If you believe that crap, you'll see racism every single places you look. It's just like those people who believe they faked the lunar landings.

Have you ever wondered why those people who believe the Lunar landings were faked, also believe in 50 other insane conspiracy theories? It wasn't enough to just believe in one conspiracy, so now there's 50 more. Why is that?

It's the same reason people with the racism ideology, see racism everywhere. You know NOTHING about that man, or what motivated that sign, or who it does or does not apply to. Or why he waved that rule for you.

But because you have this mental illness of left-wing race based ideology... here you are, making a claim based on pure and complete ignorance, that it was racism.
No. I treat them differently because they are individual people. One might be an asshole, one may be too fucking chipper.

Which has nothing to do with how they should be treated professionally.
What you want is to treat one race better than the others.

No, I want to treat every race the same. The problem is, whites have all sorts of privilege in how they are treated by law enforcement, employers, business owners, etc. And as I said, a lot of it was subtle. I'm sure if my boss had it explained to him how racist his lunch preferences were, he'd have been horrified. (This man once said, "perception is reality" in a meeting about an unrelated matter.).

I don't want to say this was even a bad boss. (In fact, a lot of stuff he did at the beginning of his role was laudible. By 2012, he just stopped giving a shit.)

I'll give you another example. I went into a convieince store, and saw a sign that read, "No Hats allowed in Store", so I immediately took off my hat. (I normally wear a fedora, it's kind of personal style thing. Also, I'm bald.) The owner said, "No, that doesn't apply to you!"

You’re insisting I treat every black person like I would my best friend and that’s not going to happen. Ever.

No one said you should. You should treat them with respect, you should give them the same professional courtesy that you'd give a white person.

I'll give you another example. I went into a convieince store, and saw a sign that read, "No Hats allowed in Store", so I immediately took off my hat. (I normally wear a fedora, it's kind of personal style thing. Also, I'm bald.) The owner said, "No, that doesn't apply to you!"

First off, you don't know who that applies to at all. Did you see him harassing any customers over it?

Maybe he said that, because he saw that you were bald, and was trying to be considerate to you.

Maybe he had shop lifters putting stuff under their hat, and walking out.

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You don't know why he had that sign there. You are just making up judgements on other people you don't know.

I had this all the way back in college. We had a black lady in my class, and the teacher was talking about unconscious racism. The black lady perked up that she saw racism constantly. Every time she got on an elevator, if there was someone on the elevator, they would clutch their bags or belonging closer, because.... she was black... and black people steal.

A month after that, I got on an elevator, and it stopped at the next floor, and a super attractive bomb shell white girl got on the elevator. Immediately I moved to the left, and clutched my stuff closer.

Holy crap! I have unconscious racism against beautiful white chicks! And I'm a Christian! I need to pray and repent of my evil to the Lord! I remember right there in the elevator laughing. That chick likely thought I was a mental patient, or something. It would have been embarrassing if it wasn't so funny remembering that black lady saying clutching your stuff closer when someone gets on the elevator with you, means you are racist.

You don't know if that man was racists or not. Maybe he was. We don't know. But when you have the mental illness of an ideology that believes everything is racists, you'll find racism everywhere. You'll find racism at the super market, at an elevator, at school, everywhere.

If you believe that crap, you'll see racism every single places you look. It's just like those people who believe they faked the lunar landings.

Have you ever wondered why those people who believe the Lunar landings were faked, also believe in 50 other insane conspiracy theories? It wasn't enough to just believe in one conspiracy, so now there's 50 more. Why is that?

It's the same reason people with the racism ideology, see racism everywhere. You know NOTHING about that man, or what motivated that sign, or who it does or does not apply to. Or why he waved that rule for you.

But because you have this mental illness of left-wing race based ideology... here you are, making a claim based on pure and complete ignorance, that it was racism.
Well said.
How do you know it was only for black customers? Just because you’re white? That’s pretty arrogant. Maybe the policy was there for sideways ball caps with stupid shit printed on them. Maybe it didn’t really apply to fedoras. Did you see a black man in a fedora told to take it off?

Next you'll be arguing victims of lynchings had it coming.

We knew EXACTLY why he had the policy. It was so that you could see the faces of people who were potential shoplifters...
First off, you don't know who that applies to at all. Did you see him harassing any customers over it?


Maybe he said that, because he saw that you were bald, and was trying to be considerate to you.

How would he have known I was bald before I took my hat off?

Maybe he had shop lifters putting stuff under their hat, and walking out.

Under their hats? Really.


I had this all the way back in college. We had a black lady in my class, and the teacher was talking about unconscious racism. The black lady perked up that she saw racism constantly. Every time she got on an elevator, if there was someone on the elevator, they would clutch their bags or belonging closer, because.... she was black... and black people steal.

A month after that, I got on an elevator, and it stopped at the next floor, and a super attractive bomb shell white girl got on the elevator. Immediately I moved to the left, and clutched my stuff closer.

Okay, by your own admission, you did it ONE TIME, and only after thinking about it. She said she saw this EVERY TIME she got on an elevator. (Also, what "stuff" did you have to clutch closer?)

You don't know if that man was racists or not. Maybe he was. We don't know. But when you have the mental illness of an ideology that believes everything is racists, you'll find racism everywhere. You'll find racism at the super market, at an elevator, at school, everywhere.

Uh, yeah, actually, I could. You don't have too look far to find racism in this country, it's written into the founding documents.

Have you ever wondered why those people who believe the Lunar landings were faked, also believe in 50 other insane conspiracy theories? It wasn't enough to just believe in one conspiracy, so now there's 50 more. Why is that?

I wouldn't know. The problem with most conspiracy theories is that they can be taken apart by Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is usually the right one.

The simplest explanation for a store owner who harasses his black customers but gives a pass to his white ones is racism.
I’ve been wondering about this since the entire white privilege thing started. Kinda looking around for it. If I had it at all it sure as hell wasn't helping me. Im still looking for it. Has anyone actually found their white privilege?

Most Americans are post-racial. These race fanatics are trying to take us backwards.

DOING THE INNER WORK OF ANTI-RACISM“: Teaching about anti-racism in a state university Intro to Communications class is one thing. Telling students they have to do “inner work” on their beliefs as college classwork sounds a lot more like thought reform than education. If you can’t make a grammar school kid say the Pledge of Allegiance during World War II, there’s no way a professor can mandate psychological therapy for his or her adult students.


It's a violation of the students rights, and this needs to be taken to court.
There sure is Black privilege. If you're Black you can break laws and become a martyr by getting your name on pro football helmets. You can shake down corporations. You don't have to speak English. You can make up names for your children like "Shaquifaniqua, Bonarooboo, Leroynapatutu.
I’ve been wondering about this since the entire white privilege thing started. Kinda looking around for it. If I had it at all it sure as hell wasn't helping me. Im still looking for it. Has anyone actually found their white privilege?

You have Antifa/BLM burning cities, looting, committing assaults and you have the media gaslighting that the "real problem" is something else.

The Gaslighting continues

VANDERBILT COURSE PENALIZES STUDENTS WHO DON’T SEE CONSTITUTION AS RACIST: It’s the largest course ever offered on the Nashville campus, but Campus Reform reports students are penalized who answered “no” to question asking if the Constitution is a tool of white supremacy.
You have Antifa/BLM burning cities, looting, committing assaults and you have the media gaslighting that the "real problem" is something else.

The Gaslighting continues

VANDERBILT COURSE PENALIZES STUDENTS WHO DON’T SEE CONSTITUTION AS RACIST: It’s the largest course ever offered on the Nashville campus, but Campus Reform reports students are penalized who answered “no” to question asking if the Constitution is a tool of white supremacy.

Um, the Constitution counted blacks as 3/5th of a white person. Yes, the constitution is racist.
One cannot argue diversity has strengthened this nation. I was born here to two swedish parents who were born here that makes us Swedish americans.
Mike at least you paid more than the two candidates(barely) who are afraid to pay a dollar. There ARE two american sets of rules. And I'm supposed to accept it.
Mike at least you paid more than the two candidates(barely) who are afraid to pay a dollar. There ARE two american sets of rules. And I'm supposed to accept it.
I don’t blame anyone for not paying more taxes than the law allows to keep out of jail. It’s what I do.

My problem with the left is they claim the rich are going to pay for all your free shit. In the mean time the rich pay as little as legally possible. So how the fuck is that going to work out.
I’ve been wondering about this since the entire white privilege thing started. Kinda looking around for it. If I had it at all it sure as hell wasn't helping me. Im still looking for it. Has anyone actually found their white privilege?

Apparently I have the white privilege of paying the left's fair share of the f'ing taxes.
Rapey Slandering Joe says that poor kids are just as smart as white kids.
I don't want the rich's money they aren't my friends or people I care about. But the fact that laws are written for them to take advantage of while the real hard workers who make low wages pay more? That's wrong.
Have you ever gone to a McDonald's and destroyed the place because your chicken nuggets were cold? Black privilege.

Have you ever been in a park and knew you could scream racism for raping and stabbing the pretty blonde jogger? Black privilege.
Have you ever left your Iphone in an Uber and tackled a black kid because he MUST have stolen it?

White Privilege
I’ve been wondering about this since the entire white privilege thing started. Kinda looking around for it. If I had it at all it sure as hell wasn't helping me. Im still looking for it. Has anyone actually found their white privilege?

Have you ever walked into a store and not been followed by security because they thought you might steal something?

White privilege.

Been pulled over and not had your car searched?

White privilege.

And so on.
Let me get this straight....are you saying there’s some sort of stereotype for people who look like this? NO WAY....That’s so weird.

Have you ever gone to a McDonald's and destroyed the place because your chicken nuggets were cold? Black privilege.

Have you ever been in a park and knew you could scream racism for raping and stabbing the pretty blonde jogger? Black privilege.
Have you ever left your Iphone in an Uber and tackled a black kid because he MUST have stolen it?

White Privilege

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