Is this a Conspiracy Topic? UFO's

Fascinating to listen to. Is it all bogus, or does this guy know stuff WE don't?

Dr. Garry Nolan gets political about UFOs​

27,466 views Premiered Dec 2, 2022
"Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis' biggest donor is Robert Bigalow, a billionaire with a passion for UFOs’. Not only is Bigalow supporting DeSantis but along with spending over $50 million to support other republicans.

What happens when the UAP topic becomes political? And will candidates exploit the UAP narrative for their own capital gain?

Dr. Garry Nolan, entrepreneur, inventor and a University of Stanford Professor in Pathology joins me to discuss his thoughts around the UAP topic going political, along with his work on finding physical evidence of an area in the brain where an individual’s intuitive capabilities could potentially be located. "

Area 51 Airline? | JANET: The Secret Government Airline That Doesn't Exist​

"JANET AIRLINES. Heard of Janet Airlines? No? Good. That's exactly what the US government wants. One of the government's biggest secrets is hiding in plain sight.
In Las Vegas.Janet is the top-secret government airline that doesn't exist.

Next time you're in Vegas, visit one of the big casinos next to McCarran Airport. I'm talking about Luxor, Excalibur, Mandalay Bay. When you get there, look East at the airport.

All day long, but especially early in the morning and late in the evening; you'll see mysterious planes taking off and landing. You can't miss them. They're big. They're Boeing 737s. They have no markings. No logos. They're plain white with a single red stripe. This is Janet Airlines.

Janet is a top-secret, air-force owned commuter airline. For civilians.But the destination Janet goes to the most - I'm talking a few times a day- is... Area 51.Let's find out why."

UFOs are now officially UAP and of course the subject is 100% factual because there are Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and with literally millions of sightings all over the planet, and , in modern times , say from 1940 onwards.
The more interesting questions are whether any of these are :-
1. Manned craft or not .
2. Craft from outside of this planet .
3.Craft from this planet but not created by us as a species .
4.Craft from this planet that have come from out of so called secret Black Ops handled solely by our species, and almost certainly from reverse engineering of crashed UAPs
5.As previous, but with direct co-operation with extra terrestrials .

Dr Stephen Greer is the foremost investigator , although I believe Jacques Vallee to be even better informed though he is not as widely generally known .

When you have absorbed all of the information available --- years and years of required research, you will not think in terms of Conspiracy .
The chances are that for all five question areas the evidence all points to the same overall conclusion with about 99.99% certainty . But imho .
However, misinformation , misdirection and outright lies are staple diet as most Governments have no clear information and Disclosure strategy -- Chile is an exception .
The moment you start letting the Sheeple know the truth , you lose control over them and the existing wealth elite lose their power and money .
If only because a different form of propulsion -- anti gravity being the most likely , would change this planet forever in just about every area imaginable.

Lots of sceptics but 99.99% of them have little to no subject knowledge and/or are 100% generally Cognitively Rigid ( a mental illness condition) and/or have existing belief systems which they regard as 100% incompatible with belief in UAPs that are manned and where off - world beings are involved .

Stephen Greer is all about Disclosure which is such a delicate and complex matter .
Particularly if and when you then move to the next level and you suggest that the underlying force behind matters are Space Aliens who direct and manipulate what we label Deep State as their prime Earth asset .
That is a huge step too far for nearly everybody to take on board though I am not in the least embarrased to admit that it is something that I believe in with at least a judged 95% + certainty .
Others believe in Trump or vaccines or climate change or a Christian type God . Most of us are consumed with our belief systems but in not too damaging ways to self and others .
My belief is academic to the extent that I am unlikely to see full Disclosure in this life . Though definitely next time around . imho .

Fascinating to listen to. Is it all bogus, or does this guy know stuff WE don't?

Ok. Let’s get serious for a moment. The technology needed to cross the unimaginably vast distances in space is unbelievable. The nearest equivalent to this would be something like a modern navy taking on the Mary Rose, the first “warship” designed to be such.

That would be a bad example of the sort of technological unequaled situation we would be in. The Aliens would have us out classed in every category.

Now assuming that the Aliens are anything like us, they would show up and announce. “Hi. We own you.”

And there would literally be nothing we could do to stop them. Our resistance wouldn’t last a day. Think for a moment. They could fling Asteroids in from the Belt and smash everything in a few hours of terror.

So do I believe Aliens exist? Yes. Do I think trying to communicate with them is smart? No. I think our messages will be interpreted as “we are crunchy and taste good with catsup”.
The Aliens would have us out classed in every category.

I think our messages will be interpreted as “we are crunchy and taste good with catsup”.
Your first point seems likely to be true except in one possible area .
That there is something in our blood ( the adrenochrome type of factor) , or, our DNA , which they value even more than just using us or snacking on us .

There are quite a few RVs and Woo Travellers in Hyper Space who watch them in general terms and also are aware that they are well aware we have some information about them .
Of course this is a million miles too crazy for Normies and of zero interest to Sheeple who are quite hapopy with Universe just if the weather is OK and they have enough food to eat .

And then there is the group ( not nerds and stupids ) who believe that there is existing co-operation and interaction already which is mainly handled through the Secret Space Force , and as implicated , for example , by the McKinnon revelations etc

Follow Clif High for more, or , if any of this appeals--- regardless of what you then choose to believe or find absurd .
Even if Clif is the most schizoid person or a deliberate insert , he is without any doubt the cleverest individual and most interesting that I have ever found .Well worth the time and effort .

And he "promises" via his predictive linguistic data sets that much will be definitively answered within the next five months .
If so , it will upend our planet perhaps beyond imagination .
And if I am about right about his cleverness it would be the height of stupidity to effectively condemn yourself to becoming a 100% laughing stock just because you felt compelled to go public with material that invites and guarantees ridicule unless all promises are met .
All imho .
P.S . Despite rumours I have no Reptilian connections
Your first point seems likely to be true except in one possible area .
That there is something in our blood ( the adrenochrome type of factor) , or, our DNA , which they value even more than just using us or snacking on us .

There are quite a few RVs and Woo Travellers in Hyper Space who watch them in general terms and also are aware that they are well aware we have some information about them .
Of course this is a million miles too crazy for Normies and of zero interest to Sheeple who are quite hapopy with Universe just if the weather is OK and they have enough food to eat .

And then there is the group ( not nerds and stupids ) who believe that there is existing co-operation and interaction already which is mainly handled through the Secret Space Force , and as implicated , for example , by the McKinnon revelations etc

Follow Clif High for more, or , if any of this appeals--- regardless of what you then choose to believe or find absurd .
Even if Clif is the most schizoid person or a deliberate insert , he is without any doubt the cleverest individual and most interesting that I have ever found .Well worth the time and effort .

And he "promises" via his predictive linguistic data sets that much will be definitively answered within the next five months .
If so , it will upend our planet perhaps beyond imagination .
And if I am about right about his cleverness it would be the height of stupidity to effectively condemn yourself to becoming a 100% laughing stock just because you felt compelled to go public with material that invites and guarantees ridicule unless all promises are met .
All imho .
P.S . Despite rumours I have no Reptilian connections

Human history has been a long progression of hi. We own you. Moments. It is the nature of nature.

If we had something Aliens wanted they could easily show up and just take it. The same way a robber shows up and takes cash from the register.

Let’s use the Kardashasn scale.


That rates civilizations based upon energy manipulation. In other words how much potential energy they can use. The scale starts at zero when a civilization learns to tame fire.

To reach a score of 1 on the scale you have to be able to be able to manage the power potential of a planet. We can’t do that. We are about a .72 on the scale right now.

To reach a 2 on the scale you have to manage the potential energy of a Star System.

Now why is that important? Because if you look at the methods we have calculated to travel faster than light, a requirement for interstellar travel, it requires massive amounts of power. We are talking about obscene levels of power. Remember the outrageous amount of power from the movie Back to the Future? That wouldn’t be enough to even get the spark going on these engines.

One method requires the power equivalent of a Small Nova. Yeah. An exploding star would be needed to create a stable wormhole.

So let’s say that our Aliens arrive using a variation of the Alcubierre Warp Drive method. Nuclear power isn’t enough to even get that system started. Antimatter isn’t enough. You have to either have Stellar Material thrown off from a Nova, or be able to simulate or mimic the effects.

The earliest we can hope to reach that is realistically about 1.25 on the Kardashev scale. Remember we are .72 now.

With that sort of technology a single alien ship with a couple scouts could conquer our planet in a day. Anything we had that they wanted would be easier than taking candy from a baby.

In the 1970’s we launched Voyager 1 and 2. They have left the Solar System. They are so far out that it literally takes 18 hours for the radio signal to reach us. Eighteen hours. With the radio waves traveling at 186,000 miles a second. And that is merely dipping our toes in the Cosmic ocean. And it has taken most of my life for those probes to travel that far.

If we could travel at the incredible speed of .1 light it would take us 180 hours to get to where Voyager is now. Or just to leave the solar system.

So let’s be honest. If Aliens were here, they would own us lock, stock, and barrel.
Excellent to have considered replies .
With respect , I believe you ( SM ) are trying to Problem Solve in an unproductive way .
After you have looked at the Alien Hypothesis and taken note of its support evidence -- however meagre -- you should not just be framing a response that only uses hypotheses based on this planet's physics .
You need to also work from inferences that might be possible but outside of present physics support by us right now

So , for example , you must not gloss over Alien existence by simply saying that they could overpower us in minutes due to an infinitely superior technological background . Because they have not . Or so we assume !!
Rather , you ask , what circumstance(s) could stop Aliens doing precisely that despite those techno differences .
Very different .
Now supposing Aliens cannot survive on this planet because of something very simple -- say , germs /bacteria .
And the only way they can stay here is by constructing artificial safe areas, suited to their functioning . We might call them Gardens as per the "Garden " of Eden . And there is that suggestion that the correct translation of the original language ( Hebrew?) is very different from the one given in Genesis as "Garden" ..

After that we might have to also seriously look at entities that can use other dimensions to the four we understand .
We know that Quantum theory posits ten dimensions and to date this theory has been repeatedly confirmed in innumerable experiments.
It is a damn fine Hypothesis .

However , that route cannot be further developed now , by definition , as we have zero understanding of it in any detail whatsoever .
Just the fact of ten dimensions but zilch in addition .
Perhaps similar to reporting the hard existence of a star system 1000 light years away but not having one other available fact about it .
But that of course does not negate the existence of the star system .

Interesting though this subject is , I am not clear that it can be usefully progressed further .
But as Clif has "promised" us some answers to the types of questions we are looking at within the next five months , I am happy to place the file in the Pending Tray , marked for Summer '24 review .
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Our empirical concepts seem rather constrained, ergo elicits >>>>


For those that can run with the metaphor....

Imagine those same aforementioned subcultures discovering fire

They could easily be seen as burning them selves to the ground in their fledgling ineptitude and ignorance....


Excellent to have considered replies .
With respect , I believe you ( SM ) are trying to Problem Solve in an unproductive way .
After you have looked at the Alien Hypothesis and taken note of its support evidence -- however meagre -- you should not just be framing a response that only uses hypotheses based on this planet's physics .
You need to also work from inferences that might be possible but outside of present physics support by us right now

So , for example , you must not gloss over Alien existence by simply saying that they could overpower us in minutes due to an infinitely superior technological background . Because they have not . Or so we assume !!
Rather , you ask , what circumstance(s) could stop Aliens doing precisely that despite those techno differences .
Very different .
Now supposing Aliens cannot survive on this planet because of something very simple -- say , germs /bacteria .
And the only way they can stay here is by constructing artificial safe areas, suited to their functioning . We might call them Gardens as per the "Garden " of Eden . And there is that suggestion that the correct translation of the original language ( Hebrew?) is very different from the one given in Genesis as "Garden" ..

After that we might have to also seriously look at entities that can use other dimensions to the four we understand .
We know that Quantum theory posits ten dimensions and to date this theory has been repeatedly confirmed in innumerable experiments.
It is a damn fine Hypothesis .

However , that route cannot be further developed now , by definition , as we have zero understanding of it in any detail whatsoever .
Just the fact of ten dimensions but zilch in addition .
Perhaps similar to reporting the hard existence of a star system 1000 light years away but not having one other available fact about it .
But that of course does not negate the existence of the star system .

Interesting though this subject is , I am not clear that it can be usefully progressed further .
But as Clif has "promised" us some answers to the types of questions we are looking at within the next five months , I am happy to place the file in the Pending Tray , marked for Summer '24 review .

I blame Hollywood. A movie where Humanity is stomped out of existence by the Baddies just isn’t going to be made. It won’t do well at the box office. A few authors have written such books, but not many. Usually it is the plucky humans manage to surprise the galaxy and come out on top. See Independence Day as one example.

In the 1500’s Christopher Columbus told the Carib Indians they were now slaves. The Carib Indians committed mass suicide. Columbus showed them resistance was futile. They were to be slaves.

China conquered almost all of Asia. African tribes made war and took slaves of weaker tribes.

But it isn’t just Humans. In my yard every year a battle is fought. Plants fight for space and dominance. Insects fight for territory and wipe out weaker species. Animals fight for territory and dominance. In every living example on Earth you see the same fight for dominance.

Humans have fought to control spices, routes of passage, sugar, gold, slaves, and the list is almost endless.

There are a couple options in considering the Universe. Perhaps Earth is wildly different and somehow other planets evolved without the evolutionary battles. Possible. But unlikely. Evolution is a messy way to get to the point of sentience. There are fits and starts. Offshore that don’t make it. Adjustments that end up being dominant.

The most likely scenario is that Earth is far too similar to the cosmos. And any sentient life had a similar story of furious battles for survival. Overcoming environmental and other species for dominance. Survival.
Cannot see your video ( post 17 because of an uploader's decision ), Sparky .

Trivial perhaps , but although they are making it very hard to find via Search , UAPs were reported flying near to the Space X Rocket the other day . Many witnesses .
This is reported almost every time a rocket is launched .
MSM hardly ever mention it .

Naturally an anonymous expert will claim any number of other fatuous explanation as the true cause, but you do not have to be very bright to see what obvious crap they use to try and deceive . Air Force and NASA comments can be be ignored for obvious reasons .

Also the numerous incidents surrounding military bases and / or missile storage and launch facilities.
Many have reported command instruments being taken over for a short time with authorities wetting their trousers in some very well reported incidents as official codes were used and control was lost until seconds before zero -- then everything returned to normal and the craft disappeared having left a very clear message .

Fascinating and strangely reassuring if you accept the reports at face value
well folks? I know them? they have followed me since I was a little girl! I've talked to them! if i told you- you would all laugh... no idea why they visited me. :auiqs.jpg:
There are a couple options in considering the Universe. Perhaps Earth is wildly different and somehow other planets evolved without the evolutionary battles. Possible. But unlikely. Evolution is a messy way to get to the point of sentience. There are fits and starts. Offshore that don’t make it. Adjustments that end up being dominant.
I am assured that there are archeological finds showing pre history tribe results in defined time periods where there is zero evidence of wars or anything resembling fighting or violence .
Indeed .
This perhaps can be explained if visitors have the ability to regulate and control energy frequencies across the spectrum that actually reach our planet and affect us / ancestors etc .
Allow for considered speculation

However , this is my favourite bedtime story :- when you look at the evidence for the moon being artificial and towed here . To experiment with us by altering frequencies to examine resulting changes .
Loopy Lu .

Oh Yes . The evidence is really intriguing but far too way- out for popular inspection , let alone for the mostly Numpities who inhabit this site .

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