Is this guy thinking of Democrats?


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015

This guy accuses Republicans of hatred of free speech, submitting to bullies, disrespecting tax payers and hating the democratic process.

Is he talking about democrats or Republicans? This guy seems whacked out on dope. Republicans love free speech, they love elections, they ways stand up for what is right, and they are always looking out for the best interest of taxpayers.
Republicans love free speech as long as they agree with it. See: De Santis, Florida, Disney. Republicans love elections as long as they win. See: Trump, Donald J. "rigged elections". Republicans stand up for what they believe is right, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

The fact is, both ends of the political spectrum impulsively move towards authoritarianism when things don't go their way. The country would be far better off if our wingers would stop pointing the finger at the other and just get over themselves. Maybe find another hobby.


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