Is this REALLY what you believe???

If they really loved America, they would want to see obama out of office. Liberal democrats are remaking this country into a country that does not deserve love or even respect. It's people are being reduced from pride and integrity to less than animals. obama was at the helm, in the driver's seat.
I hate Marxism that killed more people than all the wars of the past 200 years within the 20th century. For what? Why can't people be left the hell alone.

You know that this statement obviously is not correct right?

You may hate marxism, but at least state the reason for it a little clearer or name actual fact. Marxism (or it's leaders) killed a lot of people, that is wrong, but at least name the real reason and not some made up one.
Do I feel that all Conservatives feel this way? No. But I do think that the folks that do feel that way are driving the Conservative movement.

Let's put it this way.... I see a lot of hate speech on here, but when called out, they say it's about fiscal responsibility. Hell, one of the easiest things they tend to do is assume(without fail) that Progressives are welfare bums. I've been accused of it repeatedly, even though I've explained at least 100 times that I've never used unemployment or welfare and that I've been working since I turned 14(now 46). Funny how they usually play that card right after someone debunks something that they posted.

Like I said... I don't think they are all like that. But the people that drive the bus...the Kochs, the AM radio crowd, etc....they do. It's a known fact that the Koch Brothers' father was one of the founding members of the John Birch Society and it seems the apples didn't fall too far from the tree.

I ask the Conservatives on this board to use the link provided in the OP and read it, maybe even print it out. Then compare it to the posts on the MB. I mean... obviously this guy is angry, so his/her words are pretty harsh... but the elements that the author mentions happen here quite often.
Do I feel that all Conservatives feel this way? No. But I do think that the folks that do feel that way are driving the Conservative movement.

Let's put it this way.... I see a lot of hate speech on here, but when called out, they say it's about fiscal responsibility. Hell, one of the easiest things they tend to do is assume(without fail) that Progressives are welfare bums. I've been accused of it repeatedly, even though I've explained at least 100 times that I've never used unemployment or welfare and that I've been working since I turned 14(now 46). Funny how they usually play that card right after someone debunks something that they posted.

Like I said... I don't think they are all like that. But the people that drive the bus...the Kochs, the AM radio crowd, etc....they do. It's a known fact that the Koch Brothers' father was one of the founding members of the John Birch Society and it seems the apples didn't fall too far from the tree.

I ask the Conservatives on this board to use the link provided in the OP and read it, maybe even print it out. Then compare it to the posts on the MB. I mean... obviously this guy is angry, so his/her words are pretty harsh... but the elements that the author mentions happen here quite often.

Your 'feelings' are yours. That does not make them reality. I have yet to meet a Conservative who 'hates' Obama. Of course, there are a few raving right wing nutters on this board, but most Conservatives here do not 'hate' Obama.

And, the irrational 'hatred' of Bush by the left is, apparently, perfectly 'rational'. Each side has its idiots.
OK cons!

want to prove you are not racistist hate baiters?

answer this question.

Why do black people vote Democractic at such high rates?
Okay, a friend of the family posted this link on facebook, and I followed it because I was shocked a family friend would post a link to this hate site. I am shocked and dismayed at what I read. So my question is, do you REALLY believe like this op ed believes?

Daily Kos: An open letter to the people who hate Obama more than they love America

Daily Kos: An open letter to the people who hate Obama more than they love America

I meet you all the time. You hate Obama. You hate gay people. You hate black people, immigrants, Muslims, labor unions, women who want the right to make choices concerning their bodies, you hate em all. You hate being called racist. You hate being called a bigot. Maybe if you talked about creating jobs more than you talk about why you hate gay people we wouldn't call you bigots. Maybe if you talked about black people without automatically assuming they are on food stamps while demanding their birth certificates we wouldn't call you racist. You hate socialism and social justice. You hate regulations and taxes and spending and the Government. You hate.


"I have become what I have beheld and am still convinced I have done right." Elliot Ness (The Untouchables)

What a way to label everyone that is not welcoming socialism and wealth transfer via legal plunder as 'haters', and roll everyone into one lump. Then it proudly proclaims that America is a melting pot.
OK cons!

want to prove you are not racistist hate baiters?

answer this question.

Why do black people vote Democractic at such high rates?

It is not for Conservatives to prove, it is for those who make the (irrational and ridiculous) claim to prove it.
If they really loved America, they would want to see obama out of office. Liberal democrats are remaking this country into a country that does not deserve love or even respect. It's people are being reduced from pride and integrity to less than animals. obama was at the helm, in the driver's seat.

Wow....way to go... prove the author right.

You've gotten to the point where you hate Liberal Dems.... before you argue.. it's in your opening sentence..."if they really loved America".

so... good day and a big fuck you to you, asshole. I love my country. Perhaps it's you that hates America... After all, it seems that you don't give a shit what America wants or needs... Only YOUR Ideology matters.

Unfortunately for you... we have a Democratic way of choosing what Americans want/need for our beloved country. YOUR ideology is NOT the only thing that matters.

So, go ahead... hate away... It's your choice as to whether you want to be a reasonable person that realized we live in a FREE country, or the same kind of Tyrant that you accuse the left of being on a continual basis.
Do I feel that all Conservatives feel this way? No. But I do think that the folks that do feel that way are driving the Conservative movement.

Let's put it this way.... I see a lot of hate speech on here, but when called out, they say it's about fiscal responsibility. Hell, one of the easiest things they tend to do is assume(without fail) that Progressives are welfare bums. I've been accused of it repeatedly, even though I've explained at least 100 times that I've never used unemployment or welfare and that I've been working since I turned 14(now 46). Funny how they usually play that card right after someone debunks something that they posted.

Like I said... I don't think they are all like that. But the people that drive the bus...the Kochs, the AM radio crowd, etc....they do. It's a known fact that the Koch Brothers' father was one of the founding members of the John Birch Society and it seems the apples didn't fall too far from the tree.

I ask the Conservatives on this board to use the link provided in the OP and read it, maybe even print it out. Then compare it to the posts on the MB. I mean... obviously this guy is angry, so his/her words are pretty harsh... but the elements that the author mentions happen here quite often.

Your 'feelings' are yours. That does not make them reality. I have yet to meet a Conservative who 'hates' Obama. Of course, there are a few raving right wing nutters on this board, but most Conservatives here do not 'hate' Obama.

And, the irrational 'hatred' of Bush by the left is, apparently, perfectly 'rational'. Each side has its idiots.

De-Nial.... Not a river in Egypt.
If they really loved America, they would want to see obama out of office. Liberal democrats are remaking this country into a country that does not deserve love or even respect. It's people are being reduced from pride and integrity to less than animals. obama was at the helm, in the driver's seat.

The socialist dictator needs to be impeached and put on trial for treason. May the next president, whoever that may be (Depending on if Joe can be impeached aswell, continuing down the line) can take pity on him and pardon him after he is convicted. He should hold his head in shame and never show himself in public again. He is an embarrassment and an insult to every veteran, alive or dead.

The consistent circumvention, violation, and disregard for the constitution and the rule of law cannot be ignored any longer. They seek to pervert the law, and proclaim righteousness because a group of nine perverted corrupt individuals nod in agreement. But this is not a nation of nine. We are a nation of men, and we are a free people. We decide what is a perversion of the law, and what is not.
If they really loved America, they would want to see obama out of office. Liberal democrats are remaking this country into a country that does not deserve love or even respect. It's people are being reduced from pride and integrity to less than animals. obama was at the helm, in the driver's seat.

The socialist dictator needs to be impeached and put on trial for treason. May the next president, whoever that may be (Depending on if Joe can be impeached aswell, continuing down the line) can take pity on him and pardon him after he is convicted. He should hold his head in shame and never show himself in public again. He is an embarrassment and an insult to every veteran, alive or dead.

The consistent circumvention, violation, and disregard for the constitution and the rule of law cannot be ignored any longer. They seek to pervert the law, and proclaim righteousness because a group of nine perverted corrupt individuals nod in agreement. But this is not a nation of nine. We are a nation of men, and we are a free people. We decide what is a perversion of the law, and what is not.

Yeah.... Hey California Girl.... Psst... Look above.... No hate at all.
If they really loved America, they would want to see obama out of office. Liberal democrats are remaking this country into a country that does not deserve love or even respect. It's people are being reduced from pride and integrity to less than animals. obama was at the helm, in the driver's seat.

The socialist dictator needs to be impeached and put on trial for treason. May the next president, whoever that may be (Depending on if Joe can be impeached aswell, continuing down the line) can take pity on him and pardon him after he is convicted. He should hold his head in shame and never show himself in public again. He is an embarrassment and an insult to every veteran, alive or dead.

The consistent circumvention, violation, and disregard for the constitution and the rule of law cannot be ignored any longer. They seek to pervert the law, and proclaim righteousness because a group of nine perverted corrupt individuals nod in agreement. But this is not a nation of nine. We are a nation of men, and we are a free people. We decide what is a perversion of the law, and what is not.

Yeah.... Hey California Girl.... Psst... Look above.... No hate at all.

Yea, WTT is one of the right wing nutters on this board. Each side has them, but generally, these are the minority. Just like I recognize that rdean and TruthMocker are the minority on the left. Each side has its drooling horde.
OK cons!

want to prove you are not racistist hate baiters?

answer this question.

Why do black people vote Democractic at such high rates?

Here ya go. Even though you will tear this article apart because you don't believe it. I think this black man has the answer you seek.

Detroit&#8212;the city of my birth and where I currently reside&#8212; can be used as a paradigm of the apocalyptic disaster of black people voting for 75 years against their own vested interests. Since the 1967 riots, Detroit has steadily devolved from a cosmopolitan, dynamic city representing people of all political, intellectual, racial and ethnic groups&#8212;a city which in 1900 was called &#8220;the Paris of America&#8221;&#8212;into a balkanized, racially gentrified and intellectually monolithic city of liberal Democrats, unionism and corruption.

These patterns have been replicated in big cities across America where large concentrations of black people tend to live. Beginning in the 1960s, black people voted only for blacks and thus victimized themselves with mercenary and dishonest black leadership from the mayor to lower leadership ranks. This drove out the white middle and upper classes (with their tax dollars) and, in a few decades, turned many of these once great cities into America&#8217;s largest ghettos: Detroit is among the most preeminent of these cities of infamy.

So why do black people always vote for the Democratic Party? Because for the past 75 years since the socialist FDR came to power, socially and culturally blacks have been indoctrinated to follow, follow, follow. From antiquity, they followed the African tribal chief and the shaman. During slavery, we followed &#8216;masser&#8217; and the overseer and did what we were told. The next 100 years after 1865 and the Civil War during de jure and de facto segregation, we followed poverty-pimp preachers and civil rights activists (not Martin Luther King) who told us that by voting Democrat, God would bless black people through government handouts, a minimum wage and good government jobs.

But welfare and government programs have destroyed the black family. Today, we proudly follow our first black president, Barack Obama, despite the fact that this president has done more harm to America in his first year than any other U.S. president in history.
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The socialist dictator needs to be impeached and put on trial for treason. May the next president, whoever that may be (Depending on if Joe can be impeached aswell, continuing down the line) can take pity on him and pardon him after he is convicted. He should hold his head in shame and never show himself in public again. He is an embarrassment and an insult to every veteran, alive or dead.

The consistent circumvention, violation, and disregard for the constitution and the rule of law cannot be ignored any longer. They seek to pervert the law, and proclaim righteousness because a group of nine perverted corrupt individuals nod in agreement. But this is not a nation of nine. We are a nation of men, and we are a free people. We decide what is a perversion of the law, and what is not.

Yeah.... Hey California Girl.... Psst... Look above.... No hate at all.

Yea, WTT is one of the right wing nutters on this board. Each side has them, but generally, these are the minority. Just like I recognize that rdean and TruthMocker are the minority on the left. Each side has its drooling horde.

Yes... you are correct... there are some on either side. However... all I ask from reasonable Conservatives is just to take a look at the posts on here with an open mind and then try to understand that most of the hate fueled rhetoric is coming from those "crazies on the far right".... they are speaking for you. They are the reason the GOP is getting a bad name.

It's up the reasonable right to take back the party that the radical right have hijacked. But, I forgot... Moderates are Marxists these days too.
Detroit&#8212;the city of my birth and where I currently reside&#8212; can be used as a paradigm of the apocalyptic disaster of black people voting for 75 years against their own vested interests. Since the 1967 riots, Detroit has steadily devolved from a cosmopolitan, dynamic city representing people of all political, intellectual, racial and ethnic groups&#8212;a city which in 1900 was called &#8220;the Paris of America&#8221;&#8212;into a balkanized, racially gentrified and intellectually monolithic city of liberal Democrats, unionism and corruption.

These patterns have been replicated in big cities across America where large concentrations of black people tend to live. Beginning in the 1960s, black people voted only for blacks and thus victimized themselves with mercenary and dishonest black leadership from the mayor to lower leadership ranks. This drove out the white middle and upper classes (with their tax dollars) and, in a few decades, turned many of these once great cities into America&#8217;s largest ghettos: Detroit is among the most preeminent of these cities of infamy.

So why do black people always vote for the Democratic Party? Because for the past 75 years since the socialist FDR came to power, socially and culturally blacks have been indoctrinated to follow, follow, follow. From antiquity, they followed the African tribal chief and the shaman. During slavery, we followed &#8216;masser&#8217; and the overseer and did what we were told. The next 100 years after 1865 and the Civil War during de jure and de facto segregation, we followed poverty-pimp preachers and civil rights activists (not Martin Luther King) who told us that by voting Democrat, God would bless black people through government handouts, a minimum wage and good government jobs.

But welfare and government programs have destroyed the black family. Today, we proudly follow our first black president, Barack Obama, despite the fact that this president has done more harm to America in his first year than any other U.S. president in history.

Why blacks vote Democrat By Ellis Washington

Then you are a racist just like he is.

He hates his own people and thinks its all their fault and that they only vote for handouts and because the massa says so.

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