Is this Serena Williams cartoon racist?

Is the Serena Williams cartoon racist?

  • Yes, obviously

  • No

  • Undecided

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The 'Hippo Sitaaas' have been pulling this bullshit since they were kids.
The 'Catsuit' bitch deserves everything she brings on herself.
What does Hippo-sitaas mean? I assume you are implying that they are fat, which tells me you never seen Venus in your life...but apparently a dark-skinned black body is a fat body to you huh?

But don't worry, I will never refer to Sarah Sanders as nothing other than her name...
See, even YOU enjoy making fun of womens weight.
Except, I didn't....I enjoy pointing out the wackness of Trump lovers and their often failed points...

How he tries to characterize a woman as fat who is nowhere near -- but would be the first to clutch his pearls on fall on the fainting couch if I ever said anything about Sarah...which I didn't....

all I did was post both pics of the took it from there...thanks for making my point
You said something about Sarah, yet no one is fainting around here except for you pussy boys on the left.
What did I say about sarah???? now, if you like, I can highlight my point that if Venus is fat, Sarah must be morbidly obese...

But Trump lovers don't really like logic -- especially when they are in the middle of attacking a person who has ZERO to do with what their mad about
Oh look. Another illiterate with the mind of a child adds their two cents.
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I don’t believe it was meant to be racist. I think the artist depicted her in caricature-like format, in which facial features are greatly exaggerated and the racist left thinks it’s racist just bc it shows an unflattering portrayal of a black woman, and we can’t have that...


I thought they were sexist?

I just can't keep up.
No it's not racist. But it's an incredibly unflattering picture and many athletes argue like she did. So I can understand why people would be upset.
They have been doing this for years. Here is a cartoon of John Mcenroe.

Look at his nappy hair and how big his bottom lip is. That's Sambo.
Not even close


You shouldn't be hanging on to that book.
Do you read it to your kids at bedtime ?
No, but I remember it as a child
Yes it is obviously racist... why? Not as much because of how Serena was drawn, but because the artist made her opponent a white woman with straight blonde hair, when she actually looked like this:


By the artist changing the look of Serena's opponent to look white, it only exacerbates the way he drew Williams.
His drawing of Serena is racist stereotype
She never jumped up and down like that.

LMFAO okay and all the political cartoons portraying Trump show him doing something he’s actually done, right? LOL I don’t think you understand they’re not supposed to be taken literally. And unless you know the ref personally you have no credence to say why he made the decisions he did. Not everyone thinks everything is about race and sex like you do.
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I don’t believe it was meant to be racist. I think the artist depicted her in caricature-like format, in which facial features are greatly exaggerated and the racist left thinks it’s racist just bc it shows an unflattering portrayal of a black woman, and we can’t have that...
Republicans love the stuff. They hate that a black woman is the greatest player of all time in the lily white sport.

Oh? You’re Republican or you know a lot of them and they’ve told you this I’m assuming?
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I don’t believe it was meant to be racist. I think the artist depicted her in caricature-like format, in which facial features are greatly exaggerated and the racist left thinks it’s racist just bc it shows an unflattering portrayal of a black woman, and we can’t have that...

Shame on you for your support of the bashing ... yes cartoons are funny but should not be racist in this day and age.

“Support the bashing”? Just bc I don’t believe it’s racist doesn’t mean I support the bashing. Get fucking real I’m not a far lefty who lets feelings dominate how I perceive a situation.
Yes it is obviously racist... why? Not as much because of how Serena was drawn, but because the artist made her opponent a white woman with straight blonde hair, when she actually looked like this:


By the artist changing the look of Serena's opponent to look white, it only exacerbates the way he drew Williams.
His drawing of Serena is racist stereotype

Or maybe she just looks like that when she's mad.
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I don’t believe it was meant to be racist. I think the artist depicted her in caricature-like format, in which facial features are greatly exaggerated and the racist left thinks it’s racist just bc it shows an unflattering portrayal of a black woman, and we can’t have that...

Maybe the Social Justice Nuts can show us how to depict a black person in a cartoon without it being racist.
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I don’t believe it was meant to be racist. I think the artist depicted her in caricature-like format, in which facial features are greatly exaggerated and the racist left thinks it’s racist just bc it shows an unflattering portrayal of a black woman, and we can’t have that...

Maybe the Social Justice Nuts can show us how to depict a black person in a cartoon without it being racist.

Nah. We don’t want to bend to their will. They would mean they’d won and I’m not sure they could do it themselves without thinking it’s racist since everything on the fucking planet is racist to them.
From CNN article NOT labeled “Opinion” - Racist Serena Williams cartoon 'nothing to do with race,' paper says — CNN

“The cartoon showed Williams jumping up and down next to a broken racket and pacifier, with large, exaggerated lips and nose reminiscent of racist depictions of black people in the US during the Jim Crow era.
Williams' opponent, Japan's Naomi Osaka, is depicted as a skinny blonde woman, to whom the umpire is saying: ‘Can't you just let her win?’
The US-based National Association of Black Journalists said the cartoon was ‘repugnant on many levels.’
‘(It) not only exudes racist, sexist caricatures of both women, but Williams' depiction is unnecessarily sambo-like,’ the group said in a statement. ‘The art of editorial cartooning is a visual dialogue on the issues of the day, yet this cartoon grossly inaccurately depicts two women of color at the US Open, one of the grandest stages of professional sports.’”

This is just people looking for something to call racist. I'll be glad when they finally fade out and America can go back to being what it was prior to Obama. Too many people looking for anything they can call racist these days.

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