Is this Serena Williams cartoon racist?

Is the Serena Williams cartoon racist?

  • Yes, obviously

  • No

  • Undecided

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See, even YOU enjoy making fun of womens weight.
Except, I didn't....I enjoy pointing out the wackness of Trump lovers and their often failed points...

How he tries to characterize a woman as fat who is nowhere near -- but would be the first to clutch his pearls on fall on the fainting couch if I ever said anything about Sarah...which I didn't....

all I did was post both pics of the took it from there...thanks for making my point
You said something about Sarah, yet no one is fainting around here except for you pussy boys on the left.
What did I say about sarah???? now, if you like, I can highlight my point that if Venus is fat, Sarah must be morbidly obese...

But Trump lovers don't really like logic -- especially when they are in the middle of attacking a person who has ZERO to do with what their mad about
See, you DO like making fun of fat women too.
This is going to be hard to do, but I am going to try to appeal to the logic of a Trump voter...

If the initial claim is that Venus Williams is included...

What would be the logical conclusion about Sarah? photo included

The fact you keep dodging it lets me know how pathetic most trump lovers are....they love to throw out attacks, but turn bitch when someone picks them apart

Serena is an athlete; if she wins who cares about her physique but sportsmen are SUPPOSED to play by the rules. The tantrum just wasn't cricket dear boy. Sarah is a mom; a bit pudgy but her mind is as sharp as a tac.



The latter I have a problem with but that's history.

In defending his depiction of Williams, cartoonist Mark Knight said he was merely portraying the tennis star’s behavior, and that it had no racist or sexist undertones.

"I saw the world number one tennis player have a huge hissy fit and spit the dummy. That's what the cartoon was about, her poor behavior on the court," he said, ABC reported.

"I'm not targeting Serena. I mean, Serena is a champion. I drew her as an African-American woman. She's powerfully built. She wears these outrageous costumes when she plays tennis. She's interesting to draw. I drew her as she is, as an African-American woman,” he added.
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I don’t believe it was meant to be racist. I think the artist depicted her in caricature-like format, in which facial features are greatly exaggerated and the racist left thinks it’s racist just bc it shows an unflattering portrayal of a black woman, and we can’t have that...

Shame on you for your support of the bashing ... yes cartoons are funny but should not be racist in this day and age.
Serena's behavior reminds me of Hillary Clinton......they don't like it when they lose. :eusa_naughty: :popcorn:
Not racist cartoon, but was the ref really fair? :dunno:

I lean to the side of not.

Did she throw a tantrum? Yes. I may would have to, in that situation.
Not racist cartoon, but was the ref really fair? :dunno:

I lean to the side of not.

Did she throw a tantrum? Yes. I may would have to, in that situation.
Yes, he was fair, according to the ITF.

...Yesterday, the ITF, for whom Ramos is a contracted “gold badge” umpire, issued a statement to support his handling of the final. Under the grand-slam rule book, all three violations he issued — following the three-step penalty process of warning-point-game — were correct.

“Carlos Ramos is one of the most experienced and respected umpires in tennis,” the statement read. “Mr Ramos’s decisions were in accordance with the relevant rules and were reaffirmed by the US Open’s decision to fine Ms Williams for the three offences...

Umpires may boycott Serena Williams matches after outburst at US Open final
Not racist cartoon, but was the ref really fair? :dunno:

I lean to the side of not.

Did she throw a tantrum? Yes. I may would have to, in that situation.
Yes, he was fair, according to the ITF.

...Yesterday, the ITF, for whom Ramos is a contracted “gold badge” umpire, issued a statement to support his handling of the final. Under the grand-slam rule book, all three violations he issued — following the three-step penalty process of warning-point-game — were correct.

“Carlos Ramos is one of the most experienced and respected umpires in tennis,” the statement read. “Mr Ramos’s decisions were in accordance with the relevant rules and were reaffirmed by the US Open’s decision to fine Ms Williams for the three offences...

Umpires may boycott Serena Williams matches after outburst at US Open final

Personally I think he made a couple bad calls. It can happen to the best of them.
No it's not racist. But it's an incredibly unflattering picture and many athletes argue like she did. So I can understand why people would be upset.
They have been doing this for years. Here is a cartoon of John Mcenroe.

Look at his nappy hair and how big his bottom lip is. That's Sambo.
I was thinking that exaggerated nose, big mouth and evil eyebrows?

They are obviously trying to stereotype him as a cracker.
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I don’t believe it was meant to be racist. I think the artist depicted her in caricature-like format, in which facial features are greatly exaggerated and the racist left thinks it’s racist just bc it shows an unflattering portrayal of a black woman, and we can’t have that...

I didn't know Osaka is white.
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I don’t believe it was meant to be racist. I think the artist depicted her in caricature-like format, in which facial features are greatly exaggerated and the racist left thinks it’s racist just bc it shows an unflattering portrayal of a black woman, and we can’t have that...

I didn't know Osaka is white.


What's in a name???


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