Is this stock market crazy or what? DOW up 224 today.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The DOW is blowing through 1000 point thresholds every couple of weeks. Is this due to FOMO money (fear of missing out) that's finally coming off of the sidelines or is it foreign investors piling into the US market? Whatever it is, Mikey likes it!
The DOW is blowing through 1000 point thresholds every couple of weeks. Is this due to FOMO money (fear of missing out) that's finally coming off of the sidelines or is it foreign investors piling into the US market? Whatever it is, Mikey likes it!

I have never in my life seen the market blow up like this!!!
And that it comes at the perfect time for the wife's retirement is fantastic!!
There is no stock market. It's all computers talking to computers via high frequency trading.
This is a blow-off top. Zero growth stocks like walmart and coca-cola have PE multiples around 30!! Valuations are insane even if the economy was sound and it isn't.
Hey, I'm just saying, it's a little frothy.......

One month from Dow 25K to 26K and now......26,616 close and it's only been two weeks?
We keep close watch on the Market and read all the articles we can ---- the momentum is incredible. It's real because the Market likes the tax cuts and the money repatriation and the increase in American jobs and wages. That is, real things are happening, good things, and they won't stop soon, it appears.

Of course North Korea could stop everything like a crash dummy test, and they know it, too. Good way to hurt America, crash our stock market with war, an attack, even a crisis. Or Iran or Pakistan could start something.

There is sure to be a crisis, after all. Remember how peaceful it was the summer of 2001, before Sept. 11? Business liked George W. Bush, too.
It's real because the Market likes the tax cuts and the money repatriation and the increase in American jobs and wages. That is, real things are happening, good things, and they won't stop soon, it appears.

Real?? Ever hear of the PPT? Ever hear of HFT?? You have the IQ of a card table.
The DOW is blowing through 1000 point thresholds every couple of weeks. Is this due to FOMO money (fear of missing out) that's finally coming off of the sidelines or is it foreign investors piling into the US market? Whatever it is, Mikey likes it!

The higher it goes, the harder it falls.
The higher it goes, the harder it falls.

Well, the Dow was 900 during the Depression, and now today it's 26,616 ---- so something good must have happened since the 1930s. I mean, that gain didn't all happen since the day after Election Day when Trump was elected:

It just feels that way.
Smart people will begin to claw back some of their profits. Right now, about half of what they've made. This has all the earmarks of a bubble about to go south.
So, is everybody in? We're still quite a few thousand in cash because this is a high, and yeah, there will surely be some sort of dip, a buying opportunity. But we're also well in because, darn, it just keeps going up, up, up! What did Trump say today? "America is open for business." This guy could be a hard act to follow, with respect to prosperity.
The higher it goes, the harder it falls.

Well, the Dow was 900 during the Depression, and now today it's 26,616 ---- so something good must have happened since the 1930s. I mean, that gain didn't all happen since the day after Election Day when Trump was elected:

It just feels that way.

Numbers are numbers.

Going back to the Depression doesn't tell us much here.

We can go back to the low point in the last recession which was in June 2009 at 8,447 for the monthly average.

Dow Jones Industrial Average Historical Rates - UK

Now it's at 26,000

What does this tell us? Well, still not much other than the economy is doing much better.

No, the gained didn't all happen since Trump got elected. It's been steady growth. Trump is pushing the economy. He's trying to show how great he is. Problem is great leaders don't set you up to fail later on, which is what Trump is doing.
The DOW is blowing through 1000 point thresholds every couple of weeks. Is this due to FOMO money (fear of missing out) that's finally coming off of the sidelines or is it foreign investors piling into the US market? Whatever it is, Mikey likes it!

The higher it goes, the harder it falls.
That is true but consider that at this point the the DOW could fall 30% and you would essentially be flat for the last year, not exactly blood in the streets.

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