Is this stock market crazy or what? DOW up 224 today.

Too funny working stiffs talking stock market stuff. It's a rich man's game and the proles are better off spending their spare time working side jobs for a little extra scratch if they're worried about the future.

Yep, and that's what you should do. Stay out of this market, never mind that it's going up like a rocket and money is pouring in. Take a job down at the garage fixing flats: that's your speed.
What are you talking about? Obama didn't have a record high on the DOW until he was almost out of office. Then Trump got elected. The DOW went up 18 % from its low in Obama's first year and a dismal 11% in his 2nd.

In 2017, it went up 25% under Trump.

Might want to stop watching fake news. Justin Wolfers, whoever the flying fuck that is, has no fucking clue what he's talking about.

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Yearly Returns

LIAR :wink:

A year after Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration, the Dow had grown by 33.4 percent, as the market began to emerge from the Great Recession. At 314 days into his term – the same length of time that Trump has been president – the market had grown by slightly more than 30 percent.​

Dow's gains in first year of Trump presidency highest ever -- except for Obama’s
LIAR :wink:

A year after Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration, the Dow had grown by 33.4 percent, as the market began to emerge from the Great Recession. At 314 days into his term – the same length of time that Trump has been president – the market had grown by slightly more than 30 percent.​

Dow's gains in first year of Trump presidency highest ever -- except for Obama’s
Your article, toots, is dated November 30, 2017, 9 months into Trump's amazingly successful first year. I get the desperation, but not the mendacity.
LIAR :wink:

A year after Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration, the Dow had grown by 33.4 percent, as the market began to emerge from the Great Recession. At 314 days into his term – the same length of time that Trump has been president – the market had grown by slightly more than 30 percent.​

Dow's gains in first year of Trump presidency highest ever -- except for Obama’s
Your article, toots, is dated November 30, 2017, 9 months into Trump's amazingly successful first year. I get the desperation, but not the mendacity.

LIAR :wink:

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

In fact, the Dow’s rise was even more impressive under Obama if you start measuring at the market’s low point, on March 9, 2009, during the depths of the Great Recession. That day, the Dow closed at 6,547. Between then and Jan. 5 — a 10-month period — the Dow rose by a stunning 61 percent. That’s more than three times faster than Trump’s rise over the same period in his term.​

How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market
LIAR :wink:

A year after Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration, the Dow had grown by 33.4 percent, as the market began to emerge from the Great Recession. At 314 days into his term – the same length of time that Trump has been president – the market had grown by slightly more than 30 percent.​

Dow's gains in first year of Trump presidency highest ever -- except for Obama’s
Your article, toots, is dated November 30, 2017, 9 months into Trump's amazingly successful first year. I get the desperation, but not the mendacity.

LIAR :wink:

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

In fact, the Dow’s rise was even more impressive under Obama if you start measuring at the market’s low point, on March 9, 2009, during the depths of the Great Recession. That day, the Dow closed at 6,547. Between then and Jan. 5 — a 10-month period — the Dow rose by a stunning 61 percent. That’s more than three times faster than Trump’s rise over the same period in his term.​

How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market
I get that you don't get math, but dates?! FFS!

Dow's gains in first year of Trump presidency highest ever -- except for Obama’s

By Langston Taylor
November 30, 2017
The DOW is blowing through 1000 point thresholds every couple of weeks. Is this due to FOMO money (fear of missing out) that's finally coming off of the sidelines or is it foreign investors piling into the US market? Whatever it is, Mikey likes it!
Pity most of the C grabber fans are too poor and uneducated to own stocks
Great for us though.
LIAR :wink:

A year after Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration, the Dow had grown by 33.4 percent, as the market began to emerge from the Great Recession. At 314 days into his term – the same length of time that Trump has been president – the market had grown by slightly more than 30 percent.​

Dow's gains in first year of Trump presidency highest ever -- except for Obama’s
Your article, toots, is dated November 30, 2017, 9 months into Trump's amazingly successful first year. I get the desperation, but not the mendacity.

LIAR :wink:

Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.

But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.

In fact, the Dow’s rise was even more impressive under Obama if you start measuring at the market’s low point, on March 9, 2009, during the depths of the Great Recession. That day, the Dow closed at 6,547. Between then and Jan. 5 — a 10-month period — the Dow rose by a stunning 61 percent. That’s more than three times faster than Trump’s rise over the same period in his term.​

How Trump, Obama compare on the stock market
Oh be quiet
C grabber fans think Obama never had a 3% month
Hey, I'm just saying, it's a little frothy.......

One month from Dow 25K to 26K and now......26,616 close and it's only been two weeks?
We keep close watch on the Market and read all the articles we can ---- the momentum is incredible. It's real because the Market likes the tax cuts and the money repatriation and the increase in American jobs and wages. That is, real things are happening, good things, and they won't stop soon, it appears.

Of course North Korea could stop everything like a crash dummy test, and they know it, too. Good way to hurt America, crash our stock market with war, an attack, even a crisis. Or Iran or Pakistan could start something.

There is sure to be a crisis, after all. Remember how peaceful it was the summer of 2001, before Sept. 11? Business liked George W. Bush, too.
Secret is when to get out
A tough spot for doomsday predicting leftist nuts. Admit the massive growth or hibernate for 3 more years...
Who predicted doom?
Do you ever have actual facts?
Nobody with any brains wouldn't think giving breaks to millionaires like me wouldn't help the market
"Nobody with any brains wouldn't think giving breaks to millionaires like me wouldn't help the market."

It's rare to find a triple negative, probably moreso from "millionaires", especially from those who post on USMB.

What are the chances?! :)
What are you talking about? Obama didn't have a record high on the DOW until he was almost out of office. Then Trump got elected. The DOW went up 18 % from its low in Obama's first year and a dismal 11% in his 2nd.

In 2017, it went up 25% under Trump.

Might want to stop watching fake news. Justin Wolfers, whoever the flying fuck that is, has no fucking clue what he's talking about.

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Yearly Returns

LIAR :wink:

A year after Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration, the Dow had grown by 33.4 percent, as the market began to emerge from the Great Recession. At 314 days into his term – the same length of time that Trump has been president – the market had grown by slightly more than 30 percent.​

Dow's gains in first year of Trump presidency highest ever -- except for Obama’s

Wrong. Your little link doesn't give raw numbers, mine does. It just says the "market" grew. What market? Here are raw DOW numbers:

Start: 8776.39
End: 10428.05
Change: 1651.66

Start: 10428.05
End: 11577.51
Change: 1149.46

End: 12217.56
Change: 640.05

It started out decent and got bad, FAST.

You can argue with me all you want, but you can't argue with the raw numbers.
Last edited:
You can't just talk about the issues, can you?

Why should I? You aren't talking about the issue: which is a booming stock market rally. You just promote doomed-to-gloom disaster scenarios that you suppose will benefit the Dems or other leftists. Not useful discussion.

Doom and gloom?

It's reality. The reality is that the US is in a massive boom and bust economy. The fast the economy drives forward, the hard it falls.

In 2008 the second worst recession in the US's history hit. 7 million people lost their homes. Why? Because the govt didn't put regulation in place that would have prevented this from happening.

The result was that some people made a shit load of money and a lot of people lost everything. Govt should not be about promoting this. It should not be about promoting the rich getting massively richer while the poor have no place to live.
The DOW is blowing through 1000 point thresholds every couple of weeks. Is this due to FOMO money (fear of missing out) that's finally coming off of the sidelines or is it foreign investors piling into the US market? Whatever it is, Mikey likes it!
It's in a "big fat ugly bubble" according to DJT, and I think he is correct.

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