Is this story true?

The rich will do what they always do, buy their access to a better system.

even a Democrat rich guy?.....Franco and a few other liberals here say their rich people are different,they have your back.....they just dont do things like that.....they would give up their wealth to help us poor regular slobs......

you mean like John Kerry....multi millionaire who bought his yacht in a non tax state so he did not have to pay sales tax in his own state?

He also keeps that $7 million yacht berthed in a state with cheaper taxes ($500,000 sales and $70,000 annual excise tax cheaper) for that reason.
I saw a report on TV that said 70% of poor blacks and single moms live in the 26 states where white Republican Governors refused health care for poor blacks and single moms.

Is that true?

If you can't provide a link to a story, then obviously it's not TRUE. And you've been on this board long enough to know that. Since you didn't even bother to mention this erroneous T.V. shows name, you're either making it up because of the situation Obama and democrats are in or your ears need to be cleaned out.
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I saw a report on TV that said 70% of poor blacks and single moms live in the 26 states where white Republican Governors refused health care for poor blacks and single moms.

Is that true?

If you can't provide a link to a story, then obviously it's not TRUE. And you've been on this board long enough to know that.

he claims he backs up everything....and its something he gets on the righties for not doing....i guess he gives himself a pass...
I saw a report on TV that said 70% of poor blacks and single moms live in the 26 states where white Republican Governors refused health care for poor blacks and single moms.

Is that true?

I don't know, you should ask the president or the 2008-2010 Democrat party super majority.
I saw a report on TV that said 70% of poor blacks and single moms live in the 26 states where white Republican Governors refused health care for poor blacks and single moms.

Is that true?

Why do you always see things on TV that no one else on the planet sees?
I saw a report on TV that said 70% of poor blacks and single moms live in the 26 states where white Republican Governors refused health care for poor blacks and single moms.

Is that true?

Since when did you worry about truth?
So you guys destroyed the health care system for no reason? That doesn't seem very smart.
That's what Statists do...focus on the wrong problem. Have a leak in the roof? Tear down the entire building instead of repairing the leak.
Bad roof, bad building in this case. The new one will hold many more people but it won't be as fancy, and it will be cheaper to heat.

wow is hazle a retard, the government is never cheaper and never better than an equivalent private counter part. Whether it's government food or housing, I'll take the private versions all day, everyday

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