Is this the end for my people? So sad.

Is this the end for my people?​

Jews are literally being hunted and vilified globally and here in the US

Hang in their Zog, what goes around comes around.
  • It is no surprise that the left are evil vermin easily jumping on the latest group to hate. Like I said for years: Main difference between ISIS and democrats are just the honestly, directness and methods they each use.
  • Remember when they jumped on the Defund The Police bandwagon? Destroyed over 300 cities. They were going to fix everything, remember? Instead, they were proven the idiots and now our cities are falling apart with crime and they are begging the police to come back.
  • Remember Covid? They laughed at Resveritrol and Ivermectin while calling for the death of vaccine and mask refusers. Turns out that people are now dropping over like flies from the vax, the masks never worked, the vax never prevented the spread, and those drugs are actually safe and effective. And most of the dying are vax takers.
  • Then don't forget Trump. He was terrible. He was the worst. He was going to get us onto wars. Look how their solution turned out?! Biden turned out to be and do everything they claimed of Trump.
  • Likewise with the Jew-haters. First it was the hospital. Turns out that Hamas really did it and the hospital was never hit. Hundreds and thousands of jew-hating idiot students have been rejected by colleges and their names black-listed by potential employers. So too are these professors being lined up as well as the universities. Little by little as more facts and truth come out to show how atrocious and barbaric Hamas has been and the horrors perpetrated on innocent civilians, all these people will again be proven wrong and made to pay.
--Pregnant women were found killed by Hamas. They held the women down, cut the babies out of their bodies and decapitated them.

--Other women were found brutally gang-raped, then their pelvises crushed.

--Many bodies have been found so badly burned that they cannot even identify them by dental records. Sometimes not even whether it is one body or two.

This is what the Left are supporting. They are insane. Once again, they are rushing straight for a brick wall. It is a position which which there will be no victory.
Jews are literally being hunted and vilified globally and here in the US AFTER a terror attack on innocents by Hamas. I am nervous for my two daughters. Will have to send them to college down South.

Jew hunting in 2023. I knew The Left was antisemitic but this is craziness. I lost most of my ancestors to WW2 and the Holocaust. What’s happening now really hits home. There are only 15mil of us in the world and there are 1.9bn Muslims. I do not see how we win.

Is this the end for my people?

Sickening. Truly sickening.
Islamist do you think rioters care? What did 18 yr old kids do to be attacked in America?
That is incredibly rare and you should really try real news instead of scary GOP propaganda. And the Israeli right winger Netanyahu was a total failure at protecting his populace and the Israelis should try something beside bombing and blowing the hell out of Gaza. That is the problem and it doesn't work it just produces new generations of terrorists. Hamas is probably one of the few jobs in Gaza,,,,, Israel should allow the Palestinians to have an economy and should allow investments in Palestinians.
to what specifically.
The "longest hatred" goes back far enough to indicate a few Jews engage in behaviors that get thousands of other Jews murdered, maimed, and displaced.

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

"Jerome Chanes identifies six stages in the historical development of antisemitism:[2]

  1. "Pre-Christian anti-Judaism in Ancient Greece and Rome which was primarily ethnic in nature
  2. Christian antisemitism in antiquity and the Middle Ages which was religious in nature and has extended into modern times
  3. Muslim antisemitism which was—at least in its classical form—nuanced, in that Jews were a protected class
  4. Political, social and economic antisemitism during the Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment Europe which laid the groundwork for racial antisemitism
  5. Racial antisemitism that arose in the 19th century and culminated in Nazism
  6. Contemporary antisemitism which has been labeled by some as the new antisemitism"
It would be refreshing to to see the left hold the Palestinians accountable. We're not holding our breath.
They elected Hamas 15 years ago and are totally sick of them and they aren't accountable for much. Make the differentiation please if Israel would cut the crap there wouldn't be any Hamas... This policy of bombing the hell out of Gaza sure as hell does not work. Should stop calling it a war, it was a druggie fundie suicide mission and ever since revenge. You can't kill Hamas militarily.
So are a lot of mine. And none of them have EVER said "Protestant are the chosen people."
that's replacement theology where protestants think they have replaced spiritual israel and the promises made to israel are now promises to christians. The bible clearly states that God is not done with the Jewish people, his chosen. also, Clearly it was always God's intention to offer salvation to gentiles.
The "longest hatred" goes back far enough to indicate a few Jews engage in behaviors that get thousands of other Jews murdered, maimed, and displaced.

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

"Jerome Chanes identifies six stages in the historical development of antisemitism:[2]

  1. "Pre-Christian anti-Judaism in Ancient Greece and Rome which was primarily ethnic in nature
  2. Christian antisemitism in antiquity and the Middle Ages which was religious in nature and has extended into modern times
  3. Muslim antisemitism which was—at least in its classical form—nuanced, in that Jews were a protected class
  4. Political, social and economic antisemitism during the Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment Europe which laid the groundwork for racial antisemitism
  5. Racial antisemitism that arose in the 19th century and culminated in Nazism
  6. Contemporary antisemitism which has been labeled by some as the new antisemitism"
well that's interesting and sorta puts the simpler explanations for that hatred in terms of university speak. That number 3 is wrong so i question the other points as well. oh and that number 5 is just so nazi-ish and probably just as good a 30's reason for hatred of jews...their looks/their bloodlines. LOLOL so many jews were indistinguishable from aryan stock.
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Hang in their Zog, what goes around comes around.
  • It is no surprise that the left are evil vermin easily jumping on the latest group to hate. Like I said for years: Main difference between ISIS and democrats are just the honestly, directness and methods they each use.
  • Remember when they jumped on the Defund The Police bandwagon? Destroyed over 300 cities. They were going to fix everything, remember? Instead, they were proven the idiots and now our cities are falling apart with crime and they are begging the police to come back.
  • Remember Covid? They laughed at Resveritrol and Ivermectin while calling for the death of vaccine and mask refusers. Turns out that people are now dropping over like flies from the vax, the masks never worked, the vax never prevented the spread, and those drugs are actually safe and effective. And most of the dying are vax takers.
  • Then don't forget Trump. He was terrible. He was the worst. He was going to get us onto wars. Look how their solution turned out?! Biden turned out to be and do everything they claimed of Trump.
  • Likewise with the Jew-haters. First it was the hospital. Turns out that Hamas really did it and the hospital was never hit. Hundreds and thousands of jew-hating idiot students have been rejected by colleges and their names black-listed by potential employers. So too are these professors being lined up as well as the universities. Little by little as more facts and truth come out to show how atrocious and barbaric Hamas has been and the horrors perpetrated on innocent civilians, all these people will again be proven wrong and made to pay.
--Pregnant women were found killed by Hamas. They held the women down, cut the babies out of their bodies and decapitated them.

--Other women were found brutally gang-raped, then their pelvises crushed.

--Many bodies have been found so badly burned that they cannot even identify them by dental records. Sometimes not even whether it is one body or two.

This is what the Left are supporting. They are insane. Once again, they are rushing straight for a brick wall. It is a position which which there will be no victory.
Thank you
That is incredibly rare and you should really try real news instead of scary GOP propaganda. And the Israeli right winger Netanyahu was a total failure at protecting his populace and the Israelis should try something beside bombing and blowing the hell out of Gaza. That is the problem and it doesn't work it just produces new generations of terrorists. Hamas is probably one of the few jobs in Gaza,,,,, Israel should allow the Palestinians to have an economy and should allow investments in Palestinians.
Not what this thread is about
Because the devil knows if he can eliminate the Jews, God is a liar. But God is not a liar. He will protect them
God doesn’t protect Fake Jews.

Jews that reject the messiah were cutoff from God. See Romans 11, Rev 2:9, 3:9, 11:8.

Jews had to reinvent their religion a few hundred years after killing their messiah. See the Talmud and the fact that Jews gave up on Mosaic Law.
Because the devil knows if he can eliminate the Jews, God is a liar. But God is not a liar. He will protect them
He also wants to put off his 1000 years in Hell Prison and his death in lake of fire. hence..environmentalism/globalism/whatever other terms they come up with. He wants to take as many of God's creation with him to hell because misery loves company. He hates humans...God's creation. If he can kill all the jews then there will be no 144,000 evangelizing jews in the end times to convert those left on earth.

that's replacement theology where protestants think they have replaced spiritual israel and the promises made to israel are now promises to christians. The bible clearly states that God is not done with the Jewish people, his chosen. also, Clearly it was always God's intention to offer salvation to gentiles.
Maybe so but again I don't know any Christians who think they have replaced spiritual Israel. And as a pretty serious historian of JudeoChristian history and thought, I don't know of any scripture, other theological manuscripts, or thoughts of serious theologians who have promoted that concept.

Now are there some Christians who think they'll go to heaven and Jews who rejected Christ the Savior won't? Yes. But that is a whole different thing and for another serious debate. I simply don't believe God has turned his back on the Jewish people.

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