Is this what caring about minorities looks like?

What is truly amazing is this is a riot over an incident that justice will be served in. Bad cop kills someone and then gets fired pending charges to put them in jail for a very long time. What are they protesting? The fact that justice is being served? It is truly astounding.
All many of the rioters, not demonstrators, know is it’s free shit time again, first come first served.
How hard have you tried to understand the thought processes of those who are rioting?
There is no understanding senseless, emotionally-driven violence. Whether it be from a rogue cop, or from thousands of people tearing a major metropolitan area to shreds.

I don't want to understand that. I want it to stop. I want Floyd to get justice, but whatever this is, it is not justice.

Thanks for being overt and forthright. It is, of course, part and parcel of White Privilege not to understand, not even to try to understand, those under their thumb. Their outrage about back-to-back videos of (ex-)police lynch mobs killing even more black men, after decades and decades of sanctimonious declarations that something must change. And then, again, it doesn't.

Again, thanks for being forthright. Floyd is dead. In no reasonable sense will he "get justice" - so your wish he "get justice" is mere words. Also, being unwilling to understand comes with the usual creation of proximity between those who riot and those who seek justice, lumping them together under "minorities", as a convenient way to discredit both, and to ensure that, again, nothing changes about white (police) lynch mobs. Which, of course, you also do not understand, because you don't think, and thus you don't understand that the ones who should get "justice" are police officers, racists and sadists all around the country.
Thanks for being overt and forthright. It is, of course, part and parcel of White Privilege not to understand, not even to try to understand, those under their thumb.

You're welcome.

However, I'm white (one-quarter native American). And I am just as much outraged over this injustice as any black person is. To somehow diminish my concern because of my skin color is ludicrous. Please understand that.

In no reasonable sense will he "get justice" - so your wish he "get justice" is mere words.

So, what is it you want?

Also, being unwilling to understand comes with the usual creation of proximity between those who riot and those who seek justice, lumping them together under "minorities", as a convenient way to discredit both

That's not an accurate assessment.

Those who riot don't want justice.

Those who protest do.

Their skin color is meaningless.
A lot of minority-owned businesses were destroyed in Minneapolis last night. But to hear some liberals, those businesses, those livelihoods ruined, are disposable when it comes to the exaction of 'justice'. When Floyd's girlfriend and family called for peace and an end to the rioting, they were wholly ignored.

If you truly care about minority rights, not only should you be outraged about what happened to George Floyd, but you should also be outraged by all of the minority entrepreneurs who just had their futures go up in smoke. All of it because of people who thought what they were doing, by destroying a city and setting it on fire, was a justified response to the murder of George Floyd.

Oh well, they get to sleep there when they are done. Morons.

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