Is this why The Donald is not concerned in the slightest about Mueller's ridiculous Witch Hunt?

No, the DNC friendly web security company CloudStrike made that claim and the other 17 agencies were not allowed to examine the server....remember? One other huge thing is that the amount of data that was taken had to of been an inside source because trying to download that much data from that far away would have set off warnings via the firewall. It is one thing to hack into a server and see the data but something entirely to download it. We already know that it was Seth Rich that provided the information. I guess your lamestream media forgot to mention that to ya.

Read the FBI and DHS joint statement linking Russia to the DNC hacking

That report is based on evidence provided by CrowdStrike, no credible investigation would rely on third party evidence like that.

So you believe Putin over our own intelligence community?

What does Putin have to do with this? Not believing our IC doesn't mean "believes Putin"

And if there is anything we know for sure , it's that Obama's IC had no qualms about lying to the American people, and even Congress if it suited them to do so.

Our IC says Russia did it. Putin says they didn't. Who do you believe?

I believe Putin but I didn't need him to say it. This isn't about believing someone, this is about the preponderance of the evidence. Seth Rich was the key to the whole thing. He was murdered for doing what he did and the bought and paid for D.C police upper brass were in the cover-up and the stalling of the release of Seth Rich's, if it was just a botched robbery attempt like they claimed from the very onset? Why did they need to confiscate his laptop? He was alive and speaking coherently when he was loaded into the ambulance and the EMTs were very surprised that he died and then we have this......

Fast forward to 1:36!

Keep in mind, even if Russia did hack the Neocon DNC, it has nothing to do with The Donald. It exposed the profound corruption of the democrat party. But notice how the Neocon Swamp Rats in Congress, etc., conflate the Neocon DNC hack to be basically any communication with Russia, as if communication is a bad thing when it is the most important thing, to prevent wars for example..

He's not concerned? He's spending his whole time trying to figure out ways to deflect the problems.... looks like he's concerned to me.
Yep and what about the Hildebeast's use of an unprotected server? Even an amatuer hacker could have gotten into that and then there was the lie that the Barrypuppet said he didn't even know that she was using one. Leftards are major league liars.

What does that have to do with Russia hacking the DNC? No evidence has ever been produced that her account was hacked.

Yes there has been. You are thinking of hacking leaving an electronic trail. That's not what happened. In a very common phishing expedition, John Podesta was lured into giving up his password which just happened to be "password". That's how the hackers got into the DNC. Not by the backdoor, by the wide open front door.

Looking back from 20/20 hindsight, how much of a phishing expedition was that. The Podesta Group has been hand in glove, taking money from the Russians for over ten years. In fact, the relationship was so strong, that there is no more Podesta Group. Mueller ate it as part of his Russian expediton. It is quite possible that John Podesta just left a trail of electronic bread LOAVES not even crumbs, deliberately.

Please present credible evidence that Hillary's email was hacked.

We can never say with 100% certainty who hacked Hillary's or the DNC's server or what was done. We can only use common sense. You have two unsecured server with information that can be used as leverage against powerful people.

Hillary destroyed evidence and the DNC let someone taint the evidence.

Got it. You have no reason to believe her account was hacked.

Just like you have no reason to believe the DNC's server was hacked.
The US agencies already proved Russia hacked the DNC, and released the hacked information through Assange and Wikileaks. I guess Alex Jones forgot to mention that to you..

No, the DNC friendly web security company CloudStrike made that claim and the other 17 agencies were not allowed to examine the server....remember? One other huge thing is that the amount of data that was taken had to of been an inside source because trying to download that much data from that far away would have set off warnings via the firewall. It is one thing to hack into a server and see the data but something entirely to download it. We already know that it was Seth Rich that provided the information. I guess your lamestream media forgot to mention that to ya.

Read the FBI and DHS joint statement linking Russia to the DNC hacking

But yet they never got to examine the server......hmmmmm???

What does that have to do with the hacked DNC? hmmmmmm???

I am talking about the claims of an alleged hack that has never been proven because the server was never examined by one of the three letter agencies.......

So you think the DNC wasn't hacked? Where did all that stuff on Wikileaks come from? Why do you keep trying to change the subject to Hillary?
Assange was the darling of the leftard clown posse when he was releasing damning e-mails against the Bush neocons....your posse thought he was the greatest thing since slice bread.

You did pull that out of your ass, there, Dale-baby......

Assange released a video of some carnage in Afghanistan DURING the GWB administration.......

Try again and stop echoing right wing bloggers........LOL

The Downing Street memos, Natty? Remember those? Yeah, Julian Assange was a hero of the leftard clown posse back then......NO doubt about it. Julian Assange was right to do what he did about exposing the criminal war in Iraq for what it was and how it was all pre-planned just like the false flag event that was 9/11/01. Leftards like you are only interested in the truth so long as it:

1: Doesn't hurt the fabian socialist leftists.

2: Furthers their commie agenda......
No, the DNC friendly web security company CloudStrike made that claim and the other 17 agencies were not allowed to examine the server....remember? One other huge thing is that the amount of data that was taken had to of been an inside source because trying to download that much data from that far away would have set off warnings via the firewall. It is one thing to hack into a server and see the data but something entirely to download it. We already know that it was Seth Rich that provided the information. I guess your lamestream media forgot to mention that to ya.

Read the FBI and DHS joint statement linking Russia to the DNC hacking

But yet they never got to examine the server......hmmmmm???

What does that have to do with the hacked DNC? hmmmmmm???

I am talking about the claims of an alleged hack that has never been proven because the server was never examined by one of the three letter agencies.......

So you think the DNC wasn't hacked? Where did all that stuff on Wikileaks come from? Why do you keep trying to change the subject to Hillary?

Why couldn't have been a DNC staffer?
No, the DNC friendly web security company CloudStrike made that claim and the other 17 agencies were not allowed to examine the server....remember? One other huge thing is that the amount of data that was taken had to of been an inside source because trying to download that much data from that far away would have set off warnings via the firewall. It is one thing to hack into a server and see the data but something entirely to download it. We already know that it was Seth Rich that provided the information. I guess your lamestream media forgot to mention that to ya.

Read the FBI and DHS joint statement linking Russia to the DNC hacking

But yet they never got to examine the server......hmmmmm???

What does that have to do with the hacked DNC? hmmmmmm???

I am talking about the claims of an alleged hack that has never been proven because the server was never examined by one of the three letter agencies.......

So you think the DNC wasn't hacked? Where did all that stuff on Wikileaks come from? Why do you keep trying to change the subject to Hillary?

If Seth Rich had access to the information? Then the server wasn't hacked.......if I may answer the question. I don't believe that the server was ever hacked because if it was? The DNC would have eagerly turned over their server post haste.
What does that have to do with Russia hacking the DNC? No evidence has ever been produced that her account was hacked.

Yes there has been. You are thinking of hacking leaving an electronic trail. That's not what happened. In a very common phishing expedition, John Podesta was lured into giving up his password which just happened to be "password". That's how the hackers got into the DNC. Not by the backdoor, by the wide open front door.

Looking back from 20/20 hindsight, how much of a phishing expedition was that. The Podesta Group has been hand in glove, taking money from the Russians for over ten years. In fact, the relationship was so strong, that there is no more Podesta Group. Mueller ate it as part of his Russian expediton. It is quite possible that John Podesta just left a trail of electronic bread LOAVES not even crumbs, deliberately.

Please present credible evidence that Hillary's email was hacked.

We can never say with 100% certainty who hacked Hillary's or the DNC's server or what was done. We can only use common sense. You have two unsecured server with information that can be used as leverage against powerful people.

Hillary destroyed evidence and the DNC let someone taint the evidence.

Got it. You have no reason to believe her account was hacked.

Just like you have no reason to believe the DNC's server was hacked.

Lots of information from the DNC server was published on Wikileaks. Yes I know it was hacked.
Yes there has been. You are thinking of hacking leaving an electronic trail. That's not what happened. In a very common phishing expedition, John Podesta was lured into giving up his password which just happened to be "password". That's how the hackers got into the DNC. Not by the backdoor, by the wide open front door.

Looking back from 20/20 hindsight, how much of a phishing expedition was that. The Podesta Group has been hand in glove, taking money from the Russians for over ten years. In fact, the relationship was so strong, that there is no more Podesta Group. Mueller ate it as part of his Russian expediton. It is quite possible that John Podesta just left a trail of electronic bread LOAVES not even crumbs, deliberately.

Please present credible evidence that Hillary's email was hacked.

We can never say with 100% certainty who hacked Hillary's or the DNC's server or what was done. We can only use common sense. You have two unsecured server with information that can be used as leverage against powerful people.

Hillary destroyed evidence and the DNC let someone taint the evidence.

Got it. You have no reason to believe her account was hacked.

Just like you have no reason to believe the DNC's server was hacked.

Lots of information from the DNC server was published on Wikileaks. Yes I know it was hacked.

Information that could be put on a thumb drive and given to a former U.K ambassador that could then pass it off to Julian Assange at the Ecuadoran Embassy in London, no?
Yes there has been. You are thinking of hacking leaving an electronic trail. That's not what happened. In a very common phishing expedition, John Podesta was lured into giving up his password which just happened to be "password". That's how the hackers got into the DNC. Not by the backdoor, by the wide open front door.

Looking back from 20/20 hindsight, how much of a phishing expedition was that. The Podesta Group has been hand in glove, taking money from the Russians for over ten years. In fact, the relationship was so strong, that there is no more Podesta Group. Mueller ate it as part of his Russian expediton. It is quite possible that John Podesta just left a trail of electronic bread LOAVES not even crumbs, deliberately.

Please present credible evidence that Hillary's email was hacked.

We can never say with 100% certainty who hacked Hillary's or the DNC's server or what was done. We can only use common sense. You have two unsecured server with information that can be used as leverage against powerful people.

Hillary destroyed evidence and the DNC let someone taint the evidence.

Got it. You have no reason to believe her account was hacked.

Just like you have no reason to believe the DNC's server was hacked.

Lots of information from the DNC server was published on Wikileaks. Yes I know it was hacked.

Again how do you know it wasn't a DNC staffer?

What does that have to do with the hacked DNC? hmmmmmm???

I am talking about the claims of an alleged hack that has never been proven because the server was never examined by one of the three letter agencies.......

So you think the DNC wasn't hacked? Where did all that stuff on Wikileaks come from? Why do you keep trying to change the subject to Hillary?

Why couldn't have been a DNC staffer?

I don't know. I guess it could have been my next door neighbor too. He has those shifty eyes. Why don't you ask our intelligence community? They have more access to the facts than you, I, or Alex Jones have.
Judicial Watch just caught the FBI lying on a FOIA request. Not only did the FBI lie about the documents Judicial Watch requested, but those documents showed the FBI was in crisis mode trying to cover up Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting. Christ Dem's take over the FBI for 8 years and now its corrupt as hell WTF?
It does NOT make any difference how the slime bucket Assange exonerates Russia or not.....

Keep your eye on the prize........Trump tried to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE by firing Comey who would NOT agree to make the issue go away.....

Tattoo this in your small head.......
It is not an issue of collusion but one of the orange moron trying to cover up the need for a politically harmful investigation.....

Assange was the darling of the leftard clown posse when he was releasing damning e-mails against the Bush neocons....your posse thought he was the greatest thing since slice bread. It's most telling about your lack of character when you are more upset about who released the e-mails than you are about the contents. Sleaziness is fine as long as it promotes the leftard agenda, apparently.

The US agencies already proved Russia hacked the DNC, and released the hacked information through Assange and Wikileaks. I guess Alex Jones forgot to mention that to you..
False, the US agencies did NOT prove that Russia hacked the DNC. In point of fact, our IC never even saw the DNC server.

If you say so.
ytCropper | Trump on hacking DNC: I think it was Russia

How does that change the fact that your earlier claim that the US IC had examined the DNC server and determined that the Russians hacked it was FALSE?

....and this is from Trump ass-licking Pompeo....soon to be Sec of State, no less.

CIA director 'stands by' belief Russia hacked DNC after meeting ...

What does that have to do with the hacked DNC? hmmmmmm???

I am talking about the claims of an alleged hack that has never been proven because the server was never examined by one of the three letter agencies.......

So you think the DNC wasn't hacked? Where did all that stuff on Wikileaks come from? Why do you keep trying to change the subject to Hillary?

If Seth Rich had access to the information? Then the server wasn't hacked.......if I may answer the question. I don't believe that the server was ever hacked because if it was? The DNC would have eagerly turned over their server post haste.

If the DNC was hacked then it wasn't just one person or group that hacked the server.

We can never know either way so I keep an open mind.

What does that have to do with the hacked DNC? hmmmmmm???

I am talking about the claims of an alleged hack that has never been proven because the server was never examined by one of the three letter agencies.......

So you think the DNC wasn't hacked? Where did all that stuff on Wikileaks come from? Why do you keep trying to change the subject to Hillary?

If Seth Rich had access to the information? Then the server wasn't hacked.......if I may answer the question. I don't believe that the server was ever hacked because if it was? The DNC would have eagerly turned over their server post haste.

Yes Dale. We know you believe every conspiracy theory that comes along. No reason to believe this one would be different.
But yet they never got to examine the server......hmmmmm???

What does that have to do with the hacked DNC? hmmmmmm???

I am talking about the claims of an alleged hack that has never been proven because the server was never examined by one of the three letter agencies.......

So you think the DNC wasn't hacked? Where did all that stuff on Wikileaks come from? Why do you keep trying to change the subject to Hillary?

Why couldn't have been a DNC staffer?

I don't know. I guess it could have been my next door neighbor too. He has those shifty eyes. Why don't you ask our intelligence community? They have more access to the facts than you, I, or Alex Jones have.

Because they don't know either since they never looked at the server since the DNC took it to a private company and that tainted any evidence.
The Downing Street memos, Natty? Remember those? Yeah, Julian Assange was a hero of the leftard clown posse back then......NO doubt about it. Julian Assange was right to do what he did about exposing the criminal war in Iraq for what it was and how it was all pre-planned just like the false flag event that was 9/11/01. Leftards like you are only interested in the truth so long as it:

1: Doesn't hurt the fabian socialist leftists.

2: Furthers their commie agenda......

So, you have now "concluded" that us liberals once "loved" Assange but now hate him??? Is that the extent of your fucked up brain capacity?

Assange was, is, and will always be a low life,destined to eat scraps at the Ecuadorian embassy.....

Yet, let him try to cut a deal to get his ass out of there with right wingers' help.

As if ANYONE would ever believe this piece of scum.
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Assange was the darling of the leftard clown posse when he was releasing damning e-mails against the Bush neocons....your posse thought he was the greatest thing since slice bread. It's most telling about your lack of character when you are more upset about who released the e-mails than you are about the contents. Sleaziness is fine as long as it promotes the leftard agenda, apparently.

The US agencies already proved Russia hacked the DNC, and released the hacked information through Assange and Wikileaks. I guess Alex Jones forgot to mention that to you..
False, the US agencies did NOT prove that Russia hacked the DNC. In point of fact, our IC never even saw the DNC server.

If you say so.
ytCropper | Trump on hacking DNC: I think it was Russia

How does that change the fact that your earlier claim that the US IC had examined the DNC server and determined that the Russians hacked it was FALSE?

....and this is from Trump ass-licking Pompeo....soon to be Sec of State, no less.

CIA director 'stands by' belief Russia hacked DNC after meeting ...

Pompeo, a Jesuit, no less, is someone that I have absolutely NO faith or trust in. Trump has made some horrendous choices by not doing the proper vetting of them because he doesn't truly understand what he is up against. There are simply too many people on Trump's staff that have serious deep state ties that worked for both sides of the bought and paid for aisle.
Please present credible evidence that Hillary's email was hacked.

We can never say with 100% certainty who hacked Hillary's or the DNC's server or what was done. We can only use common sense. You have two unsecured server with information that can be used as leverage against powerful people.

Hillary destroyed evidence and the DNC let someone taint the evidence.

Got it. You have no reason to believe her account was hacked.

Just like you have no reason to believe the DNC's server was hacked.

Lots of information from the DNC server was published on Wikileaks. Yes I know it was hacked.

Again how do you know it wasn't a DNC staffer?

Again, you should ask our IC. No anonymous poster on a silly discussion board can know more about it than they do. Either you believe them, or you believe Putin. Which is it?

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