Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
Brady and Montana have the same number of Super Bowl wins. Montana never lost a SB. I'm not sure how, by your stated metric, that would put Brady ahead. Montana would seem to be more "clutch" based on winning percentage in the big game and stats (no INT in his 4 SBs).

Either one of them are perfectly valid to argue as the best of the SB era.
Montana has four conference championships and four Super Bowl rings.
Brady has SEVEN conference championships and also four Super Bowl rings.

Thus, Montana lost before even managing to get to the Super Bowl.


And if conference championships were what we were talking about, Brady clearly has the superior record.

We are talking about the GOAT and conference championships come into play
One cannot take Brady's accomplishments where some consider him the "greatest" without accounting for those instances that have gained him the wins such as the serial cheating and reasons for his suspensions. Unless, of course, that person is incapable of being honest.
Sorry, I don't get a hardon for deflated footballs
Totality brother totality.
Wait, what? I'd like to see some elaboration on this. :)

Stickum and silicon were both used by the 9ers and Montana had knowledge. Also the 9ers would fake headset issues to allow Montana to run his set plays. No big deal, just like Brady wasn't a big deal. As Montana said, if you ain't cheating you ain't trying.

I'm just wondering how Montana is a "proven cheater" while Brady is not. :lol:

They all cheat to one degree or another. I find the whole issue pretty silly. Brady and Montana are two great QBs.
Obviously you adhere to a lower standard of practice where dishonesty is the norm. Not all consider that to be acceptable.

Obviously you are mistaken, why is one player cheating different than another player cheating?
Establish those facts based on a report by the appropriate investigative authority.
Stickum and silicon were both used by the 9ers and Montana had knowledge. Also the 9ers would fake headset issues to allow Montana to run his set plays. No big deal, just like Brady wasn't a big deal. As Montana said, if you ain't cheating you ain't trying.

I'm just wondering how Montana is a "proven cheater" while Brady is not. :lol:

They all cheat to one degree or another. I find the whole issue pretty silly. Brady and Montana are two great QBs.
Obviously you adhere to a lower standard of practice where dishonesty is the norm. Not all consider that to be acceptable.

Obviously you are mistaken, why is one player cheating different than another player cheating?
Establish those facts based on a report by the appropriate investigative authority.

Montana admitted to cheating, so did Rice. In fact I bet the NFL has found your favorite team cheating.
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I'm just wondering how Montana is a "proven cheater" while Brady is not. :lol:

They all cheat to one degree or another. I find the whole issue pretty silly. Brady and Montana are two great QBs.
Obviously you adhere to a lower standard of practice where dishonesty is the norm. Not all consider that to be acceptable.

Obviously you are mistaken, why is one player cheating different than another player cheating?
Establish those facts based on a report by the appropriate investigative authority.

Montana admitted to cheating, so did Rice. In fact I bet the NFL has found your favorite team cheating.
Have these alleged statements been investigated and determined to be true and established this cheating you are trying to float as truth?

Please produce the report by the appropriate investigative authority.
Brady and Montana have the same number of Super Bowl wins. Montana never lost a SB. I'm not sure how, by your stated metric, that would put Brady ahead. Montana would seem to be more "clutch" based on winning percentage in the big game and stats (no INT in his 4 SBs).

Either one of them are perfectly valid to argue as the best of the SB era.
Montana has four conference championships and four Super Bowl rings.
Brady has SEVEN conference championships and also four Super Bowl rings.

Thus, Montana lost before even managing to get to the Super Bowl.


And if conference championships were what we were talking about, Brady clearly has the superior record.

We are talking about the GOAT and conference championships come into play

You are adding new criteria. Earlier you said it came down to Super Bowl wins and being clutch. It seems you need to define clutch, because how the quarterback performs in the biggest game possible is clearly not the definition. ;)

Brady has been clutch in all six of his superbowls

If two players each have four wins, next step is to look at appearances as a tiebreaker

Ah, so a quarterback can be clutch in a loss? Well, perhaps Montana was clutch in his playoff losses as well, so simply looking at number of wins is not a good determining factor..... :D
They all cheat to one degree or another. I find the whole issue pretty silly. Brady and Montana are two great QBs.
Obviously you adhere to a lower standard of practice where dishonesty is the norm. Not all consider that to be acceptable.

Obviously you are mistaken, why is one player cheating different than another player cheating?
Establish those facts based on a report by the appropriate investigative authority.

Montana admitted to cheating, so did Rice. In fact I bet the NFL has found your favorite team cheating.
Have these alleged statements been investigated and determined to be true and established this cheating you are trying to float as truth?

Please produce the report by the appropriate investigative authority.

"Trying to float as truth?" That seems a bit derogatory when talking about admissions from the players involved.
I was listening to Bill Romanowski yesterday on the Cowherd show. He stated that right now he rates Montana ahead of Brady but said he would have to call Brady the best ever if the Patriots win yet another Super Bowl. Keep in mind that Romanowski was a 49er teammate of Joe Montana and readily admits he is biased towards Joe.
Obviously you adhere to a lower standard of practice where dishonesty is the norm. Not all consider that to be acceptable.

Obviously you are mistaken, why is one player cheating different than another player cheating?
Establish those facts based on a report by the appropriate investigative authority.

Montana admitted to cheating, so did Rice. In fact I bet the NFL has found your favorite team cheating.
Have these alleged statements been investigated and determined to be true and established this cheating you are trying to float as truth?

Please produce the report by the appropriate investigative authority.

"Trying to float as truth?" That seems a bit derogatory when talking about admissions from the players involved.
Sorry bud this is very serious business I need the appropriate investigative authority to make a determination.
"Cheating Scandals Will Forever Tarnish the Brady-Belichick Legacy"

Cheating Scandals Will Forever Tarnish the Brady-Belichick Legacy

No he is not. took the Brady apologists to school major big time there.:clap2:
Shady Brady isnt even one of the top 10 best MODERN day quarterbacks in the superbowl era the fact that he has the home town refs in his pockets.:D

He cant win a PLAYOFF game on the road anymore cause he doesnt have the home town refs in his pockets.:D

Last time they did win a playoff game on the road came ten years ago against the chargers who had a coach named marty shittenheimer whos teams always went one and done in the playoffs with the chiefs and chargers.:rofl::lmao: other than when he had Montana which of course is the greatest quarterback ever of all time in the modern era.:D
and for sure beyond a doubt,not even one of the two twenty of all time.:rofl::lmao:

when you are involved in scandal after scandal you are a fraud.

Joe Montana is the greatest modern day quarterback in the superbowl era with the greatest of all time being Johnny Unitas.

the legitimate reasonable question for this thread title should be-Who is the greatest quarterback of all time in the modern era.Joe Montana,Terry Bradshaw,or John Elway?

Elway is a legit contender of those three because in the beginning when he first came into the league,he had no running defense and had to carry the load all on his shoulders. I am not sure Montana or Bradshaw could have done that being under those circumstances elway was playing under.
For those who do not want to factor in all the information regarding Brady and just how he got his wins can keep their hero. It doe snot matter much...those fools would gladly fork over their hard earned dollars to an illusion.

I would consider many QBs including those you mentioned over Brady.

Have you even watched Brady and the Patriots since "Deflategate"? Tom Brady just utterly dismantled the Steelers throwing to a receiver that the Buffalo Bills didn't want. He's won behind patchwork offensive lines. He's won with injuries taking away his best receivers. He's won with an anemic running game. His two favorite receivers right now are a tiny guy who used to play quarterback at Kent State and a guy who played college lacrosse!

You're a clueless Brady hater, Phallics! You always have always will be.
Quarterback for football player?

For player I would go with Jerry Rice.

For QB- well stats be damned- I will go with Joe Montana.

Perhaps I am biased.

Brady is good no doubt but not the best. Think Bret Farve.

There are 3 greatest quarterbacks of all time with 4 Superbowls each Brady, Montana and Bradshaw. If he wins this one, Brady is number one.

cheaters dont count so if we are talking greatest in the superbowl era,the only question is who is the best quarterback in the modern day era between Bradshaw and Montana?:biggrin: same as how Barry Bonds does not count as having the record for most home runs in a season so the question would be who is the greatest home run hitter Ruth or Maris.:biggrin:
Unlike Brady, Montana was and is a PROVEN CHEATER. Might want to move out of that glass house, kid.

Wait, what? I'd like to see some elaboration on this. :)

Stickum and silicon were both used by the 9ers and Montana had knowledge. Also the 9ers would fake headset issues to allow Montana to run his set plays. No big deal, just like Brady wasn't a big deal. As Montana said, if you ain't cheating you ain't trying.

I'm just wondering how Montana is a "proven cheater" while Brady is not. :lol:

other way around brady apologist.:rolleyes:

what do all these people have in common?
Roger Clemons.
Barry Bonds
Sammy Sosa
Mark Mcguire
Lance Armstrong
Tom Brady
Bill Belicheat
Chicago Black Sox
New England Patriots
you guessed it.this-* which makes them frauds because they all had to cheat to achieve greatness.
The only way the NFL can ever be reformed is two things.
1.there needs to be a law that prevents NFL teams moving anytime they want just cause they cant get their new precious stadium.
2.Belicheat and brady need to have every win taken away from them especially playoffs and superbowls.

You can live in denial all you want that they have created a the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal and its even worse cause they have done it MULTIPLE times and gone unpunished for it however when you have DOZENS of former NFL players saying they are cheaters,then sorry,thse former NFL players have just a little bit more credibility than you do and know what they are talking about i think.

you lose,and alex checkmates you.:lmao:
cheaters dont count so if we are talking greatest in the superbowl era,the only question is who is the best quarterback in the modern day era between Bradshaw and Montana?:biggrin: same as how Barry Bonds does not count as having the record for most home runs in a season so the question would be who is the greatest home run hitter Ruth or Maris.:biggrin:
Unlike Brady, Montana was and is a PROVEN CHEATER. Might want to move out of that glass house, kid.

Wait, what? I'd like to see some elaboration on this. :)

Stickum and silicon were both used by the 9ers and Montana had knowledge. Also the 9ers would fake headset issues to allow Montana to run his set plays. No big deal, just like Brady wasn't a big deal. As Montana said, if you ain't cheating you ain't trying.

I'm just wondering how Montana is a "proven cheater" while Brady is not. :lol:

other way around brady apologist.:rolleyes:

what do all these people have in common?
Roger Clemons.
Barry Bonds
Sammy Sosa
Mark Mcguire
Lance Armstrong
Tom Brady
Bill Belicheat
Chicago Black Sox
New England Patriots
you guessed it.this-* which makes them frauds because they all had to cheat to achieve greatness.
The only way the NFL can ever be reformed is two things.
1.there needs to be a law that prevents NFL teams moving anytime they want just cause they cant get their new precious stadium.
2.Belicheat and brady need to have every win taken away from them especially playoffs and superbowls.

You can live in denial all you want that they have created a the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal and its even worse cause they have done it MULTIPLE times and gone unpunished for it however when you have DOZENS of former NFL players saying they are cheaters,then sorry,thse former NFL players have just a little bit more credibility than you do and know what they are talking about i think.

you lose,and alex checkmates you.:lmao:

Do you even have any idea what my post said?
Obviously you are mistaken, why is one player cheating different than another player cheating?
Establish those facts based on a report by the appropriate investigative authority.

Montana admitted to cheating, so did Rice. In fact I bet the NFL has found your favorite team cheating.
Have these alleged statements been investigated and determined to be true and established this cheating you are trying to float as truth?

Please produce the report by the appropriate investigative authority.

"Trying to float as truth?" That seems a bit derogatory when talking about admissions from the players involved.
Sorry bud this is very serious business I need the appropriate investigative authority to make a determination.

I didn't say you have to believe it. I said the way you described Papageorgio's posts was derogatory. You make it sound as though he's intentionally spreading lies rather than just repeating things that Montana and Rice have said.

Here's Rice:

Here's Montana :
Unlike Brady, Montana was and is a PROVEN CHEATER. Might want to move out of that glass house, kid.

Wait, what? I'd like to see some elaboration on this. :)

Stickum and silicon were both used by the 9ers and Montana had knowledge. Also the 9ers would fake headset issues to allow Montana to run his set plays. No big deal, just like Brady wasn't a big deal. As Montana said, if you ain't cheating you ain't trying.

I'm just wondering how Montana is a "proven cheater" while Brady is not. :lol:

other way around brady apologist.:rolleyes:

what do all these people have in common?
Roger Clemons.
Barry Bonds
Sammy Sosa
Mark Mcguire
Lance Armstrong
Tom Brady
Bill Belicheat
Chicago Black Sox
New England Patriots
you guessed it.this-* which makes them frauds because they all had to cheat to achieve greatness.
The only way the NFL can ever be reformed is two things.
1.there needs to be a law that prevents NFL teams moving anytime they want just cause they cant get their new precious stadium.
2.Belicheat and brady need to have every win taken away from them especially playoffs and superbowls.

You can live in denial all you want that they have created a the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal and its even worse cause they have done it MULTIPLE times and gone unpunished for it however when you have DOZENS of former NFL players saying they are cheaters,then sorry,thse former NFL players have just a little bit more credibility than you do and know what they are talking about i think.

you lose,and alex checkmates you.:lmao:

Do you even have any idea what my post said?

well I know you are in denial about government corruption and that we live in a facist dictatership with nothing but a bunch of criminals and mass murderers in washington running our country so I just assumed you are in denial how corrupt the NFL is as well and how thec cheats have created the biggest scandal in sports history even bigger then the black scandal so i confess i did what you do when you look into 9/11,only read parts of your
No. No player whose career is entirely (or midtly) contained in the Parity Era (post-1994) can be considered Great, never mind the Greatest.
exactly. people here dont get it that the only way you can win division title aftter division title and be in the superbowl so many times in this day and age of parity is if you have the commissioner in your pockets as the pats do.

without Goddel having his head up krafts ass all the time and they always have the home town refs in their pockets,there is no way their home winning record is impressive like that or they win so many playoff games at home all the time. last time they won playoff game on the ROAD was ten years ago,when they cant cheat on the road in the PLAYOFFS ,they cant win. that is why seattles home record as well is also not impressive,they also have the home town refs in their pockets.
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Guys like Marino, Peyton and even Dan Fouts were great Fantasy Football QBs and put up great numbers. But when considering the GOAT, you gotta have some rings
Peyton won two rings but was not terribly impressive in either win. He is more remembered for getting to the playoffs with one of the best records in the league and then losing at home

I loved Joe Montana, one of the most clutch QBs ever. Even at Notre Dame, he had heart and would not quit. The game was never over as long as Joe had the ball and there was time on the clock
Brady has the same type of mentality. I just think that over the years, and he is now 40, he has eclipsed Montana

So by that rationalization…wouldn’t Robert Horry be considered a “greater” player than Magic Johnson? Magic only has 5 rings; Horry has seven.
Damn really can be logical. I didn't think it possible.

tell me that when it happens,that would be a first.:haha:
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I used to think Joe Montana was the greatest ever, but I'm wondering if Tom Brady is the best.

What do you think?

Quarterback for football player?

For player I would go with Jerry Rice.

For QB- well stats be damned- I will go with Joe Montana.

Perhaps I am biased.

Brady is good no doubt but not the best. Think Bret Farve.

There are 3 greatest quarterbacks of all time with 4 Superbowls each Brady, Montana and Bradshaw. If he wins this one, Brady is number one.

cheaters dont count so if we are talking greatest in the superbowl era,the only question is who is the best quarterback in the modern day era between Bradshaw and Montana?:biggrin: same as how Barry Bonds does not count as having the record for most home runs in a season so the question would be who is the greatest home run hitter Ruth or Maris.:biggrin:
Unlike Brady, Montana was and is a PROVEN CHEATER. Might want to move out of that glass house, kid.
Brady destroyed evidence.

A court of law upheld his suspension for cause.:itsok:

a joke of a suspension lets not forget.if Goodel did not have his head up Krafts ass and cared about the integrity of the game,he would have suspended Brady and entire SEASON,banned Belicheat from the NFL,and Kraft would have lost ownership. Eddie D Bartelo lost ownership of the niners for a far less offense than what the cheats have done cause the cheats are like politicians,same way politicians get away with crimes everyday we go to jail for,the cheats get away with scandal after scadal other NFL would get far sinister punishment over if they did the same thing they did.:rolleyes:

this raider fan nailed it below saying what i have said for years,how goodell has his head up krafts ass.:up:

HERE IT IS WITHOUT DELAY,This FANTASTIC piece by an NFL fan.:beer::thup::up:
This story is important because this is the backbone of the league’s (and especially Goodell’s) love affair with Kraft and the Patriots. Yes Goodell helped – but it was Kraft’s huge wallet that kept the Pets in the critical Boston market which is what everyone (including Kraft himself) wanted to happen. This is one of the reasons (if not the main one) why Goodell destroyed the spygate tapes.

OTOH, this is not Oakland. There are many differences – far too many to cover in one post – but the main one is the Bay area will still have a team if the Raiders leave… the 49ers. I know the local Nation folks don’t want to hear it – but that’s the reality. If the Pets left "New England" (read "Boston" ) – it would have been very hard to put another team there because the natives and the government did not want to pay for a stadium. So they would have needed an existing owner with a HUGE wallet who ALSO wanted to move his team to build a stadium on his own (as Kraft was willing to do) OR – even worse – find an expansion owner/group with enough cash to buy a team AND build a stadium. It cannot be understated how important it was for the league to keep Kraft where he was – the new stadium he built was basically gravy on top. This is why the Pets get away with murder on the field – because Goodell is beholden to Kraft.

as I said,i could not have said it better myself,this guy nailed it to a tee.:up:
gives standing ovation.
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Belechick has continually dumped players who were still in their prime. Made you could he do that?
But he brings up the next in line, makes some adjustments and is back in the playoffs

That's because he's building a machine, not a team. When he had to build a TEAM back in Cleveland, he didn't do so well.

ever notice how ESPN and the NFL always kiss hiss ass calling him the greatest coach ever by NEVER bringing up that fact? :rofl: they never bring up that fact how he was a failure at clevealand with just one winning season in five years cause it will shoot down their theory that he is not that good a coach and that Brady saved his ass from the toliet of being a nobody well that and the fact the cheats had the NFL in their pockets that year,the bs TUCK rule taking the game away from the raiders and the refs allowing the pats players to mug the rams recievers as well as illegally taping the rams practices. Kurt warner to his credit came out and said that he did not think that game was offciated fairly.:up: and remember i cant stand warner,i hate him cause he played for that phony fraud team in st louis.
"Cheating Scandals Will Forever Tarnish the Brady-Belichick Legacy"

Cheating Scandals Will Forever Tarnish the Brady-Belichick Legacy

No he is not. took the Brady apologists to school major big time there.:clap2:
Shady Brady isnt even one of the top 10 best MODERN day quarterbacks in the superbowl era the fact that he has the home town refs in his pockets.:D

He cant win a PLAYOFF game on the road anymore cause he doesnt have the home town refs in his pockets.:D

Last time they did win a playoff game on the road came ten years ago against the chargers who had a coach named marty shittenheimer whos teams always went one and done in the playoffs with the chiefs and chargers.:rofl::lmao: other than when he had Montana which of course is the greatest quarterback ever of all time in the modern era.:D
and for sure beyond a doubt,not even one of the two twenty of all time.:rofl::lmao:

when you are involved in scandal after scandal you are a fraud.

Joe Montana is the greatest modern day quarterback in the superbowl era with the greatest of all time being Johnny Unitas.

the legitimate reasonable question for this thread title should be-Who is the greatest quarterback of all time in the modern era.Joe Montana,Terry Bradshaw,or John Elway?

Elway is a legit contender of those three because in the beginning when he first came into the league,he had no running defense and had to carry the load all on his shoulders. I am not sure Montana or Bradshaw could have done that being under those circumstances elway was playing under.
For those who do not want to factor in all the information regarding Brady and just how he got his wins can keep their hero. It doe snot matter much...those fools would gladly fork over their hard earned dollars to an illusion.

I would consider many QBs including those you mentioned over Brady.

Have you even watched Brady and the Patriots since "Deflategate"? Tom Brady just utterly dismantled the Steelers throwing to a receiver that the Buffalo Bills didn't want. He's won behind patchwork offensive lines. He's won with injuries taking away his best receivers. He's won with an anemic running game. His two favorite receivers right now are a tiny guy who used to play quarterback at Kent State and a guy who played college lacrosse!

You're a clueless Brady hater, Phallics! You always have always will be.
I do not like cheaters, no secret there.

I do not take clowns that claim they smoked Jack Nicholson's joint very seriously either..
...know what I mean PUFFER?:smoke::rofl:

Oh yea how is your very good and close friend Steve Spagnoulo...:uhoh3::slap:
Establish those facts based on a report by the appropriate investigative authority.

Montana admitted to cheating, so did Rice. In fact I bet the NFL has found your favorite team cheating.
Have these alleged statements been investigated and determined to be true and established this cheating you are trying to float as truth?

Please produce the report by the appropriate investigative authority.

"Trying to float as truth?" That seems a bit derogatory when talking about admissions from the players involved.
Sorry bud this is very serious business I need the appropriate investigative authority to make a determination.

I didn't say you have to believe it. I said the way you described Papageorgio's posts was derogatory. You make it sound as though he's intentionally spreading lies rather than just repeating things that Montana and Rice have said.

Here's Rice:

Here's Montana :

The playback on the video has been disabled by the owner you numbskull.

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