Is Trump a Bigot or is he keeping us safe?


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
I see a lot of hate flying Donnies way so I thought i'd open a discussion. Lets go with with the accusations that he is a racist bigot for proposing to ban all Muslims from coming to the USofA. I realize there are a slew of other things that he has done to earn him honorary labels of racists, sexist, and xenophob, but lets stick to the Muslim ban point for this discussion.

On one side I understand the inherent need, desire and responsibility for our citizens to feel safe in our homeland. The simple logic is that Isis is an Islamic extremist ideology and they have vowed to infiltrate our country and kill our citizens... So Trumps simple solution is to not allow any Muslims into the country until we figure out how to property screen them.

The counter argument... Much like the one used for anti-gun control is... there will never be a full proof way to screen or background check everybody to avoid incidents. So the full proof solution that Trump is waiting for is likely to never come. I'd like to take it a step further and ask those who support Trumps ban to explain the difference between his solution to a similar, smaller scale scenario....

Take a business owner who's storefront is on the outskirts of a violent community with a strong gang presence. Lets say that this business has been robbed and vandalized a few times and statistics can show that a local African American gang is responsible and targeting the business. Under Trumps logic, would this business owner have the right to ban all African Americans from entering his property? Expand the concept... Can business owners all across America expand this idea and ban all blacks from their doors? Take it out to public transportation centers, airlines, sporting events etc... You see my point.

Let the debate begin...

Drumpf is a bigot and a racist. His daddy was kkk, even got his racist butt arrested. The shit doesn't fall far from the bat and Drumpf himself has mad his racism very clear. Additionally, his wife's daddy was Communist and the shit didn't fall far from that bat either.

The op asked "... or IS he keeping us safe". No, he's not. Just the opposite. Like his fans, he attacks innocent people instead of terrorists so, like his fans, he is on the side of the terrorists.

Drumpf says what he knows his ignorant base wants to hear - a lot of senseless hate and anger at nothing and everything.

He lies about damn near everything but as I wrote elsewhere,
I do believe he would murder millions of innocent people - including Americans.

I also believe him when he says he will raise taxes sky high on the working and poor class while slashing taxes on his 1% cronies.

Same is true of Cruz, Rubio and Bush.

If we have a Repub in the White House, there will nothing stopping the GOP from decimating the United States.

And the nutter RW traitors know it and will vote for it.
Donnie is a mouth yammering down party lines .. any party that will pat him on the back
The counter argument... Much like the one used for anti-gun control is...

The anti-Muslim argument is IDENTICAL to the anti-gun argument.

"Another gun Muslim has killed someone. We must enact gun Muslim control or ban them entirely. They are too dangerous!"
Keeping us safe? From what? being able to find Bronzer when he's in town?

And hairspray!

His bright yellow/orange hair -
The untanned white rings around his eyes -

Its like he doesn't have a mirror and is surrounded by people who are afraid to tell him he looks like a mentally ill freak.

Much more important though is his disdain for the US Constitution and especially the Firs Amendment.

His eagerness to silence anyone with an opposing view or journalist who has the unmitigated gall to actually ask him a question ... its scary.

If he can't "fire" you or sue you, he will find other ways to keep you silent. Removing people from his rallies is bad enough but the cheers from the crowds make it look like something out of 1984. And the creep actually stole a man's coat in the middle of winter and the crowd cheered at that too.
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Well, since he is doing absolutely nothing to keep us safe, process of elimination says: BIGOT
Nobody from the Trump coalition going to defend him?? I would love to hear the argument in relation to the smaller scale scenario mentioned in the original post.
whatever Trump is doing, he's keeping 35% of the country afraid of their shadow.
I see a lot of hate flying Donnies way so I thought i'd open a discussion. Lets go with with the accusations that he is a racist bigot for proposing to ban all Muslims from coming to the USofA. I realize there are a slew of other things that he has done to earn him honorary labels of racists, sexist, and xenophob, but lets stick to the Muslim ban point for this discussion.

On one side I understand the inherent need, desire and responsibility for our citizens to feel safe in our homeland. The simple logic is that Isis is an Islamic extremist ideology and they have vowed to infiltrate our country and kill our citizens... So Trumps simple solution is to not allow any Muslims into the country until we figure out how to property screen them.

The counter argument... Much like the one used for anti-gun control is... there will never be a full proof way to screen or background check everybody to avoid incidents. So the full proof solution that Trump is waiting for is likely to never come. I'd like to take it a step further and ask those who support Trumps ban to explain the difference between his solution to a similar, smaller scale scenario....

Take a business owner who's storefront is on the outskirts of a violent community with a strong gang presence. Lets say that this business has been robbed and vandalized a few times and statistics can show that a local African American gang is responsible and targeting the business. Under Trumps logic, would this business owner have the right to ban all African Americans from entering his property? Expand the concept... Can business owners all across America expand this idea and ban all blacks from their doors? Take it out to public transportation centers, airlines, sporting events etc... You see my point.

Let the debate begin...

Trump is just appealing to his racist and xenophobic base.

He doesn't believe any of it.

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