Is Trump a Russian spy?

Trump showed controversy upon his politics in Russian, he tries to support sanctions but he called Europeans to reintegrate Russia on G20, he let Syria for russian occupation...

He finally admitted that Russia manipulated Us presidential campaign after Heksinki meeting.


So you have made up allegations from desperate Progressives.

I bet you ignored the latest news. I wonder why?

Feinstein's driver of 20 yrs. a Chinese spy
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Michael F. Haverluck (

For 20 years, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) had a Chinese spy working for her who attended official functions on her behalf and served as her personal driver – while she was the United States Senate Intelligence Committee chairman.

“Along with driving duties, the staffer was a gofer and a liaison to the Asian American community,” WND reported. “He even attended Chinese Consulate functions for the senator.”

Clueless in San Francisco

The revelation that Feinstein’s trusted worker was a spy apparently alarmed the veteran Democratic senator – who was shocked after discovering his alleged connection with the communist Chinese government’s intelligence and security agency.

Feinstein's driver of 20 yrs. a Chinese spy
Why Trump calls Europe to reintegrate Russia in G7?

Trump does ONE thing well......he follows Putin's orders to a "T"

Do you think these are Putin's orders?


July 27th 2018
GDP report shows booming 4.1 percent growth, as Trump touts 'amazing' numbers

The U.S. economy grew by 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018, marking the fastest economic expansion in nearly four years, according to a highly anticipated estimate released Friday by the Commerce Department.

GDP report shows booming 4.1 percent growth, as Trump touts 'amazing' numbers


U.S. unemployment rate dips to 3.9%
Trade deficit increases
by Andrew Weiland
August 03, 2018, 10:55 AM

The U.S. unemployment rate dipped to 3.9 percent in July, down from 4.0 percent in June, and the nation’s economy added 157,000 jobs last month, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The average monthly job gain for the economy over the last 12 months is 203,000, according to the report.

Meanwhile, the U.S. trade deficit increased in June, according to a report from the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. The goods and services deficit was $46.3 billion in June, up $3.2 billion (or 7.4 percent) from $43.2 billion in May.

Previous job growth reports for the U.S. economy were revised upward by a total of 59,000. The nation’s economy added 268,000 jobs in May (up from the previous report of 244,000) and 248,000 in June (up from the previous report of 213,000), according to the BLS report.

U.S. unemployment rate dips to 3.9% | BizTimes Media Milwaukee
Gas price depends on:
1. expenses to extract it. Russian gas is easy to get while USA extract shale gas which is more difficult, expensive and harms ecology.
2. method of transportation. Russia had built many gas pipelines from Siberia to western Europe while USA needs to liquefy gas, get it by tankers to Europe and de-liquefy it back which make transportation too slow, needs many factories to be built and operated on both sides.
3. quality of gas itself. And that is the only thing where American gas is not worse than Russian...and not better as well.

Russia doesn't pay attention on price of American gas but sets price basing on oil prices.

The US has 269M cars......russia.....41M.

Listen you filthy cossack, shale is only a portion of US oil production because now we know oil is not a "fossil fuel" but an abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons in the mantle of the earth. So we go back to wells once thought dry and they are filled again....there will never be "peak oil"....we live on a SEA of petroleum. As to your pipelines, who in their right mind would prefer to deal with you pigs when they can get American LNG that can't be cut off in winter to blackmail them? Keep toying with us...we could have buried you when Yeltsin kicked out the commissars and we didn' might not be so fortunate next time.
Sure Trump is a spy. while Diane Fienstien had a Chinese spy as a driver and courier for 20 years, Trump would often spy on her for the Russians dressed as her gardner.
....As to your pipelines, who in their right mind would prefer to deal with you pigs when they can get American LNG that can't be cut off in winter to blackmail them?..

Eh, why can't murican LNG be cut off in order to blackmail some disloyal puppets?


Since our culture invented contract law, we tend to believe in it. Unlike you filthy cossacks, we haven't invaded our neighbors to steal their wealth since we create our own. We could take Mehico and Canuckistan in a matter of stumbling morons took months to capture a couple miles of Ukraine.
Since our culture invented contract law, we tend to believe in it.

Nah, you guys believe you're exceptional and destined to rule the world and every country that thinks otherwise has a coup/regime change/liberation/colour revolution coming
Unlike you filthy cossacks, we haven't invaded our neighbors to steal their wealth since we create our own.

Of course not, you just invade oil rich countries full of brown people because you really care about peace & democracy... like the psycho princess said, we came, we saw, he died.... hahahaha
We could take Mehico and Canuckistan in a matter of stumbling morons took months to capture a couple miles of Ukraine.

Nothing was captured comrade, the people of Crimea held a referendum and decided they would rather be part of Russia again instead of being ruled by a bunch of deranged neo nazis in Kiev

Of course not, you just invade oil rich countries full of brown people because you really care about peace & democracy... like the psycho princess said, we came, we saw, he died.... hahahaha
Soooo many "brown people" in Canada

I might remember ho to quote some day....
Of course not, you just invade oil rich countries full of brown people because you really care about peace & democracy... like the psycho princess said, we came, we saw, he died.... hahahaha
Soooo many "brown people" in Canada

Right, Canada isn't full of brown people so they're quite safe

Mexico or Venezuela on the other hand....

Yep. Canada is gonna be bombed ASAP because they have so many "brown people." That is why the U.S. has forces deployed to Venezuela and Mexico....
Yep. Canada is gonna be bombed ASAP because they have so many "brown people." That is why the U.S. has forces deployed to Venezuela and Mexico....

Trump repeatedly suggested Venezuela invasion, stunning top aides – report

Mexico doesn't have to be invaded/regime changed..... yet

But if their new president actually gets serious about nationalization of the oil industry and using the $$$ to implement socialist policies for the people...

For reals... that shit was a pipe dream for the socialists like 20 years ago. Get ready for the big gringo invasion so we can take control of the Orinoco Belt. Too bad they can't find a better price for their products now oil isn't worth shit.
For reals... that shit was a pipe dream for the socialists like 20 years ago. Get ready for the big gringo invasion so we can take control of the Orinoco Belt. Too bad they can't find a better price for their products now oil isn't worth shit.

I guess this is getting a bit of topic, unless Putin wants Trump to invade Mexico...

For reals... that shit was a pipe dream for the socialists like 20 years ago. Get ready for the big gringo invasion so we can take control of the Orinoco Belt. Too bad they can't find a better price for their products now oil isn't worth shit.

I guess this is getting a bit of topic, unless Putin wants Trump to invade Mexico...


Nobody wants Mexico, not even Mexicans. that's why over 40% and rising of it's population has moved to the US.
From your "report". If it weren't for this source, some news sources would have nothing to print. "Quoting an unnamed senior administration official"

Well, if it was a named senior administration official Trump would fire him for leaking to the fake news

Don't worry, the exceptional empire isn't going to invade Venezuela, a regime change is better PR, less costly and it's already in the works, that's why his advisors talked the orange clown out of it

But what does that have to do with Trump being a Russian spy?

Trump showed controversy upon his politics in Russian, he tries to support sanctions but he called Europeans to reintegrate Russia on G20, he let Syria for russian occupation...

He finally admitted that Russia manipulated Us presidential campaign after Heksinki meeting.


Trump never supported Russian sanctions. The house and the senate had to steam roll him with them. IOW they took away his veto power, and actually added a clause to the bill that he could not lessen the sanctions without congressional approval. And to--date, Trump has refused to enforce them.
Senate joins House in overwhelmingly passing new Russian sanctions
Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law

Over a year ago, Trump met in the oval office with Russians. He kicked out American media let Russian media in. There were 3 other Americans in the room with him. H.R. McMaster, national security adviser, Dina Powell, deputy National Security adviser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaked to the Washington Post, that Trump had given the Russians classified information that had not gone through the process of being declassified?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


This was no mistake, it was to show Putin what he could get away with as POTUS.

US intelligence had warned Isreali intelligence a few months before to not give classified information to Trump, citing he may be compromised by the Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

We also know this:
While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

Now the worry is, what did Trump & Putin agree too in that private 2 hour meeting they had in Helsinki? What did Trump tell Putin? It's pretty clear from Trump's comments afterwards that Vladimir Putin has something on Trump, and he is indeed compromised.


For evidence of collusion. Click this link, it will redirect you to another thread on this board, and you can read one Guardian article that was confirmed by James Comey under sworn testimony over a year ago, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

For how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election, click this link to redirect to another post on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

A great book to read right now is this.

Evidence shows Obama knew what the Russians were doing in 2014 ... And did nothing to stop it. His own people have already admitted it. Funny how Mueller hasn't questioned Barry yet....

You remember 2014, right, 'Cookie'?

It was the year Barry gave Russia 20% of the US supply of uranium, gave them an unchallenged military annexation of Crimea, a free had at hacking and interfering in the US, and Top Secret info on Hillary's server that he allowed to exist despite knowing about it and knowing Russia was trying to hack into it.

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