Is Trump a Russian spy?

Russian gas in Europe is 2 times cheaper than American. What competitive supply are you talking about?
The only reason for Europeans to buy American gas is political pressure. And that's the main reason why USA has almost thousand military bases all over the world - they make other countries to buy American goods...a new form of occupation.

Guess you don't understand supply, and demand. Why is the price of Russian gas so low as you claim? Do you think they like depressed prices? You are making my argument for me.
Russian gas in Europe is 2 times cheaper than American. What competitive supply are you talking about?
The only reason for Europeans to buy American gas is political pressure. And that's the main reason why USA has almost thousand military bases all over the world - they make other countries to buy American goods...a new form of occupation.

Guess you don't understand supply, and demand. Why is the price of Russian gas so low as you claim? Do you think they like depressed prices? You are making my argument for me.
Gas price depends on:
1. expenses to extract it. Russian gas is easy to get while USA extract shale gas which is more difficult, expensive and harms ecology.
2. method of transportation. Russia had built many gas pipelines from Siberia to western Europe while USA needs to liquefy gas, get it by tankers to Europe and de-liquefy it back which make transportation too slow, needs many factories to be built and operated on both sides.
3. quality of gas itself. And that is the only thing where American gas is not worse than Russian...and not better as well.

Russia doesn't pay attention on price of American gas but sets price basing on oil prices.
Why isn't this asinine thread in the conspiracy forum? We look like a bunch of fucking retards on this forum allowing this for open public consumption where non members can read it.
The price of energy is dictated by WORLD MARKETS. It is not Russia specific.
Why isn't this asinine thread in the conspiracy forum? We look like a bunch of fucking retards on this forum allowing this for open public consumption where non members can read it.

Eh, maybe you missed it but accusing the orange clown of being a Russian spy is the official policy of the #resistance as Mueller will prove any day now

I agree it's retarded but that says more about Washington than it does about this forum

Trump showed controversy upon his politics in Russian, he tries to support sanctions but he called Europeans to reintegrate Russia on G20, he let Syria for russian occupation...

He finally admitted that Russia manipulated Us presidential campaign after Heksinki meeting.


Trump is a nightmare for putin....hilary was already bought and paid for with at least 145 million dollars from putin controlled state actors....and that is only what we know about...

Trump....puts troops in Poland, hurts putin.

Trump makes deal to put 10.5 billion dollars of Patriot missiles in Poland

Trump pushes American energy production...hurts putin.

Trump building up U.S. military....hurts putin.

Trump increases sanctions against Russian oligarchs...hurts putin.

Trump killed 200 Russian mercenaries working for putin... hurts putin.

Trump gave deadly weapons to Ukraine, to kill Russians.... hurts putin.

Trump told NATO to pay for and rebuild their militaries... hurts putin.

Trump told Germany to stop giving Russia billions of dollars...hurts putin.

Trump attacked Syria after chemical weapons attack...hurts putin.

Trump ended obama Iran deal...hurts putin.

Just gave 200 million more to Ukraine to fight putin.

Media Will Have A Hard Time Spinning Trump's Latest Move That Hurts Russia
U.S. troops head to Russian border in Poland as Trump shifts NATO view
US and Poland strike $10.5 billion missile defense deal | DW | 18.11.2017
Russia can sell all the energy it wants, however, more supply on the world market, and COMPETITION from other countries like the U.S. helps to keep the energy prices lower than if there were less competitive supply.

Maybe instead of calling people Morons, you should take an Economics course.
Russian gas in Europe is 2 times cheaper than American. What competitive supply are you talking about?
The only reason for Europeans to buy American gas is political pressure. And that's the main reason why USA has almost thousand military bases all over the world - they make other countries to buy American goods...a new form of occupation.

How much is a gallon of gas in Europe? It's $2.53 here today in my town.
Trump showed controversy upon his politics in Russian, he tries to support sanctions but he called Europeans to reintegrate Russia on G20, he let Syria for russian occupation...

He finally admitted that Russia manipulated Us presidential campaign after Heksinki meeting.


Trump is a nightmare for putin....hilary was already bought and paid for with at least 145 million dollars from putin controlled state actors....and that is only what we know about...

Trump....puts troops in Poland, hurts putin.

Trump makes deal to put 10.5 billion dollars of Patriot missiles in Poland

Trump pushes American energy production...hurts putin.

Trump building up U.S. military....hurts putin.

Trump increases sanctions against Russian oligarchs...hurts putin.

Trump killed 200 Russian mercenaries working for putin... hurts putin.

Trump gave deadly weapons to Ukraine, to kill Russians.... hurts putin.

Trump told NATO to pay for and rebuild their militaries... hurts putin.

Trump told Germany to stop giving Russia billions of dollars...hurts putin.

Trump attacked Syria after chemical weapons attack...hurts putin.

Trump ended obama Iran deal...hurts putin.

Just gave 200 million more to Ukraine to fight putin.

Media Will Have A Hard Time Spinning Trump's Latest Move That Hurts Russia
U.S. troops head to Russian border in Poland as Trump shifts NATO view
US and Poland strike $10.5 billion missile defense deal | DW | 18.11.2017

That's one thing I don't like that Trump did, shooting missiles at the Syrian air base.

IMO, what happened is Russians bombed an ISIS area that had a chemical weapons depot.
Think about it, the effectiveness of Russian interference in the electoral process depends on ....wait for it....propaganda. What better propaganda source could the Russians hope for than the freaking FBI and the democrat party? We just went through a presidential election and it seems that the democrats and freaking idiots in the FBI who claim that the President of the United States of America is "illegitimate" ...are the true stooges (spies) of the Kremlin.
Trump showed controversy upon his politics in Russian
American and British policy was always controversy and full of lies. It is their culture: lie now to get some profit and than act according only to your favour and forget about all previous agreements.

In Trump's case we can also see his maneuvering between different political powers not for providing right policy but to keep himself at stable position.

he let Syria for russian occupation..
Wow! Actually Russia is legal in Syria invited by legitimate government while Americans there are intervents and Syrians have right to fight them out of their land with Russian army's help.

He finally admitted that Russia manipulated Us presidential campaign after Heksinki meeting.
I can't stop laughing at your hysteria about "Russian manipulation while elections". Madness...
Da, Tvaritch...


Worst grammar I've seen in quite some time...

These English-as-a-second-language types manage to "out" themselves every time... :21:
Trump showed controversy upon his politics in Russian, he tries to support sanctions but he called Europeans to reintegrate Russia on G20, he let Syria for russian occupation...

He finally admitted that Russia manipulated Us presidential campaign after Heksinki meeting.


Trump never supported Russian sanctions. The house and the senate had to steam roll him with them. IOW they took away his veto power, and actually added a clause to the bill that he could not lessen the sanctions without congressional approval. And to--date, Trump has refused to enforce them.
Senate joins House in overwhelmingly passing new Russian sanctions
Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law

Over a year ago, Trump met in the oval office with Russians. He kicked out American media let Russian media in. There were 3 other Americans in the room with him. H.R. McMaster, national security adviser, Dina Powell, deputy National Security adviser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaked to the Washington Post, that Trump had given the Russians classified information that had not gone through the process of being declassified?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


This was no mistake, it was to show Putin what he could get away with as POTUS.

US intelligence had warned Isreali intelligence a few months before to not give classified information to Trump, citing he may be compromised by the Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

We also know this:
While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

Now the worry is, what did Trump & Putin agree too in that private 2 hour meeting they had in Helsinki? What did Trump tell Putin? It's pretty clear from Trump's comments afterwards that Vladimir Putin has something on Trump, and he is indeed compromised.


For evidence of collusion. Click this link, it will redirect you to another thread on this board, and you can read one Guardian article that was confirmed by James Comey under sworn testimony over a year ago, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

For how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election, click this link to redirect to another post on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

A great book to read right now is this.

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Hillary gave the Russians TOP SECRET info, 20% of the US supply of Uranium, and colluded with foreign spies and Russians..

Bill met with Putin...

Debbie W-S hired and ran a Pakistani Spy Ring...

Feinstein hired and was cheuffered around by a Chinese spy for a year...

Democrats have proven they have an affinity for Russians and foreign spies and can't be trusted with classified...

...and Trump is the one being investigated...

Is Trump a Russian spy?


President Trump has been tougher on Russia in less than 2 years than Barak Obama was in 8 years.

In 2014 alone, Barak Obama handed Uranium One and 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia despite a plethora of evidence of criminal acts associated with their effort, reneged on a US promise to help defend the Ukraine's sovereign borders and allowed Putin to militarily annex Crimea (sending NATO a scary demonstration of how the US can NOT be entrusted - under Obama - to come to their aid if the same happened to them), allowed Russia to continue to wage military-style Counter-Intelligence Operations and other hostile interference techniques inside the United States Un-Challenged, and allowed Russia and 5 other foreign entities to steal TOP SECRET+ data from Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured (all crimes) personal server that he knew about for a long time and allowed her to continue jeopardize national security.

There is no evidence of illegal collusion between Trump and Russia yet snowflakes continue to ask asinine questions like the OP does and accuse him of being a Russian spy while simultaneously choosing to ignore the massive amount of existing evidence against Obama and Hillary.


Yeah, maybe Trump was the spy who hacked Hillary's unprotected server... then Trump snuck in one night and smashed all the hard drives, mobile devices..... they gotta make a movie about that shit!
...and Trump is the one being investigated...


Trump isn't being investigated, the purpose of the Mueller inquisition is to keep the Russians did it meme alive, so the cold war and the $$$ for the MIC are safe and make sure nobody asks any inconvenient questions about emails or what the deep state was doing to support the psycho princess

Any day now...

American and British policy was always controversy and full of lies. It is their culture: lie now to get some profit and than act according only to your favour and forget about all previous agreements.

We have an amazing culture, borscht breath....your people are unibrow primitives, little more than livestock. Some of your women are attractive once we get them bathed and shaved....they all want to come to America instead of being beaten and starved by you cowards.

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