Is Trump a terrorist?

trump is at least an unreliable source. Moreover, he seems to be working for another country against the interests of the United States.

Trump is not the source of the FACTS that the IRCG is an official terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, that Soleimani was responsible for over 500 American deaths, that Iran has been attacking and killing Americans since 1979....

Trump is working for another country against the interests of the United States?


WHO was caught telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin he would be more flexible after his re-election?

WHO gave Russia Uranium, Crimea, & 2 years of uncontested interference in the US.

WHO colluded with a known untrustworthy biased foreign spy and used his known Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to attempt to control the outcome of an election?

WHO committed FISA Court abuses, illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even the USSC Justices?

WHO armed, financed, supplied, trained, protected, defended, and pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda...and other terrorists, enemies of the state, & Mexican Drug Cartels?

WHO bought and paid for those 201r missiles fired at our troops in Iraq, paid for the SAM used to take down ANOTHER airliner and killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people?

I could go on, but we both know the answer will still be BARRY and the DEMOCRATS...

Lyistrata is working for another country against the interests of the United States.

So an abortion doctor is a terrorist?
Do you think Trump is a terrorist?
did i stutter? YES YES YES
Then you and the rest of the DNC need to make the case to the American people that Soleimani did not murder Americans and was not a terrorist. Problem is, most information about him out there points to exactly that he was a terrorist.

At best you would then have to prove that most of the news out there if fake, as well as democrats like Elizabeth Warren who corroborate such facts.

You've lost your mind, haven't you?
Donnie just murdered a foreign leader in cold blood, along with nine others including an Iraqi politician using the CIA’s Flying Ginsu, and some Americans are proud of this totally unjust and immoral action. They can’t see the obvious problem with this.

These same Americans are appalled when Putin kills foreigners or the Saudi prince’s killing of a journalist.

The hypocrisy is beyond understanding, but stupidity is often unexplainable.

Trump, like his two most recent predecessors, can be classified as a serial killer.
Donnie just murdered a foreign leader in cold blood, along with nine others including an Iraqi politician using the CIA’s Flying Ginsu, and some Americans are proud of this totally unjust and immoral action. They can’t see the obvious problem with this.
So you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

Copy all. Have a nice day.

Last edited:
Trump, like his two most recent predecessors, can be classified as a serial killer.

Snowflakes driven mad by hate call the President who just did what Barry did 100 tines over - take out a terrorist, but not just 'a' terrorist - the leader of the largest recognized terrorist organization in the world responsible for murdering thousands, to include 500+ Americans - a 'serial killer' ...

...while defending the terrorist leader and the nation that just slaughtered 176 MORE innocent people by shooting down ANOTHER airliner.

Nothing more need be said about the twisted, sick, TDS-termally ill snowflakes...

Donnie just murdered a foreign leader in cold blood, along with nine others including an Iraqi politician using the CIA’s Flying Ginsu, and some Americans are proud of this totally unjust and immoral action. They can’t see the obvious problem with this.

Do you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

Copy all. Have a nice day.

Bernie’s right AGAIN. Stop putting a criminal gang (R Party) over principle. It’s unethical, immoral, and ignorant.

“No, I think it was an assassination. I think it was in violation of international law. This guy was -- was a bad-news guy, but he was a ranking official of the Iranian government. And you know what, once you get into violating international law in that sense, you can say there are a lot of bad people all over the world running governments.

Kim Jong-un in North Korea, not exactly a nice guy. Responsible for the death, perhaps, of hundreds of thousands of people in his own country. To name one of many, you know? The president of China now has put a million people, Muslims, into educational camps -- some would call them concentration camps.

But once you start this business of a major country saying, hey, we have the right to assassinate, then you're unleashing international anarchy. I think all...that Trump seems to be doing now is trying to break all kinds of international protocol, denying the foreign minister of Iran to speak before the United Nations, and really basically trying to lead us into another war, which I believe will be a disaster.”

Bernie Sanders on Soleimani: 'I Think It Was an Assassination'
Donnie just murdered a foreign leader in cold blood, along with nine others including an Iraqi politician using the CIA’s Flying Ginsu, and some Americans are proud of this totally unjust and immoral action. They can’t see the obvious problem with this.

Do you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

Copy all. Have a nice day.

Bernie’s right AGAIN. Stop putting a criminal gang (R Party) over principle. It’s unethical, immoral, and ignorant.

“No, I think it was an assassination. I think it was in violation of international law. This guy was -- was a bad-news guy, but he was a ranking official of the Iranian government. And you know what, once you get into violating international law in that sense, you can say there are a lot of bad people all over the world running governments.

Kim Jong-un in North Korea, not exactly a nice guy. Responsible for the death, perhaps, of hundreds of thousands of people in his own country. To name one of many, you know? The president of China now has put a million people, Muslims, into educational camps -- some would call them concentration camps.

But once you start this business of a major country saying, hey, we have the right to assassinate, then you're unleashing international anarchy. I think all...that Trump seems to be doing now is trying to break all kinds of international protocol, denying the foreign minister of Iran to speak before the United Nations, and really basically trying to lead us into another war, which I believe will be a disaster.”

Bernie Sanders on Soleimani: 'I Think It Was an Assassination'

So you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....
So you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization,
Do you acknowledge the entire US military is an officially recognised terrorist organisation?
Donnie just murdered a foreign leader in cold blood, along with nine others including an Iraqi politician using the CIA’s Flying Ginsu, and some Americans are proud of this totally unjust and immoral action. They can’t see the obvious problem with this.

Do you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

Copy all. Have a nice day.

Bernie’s right AGAIN. Stop putting a criminal gang (R Party) over principle. It’s unethical, immoral, and ignorant.

“No, I think it was an assassination. I think it was in violation of international law. This guy was -- was a bad-news guy, but he was a ranking official of the Iranian government. And you know what, once you get into violating international law in that sense, you can say there are a lot of bad people all over the world running governments.

Kim Jong-un in North Korea, not exactly a nice guy. Responsible for the death, perhaps, of hundreds of thousands of people in his own country. To name one of many, you know? The president of China now has put a million people, Muslims, into educational camps -- some would call them concentration camps.

But once you start this business of a major country saying, hey, we have the right to assassinate, then you're unleashing international anarchy. I think all...that Trump seems to be doing now is trying to break all kinds of international protocol, denying the foreign minister of Iran to speak before the United Nations, and really basically trying to lead us into another war, which I believe will be a disaster.”

Bernie Sanders on Soleimani: 'I Think It Was an Assassination'

So you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

I think what he is saying is that the US should be an isolationist nation and hide behind their borders.

Any terrorist act against the US outside those borders should be ignored.

Correct me if I'm wrong Gipper.
I'm tired of this discussion as to whether Trump was justified in what he did to Soleimani. So if you don't think Soleimani was a terrorist who had American blood on his hands, then Trump is the terrorist. But if not, then Trump had every right to do what he did.

So which is it? Make your stand now!

And IF democrats are so insistent that Trump is a terrorist, they should include it in their article of impeachment, but we all know they won't. Then again, they can't even officially file for impeachment as it is because they are scared, terrified, paralyzed of fear regarding any scrutiny to their allegations about anything.

Shit is rarely that black and white. Soleimani was a bad guy, no doubt about it. I'm sure he deserved what he got. The timing is where I have trouble, that and the specific justifications for it.

tRump is not a terrorist. Terrorists fight for an ideology, and tRump has none. He's nothing more than a selfish twit.
Donnie just murdered a foreign leader in cold blood, along with nine others including an Iraqi politician using the CIA’s Flying Ginsu, and some Americans are proud of this totally unjust and immoral action. They can’t see the obvious problem with this.

Do you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

Copy all. Have a nice day.

Bernie’s right AGAIN. Stop putting a criminal gang (R Party) over principle. It’s unethical, immoral, and ignorant.

“No, I think it was an assassination. I think it was in violation of international law. This guy was -- was a bad-news guy, but he was a ranking official of the Iranian government. And you know what, once you get into violating international law in that sense, you can say there are a lot of bad people all over the world running governments.

Kim Jong-un in North Korea, not exactly a nice guy. Responsible for the death, perhaps, of hundreds of thousands of people in his own country. To name one of many, you know? The president of China now has put a million people, Muslims, into educational camps -- some would call them concentration camps.

But once you start this business of a major country saying, hey, we have the right to assassinate, then you're unleashing international anarchy. I think all...that Trump seems to be doing now is trying to break all kinds of international protocol, denying the foreign minister of Iran to speak before the United Nations, and really basically trying to lead us into another war, which I believe will be a disaster.”

Bernie Sanders on Soleimani: 'I Think It Was an Assassination'

Bernie is immoral with his progressivism, supports abortion, contempt for America. You hold this moron in high esteem. Kind of ironic.
Donnie just murdered a foreign leader in cold blood, along with nine others including an Iraqi politician using the CIA’s Flying Ginsu, and some Americans are proud of this totally unjust and immoral action. They can’t see the obvious problem with this.

Do you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

Copy all. Have a nice day.

Bernie’s right AGAIN. Stop putting a criminal gang (R Party) over principle. It’s unethical, immoral, and ignorant.

“No, I think it was an assassination. I think it was in violation of international law. This guy was -- was a bad-news guy, but he was a ranking official of the Iranian government. And you know what, once you get into violating international law in that sense, you can say there are a lot of bad people all over the world running governments.

Kim Jong-un in North Korea, not exactly a nice guy. Responsible for the death, perhaps, of hundreds of thousands of people in his own country. To name one of many, you know? The president of China now has put a million people, Muslims, into educational camps -- some would call them concentration camps.

But once you start this business of a major country saying, hey, we have the right to assassinate, then you're unleashing international anarchy. I think all...that Trump seems to be doing now is trying to break all kinds of international protocol, denying the foreign minister of Iran to speak before the United Nations, and really basically trying to lead us into another war, which I believe will be a disaster.”

Bernie Sanders on Soleimani: 'I Think It Was an Assassination'

So you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

I think what he is saying is that the US should be an isolationist nation and hide behind their borders.

Any terrorist act against the US outside those borders should be ignored.

Correct me if I'm wrong Gipper.
Wrong. How can you confuse criticism of a violation of international law, by the US half way around the world in a foreign nation, with isolationism.

Please don’t be dishonest like the left. I thought better of you cons.

Do you think American troops in 100 countries, a massive navy traversing every ocean and sea, and nonstop wars to enrich the MIC, a wonderful thing?
Donnie just murdered a foreign leader in cold blood, along with nine others including an Iraqi politician using the CIA’s Flying Ginsu, and some Americans are proud of this totally unjust and immoral action. They can’t see the obvious problem with this.
So you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

Copy all. Have a nice day.

Using your understanding, our corrupt government should be assassinating leaders of nations all over the world.

I thought cons revere the Founders. I guess I thought wrong. Just like the libs, they are hypocrites.
Donnie just murdered a foreign leader in cold blood, along with nine others including an Iraqi politician using the CIA’s Flying Ginsu, and some Americans are proud of this totally unjust and immoral action. They can’t see the obvious problem with this.
So you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

Copy all. Have a nice day.

Using your understanding, our corrupt government should be assassinating leaders of nations all over the world.

I thought cons revere the Founders. I guess I thought wrong. Just like the libs, they are hypocrites.

You'll be hard pressed to find any party that reveres the founders. If they were alive and happened to be sailing towards the east coast and saw our govt today, they'd point those clippers to Antarctica.
I'm tired of this discussion as to whether Trump was justified in what he did to Soleimani. So if you don't think Soleimani was a terrorist who had American blood on his hands, then Trump is the terrorist. But if not, then Trump had every right to do what he did.

So which is it? Make your stand now!

And IF democrats are so insistent that Trump is a terrorist, they should include it in their article of impeachment, but we all know they won't. Then again, they can't even officially file for impeachment as it is because they are scared, terrified, paralyzed of fear regarding any scrutiny to their allegations about anything.

He strikes terror in Democrats, so yes he is a terrorist.
I'm tired of this discussion as to whether Trump was justified in what he did to Soleimani. So if you don't think Soleimani was a terrorist who had American blood on his hands, then Trump is the terrorist. But if not, then Trump had every right to do what he did.

So which is it? Make your stand now!

And IF democrats are so insistent that Trump is a terrorist, they should include it in their article of impeachment, but we all know they won't. Then again, they can't even officially file for impeachment as it is because they are scared, terrified, paralyzed of fear regarding any scrutiny to their allegations about anything.

He strikes terror in Democrats, so yes he is a terrorist.
No doubt, but cons claim to revere the Founders. I guess they ARE hypocrites.
Donnie just murdered a foreign leader in cold blood, along with nine others including an Iraqi politician using the CIA’s Flying Ginsu, and some Americans are proud of this totally unjust and immoral action. They can’t see the obvious problem with this.

Do you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

Copy all. Have a nice day.

Bernie’s right AGAIN. Stop putting a criminal gang (R Party) over principle. It’s unethical, immoral, and ignorant.

“No, I think it was an assassination. I think it was in violation of international law. This guy was -- was a bad-news guy, but he was a ranking official of the Iranian government. And you know what, once you get into violating international law in that sense, you can say there are a lot of bad people all over the world running governments.

Kim Jong-un in North Korea, not exactly a nice guy. Responsible for the death, perhaps, of hundreds of thousands of people in his own country. To name one of many, you know? The president of China now has put a million people, Muslims, into educational camps -- some would call them concentration camps.

But once you start this business of a major country saying, hey, we have the right to assassinate, then you're unleashing international anarchy. I think all...that Trump seems to be doing now is trying to break all kinds of international protocol, denying the foreign minister of Iran to speak before the United Nations, and really basically trying to lead us into another war, which I believe will be a disaster.”

Bernie Sanders on Soleimani: 'I Think It Was an Assassination'

So you are saying you refuse to acknowledge the IRCG is an officially recognized terrorist organization, that Soleimani was the leader of that terrorist organization, one responsible for the murder of 500+ Americans and was planning more...

...that Iran has been attacking the US since 1979, that the US has been striking terrorists / terrorist leaders since 9/11/2001, and that Barry holds the US record for most terrorist kills - to include American citizens - using his own drone assassination program...

...that the Iranians, whose ass you are now kissing simply because it is President Trump who killed this terrorist leader, fired a surface-to-air missile bought and paid for by Barry to shoot-down ANOTHER airliner that took off from inside of Iran, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent people...

...that this sane 'peace-loving' people fired 15 missiles also bought and paid for by Barry at our troops with the intent to kill more Americans....

I think what he is saying is that the US should be an isolationist nation and hide behind their borders.

Any terrorist act against the US outside those borders should be ignored.

Correct me if I'm wrong Gipper.
Wrong. How can you confuse criticism of a violation of international law, by the US half way around the world in a foreign nation, with isolationism.

Please don’t be dishonest like the left. I thought better of you cons.

Do you think American troops in 100 countries, a massive navy traversing every ocean and sea, and nonstop wars to enrich the MIC, a wonderful thing?
If defending yourself internationally when attacked means violating international law, maybe it should be violated.

IF soleimoni was responsible for US deaths abroad, justice needed to be served as well as future ones to be prevented.

How else would you do it? The man was already thumbing his nose at the UN by traveling outside Iran when ordered not to do so and Iran certainly had no interest in him being put on trial internationally.
I'm tired of this discussion as to whether Trump was justified in what he did to Soleimani. So if you don't think Soleimani was a terrorist who had American blood on his hands, then Trump is the terrorist. But if not, then Trump had every right to do what he did.

So which is it? Make your stand now!

And IF democrats are so insistent that Trump is a terrorist, they should include it in their article of impeachment, but we all know they won't. Then again, they can't even officially file for impeachment as it is because they are scared, terrified, paralyzed of fear regarding any scrutiny to their allegations about anything.

He strikes terror in Democrats, so yes he is a terrorist.
No doubt, but cons claim to revere the Founders. I guess they ARE hypocrites.
The Founders were even hypocrites. Ever hear of the Alien and Sedition Acts? Here we had the Founding Fathers just come from fighting a bloody war for freedom against tyranny and they turn right around and make it illegal to speak out against the government. If it were not for Thomas Jefferson that sought to overturn the unconstitutional laws, the US would have been a much darker place indeed.

Even at that, Jefferson took advantage of the laws in place while in office as he used some of them against his political opponents before doing away with the laws.

What was left of the laws FDR used to lock away Japanese Americans away during WW2.

So what is the lesson? The lesson is power corrupts and so long as we have such a centralized power structure in Washington that goes unchecked, the worse things will become.

The only answer I see is the Article V movement to begin to remove power from the Federal Leviathan.

But just as Jefferson fought off Islamic attacks at sea in his day, we should have the same right to defend ourselves when attacked and to hell with international law.
I'm tired of this discussion as to whether Trump was justified in what he did to Soleimani. So if you don't think Soleimani was a terrorist who had American blood on his hands, then Trump is the terrorist. But if not, then Trump had every right to do what he did.
Why can't they BOTH be terrorists???

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