Is Trump a terrorist?

First we must define "terrorist."

Given the current usage, the word "terrorist" means "a person who opposes Israeli imperialism in the Promised Land."

By that definition, Trump is not a "terrorist." .......

Gaddafi was not a terrorist
Bin Laden aka Col Tim Osman was not a terrorist
Al Baghdadi aka Simon Elliot was not a terrorist

then we have this definition from Putin, who actually defines "terrorist" as "a person committing acts of real terror"

Putin: 95% Of World Terrorist Attacks Are Made By The CIA

Let's face it, we were lied into Iraq, we "liberated" the Iraqi Shias, and when the Sunnis starting killing Shias and blowing up their mosques, W refused to arm the Shias, so Iran did..... and now that is "translated" to us as this General "murdering" 600 Americans.

I say every single American death in Iraq is 100% the fault of the WORST TRAITOR in American history who allowed his Zionist controlled CIA to murder 4000 Americans, and then lied and SOLD OUT OUR TROOPS for the cause of the country most responsible for 911.....



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Yes! As I have stated on this forum many times, W and O are war criminals. They should be confined to Supermax in solitary confinement for life. Now, Trump should join them.

I don’t get all this rah rah shit from Trump supporters. They are supporting legal, unjust, and immoral killing for the State.

The CIA not only controls our government, it controls minds of millions of Americans. William Casey’s program has been an enormous success. Sad. Very sad.


You forgot that part of our continental army was hiding in the bushes and whacking generals as they would ride through the forests. They weren't stupid. You forgot that though in your righteous indignation quest.

You're quick to cast a stone at a president taking out a terrorist. I was just stating how some of the continental army were taking out generals.
GEE....who could have guessed that the muy who was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and quotes Saul Alensky, was mentored by a extreme anti-American pastor, and who was friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed and killed 1st Responders would go on to pledge his service to Putin, illegally spy in American citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices / opposing political party candidates and Presidents, armed / financed / supplied / trained / protected / defended terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, enemies of the state & pimped out our military to Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, won the Nobel Peace Prize before committing the UN-recognized International War Crime of invading Syria, and bought and paid for the Iranian missiles fired at US soldiers and that shot down ANOTHER civilian airliner that killed ANOTHER 1u6 innocent men, women, & children.... ?!

If there had only been some WARNING SIGNS (that were not completely ignored)!
If there had only been some WARNING SIGNS (that were not completely ignored)!

Even Fox News cannot ever figure out the guy is GAY.... WHY?

Answer - Cocksucker Obama covered up the truth about 911, and that is all Fox News cares about
How did O try to cover up 911?

A lot of his supporters like Charlie Sheen screamed for him to re-open the 911 investigation and release the actual FBI file on the subject.

When the Zionist Lobby told Cocksucker Obama that they would OPEN THE CLOSET DOOR if he did, he didn't....

The cost of having a President hiding in a closet = VERY VERY LARGE
He did go stealth, giving armamanets to Iran/evolving their intents into what we see today.

Oh Oh Oh and Israel didn't like Iran/Contra, and hence the dumbest life forms in the universe didn't either.... the pro Israel Christians in America

What did Iran/Contra do?

It helped bring down a crooked dictator on our doorstep by giving some older outdated weapons to Iran.

Reagan's Secretary of Defense, Caspar Weinberger, he didn't fall for Israel bombing our Marines in Lebanon and blaming it on Hezbo either. Israel wanted Caspar to start a US war with Hezbo over it, but Caspar told the American people the truth that Hezbo didn't do it.... just not the full truth of who did.....

Reagan cared about America
W cared about Israel

One was a great President
The other is the worst traitor in US history
First we must define "terrorist."

Given the current usage, the word "terrorist" means "a person who opposes Israeli imperialism in the Promised Land."

By that definition, Trump is not a "terrorist." .......

Gaddafi was not a terrorist
Bin Laden aka Col Tim Osman was not a terrorist
Al Baghdadi aka Simon Elliot was not a terrorist

then we have this definition from Putin, who actually defines "terrorist" as "a person committing acts of real terror"

Putin: 95% Of World Terrorist Attacks Are Made By The CIA

Let's face it, we were lied into Iraq, we "liberated" the Iraqi Shias, and when the Sunnis starting killing Shias and blowing up their mosques, W refused to arm the Shias, so Iran did..... and now that is "translated" to us as this General "murdering" 600 Americans.

I say every single American death in Iraq is 100% the fault of the WORST TRAITOR in American history who allowed his Zionist controlled CIA to murder 4000 Americans, and then lied and SOLD OUT OUR TROOPS for the cause of the country most responsible for 911.....



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Yes! As I have stated on this forum many times, W and O are war criminals. They should be confined to Supermax in solitary confinement for life. Now, Trump should join them.

I don’t get all this rah rah shit from Trump supporters. They are supporting legal, unjust, and immoral killing for the State.

The CIA not only controls our government, it controls minds of millions of Americans. William Casey’s program has been an enormous success. Sad. Very sad.


You forgot that part of our continental army was hiding in the bushes and whacking generals as they would ride through the forests. They weren't stupid. You forgot that though in your righteous indignation quest.

You're quick to cast a stone at a president taking out a terrorist. I was just stating how some of the continental army were taking out generals.
The other is the worst traitor in US history

uh, no. that title belongs to none other than, Barry 0, who did the unthinkable within that Iran deal/pact which President Trump hath spit upon. Throw in ol' Barry removing The Public Option from the Obamacare mess plus the way he mistreated his own negro citizens from 2008-2014?

Treason, simply does not get worse than that.
Treason, simply does not get worse than that

Yeah, whoever fired the cruise missile at the Pentagon on 911, that person was a patriot.... because that person allowed W to sell out our troops and national interest in Iraq and Afghan to SERVE ISRAEL....

and "blessed are those who serve Israel" says da BiBULL....

That's the attitude of the post 1998 GOP. Even if you get one with enough independence to actually view the videos of the cruise missile hitting the Pentagon on 911, they will still say

It was God's will
W was doing the right thing

That's right, the post 1998 thinks ISRAEL murdering Americans is GAWD's WILL and A-OK, the "right thing to do"
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First we must define "terrorist."

Given the current usage, the word "terrorist" means "a person who opposes Israeli imperialism in the Promised Land."

By that definition, Trump is not a "terrorist." .......

Gaddafi was not a terrorist
Bin Laden aka Col Tim Osman was not a terrorist
Al Baghdadi aka Simon Elliot was not a terrorist

then we have this definition from Putin, who actually defines "terrorist" as "a person committing acts of real terror"

Putin: 95% Of World Terrorist Attacks Are Made By The CIA

Let's face it, we were lied into Iraq, we "liberated" the Iraqi Shias, and when the Sunnis starting killing Shias and blowing up their mosques, W refused to arm the Shias, so Iran did..... and now that is "translated" to us as this General "murdering" 600 Americans.

I say every single American death in Iraq is 100% the fault of the WORST TRAITOR in American history who allowed his Zionist controlled CIA to murder 4000 Americans, and then lied and SOLD OUT OUR TROOPS for the cause of the country most responsible for 911.....



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Yes! As I have stated on this forum many times, W and O are war criminals. They should be confined to Supermax in solitary confinement for life. Now, Trump should join them.

I don’t get all this rah rah shit from Trump supporters. They are supporting legal, unjust, and immoral killing for the State.

The CIA not only controls our government, it controls minds of millions of Americans. William Casey’s program has been an enormous success. Sad. Very sad.


You forgot that part of our continental army was hiding in the bushes and whacking generals as they would ride through the forests. They weren't stupid. You forgot that though in your righteous indignation quest.

You're quick to cast a stone at a president taking out a terrorist. I was just stating how some of the continental army were taking out generals.

Only if you can't think with history in mind.
Yes! As I have stated on this forum many times, W and O are war criminals. They should be confined to Supermax in solitary confinement for life. Now, Trump should join them.

I don’t get all this rah rah shit from Trump supporters. They are supporting legal, unjust, and immoral killing for the State.

The CIA not only controls our government, it controls minds of millions of Americans. William Casey’s program has been an enormous success. Sad. Very sad.


You forgot that part of our continental army was hiding in the bushes and whacking generals as they would ride through the forests. They weren't stupid. You forgot that though in your righteous indignation quest.

You're quick to cast a stone at a president taking out a terrorist. I was just stating how some of the continental army were taking out generals.

Only if you can't think with history in mind.
I love history. I wish you would stop repeating it.
You forgot that part of our continental army was hiding in the bushes and whacking generals as they would ride through the forests. They weren't stupid. You forgot that though in your righteous indignation quest.

You're quick to cast a stone at a president taking out a terrorist. I was just stating how some of the continental army were taking out generals.

Only if you can't think with history in mind.
I love history. I wish you would stop repeating it.

I'm not repeating it.

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