Is Trump a traitor?

Does stating you will break the constitution make you a traitor?

  • yes

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • no

    Votes: 9 69.2%

  • Total voters
What the hell does migrating to a country have to do with free speech? Send them assholes a bull horn and let them shout.
And here we see that famous right wing compassion.

Refugees fleeing certain death at the hands of maniacs are "them assholes".

Just checking if I got this straight.

You just called muslims "maniacs"?

And now want those maniacs in your country? Perfect plan...
I called ISIS and Assad maniacs.

Here. Let me help your simple mind grasp it: The Muslim refugees fleeing certain death at the hands of the maniacs like Assad and ISIS are "them assholes", according to the compassionate right wingers.

The US (Obama) should sponsor a UN resolution that would provide a safe place for the refugees in several friendly middle eastern countries so they could return to their homeland when the threat is eliminated.
Screw we. We NEED to fix Atlanta/St Louis/Chicago/New York.
We have plenty to do here at home. THEIR people THEIR problem.

Only on Planet Leftist is believing you should help your own people considered wrong.

Of course, charity begins at home.
    The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting ...(Thanks wiki)

    Given he wants to ban American Muslims from entering the US, he's going to break the constitution as soon as he does it, and is absolutely saying he intends to.
    Does that mean he's a traitor?
What the hell does migrating to a country have to do with free speech? Send them assholes a bull horn and let them shout.
And here we see that famous right wing compassion.

Refugees fleeing certain death at the hands of maniacs are "them assholes".

Just checking if I got this straight.

You just called muslims "maniacs"?

And now want those maniacs in your country? Perfect plan...
I called ISIS and Assad maniacs.

Here. Let me help your simple mind grasp it: The Muslim refugees fleeing certain death at the hands of the maniacs like Assad and ISIS are "them assholes", according to the compassionate right wingers.

The US (Obama) should sponsor a UN resolution that would provide a safe place for the refugees in several friendly middle eastern countries so they could return to their homeland when the threat is eliminated.
------------------------------- gotta disagree TooTall !! Send them back to the beach or port that they departed from .
Poor testosterone-depleted Trump. He's old, you know. The oldest of the GOP candidates. Second oldest of all the candidates, after Sanders.

You lose testosterone as you age. This explains much of Trump's fearfulness.

The Canadian PM is younger and more virile, and he personally welcomed Syrian refugees at the airport. This, despite the Canadian Parliament being attacked by terrorists last year.

The French and Germans as still welcoming refugees, too, despite attacks.

Poor Trump is huddled in the corner pissing himself in fear. And his rubes are right there with him lapping it up.


---------------------------------------- and some photos of some dummies , thanks , so that's what dummies look like ehh G5000 !!
If you want to see a pants shitting dummy, look in the mirror.

Or watch the next GOP debate. Look for the guy center stage.

Hey. That would be a great Trump campaign slogan. "Make Fear center stage again!"
------------------------------------------ nothing to do with fear , its just a practical common sense measure , islam is not compatible with Western Civilization G5000 !!
Poor testosterone-depleted Trump. He's old, you know. The oldest of the GOP candidates. Second oldest of all the candidates, after Sanders.

You lose testosterone as you age. This explains much of Trump's fearfulness.

The Canadian PM is younger and more virile, and he personally welcomed Syrian refugees at the airport. This, despite the Canadian Parliament being attacked by terrorists last year.

The French and Germans as still welcoming refugees, too, despite attacks.

Poor Trump is huddled in the corner pissing himself in fear. And his rubes are right there with him lapping it up.


---------------------------------------- and some photos of some dummies , thanks , so that's what dummies look like ehh G5000 !!
If you want to see a pants shitting dummy, look in the mirror.

Or watch the next GOP debate. Look for the guy center stage.

Hey. That would be a great Trump campaign slogan. "Make Fear center stage again!"
------------------------------------------ nothing to do with fear , its just a practical common sense measure , islam is not compatible with Western Civilization G5000 !!

What, it isn't a religion of peace?

Trump may be a lot of things, but he's not a traitor.

The majority of RW's on this board, yes ... Trump, no.

"Send them assholes a bull horn and let them shout."

The beach boy, the result of his psychopath father. They had an apartment in Turkey for nearly a year. Father had the toothache, no free dental treatment in Turkey.

So the father put his entire family in a dinghy and set sail for Europa, everything goes wrong and dinghy capsizes....the result was the beach boy.

The father got his child off this mortal coil, SIMPLY because HE wanted to get to Germany to get FREE DENTAL TREATMENT.

He took his family, from the safety of an apartment in Turkey to disaster, through pure selfishness and the welfare queen mentality and is a psychopath.

How is this OUR fault? That's right it's NOT. However, in the Leftist so-called "brain" it's NEVER the perpetrators's ALWAYS someone elses fault.
    The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting ...(Thanks wiki)

    Given he wants to ban American Muslims from entering the US, he's going to break the constitution as soon as he does it, and is absolutely saying he intends to.
    Does that mean he's a traitor?
What the hell does migrating to a country have to do with free speech? Send them assholes a bull horn and let them shout.
And here we see that famous right wing compassion.

Refugees fleeing certain death at the hands of maniacs are "them assholes".

Just checking if I got this straight.

You just called muslims "maniacs"?

And now want those maniacs in your country? Perfect plan...
I called ISIS and Assad maniacs.

Here. Let me help your simple mind grasp it: The Muslim refugees fleeing certain death at the hands of the maniacs like Assad and ISIS are "them assholes", according to the compassionate right wingers.

Primitiv, gefährlich, arschloch actually....primitive and dangerous and assholes. This sums them up. They are Untermenschen.

They also are not refugees, they are economic migrants mixed with savages who want to rape and commit other crimes. Refugees do NOT cross 10-15 SAFE nations to get to ONE nation, Germany that's the wealthiest so they can cause chaos and become welfare queens at the ethnic populations expense.

Refugees go to the FIRST safe country they get to and are thankful if they're allowed to stay.
No, but repeatedly violating the Constitution, giving weapons to Mexican Drug Cartells who use those weapons to kill over 500 people - 2 Americans, taking the country to war - bypassing Congress to do so on your own - to Help the terrorist group tgat attacked the US on 9/11/01 AND 9/11/12 - take over their own country, helping Iran get nukes while ignoring repeated violations of the 'deal', and supplying / arming / protecting / training ISIS...and ALLOWING / FACILITATING 5 successful terrorist attacks on US soil and the murder of a US Ambassador (hiring Al Qaeida to 'protect' him)....yeah, all THAT adds up to TREASON!
No, but repeatedly violating the Constitution, giving weapons to Mexican Drug Cartells who use those weapons to kill over 500 people - 2 Americans, taking the country to war - bypassing Congress to do so on your own - to Help the terrorist group tgat attacked the US on 9/11/01 AND 9/11/12 - take over their own country, helping Iran get nukes while ignoring repeated violations of the 'deal', and supplying / arming / protecting / training ISIS...and ALLOWING / FACILITATING 5 successful terrorist attacks on US soil and the murder of a US Ambassador (hiring Al Qaeida to 'protect' him)....yeah, all THAT adds up to TREASON!

It's bewildering as to why there's no call for Obama to be Impeached.
Poor testosterone-depleted Trump. He's old, you know. The oldest of the GOP candidates. Second oldest of all the candidates, after Sanders.

You lose testosterone as you age. This explains much of Trump's fearfulness.

The Canadian PM is younger and more virile, and he personally welcomed Syrian refugees at the airport. This, despite the Canadian Parliament being attacked by terrorists last year.

The French and Germans as still welcoming refugees, too, despite attacks.

Poor Trump is huddled in the corner pissing himself in fear. And his rubes are right there with him lapping it up.


---------------------------------------- and some photos of some dummies , thanks , so that's what dummies look like ehh G5000 !!
If you want to see a pants shitting dummy, look in the mirror.

Or watch the next GOP debate. Look for the guy center stage.

Hey. That would be a great Trump campaign slogan. "Make Fear center stage again!"
------------------------------------------ nothing to do with fear , its just a practical common sense measure , islam is not compatible with Western Civilization G5000 !!

Especially to us women, because the male Muslims and the male African savages have one thing in common, with them it's all about "Muh Dick"....goodness no wonder they're the fans of the Rap music.
Poor testosterone-depleted Trump. He's old, you know. The oldest of the GOP candidates. Second oldest of all the candidates, after Sanders.

You lose testosterone as you age. This explains much of Trump's fearfulness.

The Canadian PM is younger and more virile, and he personally welcomed Syrian refugees at the airport. This, despite the Canadian Parliament being attacked by terrorists last year.

The French and Germans as still welcoming refugees, too, despite attacks.

Poor Trump is huddled in the corner pissing himself in fear. And his rubes are right there with him lapping it up.


---------------------------------------- and some photos of some dummies , thanks , so that's what dummies look like ehh G5000 !!
If you want to see a pants shitting dummy, look in the mirror.

Or watch the next GOP debate. Look for the guy center stage.

Hey. That would be a great Trump campaign slogan. "Make Fear center stage again!"
------------------------------------------ nothing to do with fear , its just a practical common sense measure , islam is not compatible with Western Civilization G5000 !!

What, it isn't a religion of peace?


Poor testosterone-depleted Trump. He's old, you know. The oldest of the GOP candidates. Second oldest of all the candidates, after Sanders.

You lose testosterone as you age. This explains much of Trump's fearfulness.

The Canadian PM is younger and more virile, and he personally welcomed Syrian refugees at the airport. This, despite the Canadian Parliament being attacked by terrorists last year.

The French and Germans as still welcoming refugees, too, despite attacks.

Poor Trump is huddled in the corner pissing himself in fear. And his rubes are right there with him lapping it up.


---------------------------------------- and some photos of some dummies , thanks , so that's what dummies look like ehh G5000 !!
If you want to see a pants shitting dummy, look in the mirror.

Or watch the next GOP debate. Look for the guy center stage.

Hey. That would be a great Trump campaign slogan. "Make Fear center stage again!"
------------------------------------------ nothing to do with fear , its just a practical common sense measure , islam is not compatible with Western Civilization G5000 !!

The Swiss poster campaign is just the best, it's precise.

No, but repeatedly violating the Constitution, giving weapons to Mexican Drug Cartells who use those weapons to kill over 500 people - 2 Americans, taking the country to war - bypassing Congress to do so on your own - to Help the terrorist group tgat attacked the US on 9/11/01 AND 9/11/12 - take over their own country, helping Iran get nukes while ignoring repeated violations of the 'deal', and supplying / arming / protecting / training ISIS...and ALLOWING / FACILITATING 5 successful terrorist attacks on US soil and the murder of a US Ambassador (hiring Al Qaeida to 'protect' him)....yeah, all THAT adds up to TREASON!

It's bewildering as to why there's no call for Obama to be Impeached.
--------------------------------------- rinos control the congress and that's the reason Lucy !!
No, but repeatedly violating the Constitution, giving weapons to Mexican Drug Cartells who use those weapons to kill over 500 people - 2 Americans, taking the country to war - bypassing Congress to do so on your own - to Help the terrorist group tgat attacked the US on 9/11/01 AND 9/11/12 - take over their own country, helping Iran get nukes while ignoring repeated violations of the 'deal', and supplying / arming / protecting / training ISIS...and ALLOWING / FACILITATING 5 successful terrorist attacks on US soil and the murder of a US Ambassador (hiring Al Qaeida to 'protect' him)....yeah, all THAT adds up to TREASON!

It's bewildering as to why there's no call for Obama to be Impeached.
--------------------------------------- rinos control the congress and that's the reason Lucy !!

Sorry, what is rinos?

The Republicans are like nearly all mainstream Conservatives now, they're Cuckservatives.
Poor testosterone-depleted Trump. He's old, you know. The oldest of the GOP candidates. Second oldest of all the candidates, after Sanders.

You lose testosterone as you age. This explains much of Trump's fearfulness.

The Canadian PM is younger and more virile, and he personally welcomed Syrian refugees at the airport. This, despite the Canadian Parliament being attacked by terrorists last year.

The French and Germans as still welcoming refugees, too, despite attacks.

Poor Trump is huddled in the corner pissing himself in fear. And his rubes are right there with him lapping it up.


---------------------------------------- and some photos of some dummies , thanks , so that's what dummies look like ehh G5000 !!
If you want to see a pants shitting dummy, look in the mirror.

Or watch the next GOP debate. Look for the guy center stage.

Hey. That would be a great Trump campaign slogan. "Make Fear center stage again!"
------------------------------------------ nothing to do with fear , its just a practical common sense measure , islam is not compatible with Western Civilization G5000 !!

What, it isn't a religion of peace?

--------------------------------- here you go Norman , don't know if you have seen it !! But here it is , muslim villagers at work . --- Video: The Killing of Farkhunda --- just a day or 2 earlier they were all neighbors I guess .
Last edited:
No, but repeatedly violating the Constitution, giving weapons to Mexican Drug Cartells who use those weapons to kill over 500 people - 2 Americans, taking the country to war - bypassing Congress to do so on your own - to Help the terrorist group tgat attacked the US on 9/11/01 AND 9/11/12 - take over their own country, helping Iran get nukes while ignoring repeated violations of the 'deal', and supplying / arming / protecting / training ISIS...and ALLOWING / FACILITATING 5 successful terrorist attacks on US soil and the murder of a US Ambassador (hiring Al Qaeida to 'protect' him)....yeah, all THAT adds up to TREASON!

It's bewildering as to why there's no call for Obama to be Impeached.
--------------------------------------- rinos control the congress and that's the reason Lucy !!

Sorry, what is rinos?

The Republicans are like nearly all mainstream Conservatives now, they're Cuckservatives.
----------------------------------- rinos is --- 'Republican in Name Only' --- Lucy . I myself am a Conservative with some Libertarian thrown in but for years I used to vote 'republican' until they all became 'rino' This time I will vote Cruz or Trump' who are running under the 'republican' banner but both are not rino in my opinion Lucy .
Maybe that's why Obama has so much of a problem with America, pismoe. The winds of change have shifted, and as he said in his book...
    The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting ...(Thanks wiki)

    Given he wants to ban American Muslims from entering the US, he's going to break the constitution as soon as he does it, and is absolutely saying he intends to.
    Does that mean he's a traitor?

A Brit living in Indonesia, doing a US Constitution wiki? At least go to the source:

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances '

First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

Try to connect the dots for us there, Indo.

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