Is Trump Auditioning Noem for VP at today’s rally?

My top 5 VP Choices ( Noem ) ( Cruz ) ( Lake) ( Either of the two Brothers ) (Cotton )
I read this morning that Kari Lake is not pleased about this. "She's stealing my orange man!"
Trump and Noem will appear together tonight at a rally, at which time she will endorse him for president. What a wonderful VP she would make - an intelligent, accomplished popular governor wHo could actually take on major initiatives!

Probably had her do a lap dance and if she gyrates just the right way, she's a shoo in.
Noem sucks up to Big Oil too much. The GOP already has enough corrupt ass kissers; they don't need to run one for VP. there are much better choices out there. But I guess the GOP needs to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again.
Noem sucks up to Big Oil too much. The GOP already has enough corrupt ass kissers; they don't need to run one for VP. there are much better choices out there.
Better Oil than sucking up to Arabs / Palestinians and Open Borders CPISA Cloward / Piven Far Left Global Warning believers
Better Oil than sucking up to Arabs / Palestinians and Open Borders CPISA Cloward / Piven Far Left Global Warning believers

Keep ours in the ground and burn theirs up; and besides, the Keystone is a Canadian pipeline moving toxic Canadian sludge to a free port on the Gulf, and has near zero benefits for Americans. She's lying to her own state's people about that.
Keep ours in the ground and burn theirs up; and besides, the Kestone is a Canadian pipeline moving toxic Canadian sludge to a free port on the Gulf, and has near zero benefits for Americans.
Pump ours & sell it to the ones who would otherwise buy it from Venezuela or Russia
Pump ours & sell it to the ones who would otherwise buy it from Venezuela or Russia

Nope. The sooner we use theirs up, the better off we are long term. Gas is dirt cheap at any price less than $8 a gallon, and moderator priced at $8 to $15.
I liked Noem for a long time. However, friendly reminder that she vetoed a bill that would have banned men competing in women's sports.
The law she vetoed had some issues. She issued executive orders banning trannies in girls sports and signed the law once they fixed the problems.

That is a much lower position than Vice President.

No, it isn't actually; a VP doesn't do much at all, except PR appearances and fund raisers. A Senator with seniority and a member of the Party currently in the majority is sitting pretty.

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