Noem Knows Trump is Best


Actually, it’s neo-fascist authoritarian rightwing school boards that promote bigotry and hate against gay and transgender students.

And neo-fascist authoritarian rightwing school board members who support and would vote for Trump.

As you will come to understand during the next round of elections.

As you will come to understand during the next round of elections.
Never help an authoritarian or a crazed political person in trouble. Let them die and suffer. Do to them as they did to you. An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth a family for a family. Pretty simple.
This image from the rally last night is undoctored. It only flashed on the electronic screen for a second...


[You can see it here in this video at about -3:16:00]
Yes, we'll see how they go. Hopefully the election day shenanigans we saw recently won't happen again.
It's no secret on this particular forum-board that I (a) believe the 2020 elections were fair and (b) dislike Trump intensely and distrust him.

However, if the Democrats can be every bit as idiotic with their policies as Republicans - sometimes far worse - as seems to be the case here.

The Invasion of 20,000,000+ Illegal Aliens and Woke-ism and CRT and pushing LGBTQ too far are all going to weigh heavily against them.

They're so blinded by their emotional connection-to and devote-to such causes that they cannot see the dangerous backlash coming.

But it's the fate of Man... and certainly of idiot LibProgs... to fail to learn lessons from the past, when it comes to pi$$ing off Decent Folk.

If there ever was a collection of Social Ills that would enable a Trump to a second term it would be the present idiocy of the Left.
WTF is the matter with you?
You have turned all creepy stalker following me from thread to thread
Yes, I can tell that some children appear to exhibit homosexuality at young ages. Most people can. Parents can, teachers can, fellow students can.
What is your point that you have to keep this shit up for over three years?
You are the one who watches little kids to see if you can tell they are gay.

You are the weak link. That you deny it is just more proof of your obsession. That you hate my pointing it out is quite grand slam… quirky one.
Trump is the harbinger of death for the Republican Party.

He can't win the general.

If the Republicans nominate another, he will run independent and take his racist sister fucking MAGAs with him.
You are the one who watches little kids to see if you can tell they are gay.

You are the weak link. That you deny it is just more proof of your obsession. That you hate my pointing it out is quite grand slam… quirky one.

Never made any such claim
WTF is the matter with your obsessive stalking with your fake claims ?
You are fucking creepy and obsessive
Never made any such claim
WTF is the matter with your obsessive stalking with your fake claims ?
You are fucking creepy and obsessive
You said that you can tell if nine year olds are gay.

That you now deny it, is icing on your ka-ka.

POS = U.

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