Is Trump fit to be President?

Is Trump fit to be President?​

A slug is more fit than Biden. We already know that Trump ran (and runs) circles around Sleepy Pedo Joe.

Biden accomplished more in his first 100 days than Trump did in 4, not to mention getting 7 million more votes.
I certainly don't know "shit" as well as a RumpHole would.
Biden accomplished more in his first 100 days than Trump did in 4, not to mention getting 7 million more votes.
I agree. Biden accomplished more for his Globalist handlers than all previous Presidents combined (with the possible exception of Kenyan-born Obama). America has never been worse off than she is right now.

Is Trump fit to be President?​

Infinitely more so than Biden ... but that isn't saying much since Biden is completely dementia-ravaged and going down hill more every day.

Incompetent rebuttal the result of blind hatred.
Democrats policies hit the poor and working class the hardest. Dems steal their money by jacking up the cost of everything in the name of 'climate change'. So instead of buying homes, sending their kids to better schools, saving for retirement they live paycheck to paycheck, their money siphoned off by Democrat's policies.

The pandemic forced nations to enact stimulus packages to save their economies from a world wide depression. Inflation was the price the world paid to save the economies. It won't be permanent, it will fade as the pandemic fades.
Your failure to acknowledge the truth reveals your bias and hyper partisanship, which is one more reason not to vote for your candidate.
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Its not 'incompetent' - its just that you are too.ignorant and / or too partisan to understand it.
and you're not partisan? Give me a break.

Incompetent rebuttal: vacuous claim

Any moron can claim anything. The trick is to prove it or at least provide a compelling path of reasoning by examples, which you have failed to do.
I agree. Biden accomplished more for his Globalist handlers than all previous Presidents combined (with the possible exception of Kenyan-born Obama). America has never been worse off than she is right now.

No, Trump's presidency was an all time low for America. Trump was the laughing stock of the world. I've talked to many from all over the world in my field of employment, and the vast majority have expressed their deep concern about what happened to America, that they could vote for a guy like Trump, they believe America was in decline.
Biden can barely speak anymore, says stupid shit all the time and Dems have the stones to even dare discuss Trump it's laughable.

Trump is undisciplined, uneducated and vindictive. He never does due diligence. History business history demonstrates that. He's unprepared, doesn't read and doesn't listen.

Like this:

No, Trump's presidency was an all time low for America. Trump was the laughing stock of the world. I've talked to many from all over the world in my field of employment, and the vast majority have expressed their deep concern about what happened to America, that they could vote for a guy like Trump, they believe America was in decline.
Trump was the “laughingstock” of the Marxist Globalists, Democrats, and RINOs. He was beloved by freedom loving people worldwide.
No, Trump's presidency was an all time low for America. Trump was the laughing stock of the world. I've talked to many from all over the world in my field of employment, and the vast majority have expressed their deep concern about what happened to America, that they could vote for a guy like Trump, they believe America was in decline.

Yes, Trump was a laughing stock all over the world... Considered stupid and uncouth.
Trump was the “laughingstock” of the Marxist Globalists, Democrats, and RINOs. He was beloved by freedom loving people worldwide.

You're wrong. Trump is so stupid and vindictive everyone was afraid of him.
Any moron can claim anything. The trick is to prove it or at least provide a compelling path of reasoning by examples, which you have failed to do.

7 years of Democrats running scams, perpetrating scandals, making false accusations, attempti g failed coups, getting busted manufacturing false evidence, and FAILING to 'Get Trump' proves you are just another mouth-breathing, hypoctitical Democrat sac-licker accusing others of being who YOU & DEMOCRATS are and of doing what YOU & DEMOCRATS have done and do.

You're wrong. Trump is so stupid and vindictive everyone was afraid of him.
The Swamp creatures in D.C. are certainly afraid of him. Why else are they trying desperately to keep him out of office? Admittedly ... I wasn't his number one fan but he was SO much better than Pedo Joe is.
You're wrong. Trump is so stupid and vindictive everyone was afraid of him.
The D.C. Swamp Creatures were and are VERY AFRAID of Trump. Why else are they trying desperately to keep him from running again? Admittedly … I'm not his number one fan, but he was SO much better than Pedo Joe is.
The Swamp creatures in D.C. are certainly afraid of him. Why else are they trying desperately to keep him out of office? Admittedly ... I wasn't his number one fan but he was SO much better than Pedo Joe is.

The D.C. Swamp Creatures were and are VERY AFRAID of Trump. Why else are they trying desperately to keep him from running again? Admittedly … I'm not his number one fan, but he was SO much better than Pedo Joe is.

Trump is stupid and impulsive. He talks nonstop and brags, but what has he really accomplished?
Trump is stupid and impulsive. He talks nonstop and brags, but what has he really accomplished?
Low gas prices. Low cost of living. Forced an even playing field with China. Re-opened our steel manufacturing plants. Started making America energy independent instead of dependent on foreign oil. Began securing the southern border. Gave many millions of Americans a sense of pride in their country. Lowest black unemployment rate in history. The list goes on.
7 years of Democrats running scams, perpetrating scandals, making false accusations, attempti g failed coups, getting busted manufacturing false evidence, and FAILING to 'Get Trump' proves you are just another mouth-breathing, hypoctitical Democrat sac-licker accusing others of being who YOU & DEMOCRATS are and of doing what YOU & DEMOCRATS have done and do.
Failing?!?! I say you’re flailing, as you attempt rationalize your tin god heading for indictment after indictment!
Failing?!?! I say you’re flailing, as you attempt rationalize your tin god heading for indictment after indictment!

Ok Comrade, post the link for all us about how Trump was tried and convicted on charges related to any of the fake, BS, criminal scandals / crimes the Democrats have manufactured the last 7 years.

Oh yeah, that's right - IT HAS NE ER HAPPENED.

STFU, reign in your out of control smowflake feelings and emotions, and go back to your seat at the kids' table so the adults can talk.

The pandemic forced nations to enact stimulus packages to save their economies from a world wide depression. Inflation was the price the world paid to save the economies. It won't be permanent, it will fade as the pandemic fades.
Your failure to acknowledge the truth reveals your bias and hyper partisanship, which is one more reason not to vote for your candidate.
Elected partisan globalist stooges shut down their economies on purpose to cause that. In our nation states with them to degree caused a lot of the inflation we see now. Prog legislation with Joe at the helm printed trillions and trillions of dollars to refill those state and local coffers.

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