Is Trump fit to be President?

Have you noticed Dems never discuss Trump's policies. They only talk about personality.
That's because trump has no policies. He is quick to spout policies given to him by right wing think tanks in exchange for their support, but even Bill Barr knows he is unequipped to develop them and put them in service.
Geraldo Rivera poses that most essential question to the former AG Bill Barr:

Note that if anyone knows Trump up close and personally, it's Bill Barr, who replied in this short:

"If you believe in Trump's policies, what he's advertising--he's the last person who could actually execute and achieve them. He does not have the discipline, he does not have the ability for strategic thinking, and linear thinking for setting priorities or how to get things done in the system. It is a horror show when he's left to his own devices.

And so, you may want his policies but Trump will not deliver those policies. He will deliver chaos. If anything, it will lead to a backlash that will set his policies much further back than they otherwise might have been"

So true.


But neither is Biden.

nor his vp.

(at least Trump had a vp that could step into his shoes)
Only if the majority of us genius Americans choose to elect a dead hamster. That's not likely, but we have demonstrated numerous times we can elect completely unqualified people to government offices, and then keep them there because we are too divisive to be able to figure out what to do.
Correct, you picked something worse than a dead hamster, and you call that genius :laughing0301:
That's up to the voters to decide.

Now get the fuck back in your lane, limey cockwomble.
Uh, shit-for-brains, I was born in Texas.

You may now remove your head from your ass.
Biden can barely speak anymore, says stupid shit all the time and Dems have the stones to even dare discuss Trump it's laughable.

He's doin' just fine, and he ripped Trump and republicans a dozen new assholes at the WH Correspondents dinner.

Is Trump fit to be President?​

Infinitely more so than Biden ... but that isn't saying much since Biden is completely dementia-ravaged and going down hill more every day.

Is Trump fit to be President?​

A slug is more fit than Biden. We already know that Trump ran (and runs) circles around Sleepy Pedo Joe.
Democrats still don't get it, it's not about Trump. It's about crushing Democrats and taking back our country. Trump is just our spokesperson, millions of Americans have had enough of the Dem's shit, that's who Dems are fighting.

When 1929 crash happened, Republicans were in the WH and they voted for a Dem to clean up their mess.

When the 2008 crash happened, a republican was in the WH and they voted for a dem to come and clean up their mess.

When 2020 happened, Trump's mismanagement of Covid left the nation in chaos tatters and they voted in a Dem to come and clean up the mess, which forced Biden to deal with the taliban, thanks to Trump ( who released 5000 taliban prisoners not to mention inviting the Taliban to camp David) and forced Biden to enact a stimulus bill to prevent a major depression. Naturally, a major stimulus package would cause inflation, but it's not permanent, inflation is coming down and unemployment is at historic low levels

History reveals that the GOP is a runaway corrupt and criminal enterprise.


Is Trump fit to be President?​

A slug is more fit than Biden. We already know that Trump ran (and runs) circles around Sleepy Pedo Joe.

the only thing that we already know is that you don't know shit

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