Is Trump getting ready to steal South Carolina?

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And in doing the commiecrat donors bidding, she's destroying any political future she might have had.

It won't hurt her. By 2028, MAGA will largely be gone and conservatives will want a candidate with bona fides.
She still has the ability to run in four years. Whereas DeSantis has pretty much destroyed his brand for good.
One of Trumps Mules stuffing a ballot box



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I bet you believe Trump won in 2016
He and Putin are still laughing about how they stole that one
There were several statistical anomalies between 8:30PM and 10:15EDT that night in 2016 that have still yet to be explained. During that time when totals were being posted, Trump's vote totals just about matched Clinton's vote totals within just a few hundredths of a percentage. If you looked at it on just a vote count total, you would swear that that Trump's numbers were increasing at the same percentage rate as Clinton's. Almost as if they were being manipulated by someone. :auiqs.jpg:
77K votes across three states. Less than a 1% margin of victory. There should have been full hand recounts across all three states. :)

I bet you believe Trump won in 2016
He and Putin are still laughing about how they stole that one

I find it amazing that a paid propagandist such as yourself is still stuck on the russian collusion delusion. I would think your masters at the propaganda ministry would be more inventive. That just proves how intellectually deficient you commies are.

There were several statistical anomalies between 8:30PM and 10:15EDT that night in 2016 that have still yet to be explained. During that time when totals were being posted, Trump's vote totals just about matched Clinton's vote totals within just a few hundredths of a percentage. If you looked at it on just a vote count total, you would swear that that Trump's numbers were increasing at the same percentage rate as Clinton's. Almost as if they were being manipulated by someone. :auiqs.jpg:
77K votes across three states. Less than a 1% margin of victory. There should have been full hand recounts across all three states. :)

In 2016, Trump had over 3 million illegal Mexicans cast votes for him
I find it amazing that a paid propagandist such as yourself is still stuck on the russian collusion delusion. I would think your masters at the propaganda ministry would be more inventive. That just proves how intellectually deficient you commies are.

It happened Tiger. Deal with it. All of our intelligence agencies said it happened. Large portions of the Steele Dossier have been verified...and of course, there was the Trump Tower meeting.
Denial is just not a healthy thing. :)
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