Is Trump Mentally Ill and/or Does He Have a Personality Disorder?

Is Trump Mentally Ill and/or Does He Have a Personality Disorder?

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Years ago during Trump's public feud with Rosie O'Donnell, I couldn't help but wonder why a man who was supposedly a billionaire would engage in such a nasty public back and forth with Rosie O'Donnell. Frankly, it seemed kind of crazy to me. The longer it went on, the stranger it seemed. I came away from the whole think thinking that Trump had some kind of serious personality flaw. I mean, most people wouldn't and couldn't be bothered to do such a thing. And who the hell would want to make such a public spectacle of himself unnecessarily? But, like most things that fly in front of the public radar, it eventually passed from the immediacy of the moment.

Fast forward to today:

At this point, there is absolutely NO need for me to grocery list all of the strange public quarrels, feuds, tiffs, dust-ups, and squabbles that Trump has engaged in with seemingly everyone from his primary opponents to private citizens.

As it's gone on (and on, and on, seemingly ad nauseam), I can't deny that I've personally reached a conclusion that there's something that isn't quite right with the man. Whether it's pathological (physical) or psychological, I wouldn't venture to guess. But as far as I'm concerned, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming. Yet, despite what I see and hear from Trump almost every day, his support in many quarters rarely seems to waver. That, frankly, mystifies me. For example, do some people think it's an act of some kind?

Regardless, the question deserves to be asked in this (or any other) forum about whether the participants here find Trump's behavior to be outside the mainstream of what's considered to be "normal."

So, do you, the members of USMB collectively, think that Trump is mentally ill in some way or do you think it's possible that he has some kind of personality disorder?

Please feel free to weigh in on the matter.

Keep in mind that this COULD be the most fundamental question of this election cycle if and when Trump ascends to the office of president at which point there would be very little to check his emotional whims once he becomes the most powerful man in the world.
You know, I've heard that charge leveled against him before, and there might, just might be some merit to it. I think he might have some narcissistic borderline tendencies, though nothing serious. It is probably more a result of temperament and how he was raised as a child. You know, a distant father, being brought up by nannies, the spoiled child syndrome.

I think Hillary is the one we REALLY need to keep our eye on though.

See, with Trump, at least he acts and seems human, he is not cold and calculating. When I watched the debate, I saw a human being, and a criminal. I someone with emotions, someone that cared. . . . (maybe a little TOO much? :cuckoo:) And a cold calculating robot. It really gave me the shivers.

If you are familiar with recognizing Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) (or what a potential psychopath) looks like, then you should be scared. I've known one once in my life, they aren't nice people. And see, that is the important point here, nearly everyone that has ever met someone that suffers from (ASPD) will tell you, they are NOT very nice people. It's true, I don't hear many personal anecdotes about how warm, caring, kind and considerate Hillary is. You don't hear them from Bill, not from Chelsea, not from anyone in the current administration, not from her Senate colleagues, not from anyone. I've heard plenty of horror stories and rumors about Hillary, but nothing good.

Man, I get a creepy feeling about her, she is sick, just plain disturbed I think. :eek-52:

This is all you need to know. . . .

Normal people will also show a clear skin conductance response produced by sweat gland activity. In psychopathic subjects, however, this brain network showed no activity and no skin conductance responses were emitted (Birbaumer et al., 2012).
What Is a Psychopath?

Here, I'll even quote a LIBERAL LEFT rag, they even admit she admits she is symptomatic. . . . :badgrin:

Hillary Clinton never lets them see her sweat, because she doesn’t, say reporters
Hillary mystery: Why doesn’t she ever sweat?

Trump on the other hand, you go back in his history, you find all sorts of folks, on both the left and the right, even celebrities that will tell you that, they may not think he can be president, but tell you they think he is a great guy. Self-inflated ego? Sure. But even Jesse Jackson, Don King, and Snoop Dog like him.

You Trump supporters are as bad and as stupid as Trump.

The thread’s about Trump, not Clinton – you can’t defend Trump so you contrive some lame, ridiculous red herring fallacy in a failed, pathetic effort to deflect from the fact Trump has no business being president.

Thanks for proving my point.
I just think he has a bad case of:

Another liberal projection thread, serial liar Hillary married to serial wife cheater Bill, the woman is unhinged and the left suggest Trump has a mental issue? :laugh:
Based on his troubled youth and his parents sending him off to military boarding school, he has been psychologically troubled his whole life.

Based on his birther attack on the President, he is a megalomaniac too.

Based on his melt downs and firings, he is a sociopath.

So all in all he is obviously one sick puppy. Same as Adolf. Same as Mussolini.
Another liberal projection thread, serial liar Hillary married to serial wife cheater Bill, the woman is unhinged and the left suggest Trump has a mental issue? :laugh:

Aaaaaand yet another paycheck for Pogo's Law*. This one actually goes so far as to try to pretend the OP itself "changed the subject". Can't make this shit up.

* in any thread about Dunnald Rump his minions will be in lickety-split to try to change the subject to "Hillary", that their daddy-figure mayeth be spared the inglorious questioning of His shimmering Greatness. For lo he hath great power and great hunger, and he is a jealous god and He shall not be questioned, lest there be the weeping and gnashing of teeth, Praised Be his Mane.
Another liberal projection thread, serial liar Hillary married to serial wife cheater Bill, the woman is unhinged and the left suggest Trump has a mental issue? :laugh:

Setting up a "War Room" to handle the multitude of what they dubbed the "bimbo eruptions". Sending out surrogates to trash the women's reputations. I love the one quote of Hillary saying she would crucify Gennifer Flowers.

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! The serial predator and the enabler are the normal ones. Yeah, yeah.

Years ago during Trump's public feud with Rosie O'Donnell, I couldn't help but wonder why a man who was supposedly a billionaire would engage in such a nasty public back and forth with Rosie O'Donnell. Frankly, it seemed kind of crazy to me. The longer it went on, the stranger it seemed. I came away from the whole think thinking that Trump had some kind of serious personality flaw. I mean, most people wouldn't and couldn't be bothered to do such a thing. And who the hell would want to make such a public spectacle of himself unnecessarily? But, like most things that fly in front of the public radar, it eventually passed from the immediacy of the moment.

Fast forward to today:

At this point, there is absolutely NO need for me to grocery list all of the strange public quarrels, feuds, tiffs, dust-ups, and squabbles that Trump has engaged in with seemingly everyone from his primary opponents to private citizens.

As it's gone on (and on, and on, seemingly ad nauseam), I can't deny that I've personally reached a conclusion that there's something that isn't quite right with the man. Whether it's pathological (physical) or psychological, I wouldn't venture to guess. But as far as I'm concerned, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming. Yet, despite what I see and hear from Trump almost every day, his support in many quarters rarely seems to waver. That, frankly, mystifies me. For example, do some people think it's an act of some kind?

Regardless, the question deserves to be asked in this (or any other) forum about whether the participants here find Trump's behavior to be outside the mainstream of what's considered to be "normal."

So, do you, the members of USMB collectively, think that Trump is mentally ill in some way or do you think it's possible that he has some kind of personality disorder?

Please feel free to weigh in on the matter.

Keep in mind that this COULD be the most fundamental question of this election cycle if and when Trump ascends to the office of president at which point there would be very little to check his emotional whims once he becomes the most powerful man in the world.
He's the poster boy of Narcissitic Personality Disorder according to many psychologists. I think they secretly think he's a little retarded too.

I think he is far too insecure to be a sociopath.
He probably isn't a sociopath. He's far too emotional to be one. A real sociopath would never display so much anger and hostility all the time, instead, they prefer to work behind the scenes where they can be ruthlessly cold and calculating. On the surface, they'll always appear normal. Trump is like a delicate little child trapped in a "mean" exterior. It's all a charade. It's very easy to get under his thin skin, and his delicate sensibilities mean he can't handle even the slightest bit of criticism. Just imagine what he would do as president if Kim Jong-un decided to troll him...

Trump is basically an emotionally stunted basket case who never reached adult maturity, never had his ass properly kicked, and was handed everything to him on a silver platter and was never properly disciplined. Since he never developed himself, and has strange beliefs about the world, he learned how to BS his way through life, including every business venture. He's basically BS'ed his way through life. We've all known guys like this in the workplace...Trump is no different from them other than he had a rich daddy give him some $14 million dollars to "get a head start" in taking advantage of other people.

This is the 70-year old man-child that the GOP has chosen. Unbelievable.
He probably isn't a sociopath. He's far too emotional to be one. A real sociopath would never display so much anger and hostility all the time, instead, they prefer to work behind the scenes where they can be ruthlessly cold and calculating. On the surface, they'll always appear normal. Trump is like a delicate little child trapped in a "mean" exterior. It's all a charade. It's very easy to get under his thin skin, and his delicate sensibilities mean he can't handle even the slightest bit of criticism. Just imagine what he would do as president if Kim Jong-un decided to troll him...

Trump is basically an emotionally stunted basket case who never reached adult maturity, never had his ass properly kicked, and was handed everything to him on a silver platter and was never properly disciplined. Since he never developed himself, and has strange beliefs about the world, he learned how to BS his way through life, including every business venture. He's basically BS'ed his way through life. We've all known guys like this in the workplace...Trump is no different from them other than he had a rich daddy give him some $14 million dollars to "get a head start" in taking advantage of other people.

This is the 70-year old man-child that the GOP has chosen. Unbelievable.

Zackly --- it's as if he stopped developing emotionally around age 11. You can put everything he says into the mouth of a prepubescent middle schooler and it sounds perfectly "normal". And his vocabulary matches that exactly. As he noted himself, "I love the poorly educated".
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Another liberal projection thread, serial liar Hillary married to serial wife cheater Bill, the woman is unhinged and the left suggest Trump has a mental issue? :laugh:

Aaaaaand yet another paycheck for Pogo's Law*. This one actually goes so far as to try to pretend the OP itself "changed the subject". Can't make this shit up.

* in any thread about Dunnald Rump his minions will be in lickety-split to try to change the subject to "Hillary", that their daddy-figure mayeth be spared the inglorious questioning of His shimmering Greatness. For lo he hath great power and great hunger, and he is a jealous god and He shall not be questioned, lest there be the weeping and gnashing of teeth, Praised Be his Mane.

Ozone's Law: Hillary supporters will always accuse someone of deflection as a method of deflection.
I think Trump has a personality disorder

Narcissism: I am the best, everyone loves me, I have the prettiest wife

Paranoia: Everyone is out to get me, Inability to take any criticism

Pathological lying: One lie layered on top of another
Hillary has the bigger problem. She is not what she appears to be so lives an alternate existence. Trump is comfortable in his own skin. Narcissistic, sure, it takes a big ego to do what he does. Probably no where near obama's though. Ego is only a problem if someone isn't a leftist.
Hillary has the bigger problem. She is not what she appears to be so lives an alternate existence. Trump is comfortable in his own skin. Narcissistic, sure, it takes a big ego to do what he does. Probably no where near obama's though. Ego is only a problem if someone isn't a leftist.

I don't think it takes a big ego to do what he does

I don't see Bill Gates or Michael Dell bragging about how smart they are or how rich they are. I don't see them going out to buy a new trophy wife every ten years.....that is insecurity not ego

Obama has a bigger ego than Trump?
Obama is adept at self depreciating humor and humility. Something Trump is incapable of
Hillary has the bigger problem. She is not what she appears to be so lives an alternate existence. Trump is comfortable in his own skin. Narcissistic, sure, it takes a big ego to do what he does. Probably no where near obama's though. Ego is only a problem if someone isn't a leftist.

Narcissistic is only lightly scratching the surface of Trumps many character flaws.

Giant ego with very bad case of thin-skinned smallism.
Pathological lying and constant hyperbole.
Undisciplined and erratic.
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A supporter of the current pathologically lying super-Narcissist President and the pathologically lying 'dain bramaged' liberal Presidential candidate is asking what's mentally wrong with Trump....

Hillary has the bigger problem. She is not what she appears to be so lives an alternate existence. Trump is comfortable in his own skin. Narcissistic, sure, it takes a big ego to do what he does. Probably no where near obama's though. Ego is only a problem if someone isn't a leftist.

Narcissistic is only lightly scratching the surface of Trumps many character flaws.

Giant ego with very bad case of thin-skinned smallism.
Pathological lying and constant hyperbole.
Completely undisciplined and erratic.
No one in recent memory is as thin skinned or egotistical as obama so your post is laughable.
A supporter of the current pathologically lying super-Narcissist President and the pathologically lying 'dain bramaged' liberal Presidential candidate is asking what's mentally wrong with Trump....


Lets go to facts:


There is no equivalency here. NONE.
Years ago during Trump's public feud with Rosie O'Donnell, I couldn't help but wonder why a man who was supposedly a billionaire would engage in such a nasty public back and forth with Rosie O'Donnell. Frankly, it seemed kind of crazy to me. The longer it went on, the stranger it seemed. I came away from the whole think thinking that Trump had some kind of serious personality flaw. I mean, most people wouldn't and couldn't be bothered to do such a thing. And who the hell would want to make such a public spectacle of himself unnecessarily? But, like most things that fly in front of the public radar, it eventually passed from the immediacy of the moment.

Fast forward to today:

At this point, there is absolutely NO need for me to grocery list all of the strange public quarrels, feuds, tiffs, dust-ups, and squabbles that Trump has engaged in with seemingly everyone from his primary opponents to private citizens.

As it's gone on (and on, and on, seemingly ad nauseam), I can't deny that I've personally reached a conclusion that there's something that isn't quite right with the man. Whether it's pathological (physical) or psychological, I wouldn't venture to guess. But as far as I'm concerned, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming. Yet, despite what I see and hear from Trump almost every day, his support in many quarters rarely seems to waver. That, frankly, mystifies me. For example, do some people think it's an act of some kind?

Regardless, the question deserves to be asked in this (or any other) forum about whether the participants here find Trump's behavior to be outside the mainstream of what's considered to be "normal."

So, do you, the members of USMB collectively, think that Trump is mentally ill in some way or do you think it's possible that he has some kind of personality disorder?

Please feel free to weigh in on the matter.

Keep in mind that this COULD be the most fundamental question of this election cycle if and when Trump ascends to the office of president at which point there would be very little to check his emotional whims once he becomes the most powerful man in the world.
When compared to hitlery, Trumps normal does look odd to democrats....

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