Is Trump Mentally Ill and/or Does He Have a Personality Disorder?

Is Trump Mentally Ill and/or Does He Have a Personality Disorder?

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Narcissism: I am the best, everyone loves me, I have the prettiest wife

Paranoia: Everyone is out to get me, Inability to take any criticism

Pathological lying: One lie layered on top of another

You just described Barry and the Clintons to a 'T'.
What a ridiculous response
Actually it was SPOT ON.

Barry is a massive proven Narcissist.

Barry, Hillary, & Bill are all pathelogical liars.

Hillary is paranoid, believing every time one of her scandals/crimes is exposed it is some 'vast right wing conspiracy'...libs even tried to claim today Assange is a Republican... :p

Bill is a serial sexual predator who has sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped women for decades while Hillary has further victimized his victims, enabling and facilitating his continuous sexual crimes against women...

They're a bunch of criminally f*ed up people...

Same knee jerk response whenever Donny Freeloader is criticized

But...but <sob>....Owbama is worse

No, Obama is not worse. If anything, Obama has been slow to his responses in a crisis as he considers his options
No, Obama did not overreact to Ebola as Republicans screamed at him
He did not overreact to the Zika scare
He is far from narcissist as he engages in self depreciating humor that Trump would never do

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Bill is a serial sexual predator who has sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped women for decades while Hillary has further victimized his victims, enabling and facilitating his continuous sexual crimes against women...

Yawn... even Ken Starr didn't believe most of these women.

Hillary is paranoid, believing every time one of her scandals/crimes is exposed it is some 'vast right wing conspiracy'...libs even tried to claim today Assange is a Republican...

Sorry, guy, there really was a right wing conspiracy to promote these fake scandals. You guys have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating the Clintons over the last 20 years and came up with exactly - NOTHING. Oh, wait. Bill lied about getting a blow job.

Spending 70 million to prove a guy lied about a blow job when most of us assumed he was and didn't think it was anyone's business but his own. BRILLIANT!!!
Narcissism: I am the best, everyone loves me, I have the prettiest wife

Paranoia: Everyone is out to get me, Inability to take any criticism

Pathological lying: One lie layered on top of another

You just described Barry and the Clintons to a 'T'.
What a ridiculous response
Actually it was SPOT ON.

Barry is a massive proven Narcissist.

Barry, Hillary, & Bill are all pathelogical liars.

Hillary is paranoid, believing every time one of her scandals/crimes is exposed it is some 'vast right wing conspiracy'...libs even tried to claim today Assange is a Republican... :p

Bill is a serial sexual predator who has sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped women for decades while Hillary has further victimized his victims, enabling and facilitating his continuous sexual crimes against women...

They're a bunch of criminally f*ed up people...

Same knee jerk response whenever Donny Freeloader is criticized

But...but <sob>....Owbama is worse

No, Obama is not worse. If anything, Obama has been slow to his responses in a crisis as he considers his options
No, Obama did not overreact to Ebola as Republicans screamed at him
He did not overreact to the Zika scare
He is far from narcissist as he engages in self depreciating humor that Trump would never do
No one knows when Obama reacts. It is in the nature of weakness.
Narcissism: I am the best, everyone loves me, I have the prettiest wife

Paranoia: Everyone is out to get me, Inability to take any criticism

Pathological lying: One lie layered on top of another

You just described Barry and the Clintons to a 'T'.
What a ridiculous response
Actually it was SPOT ON.

Barry is a massive proven Narcissist.

Barry, Hillary, & Bill are all pathelogical liars.

Hillary is paranoid, believing every time one of her scandals/crimes is exposed it is some 'vast right wing conspiracy'...libs even tried to claim today Assange is a Republican... :p

Bill is a serial sexual predator who has sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped women for decades while Hillary has further victimized his victims, enabling and facilitating his continuous sexual crimes against women...

They're a bunch of criminally f*ed up people...

Same knee jerk response whenever Donny Freeloader is criticized

But...but <sob>....Owbama is worse

No, Obama is not worse. If anything, Obama has been slow to his responses in a crisis as he considers his options
No, Obama did not overreact to Ebola as Republicans screamed at him
He did not overreact to the Zika scare
He is far from narcissist as he engages in self depreciating humor that Trump would never do
No one knows when Obama reacts. It is in the nature of weakness.

Give us an example
You just described Barry and the Clintons to a 'T'.
What a ridiculous response
Actually it was SPOT ON.

Barry is a massive proven Narcissist.

Barry, Hillary, & Bill are all pathelogical liars.

Hillary is paranoid, believing every time one of her scandals/crimes is exposed it is some 'vast right wing conspiracy'...libs even tried to claim today Assange is a Republican... :p

Bill is a serial sexual predator who has sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped women for decades while Hillary has further victimized his victims, enabling and facilitating his continuous sexual crimes against women...

They're a bunch of criminally f*ed up people...

Same knee jerk response whenever Donny Freeloader is criticized

But...but <sob>....Owbama is worse

No, Obama is not worse. If anything, Obama has been slow to his responses in a crisis as he considers his options
No, Obama did not overreact to Ebola as Republicans screamed at him
He did not overreact to the Zika scare
He is far from narcissist as he engages in self depreciating humor that Trump would never do
No one knows when Obama reacts. It is in the nature of weakness.

Give us an example
Remember Obama's "RED LINE"? :)
What a ridiculous response
Actually it was SPOT ON.

Barry is a massive proven Narcissist.

Barry, Hillary, & Bill are all pathelogical liars.

Hillary is paranoid, believing every time one of her scandals/crimes is exposed it is some 'vast right wing conspiracy'...libs even tried to claim today Assange is a Republican... :p

Bill is a serial sexual predator who has sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped women for decades while Hillary has further victimized his victims, enabling and facilitating his continuous sexual crimes against women...

They're a bunch of criminally f*ed up people...

Same knee jerk response whenever Donny Freeloader is criticized

But...but <sob>....Owbama is worse

No, Obama is not worse. If anything, Obama has been slow to his responses in a crisis as he considers his options
No, Obama did not overreact to Ebola as Republicans screamed at him
He did not overreact to the Zika scare
He is far from narcissist as he engages in self depreciating humor that Trump would never do
No one knows when Obama reacts. It is in the nature of weakness.

Give us an example
Remember Obama's "RED LINE"? :)

What happened with that "Red Line"?

Syria gave up its chemical weapons and we didn't fire a shot
Actually it was SPOT ON.

Barry is a massive proven Narcissist.

Barry, Hillary, & Bill are all pathelogical liars.

Hillary is paranoid, believing every time one of her scandals/crimes is exposed it is some 'vast right wing conspiracy'...libs even tried to claim today Assange is a Republican... :p

Bill is a serial sexual predator who has sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped women for decades while Hillary has further victimized his victims, enabling and facilitating his continuous sexual crimes against women...

They're a bunch of criminally f*ed up people...

Same knee jerk response whenever Donny Freeloader is criticized

But...but <sob>....Owbama is worse

No, Obama is not worse. If anything, Obama has been slow to his responses in a crisis as he considers his options
No, Obama did not overreact to Ebola as Republicans screamed at him
He did not overreact to the Zika scare
He is far from narcissist as he engages in self depreciating humor that Trump would never do
No one knows when Obama reacts. It is in the nature of weakness.

Give us an example
Remember Obama's "RED LINE"? :)

What happened with that "Red Line"?

Syria gave up its chemical weapons and we didn't fire a shot
He backed down and made himself an international laughingstock.
Same knee jerk response whenever Donny Freeloader is criticized

But...but <sob>....Owbama is worse

No, Obama is not worse. If anything, Obama has been slow to his responses in a crisis as he considers his options
No, Obama did not overreact to Ebola as Republicans screamed at him
He did not overreact to the Zika scare
He is far from narcissist as he engages in self depreciating humor that Trump would never do
No one knows when Obama reacts. It is in the nature of weakness.

Give us an example
Remember Obama's "RED LINE"? :)

What happened with that "Red Line"?

Syria gave up its chemical weapons and we didn't fire a shot
He backed down and made himself an international laughingstock.

Backed down in that he didn't invade Syria?

Obama threatened to invade and Putin had to step in to convince Syria to give up their chemical weapons or he wouldn't be able to protect them
Trump definitely is "interesting"!
PRO: He is spontaneous about his opinions.
CON: He makes it clear how bigoted he is, and how his short-sighted emotional responses will damage USA's respect in the civilized world community. Putin thinks like Trump (egomaniac, bigotry, corruption) and will take advantage of him.
True, but Putin was a KGB agent and keeps his cool.

Especially important for him is starting chaos, if the US has a civil war or mass unrest, all the better, Russia becomes a leading superpower and only has China to compete with.
What happened with that "Red Line"? Syria gave up its chemical weapons and we didn't fire a shot
When did that happen? Oh yeah, in your dreams. Within days ofissuing his 'Red Line' ultimatum Assad's forces reportedly used those weapons AGAIN, in complete violation/rejection of Barry's ultimatum. Assad gave Barry the finger, and Barry backed down in front of the whole world. Which is why he then tried to claim it wasn't HIS 'Red Line' but was instead the 'whole world's' Red Line.

Don't desperately try to re-write history now...
What happened with that "Red Line"? Syria gave up its chemical weapons and we didn't fire a shot
When did that happen? Oh yeah, in your dreams. Within days ofissuing his 'Red Line' ultimatum Assad's forces reportedly used those weapons AGAIN, in complete violation/rejection of Barry's ultimatum. Assad gave Barry the finger, and Barry backed down in front of the whole world. Which is why he then tried to claim it wasn't HIS 'Red Line' but was instead the 'whole world's' Red Line.

Don't desperately try to re-write history now...

Assad voluntarily gave up his chemical weapons

Obama never had to fire a much for your "Red Line"
It wasn't MY 'failed 'Red Line', dumbass - It was Barry's!

Obama says he didn’t draw the red line on Syria, world did

Obama says he didn’t draw the red line on Syria, WORLD did

Barry bluffed, got embarassed, then did what he does best - BLAME OTHERS FOR HIS F* UPS!

Yeah, Assad complied with Barry's demands alright, which is why Barry began his own private proxy war in Syria, allued himself with 'rebels' / ISIS, & why a DNC President - the Nobel Peace Prize winner - dragged the US into an UN-authorized war, in the midst of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator backed by Russia...where we don't belong!

You liberal f* ups live to talk about how Bush took us to war in Iraq for no reason, depite Hillary and other Dems not only making the case why we HAD to go to war in Iraq but voted to give Bush the authority to do so...

But you cower like a bitch at the fact that Hillary and Barry allued themselves with terrorists / ISIS, ran guns to them through Benghazi, by-passed Congress to start their own personal war in Syria FOR NO REASON except to try to help ANOTHER terrorist group taje over ANOTHER country for themselves.

Barry just dropped charges against his and Hillary's arms dealer who was threatening to tell everything and expose Hillary to massive negative press, just to buy his silence. Barry (and Hillary) wanted to avoid a VERY public trial even the 'All-In' nedia could not ignore.

Our involvement in Syria has been one big Hillary / Barry un-Constitutional, illegal, gun-running, tertorist-aiding F* Up that has tesulted in the massive expansion of ISIS, atming terrorists, the temp loss of trrritory in Iraq our military had already libwrated, countless muders of innocent people, the deaths of 4 Americans, the escalation and prolonged length of war in Syria, the massive European (& American) refugee problem, and even more strained relations with Russia.
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Is Trump an alien from outer space? You could probably get the same percentage of responses from left wing tinfoil hats who fall for this junk. What do you think about the mental health of a woman who never had a real job in her adult life that wasn't arranged by her husband spending her time threatening the victims of her husband's peculiar sexual aggression?

Ironic post, not even counting the complete topic deflection -- considering that the subject who actually IS the topic here has never held a real job at all, and that all his purported "wealth" was simply laid on him by his father for having done absolutely nothing but existing.
If voters don't see the flaws already there is little hope at this time. The argument that saves him is: "If he is rich he can't have flaws."
If voters don't see the flaws already there is little hope at this time. The argument that saves him is: "If he is rich he can't have flaws."

I think they ignore the flaws because he is rich
Trump is out of his friggin mind and someone with his temperament should
not be allowed anywhere near the White House....

Here's another gem from Trumpy....

Trump tells CNN he still considers Central Park 5 guilty: "They admitted they were guilty. police in original investigation say they were"
What happened with that "Red Line"? Syria gave up its chemical weapons and we didn't fire a shot
When did that happen? Oh yeah, in your dreams. Within days ofissuing his 'Red Line' ultimatum Assad's forces reportedly used those weapons AGAIN, in complete violation/rejection of Barry's ultimatum. Assad gave Barry the finger, and Barry backed down in front of the whole world. Which is why he then tried to claim it wasn't HIS 'Red Line' but was instead the 'whole world's' Red Line.

Don't desperately try to re-write history now...

Assad voluntarily gave up his chemical weapons

Obama never had to fire a much for your "Red Line"
Obviously, even by your own dubious account, Putin made Assad give up chemicals after he flipped Obama off.

Although not popular on the world stage, there is roundly if somewhat subdued recognition that Putin is a serious player and Obama a wimp.

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