Is Trump right? Does the MSM peddle in FAKE NEWS?

Fake news or sloppy checking?

Both happen but a lot of what is claimed fake news is journalistic sloppiness in a 24 hour high drive news cycle. People check for accuracy.
Fake news or sloppy checking?

Both happen but a lot of what is claimed fake news is journalistic sloppiness in a 24 hour high drive news cycle. People check for accuracy.

The media sometimes lies outright but usually its by omission. They create false narratives by repeating half truths over and over again as if there's an epidemic when it's the same story. Their smarmy left wing bias is evident in their reporting but it probably reads like truth to a lefty so I don't expect them to see it.
Fake news or sloppy checking?

Both happen but a lot of what is claimed fake news is journalistic sloppiness in a 24 hour high drive news cycle. People check for accuracy.
No, this is outright DECEPTION. Again you lie

Sources say OBVIOUSLY YES lol

The script continues to write itself.

trumps a johnny come lately on this one,,,we knew this long before he came on the picture,,

Yet HE exposed it. Not you. Nice try trying to grab the glory.

I've been exposing it for over ten yrs on the internet and 30 yrs before I got on the internet,,,

Yeah, we all heard of you. Congrats in your internet fame

Sources say OBVIOUSLY YES lol

The script continues to write itself.

trumps a johnny come lately on this one,,,we knew this long before he came on the picture,,

Yet HE exposed it. Not you. Nice try trying to grab the glory.

I've been exposing it for over ten yrs on the internet and 30 yrs before I got on the internet,,,

Yeah, we all heard of you. Congrats in your internet fame

not my fault you hang out with ignorant people,,,its been common knowledge for decades with me and my friends,,,

republicans never have been very bright though,,,typical koolade drinkers

Sources say OBVIOUSLY YES lol

The script continues to write itself.

It's made to order from DNC headquarters, and all of the players in the media read the scrip and mime the same words on different networks to make it "seem" true, albeit it's false as silicone implants and just as toxic, which the responsible thing was done and they were banned because they can and have causes a breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, or BIA-ALCL in women.

The Democrats use of pandemic fake news should also be relegated to the waste bin. It's a cancer to good will in politics, and see how they run in the House with lies against the President. I'd like to see the liars jailed. They know it's a lie before they hand it over to the conspiratorial news outlets that think communism/socialism is how this nation ought to be run.

We also need to pass laws that will allow socialists to emigrate to Russia where a lot of the society is still needing the government tit, although I'm not sure their improvement since entering the world market has benefitted them enough to leave socialism behind in the dustbin of history. If they are smart (and I think they are) they already have chosen to compete in the world market, albeit they're still a little rough around the diplomatic edges when they dump Americans to the back of the aerobuses and do not refund their First Class tickets when they feel like it.

As we know about betrayal from the story of Sampson, I think our Democrat Socialists are plowing with the wrong cow. Their conspiracy theories are getting a little constipated in the national gut.
President Trump gets out there and knocks 'em dead with the truth.
Drink up.

Fake news or sloppy checking?

Both happen but a lot of what is claimed fake news is journalistic sloppiness in a 24 hour high drive news cycle. People check for accuracy.

I'm sorry Coyote, the Knob Creek shoot is a well known activity. It has been reported on for decades.

The MSM just thinks people are stupid.
Trump has become the center of a vortex of tard hate.

They will say and do ANYTHING to discredit the man and pray to their gods that their lies dont get exposed. GOOGLE and YouTube and the rest do everything they can to provide cover, but they just keep getting exposed for the liars they are.

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