Is Trump the Anti-Christ?

Since you brought up Nosty, he does bring up the true prophet to come having to do with the Moon (Shalem).
His grandfather must have taught him about the Jewish tradition of YeruShalem becoming the city of peace when the NIGHT (EVENING STAR=SHALEM) removes the Day (MORNING STAR) there will be peace.
This is also recalled in Islamic tradition in the "Al Isra" (Night ascension to Jerusalem)

Nostradamus: C2, Q41
The large mastiff (Church officials) will howl at "Night",
When the great pontiff (POPE) changes his abode(position).
C:3 Q:30
He who is said to be lanced by a sword (similar as Revelations 13 Beast)
Would have carried away the Prize from the "One Greater than He" (SHILOH-one who's right it is?)
NIGHT's six will take grudge to his(the Beast's) Bed (what he laid rest for us)
Without his armour, he(the Beast) will suddenly be surprised.

Centurie 1
- 1
"de nuit" by NIGHT
"secret estude" Secret Study
sortant de=coming out of
qui n'est croire vain=which is not vain to believe

The tree which had long been dead and withered (Branch of David),
In one called Night, it will come to grow green again:
The Cronian (Old Lady=Vatican) King (POPE) sick, Prince(Michael) with club foot ,
Feared by his enemies he will make his sail (PLANS) bound.

Those who will have undertaken to subvert,
An unparalleled realm, powerful and invincible:
They will act through deceit,
Night's three to warn,
When the greatest one will read his Bible at the table.
I think the anti-Christ's head will fall off and then grow back. We have to wait until Trump's head falls off in order to be sure. A lot Biblical scholars say the office of Pope is the anti-Christ. The other theories I have heard regarding the anti-Christ don't make as much sense. I'm going to go with no on Trump. I also don't believe Obama is the anti-Christ either.

Since you brought up Nosty, he does bring up the true prophet to come having to do with the Moon (Shalem).
His grandfather must have taught him about the Jewish tradition of YeruShalem becoming the city of peace when the NIGHT (EVENING STAR=SHALEM) removes the Day (MORNING STAR) there will be peace.
This is also recalled in Islamic tradition in the "Al Isra" (Night ascension to Jerusalem)

Nostradamus: C2, Q41
The large mastiff (Church officials) will howl at "Night",
When the great pontiff (POPE) changes his abode(position).
C:3 Q:30
He who is said to be lanced by a sword (similar as Revelations 13 Beast)
Would have carried away the Prize from the "One Greater than He" (SHILOH-one who's right it is?)
NIGHT's six will take grudge to his(the Beast's) Bed (what he laid rest for us)
Without his armour, he(the Beast) will suddenly be surprised.

Centurie 1
- 1
"de nuit" by NIGHT
"secret estude" Secret Study
sortant de=coming out of
qui n'est croire vain=which is not vain to believe

The tree which had long been dead and withered (Branch of David),
In one called Night, it will come to grow green again:
The Cronian (Old Lady=Vatican) King (POPE) sick, Prince(Michael) with club foot ,
Feared by his enemies he will make his sail (PLANS) bound.

Those who will have undertaken to subvert,
An unparalleled realm, powerful and invincible:
They will act through deceit,
Night's three to warn,
When the greatest one will read his Bible at the table.
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*L* Actually that's from Rev 13 one of it's trinity heads is wounded then healed which is the story of the idol Jesus replacing Baal his father on the throne upon dying. =dying god mythology of the Canaanites.
I think the anti-Christ's head will fall off and then grow back. We have to wait until Trump's head falls off in order to be sure. A lot Biblical scholars say the office of Pope is the anti-Christ. The other theories I have heard regarding the anti-Christ don't make as much sense. I'm going to go with no on Trump. I also don't believe Obama is the anti-Christ either.

Thanks for your reply. Indeed, the popery has been fingered as central control for the anti-Christ. But the Popes have never had a nuclear arsenal at their disposal. The anti-Chris, if he exists at all,t would be far more likely to incarnate as a person who might become a leader of a country with nuclear weapons. The devil can't see into the future but he can speculate based on his long past. Trump's body would be a perfect cocoon :lol: The evil one isn't going to come here without having access to great wealth and privilege. After all, he is the false god of materialism. Couple these prerequisites with Trump's puerile megalomaniacal antics and the grim shadowy figure possessing Trump's body can seen with the third eye of the mind
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I think is best we wait for his head to fall off and then grow back. We don't want to make any rash decision and identify the wrong anti-Christ. That is a mistake nobody wants to make.

I think the anti-Christ's head will fall off and then grow back. We have to wait until Trump's head falls off in order to be sure. A lot Biblical scholars say the office of Pope is the anti-Christ. The other theories I have heard regarding the anti-Christ don't make as much sense. I'm going to go with no on Trump. I also don't believe Obama is the anti-Christ either.

Thanks for your reply. Indeed, the popery has been fingered as central control for the anti-Christ. But the Popes have never had a nuclear arsenal at their disposal. The anti-Chris, if he exists at all,t would be far more likely to incarnate as a person who might become a leader of a country with nuclear weapons. The devil can't see into the future but he can speculate based on his long past. Trump's body would be a perfect cocoon :lol: The evil one isn't going to come here without having access to great wealth and privilege. After all, he is the false god of materialism. Couple these prerequisites with Trump's puerile megalomaniacal antics and the grim shadowy figure possessing Trump's body can seen with the third eye of the mind
I don't know about his head falling off but if Trump becomes president and it turns out he isn't the anti-Christ there won't be much left when the real one does come.

I think is best we wait for his head to fall off and then grow back. We don't want to make any rash decision and identify the wrong anti-Christ. That is a mistake nobody wants to make.

I think the anti-Christ's head will fall off and then grow back. We have to wait until Trump's head falls off in order to be sure. A lot Biblical scholars say the office of Pope is the anti-Christ. The other theories I have heard regarding the anti-Christ don't make as much sense. I'm going to go with no on Trump. I also don't believe Obama is the anti-Christ either.

Thanks for your reply. Indeed, the popery has been fingered as central control for the anti-Christ. But the Popes have never had a nuclear arsenal at their disposal. The anti-Chris, if he exists at all,t would be far more likely to incarnate as a person who might become a leader of a country with nuclear weapons. The devil can't see into the future but he can speculate based on his long past. Trump's body would be a perfect cocoon :lol: The evil one isn't going to come here without having access to great wealth and privilege. After all, he is the false god of materialism. Couple these prerequisites with Trump's puerile megalomaniacal antics and the grim shadowy figure possessing Trump's body can seen with the third eye of the mind
Are you referencing the anti-Christ mentioned in the Book of Revelations in the King James Bible?

Were you referencing a new type of anti-Christ?

I don't know about his head falling off but if Trump becomes president and it turns out he isn't the anti-Christ there won't be much left when the real one does come.

I think is best we wait for his head to fall off and then grow back. We don't want to make any rash decision and identify the wrong anti-Christ. That is a mistake nobody wants to make.

I think the anti-Christ's head will fall off and then grow back. We have to wait until Trump's head falls off in order to be sure. A lot Biblical scholars say the office of Pope is the anti-Christ. The other theories I have heard regarding the anti-Christ don't make as much sense. I'm going to go with no on Trump. I also don't believe Obama is the anti-Christ either.

Thanks for your reply. Indeed, the popery has been fingered as central control for the anti-Christ. But the Popes have never had a nuclear arsenal at their disposal. The anti-Chris, if he exists at all,t would be far more likely to incarnate as a person who might become a leader of a country with nuclear weapons. The devil can't see into the future but he can speculate based on his long past. Trump's body would be a perfect cocoon :lol: The evil one isn't going to come here without having access to great wealth and privilege. After all, he is the false god of materialism. Couple these prerequisites with Trump's puerile megalomaniacal antics and the grim shadowy figure possessing Trump's body can seen with the third eye of the mind
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. ~Revelations 13:5-7

We should be able to tell pretty easily. If Trump is the anti-Christ then he will be removed from office between July 20, 2020-August 20, 2020. This is something that has never happened in United States history. We have had two presidents impeached but none have been kicked out of office.

Also, doesn't the son of a gun have to get elected as president to meet the criteria? Good luck with that. The republican has to win Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida to become president. That's not happening. We should be focusing on the real anti-Christ which is Marilyn Manson. Jesus would be disappointed with us for guessing wrong. Jesus might end up smiting us. Oh how I hate to be smitten.

Next President = Hillary Clinton
Anti Christ = Marilyn Manson (sorry Obama you lost your chance to be the antiChrist)
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The KJV.
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. ~Revelations 13:5-7

We should be able to tell pretty easily. If Trump is the anti-Christ then he will be removed from office between July 20, 2020-August 20, 2020. This is something that has never happened in United States history. We have had two presidents impeached but none have been kicked out of office.

Also, doesn't the son of a gun have to get elected as president to meet the criteria? Good luck with that. The republican has to win Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida to become president. That's not happening. We should be focusing on the real anti-Christ which is Marilyn Manson. Jesus would be disappointed with us for guessing wrong. Jesus might end up smiting us. Oh how I hate to be smitten.

Next President = Hillary Clinton
Anti Christ = Marilyn Manson (sorry Obama you lost your chance to be the antiChrist)

Are you referencing the anti-Christ mentioned in the Book of Revelations in the King James Bible?

Were you referencing a new type of anti-Christ?

I don't know about his head falling off but if Trump becomes president and it turns out he isn't the anti-Christ there won't be much left when the real one does come.

I think is best we wait for his head to fall off and then grow back. We don't want to make any rash decision and identify the wrong anti-Christ. That is a mistake nobody wants to make.

I think the anti-Christ's head will fall off and then grow back. We have to wait until Trump's head falls off in order to be sure. A lot Biblical scholars say the office of Pope is the anti-Christ. The other theories I have heard regarding the anti-Christ don't make as much sense. I'm going to go with no on Trump. I also don't believe Obama is the anti-Christ either.

Thanks for your reply. Indeed, the popery has been fingered as central control for the anti-Christ. But the Popes have never had a nuclear arsenal at their disposal. The anti-Chris, if he exists at all,t would be far more likely to incarnate as a person who might become a leader of a country with nuclear weapons. The devil can't see into the future but he can speculate based on his long past. Trump's body would be a perfect cocoon :lol: The evil one isn't going to come here without having access to great wealth and privilege. After all, he is the false god of materialism. Couple these prerequisites with Trump's puerile megalomaniacal antics and the grim shadowy figure possessing Trump's body can seen with the third eye of the mind
I hope you people realize the tense is that the anti anointed existed in John of Patmos era (present tense) not future tense. He specifically said so and the events of that era coincide with many verses.
The description in Revelation took place in that era can be found by combining
Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25 which by history of that era, shows that Revelation 11:1-3 occurred in aprox 70ad.
Rome was the authoratative adversary who was seeking to steal the priesthood away from the Kohanim(anointed Aaronic lineage) and replace it with their own, but bastardized satanic version church, whereby they could be the new authority and tax collectors (aka tithes).
They did this many times to many cultures.
The false prophet they chose was the son of a Roman soldier named Panderas and the Harlot Mary existing in 100bc. John of Patmos was teaching of a later Christ, one who spoke of son of man third person tense, and was describing Rome's riches sitting on the hills of the dead with the blood of the martyrs on their hands(they were revolters against Rome and were squelched by the hands of "the seas"(slang for Rome).

Just trying to be historically and politically correct by correcting any misconceptions.
Learning your Bible from backwoods preachers who can't read tenses and regurgetate the mistakes they were taught does nobody any good and makes for some comical expectations that already occured from underneath their feet, and deceived them as it said it would.
Clarifying something then finishing the rest of the story.
I said something that might be taken the wrong way dependent on the difference between what is taught by the fallen away ones and what it actually means in reality.
I said: "bastardized satanic version church"
to understand this one can see emulations today whereby they can grasp how things occured and in what manner I use these terms to convey that formed church.
Today's Satanist use an emulation impersonation of the RCC while mocking their rituals and line of command, nothing is believed in it, everything is a bastardized version mocking Christianity and faith.
Now take that concept and look at what Rome was doing in forming it's one world religion combining all cultures faiths including the sun worship and mystery Babylon mythologies into one. In doing so they often were basyardizing their precepts & mocking the cultures, even blaming them for losing favor with their gods as to why they were defeated, then claiming Rome the new authority. One Political horn [power] hiding behind the second (religious) horn hence thecScarlet color (Romes color) 2 horn devil symbol.
So when creating the mask for Baal they needed to squelch the Jewish revolts and thus used a Jewish face to the icon to bring Jews to Baal. Where the true mockery is found is in creating the character through all the Harlots of the Bible, then using the Mother Harlot and venerating her to add salt to this wound.
This is why John calls it the Harlot Church.
They again mocked the whole thing by chosing the new name for this compilation figure & thus called it IESous (the swine) because swines are forbidden.
But it gets worse, they also call him the scarab (dung beetle) who rolls the bull dung to bigger and bigger balls of dung, this mocks the verse on not building your house
out of dung for it can not stand the test of time. Adversary nature does not stop there, the mockery is in bastardizing the Mikvah into a dirty river, making the incest birth story and cannibal eucharist mocking the Temple rituals imperspnating the Temple priests and processions but with their mockery twists like brining the Forbidden Asherah and Persian pillars, placing churches over tombs and the circus.
Demonizing king Herod with the tall tale of killing babies sounds like propaganda Hamas would use. But the punch line was at the end of the satanist joke by the Romans, as all punch lines sit at the end they lay it out in the open, Rev 22:16 Jesus is Saying he is Lucifer (morning star) the son of Baal, the one in Canaanite mythology of the dying god whereby the son must die to surpass his father Baal on the throne.

Note just as today's satanist do everything twisted opposite on spite, you'll notice all 10 basic simple commands are broken by the Church setting up of the idol to replace the Hebrew God. And that's why you need to come to the idol instead of to the non anthropromorphic God of Abraham, because they are not the same, and why they never mention who the church is calling Father.

*In my best Paul Harvey voice *
"And That's The Rest of the Story"
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