Is Trump the Anti-Christ?

Why do people get so hung on the simplicity of what an antichrist is? Anti= against, an enmity, a foe. The ultimate antichrist not only denies Jesus Christ (anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us) but also claims that they are doing God's work. Now who all claims to be doing God's work and which god are they referring to?
Trump has exhibited all the character traits that define the one of whom which you speak. He has verbally attacked women, Blacks, Hispanics and anyone who gets in his way. And his suggestive remark that 2nd amendment people might do something about Hillary has an undercurrent of evil not seen even in the most officious political arenas.
Does he claim to be doing "god's work" while he attempts to destroy what Jehovah created? If not then you are truly barking up the wrong tree but you are free to do that if you like. You can join yourself unto the men of the tower of Babylon if you like but I will pass. People are free to walk into the hell's angels camp. Just beware though when you do that you are subjected to whatever goes on in their camp if you do not have the protection of the One that has allowed them to exist.

The Lord never said that one needs an appearance of righteousness to suit you and I am certain that the Lord knows the hearts of men. You seem to be claiming you know what is in Donald Trump's heart. Does this mean you have been given vision and revelation that the millions who are showing up in support of him are missing somehow?
Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.
-2John 7
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

Yeah, but I have yet to see him raise the dead or turn water into wine... I mean Viagra is what is raising the dead for him but himself, well no way he can do it!
If prophesy comes in to fruition,
Why do people get so hung on the simplicity of what an antichrist is? Anti= against, an enmity, a foe. The ultimate antichrist not only denies Jesus Christ (anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us) but also claims that they are doing God's work. Now who all claims to be doing God's work and which god are they referring to?
Trump has exhibited all the character traits that define the one of whom which you speak. He has verbally attacked women, Blacks, Hispanics and anyone who gets in his way. And his suggestive remark that 2nd amendment people might do something about Hillary has an undercurrent of evil not seen even in the most officious political arenas.
Does he claim to be doing "god's work" while he attempts to destroy what Jehovah created? If not then you are truly barking up the wrong tree but you are free to do that if you like. You can join yourself unto the men of the tower of Babylon if you like but I will pass. People are free to walk into the hell's angels camp. Just beware though when you do that you are subjected to whatever goes on in their camp if you do not have the protection of the One that has allowed them to exist.

The Lord never said that one needs an appearance of righteousness to suit you and I am certain that the Lord knows the hearts of men. You seem to be claiming you know what is in Donald Trump's heart. Does this mean you have been given vision and revelation that the millions who are showing up in support of him are missing somehow?
Are the Bible's False Prophet and AntiChrist/Destroyer, one and the same or separate entities in the Bible?
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

Yeah, but I have yet to see him raise the dead or turn water into wine... I mean Viagra is what is raising the dead for him but himself, well no way he can do it!
If prophesy comes in to fruition,
Why do people get so hung on the simplicity of what an antichrist is? Anti= against, an enmity, a foe. The ultimate antichrist not only denies Jesus Christ (anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us) but also claims that they are doing God's work. Now who all claims to be doing God's work and which god are they referring to?
Trump has exhibited all the character traits that define the one of whom which you speak. He has verbally attacked women, Blacks, Hispanics and anyone who gets in his way. And his suggestive remark that 2nd amendment people might do something about Hillary has an undercurrent of evil not seen even in the most officious political arenas.
Does he claim to be doing "god's work" while he attempts to destroy what Jehovah created? If not then you are truly barking up the wrong tree but you are free to do that if you like. You can join yourself unto the men of the tower of Babylon if you like but I will pass. People are free to walk into the hell's angels camp. Just beware though when you do that you are subjected to whatever goes on in their camp if you do not have the protection of the One that has allowed them to exist.

The Lord never said that one needs an appearance of righteousness to suit you and I am certain that the Lord knows the hearts of men. You seem to be claiming you know what is in Donald Trump's heart. Does this mean you have been given vision and revelation that the millions who are showing up in support of him are missing somehow?
Are the Bible's False Prophet and AntiChrist/Destroyer, one and the same or separate entities in the Bible?
There are many antichrist and many types of devils. Do you have a specific verse you are referring to?
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

Yeah, but I have yet to see him raise the dead or turn water into wine... I mean Viagra is what is raising the dead for him but himself, well no way he can do it!
If prophesy comes in to fruition,
Why do people get so hung on the simplicity of what an antichrist is? Anti= against, an enmity, a foe. The ultimate antichrist not only denies Jesus Christ (anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us) but also claims that they are doing God's work. Now who all claims to be doing God's work and which god are they referring to?
Trump has exhibited all the character traits that define the one of whom which you speak. He has verbally attacked women, Blacks, Hispanics and anyone who gets in his way. And his suggestive remark that 2nd amendment people might do something about Hillary has an undercurrent of evil not seen even in the most officious political arenas.
Does he claim to be doing "god's work" while he attempts to destroy what Jehovah created? If not then you are truly barking up the wrong tree but you are free to do that if you like. You can join yourself unto the men of the tower of Babylon if you like but I will pass. People are free to walk into the hell's angels camp. Just beware though when you do that you are subjected to whatever goes on in their camp if you do not have the protection of the One that has allowed them to exist.

The Lord never said that one needs an appearance of righteousness to suit you and I am certain that the Lord knows the hearts of men. You seem to be claiming you know what is in Donald Trump's heart. Does this mean you have been given vision and revelation that the millions who are showing up in support of him are missing somehow?
Are the Bible's False Prophet and AntiChrist/Destroyer, one and the same or separate entities in the Bible?
There are many antichrist and many types of devils. Do you have a specific verse you are referring to?
Who is the false prophet of the end times?

the article gives links of the verses that make mention...
Theslonians says "with the Trump of God"
not with the Trump of the Devil.
If Satan was a murderer since the beginning then explain all the silencing deaths that surround the Clinton's suspect dealings?
But even the name Trump is an illusion. HIs real last name is Drumpf. Can you quote me a Scriptural reference to such a foul sounding moniker as THAT?

And the real name of the Holy city of Shalem was SHV son of Man, as is mine.
So where is my Mikdash in my name & my inheritance? The Clintons had plenty of years to dedicate their time to this issue of Jews not having equal rights of worship, but instead they chose to supress the rights of others to equal access to the election process and erase my emails.
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

I don't think he despises women. I think he absolutely loves women, he just trades them in on a fairly regular basis for a newer year. Deceitful, arrogant, and boastful describe hilly too you know. And Master of Lies could very well be her epitaph... Just sayin...
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

Yeah, but I have yet to see him raise the dead or turn water into wine... I mean Viagra is what is raising the dead for him but himself, well no way he can do it!
If prophesy comes in to fruition,
Why do people get so hung on the simplicity of what an antichrist is? Anti= against, an enmity, a foe. The ultimate antichrist not only denies Jesus Christ (anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us) but also claims that they are doing God's work. Now who all claims to be doing God's work and which god are they referring to?
Trump has exhibited all the character traits that define the one of whom which you speak. He has verbally attacked women, Blacks, Hispanics and anyone who gets in his way. And his suggestive remark that 2nd amendment people might do something about Hillary has an undercurrent of evil not seen even in the most officious political arenas.
Does he claim to be doing "god's work" while he attempts to destroy what Jehovah created? If not then you are truly barking up the wrong tree but you are free to do that if you like. You can join yourself unto the men of the tower of Babylon if you like but I will pass. People are free to walk into the hell's angels camp. Just beware though when you do that you are subjected to whatever goes on in their camp if you do not have the protection of the One that has allowed them to exist.

The Lord never said that one needs an appearance of righteousness to suit you and I am certain that the Lord knows the hearts of men. You seem to be claiming you know what is in Donald Trump's heart. Does this mean you have been given vision and revelation that the millions who are showing up in support of him are missing somehow?
Are the Bible's False Prophet and AntiChrist/Destroyer, one and the same or separate entities in the Bible?
There are many antichrist and many types of devils. Do you have a specific verse you are referring to?
Who is the false prophet of the end times?

the article gives links of the verses that make mention...
That spirit of that requires destruction of humankind that remains is a destroyer for those who live by carnal precepts. Two horns are Media and Persia but try look at that in a spiritual not just a carnal aspect. One horn is the attempt at a one world government ran by one carnal (flesh minded) body (powers and principalities). The beast they currently ride is the spirit in play at the UN and Nato that has been operated out of Brussels.

The beast Jezebel 'baal exalts destruction (or more detailed idolatry exalts by destroying peoples or restrain to subdue the daughter of Ethbaal 'with idols') rides is a large body (whale- sea monster- behemoth a large carnal shark- Cetus, both the carnally and spiritually the cities that help build the Bible) operated in a spirit to help in the destruction of carnal precepts. In those who live by carnal precepts it ultimately attempts to unite the carnal ideology of all of the religions together in one but forgets about the creator of all spiritual hosts that were created to rule the nations.

The spirit of the false prophet calls for destruction of peoples. That one should be fairly easy for you to understand without me having to type it all in. I would suggest reading the story of Esther 'star' to see what happens to the one who calls for destruction of all of the jews 'those who live by faith in Jehovah and the Son' these are queen Esther's people. The word endures and remains viable for all times and seasons and these are powers and principalities in the world. Those who believe they are doing God's work through destruction or destructive practices who deny Jesus is the Christ and refuse to follow the word (not as precepts of carnal humans for the Lord's precepts and carnal precepts do not jive).

Media 'the middle land'. Persia 'pure-splendid or splendor'.

"He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end."
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

I don't think he despises women. I think he absolutely loves women, he just trades them in on a fairly regular basis for a newer year. Deceitful, arrogant, and boastful describe hilly too you know. And Master of Lies could very well be her epitaph... Just sayin...
The only thing she has going for her though, is that she is a FEMALE, and the bible makes it CLEAR that THE Antichrist will be a MALE.
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

I don't think he despises women. I think he absolutely loves women, he just trades them in on a fairly regular basis for a newer year. Deceitful, arrogant, and boastful describe hilly too you know. And Master of Lies could very well be her epitaph... Just sayin...
The only thing she has going for her though, is that she is a FEMALE, and the bible makes it CLEAR that THE Antichrist will be a MALE.

Yeah, but wouldn't that be the ultimate lie? Just sayin....
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

I don't think he despises women. I think he absolutely loves women, he just trades them in on a fairly regular basis for a newer year. Deceitful, arrogant, and boastful describe hilly too you know. And Master of Lies could very well be her epitaph... Just sayin...
The only thing she has going for her though, is that she is a FEMALE, and the bible makes it CLEAR that THE Antichrist will be a MALE.
There is no difference between male and female. That is an error on the part of every religion out there. Humans all have the same heavenly and earthly hosts.
Adam = red earth> human: red earth = Edom or pouring out seeds like lentils such as you would pour out trouble or rebellion creating a multitude a other spiritual hosts in the process.
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

I don't think he despises women. I think he absolutely loves women, he just trades them in on a fairly regular basis for a newer year. Deceitful, arrogant, and boastful describe hilly too you know. And Master of Lies could very well be her epitaph... Just sayin...
The only thing she has going for her though, is that she is a FEMALE, and the bible makes it CLEAR that THE Antichrist will be a MALE.

Yeah, but wouldn't that be the ultimate lie? Just sayin....

I guess it would be a lie of all lies...

but wouldn't that be saying that the Bible is a lie, if the antichrist turned out to be female?
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

I don't think he despises women. I think he absolutely loves women, he just trades them in on a fairly regular basis for a newer year. Deceitful, arrogant, and boastful describe hilly too you know. And Master of Lies could very well be her epitaph... Just sayin...
The only thing she has going for her though, is that she is a FEMALE, and the bible makes it CLEAR that THE Antichrist will be a MALE.
There is no difference between male and female. That is an error on the part of every religion out there. Humans all have the same heavenly and earthly hosts.
Yes, we do, HOWEVER the Bible MADE IT CLEAR that THE Antichrist, is a MALE....can you show one prophesy in the bible that states THE Antichrist can be either a male or a female... there isn't is clear as sunlight, that THE antichrist will be a MALE.
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

I don't think he despises women. I think he absolutely loves women, he just trades them in on a fairly regular basis for a newer year. Deceitful, arrogant, and boastful describe hilly too you know. And Master of Lies could very well be her epitaph... Just sayin...
The only thing she has going for her though, is that she is a FEMALE, and the bible makes it CLEAR that THE Antichrist will be a MALE.

Yeah, but wouldn't that be the ultimate lie? Just sayin....

I guess it would be a lie of all lies...

but wouldn't that be saying that the Bible is a lie, if the antichrist turned out to be female?

The Bible was written by men years or decades after the actual events. They make mistakes.
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

I don't think he despises women. I think he absolutely loves women, he just trades them in on a fairly regular basis for a newer year. Deceitful, arrogant, and boastful describe hilly too you know. And Master of Lies could very well be her epitaph... Just sayin...
The only thing she has going for her though, is that she is a FEMALE, and the bible makes it CLEAR that THE Antichrist will be a MALE.
There is no difference between male and female. That is an error on the part of every religion out there. Humans all have the same heavenly and earthly hosts.
Yes, we do, HOWEVER the Bible MADE IT CLEAR that THE Antichrist, is a MALE....can you show one prophesy in the bible that states THE Antichrist can be either a male or a female... there isn't is clear as sunlight, that THE antichrist will be a MALE.
The word used when it says male could be an 'it, them, those'. Again humans are male and female. All have the same core. Each has the same obstacles and spirits to overcome regardless if you are a male or a female. 'So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.'
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

I don't think he despises women. I think he absolutely loves women, he just trades them in on a fairly regular basis for a newer year. Deceitful, arrogant, and boastful describe hilly too you know. And Master of Lies could very well be her epitaph... Just sayin...
The only thing she has going for her though, is that she is a FEMALE, and the bible makes it CLEAR that THE Antichrist will be a MALE.

Yeah, but wouldn't that be the ultimate lie? Just sayin....

I guess it would be a lie of all lies...

but wouldn't that be saying that the Bible is a lie, if the antichrist turned out to be female?

The Bible was written by men years or decades after the actual events. They make mistakes.
Without a spirit to understand people can't get it regardless of the wording as they think as carnal beings not understanding or even trying to understand. It is much easier for them to attempt to make up excuses along the way.
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

Yeah, but I have yet to see him raise the dead or turn water into wine... I mean Viagra is what is raising the dead for him but himself, well no way he can do it!
He has accomplished one miracle. He managed to wrest the nomination for president away from a field of establishment republicans.
And he did it by spewing inflammatory rhetoric, lies and bullshit.
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

Yeah, but I have yet to see him raise the dead or turn water into wine... I mean Viagra is what is raising the dead for him but himself, well no way he can do it!
He has accomplished one miracle. He managed to wrest the nomination for president away from a field of establishment republicans.
And he did it by spewing inflammatory rhetoric, lies and bullshit.

Yep. And the entire political class hates him for it and are doing everything in their power to eliminate him as a candidate. Kind of a good way to tell who it is that has sold out to the multinational corporations isn't it. If trumpy was in the pocket of all those banks that fucked everybody over, like hilary is, do you think there would be the full court press to get rid of him? That is, so far, the ONLY thing I like about him. He is clearly not a part of the political class who have declared war on the middle class.
I think he could be, if the time is right and God decided it was the time to release him upon us...???

He meets a good deal of the Characteristics of the antichrist which the Bible speaks about.... deceitful, arrogant, boastful, Master of lies and craft like /cult like drawing qualities, a destroyer, despiser of women etc...

AND he's the only person I know of on the face of this Earth that is arrogant enough to walk in to the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God.

Outside of all of that, who truly knows? No one but God Himself, I suppose! ;)

Yeah, but I have yet to see him raise the dead or turn water into wine... I mean Viagra is what is raising the dead for him but himself, well no way he can do it!
He has accomplished one miracle. He managed to wrest the nomination for president away from a field of establishment republicans.
And he did it by spewing inflammatory rhetoric, lies and bullshit.

Yep. And the entire political class hates him for it and are doing everything in their power to eliminate him as a candidate. Kind of a good way to tell who it is that has sold out to the multinational corporations isn't it. If trumpy was in the pocket of all those banks that fucked everybody over, like hilary is, do you think there would be the full court press to get rid of him? That is, so far, the ONLY thing I like about him. He is clearly not a part of the political class who have declared war on the middle class.

I believe he is a Shill and this is just a game for the establishment to make sure Clinton wins... You can call me crazy ( which there is no doubt ) but with all the crazy nonsense he has spewed there is no way he is not working to get Hillary elected.

If the voter were smart they would elect Stein or Johnson this November, but the voter is far from being smart...

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