Is Trump the Anti-Christ?

I have no interest in disputing anything about your claim which clearly you already stated "from what I heard". You already admitted is what what you heard so you have already admitted it is merely a rumor/lie.
So how do you get your news?
I actually watch the candidates on uploaded or live videos. I do my own research including looking into newspapers and news sources etc. from around the globe. I then recheck those sources to see how accurate they are. I also awake with things I know I am supposed to research whether you can believe that or not. Much of the research I did years ago comes in handy even today. If something someone post piques my interest I also look into those things and I have a husband that is an excellent historian whom I can depend upon.
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Judging by his behavior and his unbridled vindictive nature, I'd have to think he is either a minor demon or the anti-Christ himself. for decades it has been said that we are in the end times and the end is near. Trump's improbable ascension has given some validity to that prediction. He can say anything and his faithful subjects bow their heads in supplication. Trump, like his master, Satan, can do no wrong in their eyes.
Like he said ,he could shoot someone and they would stil love him…. he also said he loves stupid people…
Satan does too.

The anti-christ is supposed to speak many languages and be well liked. Trump can barely speak one language and is not well liked, so no it is not Trump. It is clearly Tim Kaine who will heroically rise to lead once Hillary's Cerebral Aneurysm blows out and everybody will cheer him on for being so brave and popular, seeing as how he is on every side of every issue.
Are you kidding me? The deceptive populist presidential candidate isn't well liked? The very fact that he got the nomination is based on how well the average White person likes him.

Your imaged prerequisite of attaching a multi-lingual facet to the antiChrist doesn't matter considering Trump's universal language of M-O-N-E-Y speaks for him every where in the world!

The polls say you are wrong about him being "well-liked". You know like only 10% of teh country decides who the nominees will be dontcha?
Does that include people under 18 including babies and toddlers?

Hillary received a little under 16M votes and Trump a little over 13M so 29M people picked the nominees.
Theslonians says "with the Trump of God"
not with the Trump of the Devil.
If Satan was a murderer since the beginning then explain all the silencing deaths that surround the Clinton's suspect dealings?
But even the name Trump is an illusion. HIs real last name is Drumpf. Can you quote me a Scriptural reference to such a foul sounding moniker as THAT?

And the real name of the Holy city of Shalem was SHV son of Man, as is mine.
So where is my Mikdash in my name & my inheritance? The Clintons had plenty of years to dedicate their time to this issue of Jews not having equal rights of worship, but instead they chose to supress the rights of others to equal access to the election process and erase my emails.
You are sliding away from the op. I won't go there.

Actually I am not off topic, you brought up names and now you should know who best knows these truths -Dan 10:21 and no one better knows who the anti anointed is
then a Kohanim, especially
The Arch Kohanim.
Here's former Christians admiting Jesus was the antichrist(imposter messiah).


Jesus is the Antichrist Pt1

Jesus is Satan the Morning Star 1
- -

TOO DEEP FOR CHRISTIANS Jesus Christ Created By the Council of Nicean by Dr. Ray Hagins 1/4


Christianity is a Egyptian Myth - Horus=Jesus, Isis=Mary, Osiris=God, Amun=Amen, Apophis=Devil
I have no interest in disputing anything about your claim which clearly you already stated "from what I heard". You already admitted is what what you heard so you have already admitted it is merely a rumor/lie.
So how do you get your news?
I actually watch the candidates on uploaded or live videos. I do my own research including looking into newspapers and news sources etc. from around the globe. I then recheck those sources to see how accurate they are. I also awake with things I know I am supposed to research whether you can believe that or not. Much of the research I did years ago comes in handy even today. If something someone post piques my interest I also look into those things and I have a husband that is an excellent historian whom I can depend upon.
My dear lady you are putting far too much of your imagination into interpreting the short phrase: "From what I heard." I used that phrase to reduce to 4 words what you said in a whole paragraph. I review live videos and do pertinent research on issues that interest me but what I heard about Trump came from his own mouth. You may watch a live video but it is meaningless unless you can hear it too. I will repost what I said and validate it. Will you apologize for your rush to judgement?

From what I have heard, Trump suggests he IS god. He has promised that he and he alone can fix America's problems. Well, I suppose a deified president wouldn't need Congress or the Supreme Court. After al,l he has David Duke and a host of similar minded 2nd amendment conservatives to do his bidding.

Now, it is true the God I serve knows Trump's heart and He gave me the gift of discernment. I can see through Trump's masquerade.

If I had not used the phrase "From what I have heard" would you have been more receptive to the rest of my narrative? Probably not because you are a Trumpette! Now , what other words or phrases do you have a problem with in the above narrative? Taken in context, the meaning of the entire sentence "From what I have heard, Trump suggests he IS god" turns upon the word "suggests."
That single word makes the statement somewhat speculative and does not commit me to actually saying Trump said he Is god. That would be lying because I never heard him say that. I heard him say something that suggested his rhetoric gave that impression.

Trump's Claim: ‘I Alone Can Fix It’
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Judging by his behavior and his unbridled vindictive nature, I'd have to think he is either a minor demon or the anti-Christ himself. for decades it has been said that we are in the end times and the end is near. Trump's improbable ascension has given some validity to that prediction. He can say anything and his faithful subjects bow their heads in supplication. Trump, like his master, Satan, can do no wrong in their eyes.
Like he said ,he could shoot someone and they would stil love him…. he also said he loves stupid people…
Satan does too.

The anti-christ is supposed to speak many languages and be well liked. Trump can barely speak one language and is not well liked, so no it is not Trump. It is clearly Tim Kaine who will heroically rise to lead once Hillary's Cerebral Aneurysm blows out and everybody will cheer him on for being so brave and popular, seeing as how he is on every side of every issue.
Are you kidding me? The deceptive populist presidential candidate isn't well liked? The very fact that he got the nomination is based on how well the average White person likes him.

Your imaged prerequisite of attaching a multi-lingual facet to the antiChrist doesn't matter considering Trump's universal language of M-O-N-E-Y speaks for him every where in the world!

The polls say you are wrong about him being "well-liked". You know like only 10% of teh country decides who the nominees will be dontcha?
Does that include people under 18 including babies and toddlers?

Hillary received a little under 16M votes and Trump a little over 13M so 29M people picked the nominees.
So you still don't know if Trump is well liked or not do you? I suppose it depends on the group of Americans you are polling or talking too. But in any case, I hope we don't hand over the presidency to an unhinged, vengeful madman who is either demon possessed or the devil himself.
The anti-christ is supposed to speak many languages and be well liked. Trump can barely speak one language and is not well liked, so no it is not Trump. It is clearly Tim Kaine who will heroically rise to lead once Hillary's Cerebral Aneurysm blows out and everybody will cheer him on for being so brave and popular, seeing as how he is on every side of every issue.
Are you kidding me? The deceptive populist presidential candidate isn't well liked? The very fact that he got the nomination is based on how well the average White person likes him.

Your imaged prerequisite of attaching a multi-lingual facet to the antiChrist doesn't matter considering Trump's universal language of M-O-N-E-Y speaks for him every where in the world!

The polls say you are wrong about him being "well-liked". You know like only 10% of teh country decides who the nominees will be dontcha?
Does that include people under 18 including babies and toddlers?

Hillary received a little under 16M votes and Trump a little over 13M so 29M people picked the nominees.
So you still don't know if Trump is well liked or not do you? I suppose it depends on the group of Americans you are polling or talking too. But in any case, I hope we don't hand over the presidency to an unhinged, vengeful madman who is either demon possessed or the devil himself.

I agree. Electing Hillary will be the end-times.
Actually I am not off topic, you brought up names and now you should know who best knows these truths -Dan 10:21 and no one better knows who the anti anointed is
then a Kohanim, especially
The Arch Kohanim.

So you are saying the arch-Rabbi knows who the "anti anointed one" is? Has he contacted the Pentagon? :lol:
Are you kidding me? The deceptive populist presidential candidate isn't well liked? The very fact that he got the nomination is based on how well the average White person likes him.

Your imaged prerequisite of attaching a multi-lingual facet to the antiChrist doesn't matter considering Trump's universal language of M-O-N-E-Y speaks for him every where in the world!

The polls say you are wrong about him being "well-liked". You know like only 10% of teh country decides who the nominees will be dontcha?
Does that include people under 18 including babies and toddlers?

Hillary received a little under 16M votes and Trump a little over 13M so 29M people picked the nominees.
So you still don't know if Trump is well liked or not do you? I suppose it depends on the group of Americans you are polling or talking too. But in any case, I hope we don't hand over the presidency to an unhinged, vengeful madman who is either demon possessed or the devil himself.

I agree. Electing Hillary will be the end-times.
Hillary is not a madman or the devil himself. BTW someone has already posted that the antiChrist is a male.
Actually I am not off topic, you brought up names and now you should know who best knows these truths -Dan 10:21 and no one better knows who the anti anointed is
then a Kohanim, especially
The Arch Kohanim.

So you are saying the arch-Rabbi knows who the "anti anointed one" is? Has he contacted the Pentagon? :lol:

Yes, Lieberman, Clintons, Colin Powell, Bush, Al Gore etc...
RIGHT AFTER Bill held a science symposium with Stephen Hawking on the topic, admited that sound officially can be transmitted faster then light making messaging a possibility no longer science fiction. At that symposium Professor Hawking admitted he was wrong about there heing no evidence of time message-travel, stating the Bible and cultures with writings that can possibly convey evidance of the future guiding the past and or evidence of interacting in that manner.
You can research the science symposium, it was partially shown & reported on TV.

So once again, Clintons are in the loop but never utilize the source to gain necessary intelligence that could have prevented much of what their foreign policy caused, including missed opps nabbing Bin Laden before and after 911.
Actually I am not off topic, you brought up names and now you should know who best knows these truths -Dan 10:21 and no one better knows who the anti anointed is
then a Kohanim, especially
The Arch Kohanim.

So you are saying the arch-Rabbi knows who the "anti anointed one" is? Has he contacted the Pentagon? :lol:

Yes, Lieberman, Clintons, Colin Powell, Bush, Al Gore etc...
RIGHT AFTER Bill held a science symposium with Stephen Hawking on the topic, admited that sound officially can be transmitted faster then light making messaging a possibility no longer science fiction. At that symposium Professor Hawking admitted he was wrong about there heing no evidence of time message-travel, stating the Bible and cultures with writings that can possibly convey evidance of the future guiding the past and or evidence of interacting in that manner.
You can research the science symposium, it was partially shown & reported on TV.

So once again, Clintons are in the loop but never utilize the source to gain necessary intelligence that could have prevented much of what their foreign policy caused, including missed opps nabbing Bin Laden before and after 911.
So you are clearing Trump of all demonic ties and ramifications?
if trump was the antichrist, nostradamus would have told me so.

Nostradamus didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and now his ass is IN a hole in the ground!

Really, and so how come I knew about the Gulf War to come and Saddam before 1988, simply because I knew how to read-secret what Nosty warned us about Mabus the 3rd anti anointed? How come that matched the OT warning of the Nebuchadnezar emulator in passages pastors use on the fall of lucifer? Answer: because he admitted using Torah for his prophecy.
if trump was the antichrist, nostradamus would have told me so.

Nostradamus didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and now his ass is IN a hole in the ground!

Really, and so how come I knew about the Gulf War to come and Saddam before 1988, simply because I knew how to read-secret what Nosty warned us about Mabus the 3rd anti anointed? How come that matched the OT warning of the Nebuchadnezar emulator in passages pastors use on the fall of lucifer? Answer: because he admitted using Torah for his prophecy.
Maybe Trump fooled both you and Nostradamus. I'v e got a feeling Trump is just itching to get his hands on that RED BUTTON and send us ALL to hell!
Actually I am not off topic, you brought up names and now you should know who best knows these truths -Dan 10:21 and no one better knows who the anti anointed is
then a Kohanim, especially
The Arch Kohanim.

So you are saying the arch-Rabbi knows who the "anti anointed one" is? Has he contacted the Pentagon? :lol:

Yes, Lieberman, Clintons, Colin Powell, Bush, Al Gore etc...
RIGHT AFTER Bill held a science symposium with Stephen Hawking on the topic, admited that sound officially can be transmitted faster then light making messaging a possibility no longer science fiction. At that symposium Professor Hawking admitted he was wrong about there heing no evidence of time message-travel, stating the Bible and cultures with writings that can possibly convey evidance of the future guiding the past and or evidence of interacting in that manner.
You can research the science symposium, it was partially shown & reported on TV.

So once again, Clintons are in the loop but never utilize the source to gain necessary intelligence that could have prevented much of what their foreign policy caused, including missed opps nabbing Bin Laden before and after 911.
So you are clearing Trump of all demonic ties and ramifications?

He's a New Yorker with typical survivor instincts that don't translate well to people who don't understand living in the NE big city hostility and dog eat dog arena that the region can be, but because you can't handle his NY persona doesn't make him the problem you project him to be.
Darkness is lies and ignorance, the media is more problematic controling info to get what they want not what we the citizens need. If they think we are to dumb to make decisions then aren't they that feed us info the culprits to blame? Where are they different then Rome controlling and subverting cultures by burning books and telling us what we should or shouldn't believe in especially as it converged all cultures beliefs into one world religion that they controlled that dumb masses through?
if trump was the antichrist, nostradamus would have told me so.

Nostradamus didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and now his ass is IN a hole in the ground!

Really, and so how come I knew about the Gulf War to come and Saddam before 1988, simply because I knew how to read-secret what Nosty warned us about Mabus the 3rd anti anointed? How come that matched the OT warning of the Nebuchadnezar emulator in passages pastors use on the fall of lucifer? Answer: because he admitted using Torah for his prophecy.
Maybe Trump fooled both you and Nostradamus. I'v e got a feeling Trump is just itching to get his hands on that RED BUTTON and send us ALL to hell!

Hillary made that same mistaken comment, whereby she is supposed to know better that presidents don't hold sole discretion for such a thing. Therefore she got caught lying and manipulating fear otherwise she should not be running for office if she has such short circuiting brain hiccups that she doesn't know such common knowledge.
if trump was the antichrist, nostradamus would have told me so.

Nostradamus didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and now his ass is IN a hole in the ground!

Really, and so how come I knew about the Gulf War to come and Saddam before 1988, simply because I knew how to read-secret what Nosty warned us about Mabus the 3rd anti anointed? How come that matched the OT warning of the Nebuchadnezar emulator in passages pastors use on the fall of lucifer? Answer: because he admitted using Torah for his prophecy.
Maybe Trump fooled both you and Nostradamus. I'v e got a feeling Trump is just itching to get his hands on that RED BUTTON and send us ALL to hell!

Hillary made that same mistaken comment, whereby she is supposed to know better that presidents don't hold sole discretion for such a thing. Therefore she got caught lying and manipulating fear otherwise she should not be running for office if she has such short circuiting brain hiccups that she doesn't know such common knowledge.

The antiChrist is male:

Actually Ezekiel 28 son of perdition is a CREATED IMAGE of a man, one made perfect, one called Christ(anointed) Nazarene(cherub=guardian).
Hence my comments Jesus was the fable idol of a man made from many figures and mythologies to get all cultures into the one world religion under Rome's authority.
Easier to collect taxes under the guise of tithes to their gods, less insurrections that way.
So now review the 3 layer prophecy in the OT:
1)historical = Nebuchadnezzar
2)the emulated repeat history=Sadam (even said it openly that he was emulating the Babylonian king.) he was the top son of the Sunnis, Found desheveled, in his pit, earth did quake in fear & bombings, they asked is this the same man (so frail) who caused us this havoc. All this is in Isaiah 14:12-17 and by no coincidence the date of his capture matches the chapter & verse like other events do in the Tanakh.
He was captured 14th day of 12th month
(unlike us they write day first month second)
3)the spiritual emulation =Jesus
who is speared, Nt says earth shook upon death, was desheveled, people asked is this the man, fell to the pit claiming higher then God-acts2:27,1 Peter 3:19, Apostles creed, called himself son of baal morning star
-Rev 22:16.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)
if trump was the antichrist, nostradamus would have told me so.

There was Trump's massive fight with Pope Francis, for one. After all, who gets into a public bout with His Holiness but… the Antichrist?!

That's not what really has people talking, though — this is more along the lines of a prediction made by 16th century philosopher Nostradamus that is proving to be oddly accurate in our current political times.

At one point in his writings, Nostradamus includes a bunch of references to a "trumpet" that theorists have seized on to be a particularly, well, Trumpian reference:

"The fals trumpet concealing madness
will cause Byzantium to change its laws.
From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants
the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.

The trumpet shakes with great discord.
An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven:
the bloody mouth will swim with blood;
the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground.

The great Senate will ordain the triumph
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out:
At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.

The republic of the great city
Will not want to consent to the great severity:
King summoned by trumpet to go out,
The ladder at the wall, the city will repent."

There's a lot to uncover in there, not the least of which surrounds the word "trumpet." Considering an old English word for trumpet was actually "trump," it's been easy for people to replace one with the other there, and draw parallels to The Donald.
Was Donald Trump's Presidential Run Predicted By Nostradamus? See The Eerie Evidence…
Why do people get so hung on the simplicity of what an antichrist is? Anti= against, an enmity, a foe. The ultimate antichrist not only denies Jesus Christ (anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us) but also claims that they are doing God's work. Now who all claims to be doing God's work and which god are they referring to?

I'm sure Trump would consider himself to be the antichrist, but he's clearly just a minor demon. Still, a small demon can cast a large shadow if they're elected president. Let's hope that doesn't come to pass -.-

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