Is Trump the new Hitler?

They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

No. I'm not Trump supporter, but to compare Trump to Hitler is ridiculous and probably takes a lot of lack of knowledge to come to that erroneous conclusion.

Why they say Hail Trump Hail Victory that means exactly Heil Hitler Sieg Heil, its the same, they indeed even do the Nazi Salute. And they call him God Emperor Trump. Well Trump didnt even took office I dont think he will go the same path as Hitler though but his supporter would like that he is another Hitler it seems.

You really are a dumbass. You really think because some far right nut bags give Donald Trump a Nazi salute...he's Hitler? Use your head for something more than a place to put a hat, dude!

Yes, it must be true. Similar a pedophile voting Clinton makes her a pedophile. Libs are super smart.
That alt-right press conference looks like a hoax/stage to me.
Yeah, live in denial, retard.

You should ask all the Jewish members of Breitbart if they think you are a race baiting, asshole....
Show me Bannon denying he is Alt Right. You can't.

You clearly don't know anything about White Nationalists. They are perfectly okay with Israel. In fact, they hold up Israel as an example of a racially separate nation and how everyone else should follow suit.

They want all the Jews to leave or die. They want all the Mexicans to leave or die. They want all the darkies to leave or die.

If all the Jews went to Israel, the Nazis would be very happy. So the Alt Right has no problem with Jewish Nationalists.

I see endless comments on social media about non-whites wanting to kill white people, I don't lose sleep over it. Not a mainstream viewpoint.

You are freaking out over a fringe population and projecting this viewpoint onto a made up bucket called the "alt-right"

You need to watch less CNN

I was not for Hillary, I didnt had a horse in the race. Im neutral. I said some things in favour of Trump too before, I dont get why people attack me and say "I worship Hillary" etc.

You are showing nuts, likely paid for by the Democrat National we saw evidence of on video with bob craemer and scott foval admitting they paid people to do things like this.......trying to smear Trump as a nazi....which he is doing this you become the asshole smearing Trump........

you are either stupid.....or a left wing totalitarian.....which is essentially being both......

Maybe because of my thread title but in my content I said often enough its not about Trump himself but the nazis who support him.

Yeah....nice are trying to smear the worst are an asshole....
Sounds like you are in full blown denial.
Well we see a sharp rise in hate crimes and swasticas being spray painted and white men running around telling dark people they are going to be deported and to go back to their own country.

But we all understand this isn't Trump but this is his base. Problem is that he empowered them and he riled them up during the elections. Boy are they going to be pissed when he doesn't build a wall. You can just tunnel under a stupid wall. Or come on a visitors visa and overstay.

And everyone doing that so far is a hliary supporter.......nice try.....

And those who didn't actually vote...are on the payroll of bob craemer and scott foval working for the Democrat national committee and they get their spray paint paid for and the targets for the swasitikas provided by bob craemer and scott foval....
I think Trump doesn't have a conservative bone in his body, and so when he needed to sound like a conservative, he sought out what he thought was the voice of the Right. He went to the owner of a popular right wing propaganda mill, Steve Bannon, who is actually the voice of the Alt-Right.

I pointed out in the past that Trump sounded like a liberal pretending to be a conservative. I used Ann Coulter as an example, saying that if she pretended to be a liberal and was asked what to do about ISIS, she would answer the way she thinks a liberal would answer, "I support ISIS, because I hate America." Of course, most liberals don't actually think that way, but Coulter thinks they do. And if you went far enough Left, you would find a tiny minority who do think that way.

Trump went to someone on the far Right, Steve Bannon, to try to sound like a conservative. Trump just parroted what Steve Bannon and his ilk were hand feeding to him. And now he is puzzled as to why Nazis and Klansmen love him!

He said during the campaign that he would send Syrian refuges back. He said to a riled up crowd, "oh yea, they're going back alright" Guarantee. Bigly. LOL. We all know that's not happening.

Trump says he's going to deport criminals. Congrats Trump, you're going to carry on Obama's legacy because that's exactly what he's been doing.
I spent a lot of time among the WN community. I can smell their stink from a mile away, and I have been pointing out their rhetoric has been bleeding into the brainless posts of the rubes on this forum for years.

You dumb fucks are textbook useful idiots.
....... there was a younger Hitler who...... railed against Jews in much the same way that Trump rails against Mexicans today.
Are you writing from the confines of a padded cell? You are more paranoid than the ridiculous premise of this thread. What an imagination!

They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

He disavowed the alt right today.

He needs to have a press conference and make a statement on live television. But he hasn't had a presser since July, and seems to be moving towards videos using prepared speeches read from teleprompters and uploaded to YouTube. He's a blonde version of Kim Jong Un.
....... there was a younger Hitler who...... railed against Jews in much the same way that Trump rails against Mexicans today.
Are you writing from the confines of a padded cell? You are more paranoid than the ridiculous premise of this thread. What an imagination!

What I wrote is historically accurate.

Now, let's take at our own recent history.

Neo-Nazis, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, and other fringe groups have been doing what fringe groups generally do; they've been working on the fringes of society, mostly preaching to one another. They've pretty much stayed off the radar with rare exceptions like when they decided to march in Skokie, IL way back in 1979. Skokie, I should note, has, or at least had, a high percentage of Jewish citizens. Well, it didn't go so well for the National Socialist Party of America back 38 years ago as they were roundly denounced even as they had their march. I don't know for sure, but it seemed to me like it was some kind of trial balloon meant to gauge what kind of response they'd get. Well, they found out.

Fast forward to just four days ago, and I see Richard Spencer giving a speech in Wash DC, at the Ronald Reagan building no less. And while using much of the same verbiage as Trump, he ended his speech by saying, "Hail Trump."

I know more than a little bit about history in general. Once certain forces are unleashed on society, it's not easy to put the proverbial genie back into the bottle. The critical factor seems to be addressing it head on, sooner as opposed to later.
....................... Richard Spencer giving a speech ....... using much of the same verbiage as Trump, he ended his speech by saying, "Hail Trump."....
What in hell does that have to with Hitler, Mexicans, and Donald Trump? You are out of your mind.

Pissed off soon-to-be ex-wives say a lot of shit. My ex claimed during our divorce that she was sacred of me.. got a restraining order. Years later, on divorce #2, guess what? She was scared of him too; got a restraining order. And guess what, years later when she got upside down an a house and had to sell at a a loss, guess who she asked to come stay with for a year? Yep, crazy scary man (me).

They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

He disavowed the alt right today.

It was really a weak "disavowing." He needs to do it on camera and with enthusiasm.

So Trump should take the cue from Obama in using strong rhetoric when it comes to denouncing certain unapproved behavior? Like we have found from all those violent cop targeted shootings as well as those recent protestor riots, for example. Is It only for Republicans to make strong statements or the role of anyone who assumes the position and responsibility of Commader-in-Chief?
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Maybe because of my thread title but in my content I said often enough its not about Trump himself but the nazis who support him.

Yeah....nice are trying to smear the worst are an asshole....

Well we see a sharp rise in hate crimes and swasticas being spray painted and white men running around telling dark people they are going to be deported and to go back to their own country.

But we all understand this isn't Trump but this is his base. Problem is that he empowered them and he riled them up during the elections. Boy are they going to be pissed when he doesn't build a wall. You can just tunnel under a stupid wall. Or come on a visitors visa and overstay.

And everyone doing that so far is a hliary supporter.......nice try.....

Not even close Gummo. Nor is it something new.

>> It was not enough for two South Boston brothers to urinate on a sleeping homeless man in August. They punched him repeatedly, and beat him with a metal pole. They called him a “wetback.”

Then they high-fived each other and walked away.

.... “Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported,” Scott Leader said after the attack, according to authorities.<<
---- that goes back to two summers ago.

Then of course there's all this...............


None so blind as those living in self-delusion...


Here is the video of bob craemer and scott foval admitting that they paid people to start violence at Trump rallies to the point they got some events shut down....they were paid by the DNC who recieved directions and payment directly from hilary's campaign....

And now....they haven't stopped......they fight poltical war, the campaign did not end...they have continued their operations...

Here are the incidents of actual violence against Trump...

Republican headquarters firebombed.....
Trump supporter chased and beaten because he wore Trump Hat...
Black Lives Matter Mob Chases, Beats Man Wearing Trump Hat
---Trump supporter shot in the leg...

Paul Jones, Trump supporter, shot at Cleveland bar during heated political debate

---Trump supporter hit with crow bar....

Man Attacked With Crowbar Over Donald Trump T-Shirt: Cops

---Female Trump supporter hit with eggs and bottle....

Female Trump Supporter Hit With Eggs, Bottles as California Protest Turns Violent — See What Was Caught on Video

SAN JOSE, Calif. (TheBlaze/AP) — A few hundred protesters are blocking traffic and some are scuffling with supporters of Donald Trump after the presidential candidate’s rally in San Jose, California.

Police were keeping their distance and not getting involved with the protesters marching in the streets outside of San Jose Convention Center on Thursday night.

One woman, a Trump supporter, was surrounded by protesters who allegedly threw eggs and bottles at her head,BuzzFeed reported.

---Moron democrats stop Trump rally in chicago..

Inside the Protest That Stopped the Trump Rally

--left wing socialist, a democrat supporter, tries to murder Trump...

Source: Man who grabbed gun wanted to kill Trump - CNN Video

---left wing democrats shut down Arizona highway to Trump rally....

'Shut Down Trump': Protesters Shut Down AZ Highway to Rally

--democrats punch Trump supporters at same rally where they threw eggs and bottles at the woman....

Punches, eggs thrown as protesters attack Trump supporters outside San Jose rally

Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate's supporters.

Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs, and stole "Make America Great" hats off supporters' heads before burning them and snapping selfies with the charred remains.

Several people were caught on camera punching Trump supporters. At least one attacker was arrested, according to CNN, although police did not release much information.

---democrat mob attacks Trump motorcade and supporters....

Mainstream media ignores anti-Trump mob in Minneapolis | Fox News

A violent mob terrorized Donald Trump donors but the Mainstream Media ignored the story. It happened Friday night at a fundraiser held at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Some of Trump’s supporters were punched and spat upon, The Hill reports. Others were pelted by garbage and taunted by the angry mob.

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch: a must-read for Conservatives!

The vicious thugs actually attacked elderly women. What kind of a lowlife does something like that?

Good to see you got cherself a subscription to Macedonia Fake News Daily.

You have fun jerking off to it now.
I think Trump doesn't have a conservative bone in his body, and so when he needed to sound like a conservative, he sought out what he thought was the voice of the Right. He went to the owner of a popular right wing propaganda mill, Steve Bannon, who is actually the voice of the Alt-Right.

I pointed out in the past that Trump sounded like a liberal pretending to be a conservative. I used Ann Coulter as an example, saying that if she pretended to be a liberal and was asked what to do about ISIS, she would answer the way she thinks a liberal would answer, "I support ISIS, because I hate America." Of course, most liberals don't actually think that way, but Coulter thinks they do. And if you went far enough Left, you would find a tiny minority who do think that way.

Trump went to someone on the far Right, Steve Bannon, to try to sound like a conservative. Trump just parroted what Steve Bannon and his ilk were hand feeding to him. And now he is puzzled as to why Nazis and Klansmen love him!

He said during the campaign that he would send Syrian refuges back. He said to a riled up crowd, "oh yea, they're going back alright" Guarantee. Bigly. LOL. We all know that's not happening.

Trump says he's going to deport criminals. Congrats Trump, you're going to carry on Obama's legacy because that's exactly what he's been doing.

Wrong. They counted people turned back at the border as deportations.......they believed it....not surprising....
....... there was a younger Hitler who...... railed against Jews in much the same way that Trump rails against Mexicans today.
Are you writing from the confines of a padded cell? You are more paranoid than the ridiculous premise of this thread. What an imagination!

What I wrote is historically accurate.

Now, let's take at our own recent history.

Neo-Nazis, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, and other fringe groups have been doing what fringe groups generally do; they've been working on the fringes of society, mostly preaching to one another. They've pretty much stayed off the radar with rare exceptions like when they decided to march in Skokie, IL way back in 1979. Skokie, I should note, has, or at least had, a high percentage of Jewish citizens. Well, it didn't go so well for the National Socialist Party of America back 38 years ago as they were roundly denounced even as they had their march. I don't know for sure, but it seemed to me like it was some kind of trial balloon meant to gauge what kind of response they'd get. Well, they found out.

Fast forward to just four days ago, and I see Richard Spencer giving a speech in Wash DC, at the Ronald Reagan building no less. And while using much of the same verbiage as Trump, he ended his speech by saying, "Hail Trump."

I know more than a little bit about history in general. Once certain forces are unleashed on society, it's not easy to put the proverbial genie back into the bottle. The critical factor seems to be addressing it head on, sooner as opposed to later.

Yes...they stayed off the radar...until the democrat national committee sent them checks......and sent bob craemer and scott foval to organize some meetings........

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