Is Trump the new Hitler?

Hitler rose to power from a shattered nation, manoeuvring with caution to gain support below the radar and then swiftly dismantled the fulcrum of democracy.

Of course, any populist can be compared to Hitler in a sense, but I can't see that the circumstances would allow for such a development.

What's more interesting is that people hailing seems to want a dictator at the helm. A quite disturbing sign really. Those people must have very little hope for the future.
If Trump would actually do unto liberals as Hitler is accused of having done (I don't dispute it, just was not there to see for myself and I do not trust the media)....then, yeah,I do believe he would have a really good shot at Making America Great Again.
I grow tired of seeing people claim X politician is Hitler. There is only one Hitler and comparing others to him only cheapens the horrors he unleashed on Europe.

They guy who came up with Godwin's Law should be getting paid royalties for all the Hitler references...

He could retire in a week with the Trump and Hillary comparisons to Hitler. lol

They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

NO, but you appear to be lobbying for the position of forum idiot.

They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

When he kills 7 million innocent people, then you can make that comparison.

What an asshole.
I grow tired of seeing people claim X politician is Hitler. There is only one Hitler and comparing others to him only cheapens the horrors he unleashed on Europe.

Well if they say Hail Trump Hail Victory they themselfes reinforce that image that Trump is Hitler. And that Hitler is the most unique murder is wrong, there is not only one "Hitler" There can be another Hitler any time, and there have been several genocidal dictators or rulers before him
If there is another Hitler it will most definitely not be a Republican.
The next Hitler may not even be a racist. Being a racist at the time Hitler rose to power was not unusual. Not just in Germany but also in most of the other European countries and undeniably so in the US as well. So if you are looking for an early warning sign to recognize the next Hitler in waiting, racism isn`t it. Hitler rose to power by hijacking a small party which was called the DAP, the Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (German Worker`s Party) which rapidly grew into the NSDAP, the National Soziale DAP which later gained nation wide popularity. How so ? may ask
The main fertilizer was a world wide depression and the first thing Adolf Hitler did was to transform the former Weimar Republic to a national socialist welfare state which also encompassed a comprehensive national health care system...much like Obama care right down to the way how he did it, using executive power instead of parliamentary consent.
Adolf Hitler also gave women equal rights and in the next election almost the entire female population voted for Hitler consolidating his power to the point were he was unstoppable by any would be internal opposition.
There are many more parallels between the early stages of Hitler`s stranglehold on Germany and modern progressive liberalism.
Take for instance his stance on smoking. Unlike the way smoking is prohibited by minor figures of authorities today in most public places including bars etc Hitler paid a bonus to every German who abstained from smoking in order to improve his or her health.
The genocide that followed was not a unique Hitler phenomenon but was surpassed in scale by Stalin and later by chairman Mao`s marxist red guard which killed about 45 million people in 4 years. So if I were you I would not worry about a small fringe group wearing a Trump hat while making a "Nazi" salute.
You should however worry about the very real possibility that enable a state of totalitarianism be that a "Nazi" state or a Leninist/Marxist state. The precursor to that would be economic collapse and disempowerment of the individual citizen for the so called greater good and security of the state. Gun registration followed by confiscation would probably be the first step in sync with indoctrination to the new order at the school level as it was done in Germany during the reign of Adolf Hitler. If anything Donald Trump`s election victory is going to make it much harder for a would be Adolf Hitler rising to absolute power in the US.
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They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

No. I'm not Trump supporter, but to compare Trump to Hitler is ridiculous and probably takes a lot of lack of knowledge to come to that erroneous conclusion.

Why they say Hail Trump Hail Victory that means exactly Heil Hitler Sieg Heil, its the same, they indeed even do the Nazi Salute. And they call him God Emperor Trump. Well Trump didnt even took office I dont think he will go the same path as Hitler though but his supporter would like that he is another Hitler it seems.

You really are a dumbass. You really think because some far right nut bags give Donald Trump a Nazi salute...he's Hitler? Use your head for something more than a place to put a hat, dude!

Well I worded it wrong, Trump is not "Hitler" Trump didnt commit genocide did nothing wrong or broke human rights etc. I meant only why he is worshipped as if he is Hitler, its personality worship like you see in third world dictatorships, and they call him God Emperor Trump. Some of his supporters reinforce that image that he is Hitler. If I wear a nazi uniform most likely I want to give myself the image that Im a nazi right?

Give it a rest, Mortimer! A bunch of idiots running around giving each other the Nazi salute doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Donald Trump! There were idiot white power freaks before Trump and they will be there AFTER Trump...the only reason they're getting press coverage now is that the main stream media can't bring itself to admit that they couldn't convince the American electorate to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Hitler rose to power by hijacking a small party which was called the DAP, the Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (German Worker`s Party) which rapidly grew into the NSDAP, the National Soziale DAP which later gained nation wide popularity.

Wrong. It was already the NSDAP when Hitler came into it. He objected to the name but went along with it. "Socialism" after all was a fairly new marketing term and it was working.

The main fertilizer was a world wide depression and the first thing Adolf Hitler did was to transform the former Weimar Republic to a national socialist welfare state which also encompassed a comprehensive national health care system...much like Obama care right down to the way how he did it, using executive power instead of parliamentary consent.

Wrong again. Germany already had a national health care system before Hitler was even born. Otto von Bismarck put it in.. It's the oldest national health care in the world.

I'll stop there and let you lick your wounds and assess your sources, because they're completely full of Sheiß.
I'm a libertarian who supported neither Trump nor Hillary, but the left's hysteria over Trump's win has been something to behold. I'm sure he'll be a disastrous president in many ways, but the thing that animates the Left's animus towards Trump is that he is someone who represents an existential threat to their sacred institutions (the media, entertainment, academia) and signals that they are becoming less and less relevant.

Make no mistake, most of the Left's opinion-molders don't actually think Donald will deport ALL undocumented workers, round up gays and Jews and whoever else and throw them into camps. This is all orchestrated hysteria.

In this particular instance, we see a very common tactic employed selectively by the Left. If a right-wing politician who is not sufficiently controlled by the establishment starts to gain political power, they associate him with the worst of his supporters and sanctimoniously demand that he "denounce" the degenerate supporters. Every time CNN or some other outlet speaks about David Duke's praise of Donald Trump, it encourages the viewer to consciously or subconsciously associate Trump and conservatives with overt racism, with the KKK and with Nazism.

It never works the other way though. During the Primary season, the Communist Party USA chairman John Bachtell endorsed Hillary Clinton. He, and other self-described Communist Party chairmen and members also endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. Shouldn't Obama and Hillary they be hounded to repudiate these endorsements if we are adhering to the same standard?

Communism has produced profound misery in the world. Estimates have been made that Communism caused the deaths of between 60 Million and as many as 100 Million people during the 20th Century. I'm not at all claiming that Hillary and Barack ARE communists, but more than a few devout adherents see them as fellow travelers who will advance their agenda in some capacity.

The vile organization known as the Ku Klux Klan, and the odious ideology of White Nationalism has caused comparably less deaths, especially in modern times. In contemporary America, the numbers of actual adherents to either the Klan or some form of white nationalist ideology are extremely small in number. They are social pariahs in almost every community.

I don't care which candidate you pick, you can easily find some disreputable person or organization that supports them. In point of fact, though, the KKK and White Nationalism serves more as a convenient bogey man than as a real threat to ordinary people in this day and age.

Although my initiate caveat should serve as sufficient, I want to reiterate that I don't support Donald Trump or nearly any of his policy proposals (the few that are actually coherent). I am a libertarian who supported Ron Paul in the GOP Primaries in 2008 and 2012. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008, Gary Johnson in 2012 and Jill Stein in 2016. I voted for Nader and Stein for their strong anti-war positions and because there weren't any decent libertarians running in those election cycles.

Great post. Although I don't necessarily agree with all your talking points it is refreshing to read a well written narrative. Here are the parts of your essay that troubles me:

You ignore Trump's past. HIs full page ads calling for a return of the death penalty when 5 African American youth were convicted of a rape they dd not commit revealed a lynch mob mentality. Trump didn't know the youth were innocent at the time so I can give him a pass on that one. However, I can't help feeling that had the victim been Black, Trump would not have committed himself to such an extreme position. But it doesn't stop there. Years later, after the innocent youths were cleared by DNA tests and a confession by the real culprit, Trump refused to apologize. Instead he stood by his original convictions as tenaciously as he stood by his "Birther" initiatives. In retrospect, this wrongheaded tenacity and his Birther position bolstered by suspicions of Trump's prejudices.

Some may think the mind set Trump exhibited in the Central Park 5 case and the Birther phenomenon showed no racist overtones. But he has never been so publicly outraged against similar or worst cases committed by White people.

Where was he after Tim McVeigh bombed the federal building in Oklahoma? What sympathy did he publicly exhibit for the 9 Black Christians who were shot and killed by a White gunman while they worshipped in a Charleston South Carolina Church ? Ini both of those cases people died. So it seems Trump is more upset by things Black people do or that he believes they have done , even if no one died. Yet, he is eerily silent when people who look like him commit mass murder.

Racism vs Communism. Which is worse?

You seem dismissive of Trump's refusal to denounce the endorsements he has publicly received from the KKK, David Duke and other known domestic terrorists. Perhaps that view is pinned directly to your sense of Whiteness. After all, you have nothing to fear if your opinion is wrong or shortsighted. That is understandable. But for those of us who choose to take notice of certain historical parallels, notably a populist leader rising to grasp power from traditionalists by an angry homogenous constituency, the time has come to sound the alarm. If we don't, history could very well repeat itself.

And no, I don't think that Jews, gays and those targeted by the Right as undesirables will be rounded up along with illegals. At least not initially. But media driven glimpses into the mind of Trump has revealed an almost puerile propensity for pathological racism, rage and revenge. Trump's skill for manipulating his militant populist trolls can be compared to the same skill seen in Hitter. Pardon me, but, I can't ignore that; especially after the recent controversial selections he made to seed his administration.

Trump reeks with the smell of demagoguery and he has surrounded himself with kindred spirits. That is exactly what Hitler, Stalin and Mao did. I can't afford not to make an adroit comparison of Trump's psychological blueprint with those of the three biggest homicidal maniacs of the 20th Century. By focusing intently on every nuance of Trump's public behavior and rhetoric. especially as he assembles his team, important clues as to his surreptitious intentions may be revealed pursuant to preventing catastrophe .

While RW conservatives dismiss racism, bigotry and misogamy as mere collateral damage, or see those "manly traits" as a reasonable price to pay for bolstering RW White manhood, you condemn those same social ills when Communists or Muslims do it.

Communism, you say, is responsible for millions of deaths. I disagree. Conservative Tyrants are responsible for all of those deaths, not a political system. Communism, like Capitalism is benign. It is the leaders who operate to protect and reserve their own selfish interests or to maintain a hegemonic ideology that make both systems deadly.

If we are to look at Communism and Capitalism through the lens of original Christianity, the tenet of altruism would be well ensconced on the side of Communism and the Capitalist side would be marked by a dearth of it.

Further, you point to Communism as a socio-political malignancy. Ostensibly, that conclusion was reached by drawing upon Western media reports of failure, hunger and a paucity of enterprise and prosperity. Perhaps there is more than a modicum of truth to that premise but a lot of it could be western propaganda. China's and Russia's Communist systems may have been headed by murderous tyrants in the past but the vast majority of their people survive and thrive. The near genocide of American Indians, percentage wise, probably surpasses the percentage of people killed by Communist regimes.

I need not mention the other atrocities exacerbated by Capitalism such as chattel slavery and the rape of Africa.

So, in my view, when Communism and Capitalism are enjoined, one holds the other in check. Both are necessary for liberty to thrive in all social strata. That phenomenal marriage is known as Socialism.

The America we know today was founded by White people who murdered and enslaved lots of non White people in the process. Former serfs and indentured servants from Europe were given unparalleled opportunities to throw off the chains of Europe and become wealthy themselves. But they had not forgotten how those chains felt. They learned how to make and use heir own chains to enslave and suppress non Whites. For several hundred years the roots of White American conservatism were formed around a hideous social construct which was ordained under the auspices of oxymoronic Capitalist Christianity. Meanwhile, almost 2000 years before, Communism had already been identified and documented in the Holy Bible. The stark contrast between altruism and capitalism in regards to the favorabiity of each was inscribed in

Mathew 19:21:

The Rich Young Man

…20“All these I have kept,” said the young man. “What do I still lack?” 21Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.” 22When the young man heard this, he went away in sorrow, because he had great wealth.…

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