Is Trump the new Hitler?

I think Trump doesn't have a conservative bone in his body, and so when he needed to sound like a conservative, he sought out what he thought was the voice of the Right. He went to the owner of a popular right wing propaganda mill, Steve Bannon, who is actually the voice of the Alt-Right.

I pointed out in the past that Trump sounded like a liberal pretending to be a conservative. I used Ann Coulter as an example, saying that if she pretended to be a liberal and was asked what to do about ISIS, she would answer the way she thinks a liberal would answer, "I support ISIS, because I hate America." Of course, most liberals don't actually think that way, but Coulter thinks they do. And if you went far enough Left, you would find a tiny minority who do think that way.

Trump went to someone on the far Right, Steve Bannon, to try to sound like a conservative. Trump just parroted what Steve Bannon and his ilk were hand feeding to him. And now he is puzzled as to why Nazis and Klansmen love him!

The lies against Bannon have been shown to be lies over and over here on U.S. message board and that you keep pushing those lies show you are a scumbag......
He's Alt-Right and proud of it. He called his propaganda mill the platform for the Alt-Right. You can try to deny it all you like, but it's a fact.

That's why you can't find any sign of he himself denying he is Alt-Right. You can only find people caught in bed with him trying to deny he is Alt-Right.

Nice try.

Here you go asswipe....the Alt-Right is a freedom of speech guys hate free no surprise you focus on the bad guys to silence the good are an asshole of massive proportions.....

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong.

Previously an obscure subculture, the alt-right burst onto the national political scene in 2015. Although initially small in number, the alt-right has a youthful energy and jarring, taboo-defying rhetoric that have boosted its membership and made it impossible to ignore.

It has already triggered a string of fearful op-eds and hit pieces from both Left and Right: Lefties dismiss it as racist, while the conservative press, always desperate to avoid charges of bigotry from the Left, has thrown these young readers and voters to the wolves as well.

National Review attacked them as bitter members of the white working-class who worship “father-Führer” Donald Trump. Betsy Woodruff of The Daily Beast attacked Rush Limbaugh for sympathising with the “white supremacist alt-right.” BuzzFeed begrudgingly acknowledged that the movement has a “great feel for how the internet works,” while simultaneously accusing them of targeting “blacks, Jews, women, Latinos and Muslims.”

The amount of column inches generated by the alt-right is a testament to their cultural punch. But so far, no one has really been able to explain the movement’s appeal and reach without desperate caveats and virtue-signalling to readers.

Part of this is down to the alt-right’s addiction to provocation. The alt-right is a movement born out of the youthful, subversive, underground edges of the internet. 4chan and 8chan are hubs of alt-right activity. For years, members of these forums – political and non-political – have delighted in attention-grabbing, juvenile pranks. Long before the alt-right, 4channers turned trolling the national media into an in-house sport.

Having once defended gamers, another group accused of harbouring the worst dregs of human society, we feel compelled to take a closer look at the force that’s alarming so many. Are they really just the second coming of 1980s skinheads, or something more subtle?

We’ve spent the past month tracking down the elusive, often anonymous members of the alt-right, and working out exactly what they stand for.

There are many things that separate the alternative right from old-school racist skinheads (to whom they are often idiotically compared), but one thing stands out above all else: intelligence. Skinheads, by and large, are low-information, low-IQ thugs driven by the thrill of violence and tribal hatred. The alternative right are a much smarter group of people — which perhaps suggests why the Left hates them so much. They’re dangerously bright.

The origins of the alternative right can be found in thinkers as diverse as Oswald Spengler, H.L Mencken, Julius Evola, Sam Francis, and the paleoconservative movement that rallied around the presidential campaigns of Pat Buchanan. The French New Right also serve as a source of inspiration for many leaders of the alt-right.

The media empire of the modern-day alternative right coalesced around Richard Spencer during his editorship of Taki’s Magazine. In 2010, Spencer founded, which would become a center of alt-right thought.
I read that article a long time ago, dipshit.

You do know who Richard Spencer is, right? And what he stands for?

I'll give you a hint: It has nothing to do with free speech, retard.

You are clueless. Totally clueless.

You are helping to confirm my points.
Here is an explanation of the Alt-Right and who they really starts at the 7:00 minute mark of the interview....

I think Trump doesn't have a conservative bone in his body, and so when he needed to sound like a conservative, he sought out what he thought was the voice of the Right. He went to the owner of a popular right wing propaganda mill, Steve Bannon, who is actually the voice of the Alt-Right.

I pointed out in the past that Trump sounded like a liberal pretending to be a conservative. I used Ann Coulter as an example, saying that if she pretended to be a liberal and was asked what to do about ISIS, she would answer the way she thinks a liberal would answer, "I support ISIS, because I hate America." Of course, most liberals don't actually think that way, but Coulter thinks they do. And if you went far enough Left, you would find a tiny minority who do think that way.

Trump went to someone on the far Right, Steve Bannon, to try to sound like a conservative. Trump just parroted what Steve Bannon and his ilk were hand feeding to him. And now he is puzzled as to why Nazis and Klansmen love him!

The lies against Bannon have been shown to be lies over and over here on U.S. message board and that you keep pushing those lies show you are a scumbag......
He's Alt-Right and proud of it. He called his propaganda mill the platform for the Alt-Right. You can try to deny it all you like, but it's a fact.

That's why you can't find any sign of he himself denying he is Alt-Right. You can only find people caught in bed with him trying to deny he is Alt-Right.

Nice try.

Here you go asswipe....the Alt-Right is a freedom of speech guys hate free no surprise you focus on the bad guys to silence the good are an asshole of massive proportions.....

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong.

Previously an obscure subculture, the alt-right burst onto the national political scene in 2015. Although initially small in number, the alt-right has a youthful energy and jarring, taboo-defying rhetoric that have boosted its membership and made it impossible to ignore.

It has already triggered a string of fearful op-eds and hit pieces from both Left and Right: Lefties dismiss it as racist, while the conservative press, always desperate to avoid charges of bigotry from the Left, has thrown these young readers and voters to the wolves as well.

National Review attacked them as bitter members of the white working-class who worship “father-Führer” Donald Trump. Betsy Woodruff of The Daily Beast attacked Rush Limbaugh for sympathising with the “white supremacist alt-right.” BuzzFeed begrudgingly acknowledged that the movement has a “great feel for how the internet works,” while simultaneously accusing them of targeting “blacks, Jews, women, Latinos and Muslims.”

The amount of column inches generated by the alt-right is a testament to their cultural punch. But so far, no one has really been able to explain the movement’s appeal and reach without desperate caveats and virtue-signalling to readers.

Part of this is down to the alt-right’s addiction to provocation. The alt-right is a movement born out of the youthful, subversive, underground edges of the internet. 4chan and 8chan are hubs of alt-right activity. For years, members of these forums – political and non-political – have delighted in attention-grabbing, juvenile pranks. Long before the alt-right, 4channers turned trolling the national media into an in-house sport.

Having once defended gamers, another group accused of harbouring the worst dregs of human society, we feel compelled to take a closer look at the force that’s alarming so many. Are they really just the second coming of 1980s skinheads, or something more subtle?

We’ve spent the past month tracking down the elusive, often anonymous members of the alt-right, and working out exactly what they stand for.

There are many things that separate the alternative right from old-school racist skinheads (to whom they are often idiotically compared), but one thing stands out above all else: intelligence. Skinheads, by and large, are low-information, low-IQ thugs driven by the thrill of violence and tribal hatred. The alternative right are a much smarter group of people — which perhaps suggests why the Left hates them so much. They’re dangerously bright.

The origins of the alternative right can be found in thinkers as diverse as Oswald Spengler, H.L Mencken, Julius Evola, Sam Francis, and the paleoconservative movement that rallied around the presidential campaigns of Pat Buchanan. The French New Right also serve as a source of inspiration for many leaders of the alt-right.

The media empire of the modern-day alternative right coalesced around Richard Spencer during his editorship of Taki’s Magazine. In 2010, Spencer founded, which would become a center of alt-right thought.
I read that article a long time ago, dipshit.

You do know who Richard Spencer is, right? And what he stands for?

You are helping to confirm my points.

And what connection does he have in any way to Trump? scumbag.....obama is an actual racist....he has racist ties to actual racists........jeremiah wright, black lies matter, and you can't even compare the two....Trump has no ties to any racist group or individual........obama is surrounded by racists....actual racists......of all colors.....

you moron.
Here is an explanation of the Alt-Right and who they really starts at the 7:00 minute mark of the interview....

Hey dumbshit. Here's a press conference Richard Spencer gave. Always go to the source, idiot.

Take a good listen, retard. Listen to Spence talk about the inferiority of blacks, the virtues of white supremacy, and what a great leader Donald Trump is.

Listen to Jared Taylor splaining to the press the lower IQs of blacks.
Steve Bannon: "We're the platform for the Alt-Right".

Donald Trump: You're hired!
Here is an explanation of the Alt-Right and who they really starts at the 7:00 minute mark of the interview....

Hey dumbshit. Here's a press conference Richard Spencer gave. Always go to the source, idiot.

Take a good listen, retard. Listen to Spence talk about the inferiority of blacks, the virtues of white supremacy, and what a great leader Donald Trump is.

Listen to Jared Taylor splaining to the press the lower IQs of blacks.

Hey asswipe........tell us that Trump and melania were married by spencer......obama was married by a racist, jeremiah us that Trump had this group to any of his rallies.....obama had black lies matter to the white house........tell us Trump had meetings with spencer.....obama has had al sharpton, the racist, to the White House dozens of well as other racists.....

You are a fucking asswipe......with respect...

Hilary is married to bill the rapist clinton....whose good friend and political mentor was an actual racist, j. william fulbright, he signed the Southern Manifesto and was a raging segregationist......bill the rapist gave him the Presidential Medal of Freedom to moron....and hilary loved robert byrd, a former kleagle in the both hilary and her rapist husband actually have ties to actual racists.......
That alt-right press conference looks like a hoax/stage to me. The Alt-right has never been an organized group
An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right


The media empire of the modern-day alternative right coalesced around Richard Spencer during his editorship of Taki’s Magazine. In 2010, Spencer founded, which would become a center of alt-right thought.

Richard Spencer.

'Hail Trump!': Video of White Nationalists Cheering the President-Elect

“Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!”

That’s how Richard B. Spencer saluted more than 200 attendees on Saturday, gathered at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute, which describes itself as “an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.”

Sieg Heil!

That's the gathering which gave the Nazi salute as they hailed Trump a couple days ago, retard.

Are you awake to the TRUTH now?
An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right


The media empire of the modern-day alternative right coalesced around Richard Spencer during his editorship of Taki’s Magazine. In 2010, Spencer founded, which would become a center of alt-right thought.

Richard Spencer.

'Hail Trump!': Video of White Nationalists Cheering the President-Elect

“Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!”

That’s how Richard B. Spencer saluted more than 200 attendees on Saturday, gathered at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute, which describes itself as “an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.”

That's the gathering which gave the Nazi salute as they hailed Trump a couple days ago, retard.

Are you awake to the TRUTH now?

Hey asswipe....please......lodge your concerns with Breitbart London editor......he will tell you you are full of shit too....

FAKE NEWS: Kassam Hits Back at BBC's Nazi 'Lugenpresse' Revisionism

Breitbart London Editor in Chief Raheem Kassam yesterday told a BBC presenter that conflating criticism of the press with Nazism is as ridiculous as making Volkswagen cars taboo.
On BBC World Service yesterday Kassam was asked whether he finds it “concerning” that both Breitbart and the head of a controversial think tank had used the term “lugenpresse”.
An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right


The media empire of the modern-day alternative right coalesced around Richard Spencer during his editorship of Taki’s Magazine. In 2010, Spencer founded, which would become a center of alt-right thought.

Richard Spencer.

'Hail Trump!': Video of White Nationalists Cheering the President-Elect

“Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!”

That’s how Richard B. Spencer saluted more than 200 attendees on Saturday, gathered at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute, which describes itself as “an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.”

Sieg Heil!

That's the gathering which gave the Nazi salute as they hailed Trump a couple days ago, retard.

Are you awake to the TRUTH now?

Yeah...then they all marched to the bank and cashed their checks from the democrat national Committee and thanked bob creamer and scott foval for all of their help organizing the event........they were then told hilary was proud and grateful for their help....
That alt-right press conference looks like a hoax/stage to me.
Yeah, live in denial, retard.

You should ask all the Jewish members of Breitbart if they think you are a race baiting, asshole....

LISTEN: Breitbart Editor Slams BBC Libel of Bannon -- Live on Air

Explaining that he is himself an Orthodox Jew and the son of immigrants to the United States, Mr. Pollak went on to elaborate on how well he got on with Mr. Bannon and how he had never acted in a discriminatory way towards people of other faiths. Being interrupted by host Mr. Webb, Pollak continued: “Hold on a second, you’ve made an inflammatory accusation and I hope you’ll allow me to respond.

“I have worked with Steve Bannon in close quarters for five years. Steve Bannon has not only not said anything against Jews, or any other person, but has in fact been overly sensitive towards concerns affecting Jewish communities around the world.

“Your statement is libellous and defamatory.”

Giving up on that line of inquiry, the host then moved to cite a single line in a Breitbart article from September — published over a month after Bannon went on a leave of absence from Breitbart to run Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign — to prove accusations of anti-Semitism.

Pointing out that an article about Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum had described her as Jewish, Pollak hit back, remarking that the BBC was “cherry-picking” and it had also referred to her as Polish and American — which were also not prejudicial. If the BBC wanted any more insight into that particular article, he said, they might start by asking the “Jewish author” who wrote it, and “the Muslim editor who edited that piece. What’s the implication?”
W. Bush gave the left everything they wanted. Let us know when Trump does it.
Yes. Bush gave the opposition everything they needed to get their party in by Democratic means. Obama and the Clintons gave the opposition every they needed to do the same thing.

If Trump fucks up as badly as the Bush clan, Obama, and the Clinton family then you can expect the same 'twist' after 4 or 8 years. But if Trump delivers on his promises for his countrymen, then you will be reminiscing about him, and getting teary-eyed for the next 100 years.
I don't expect he'll be sending liberals to the gas chamber.
Kind of a shame really.
That alt-right press conference looks like a hoax/stage to me.
Yeah, live in denial, retard.

You should ask all the Jewish members of Breitbart if they think you are a race baiting, asshole....
Show me Bannon denying he is Alt Right. You can't.

You clearly don't know anything about White Nationalists. They are perfectly okay with Israel. In fact, they hold up Israel as an example of a racially separate nation and how everyone else should follow suit.

They want all the Jews to leave or die. They want all the Mexicans to leave or die. They want all the darkies to leave or die.

If all the Jews went to Israel, the Nazis would be very happy. So the Alt Right has no problem with Jewish Nationalists.

They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

Unfortunately, when anyone make a Hitler comparison, everyone automatically thinks about WWII, concentration camps, gas chambers, and Europe lying in ruins after millions of civilians and soldiers died or were killed as a result of Hitler's desire for world domination.

But, years before these events, there was a younger Hitler who spoke of making Germany great again and railed against Jews in much the same way that Trump rails against Mexicans today. At the time, I don't think anyone out sides of the inner circle seriously considered the possibility that men, women, and children would be sent to there deaths in gas chambers.

People have good reason to be concerned of where Trump is taking America.

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