Is Trump the new Hitler?

It was really a weak "disavowing." He needs to do it on camera and with enthusiasm.
For you cry babies it wouldn't make any difference what Trump said or to who or how often.
NOTHING he will EVER do or say will EVER satisfy you losers!
Deal with it asshole!
Your side lost!

I was not for Hillary, I didnt had a horse in the race. Im neutral. I said some things in favour of Trump too before, I dont get why people attack me and say "I worship Hillary" etc.

You are showing nuts, likely paid for by the Democrat National we saw evidence of on video with bob craemer and scott foval admitting they paid people to do things like this.......trying to smear Trump as a nazi....which he is doing this you become the asshole smearing Trump........

you are either stupid.....or a left wing totalitarian.....which is essentially being both......

Maybe because of my thread title but in my content I said often enough its not about Trump himself but the nazis who support him.

Asshole....Trump has no connection to any of these people...yet you try to smear him....

obama sat in an actual, openly, proudly racist church for 20 years.....and called himself a good friend to the openly, proudly racist pastor jeremiah actual racist.......and this racist married obama and michelle, and baptized their kids....the guy is an actual racist........and obama was actively involved in that church for 20 fucking years....

Trump has no contact or associations with racists or nazis...and you fucking smear hime with are an asshole....

bill "the rapist" clinton called j. william fulbright his good friend and political mentor.....j. william fulbright was an actual racist.....a real racist...who signed the Southern Manifesto and fought for segregation....bill the rapist gave that guy the Presidential Medal of Freedom and dedicated a statue to him....a racist...

And you asswipes ignored it...and now try to smear Trump with people he has absolutely no connection too...

you are an asshole...

I dont try to smear Trump. Ill see what Trump will do before I judge him. Im just wondering why some of his supporters said it.
For you cry babies it wouldn't make any difference what Trump said or to who or how often.
NOTHING he will EVER do or say will EVER satisfy you losers!
Deal with it asshole!
Your side lost!

I was not for Hillary, I didnt had a horse in the race. Im neutral. I said some things in favour of Trump too before, I dont get why people attack me and say "I worship Hillary" etc.

You are showing nuts, likely paid for by the Democrat National we saw evidence of on video with bob craemer and scott foval admitting they paid people to do things like this.......trying to smear Trump as a nazi....which he is doing this you become the asshole smearing Trump........

you are either stupid.....or a left wing totalitarian.....which is essentially being both......

Maybe because of my thread title but in my content I said often enough its not about Trump himself but the nazis who support him.

Asshole....Trump has no connection to any of these people...yet you try to smear him....

obama sat in an actual, openly, proudly racist church for 20 years.....and called himself a good friend to the openly, proudly racist pastor jeremiah actual racist.......and this racist married obama and michelle, and baptized their kids....the guy is an actual racist........and obama was actively involved in that church for 20 fucking years....

Trump has no contact or associations with racists or nazis...and you fucking smear hime with are an asshole....

bill "the rapist" clinton called j. william fulbright his good friend and political mentor.....j. william fulbright was an actual racist.....a real racist...who signed the Southern Manifesto and fought for segregation....bill the rapist gave that guy the Presidential Medal of Freedom and dedicated a statue to him....a racist...

And you asswipes ignored it...and now try to smear Trump with people he has absolutely no connection too...

you are an asshole...

I dont try to smear Trump. Ill see what Trump will do before I judge him. Im just wondering why some of his supporters said it.

No....don't fucking lie....this entire thread is an attempt to smear lying moron....
For you cry babies it wouldn't make any difference what Trump said or to who or how often.
NOTHING he will EVER do or say will EVER satisfy you losers!
Deal with it asshole!
Your side lost!

I was not for Hillary, I didnt had a horse in the race. Im neutral. I said some things in favour of Trump too before, I dont get why people attack me and say "I worship Hillary" etc.

You are showing nuts, likely paid for by the Democrat National we saw evidence of on video with bob craemer and scott foval admitting they paid people to do things like this.......trying to smear Trump as a nazi....which he is doing this you become the asshole smearing Trump........

you are either stupid.....or a left wing totalitarian.....which is essentially being both......

Maybe because of my thread title but in my content I said often enough its not about Trump himself but the nazis who support him.

Asshole....Trump has no connection to any of these people...yet you try to smear him....

obama sat in an actual, openly, proudly racist church for 20 years.....and called himself a good friend to the openly, proudly racist pastor jeremiah actual racist.......and this racist married obama and michelle, and baptized their kids....the guy is an actual racist........and obama was actively involved in that church for 20 fucking years....

Trump has no contact or associations with racists or nazis...and you fucking smear hime with are an asshole....

bill "the rapist" clinton called j. william fulbright his good friend and political mentor.....j. william fulbright was an actual racist.....a real racist...who signed the Southern Manifesto and fought for segregation....bill the rapist gave that guy the Presidential Medal of Freedom and dedicated a statue to him....a racist...

And you asswipes ignored it...and now try to smear Trump with people he has absolutely no connection too...

you are an asshole...

I dont try to smear Trump. Ill see what Trump will do before I judge him. Im just wondering why some of his supporters said it.

the black kkk, black lives matter supported obama and hilary........actual, violent racists.......and hilary had the father of the Orlando shooter sitting in favored seating at her rally....the father of the man who murdered 49 gay men in Orlando....

you are an asshole.....
I love it that the left cannot see that their same stupid tired long winded old pathetic victimology strategy did not work for them.

It only proves me right again. That is all they know. That is all they yell. White Americans bad.

They really do not deserve to be heard. They should all at the very least be put on ignore. It it was up to would be real bad for all of them.

As it is, I hope they keep calling for the overthrow of America. I hope it gets bloody and I get my chance.

That is all I know.

Trump lost the popular vote though.
Yeah, we see how many dead people and illegals voted.

We also see you are too stupid to understand why mob rule does not work.

We all see how a selfish petulant ignorant dick like you cannot see the long term ramifications of mobacracy and you are too fucking brainwashed to care.

Now, go back to your fucking echo chambers or safe spaces where no one can challenge your ignorance.

Fucking loser.
Trump just like every other politican has no control over who backs him why they do so or what they say he disavowed the group as has been pointed out that's really all he can do.

As I posted before......they need to look at the bank accounts of the leaders of this group......I would bet they have checks that come through shell organizations for the Democrat National Committee and bob craemer and scott foval or some other democrat minion.....
Trump just like every other politican has no control over who backs him why they do so or what they say he disavowed the group as has been pointed out that's really all he can do.

True dat. Very true, a politician has no control over exactly who latches on and equating the two is a classic Association Fallacy.

But you can tell a lot about a joint from its clientele. When you're attracting Nazis, racists, misogynists, bigots, thugs, people who punch out protestors, Vladimir Putin and David Duke, well they all showed up there for a reason.
Trump just like every other politican has no control over who backs him why they do so or what they say he disavowed the group as has been pointed out that's really all he can do.

True dat. Very true, a politician has no control over exactly who latches on and equating the two is a classic Association Fallacy.

But you can tell a lot about a joint from its clientele. When you're attracting Nazis, racists, misogynists, bigots, thugs, people who punch out protestors, Vladimir Putin and David Duke, well they all showed up there for a reason.
Lets not forget some of those protesters who showed up were paid protesters hired to go to Trump events events and cause trouble that tells a lot about a joint as well.
Trump just like every other politican has no control over who backs him why they do so or what they say he disavowed the group as has been pointed out that's really all he can do.

True dat. Very true, a politician has no control over exactly who latches on and equating the two is a classic Association Fallacy.

But you can tell a lot about a joint from its clientele. When you're attracting Nazis, racists, misogynists, bigots, thugs, people who punch out protestors, Vladimir Putin and David Duke, well they all showed up there for a reason.

Black Lives racists....invited to the white house by obama

jermemiah wright, racist, personal friend of obama, married him and michelle and baptized his kids....

la raza, hispanic racists...core group of obama supporters....

bill ayers...domestic terrorist bomber who is a close friend of obama and michelle

bernadine dorhn, domestic terrorist bomber a close friend to both obama and michelle

obama has direct relationships and personal contact with actual fucking racists........Trump has absolutely no connection to any of those groups....and if you look will likely find Democrat National Committee checks going to those groups...

Get real.....

They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

No. I'm not Trump supporter, but to compare Trump to Hitler is ridiculous and probably takes a lot of lack of knowledge to come to that erroneous conclusion.

Why they say Hail Trump Hail Victory that means exactly Heil Hitler Sieg Heil, its the same, they indeed even do the Nazi Salute. And they call him God Emperor Trump. Well Trump didnt even took office I dont think he will go the same path as Hitler though but his supporter would like that he is another Hitler it seems.
I know it's probably tough for your pea brain to understand but that's a tiny minority of people, they may support Trump due to his tough stance on illegals but Trump doesn't support them.
Unless Trump is the one in that podium he is not the new Hitler, and you should be ashamed for making that accusation
Trump just like every other politican has no control over who backs him why they do so or what they say he disavowed the group as has been pointed out that's really all he can do.

True dat. Very true, a politician has no control over exactly who latches on and equating the two is a classic Association Fallacy.

But you can tell a lot about a joint from its clientele. When you're attracting Nazis, racists, misogynists, bigots, thugs, people who punch out protestors, Vladimir Putin and David Duke, well they all showed up there for a reason.
Lets not forget some of those protesters who showed up were paid protesters hired to go to Trump events events and cause trouble that tells a lot about a joint as well.

Riiiiight, and "millions and millions of illegals" voted, and "thousands and thousands" were dancing on a rooftop in Jersey City, and Hillary has Parkinson's, and Bill Clinton has an illegitimate son, and three million Amish rallied to vote for Rump.... hey that reminds me, let me show you a nice bridge. You'll like it, it's in Macedonia.
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They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

Yeah.....Trump automatically is responsible for everything every pudknocker believes or does. Obama isn't.

That's just the facts folks.
Unless Trump is the one in that podium he is not the new Hitler, and you should be ashamed for making that accusation

Agree. Judge the man on what he does and says directly. Although it's funny that the same crowd was jumping up and down about "communistis" and "socialists" on the other side (having it both ways: Priceless).

But no, Rump is not the new Hitler ---- Rump is the new Walter Winchell. Especially at 3:20 in the morning.
Hitler was a lot of things but he wasn't a whiny little bitch.

They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

He disavowed the alt right today.

It was really a weak "disavowing." He needs to do it on camera and with enthusiasm.

For you cry babies it wouldn't make any difference what Trump said or to who or how often.
NOTHING he will EVER do or say will EVER satisfy you losers!
Deal with it asshole!
Your side lost!

That's not true. Trump might be a moderate. He's not looking like a right wing nutjob so far. Lets put it this way. We know Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio would have screwed us. With Trump that has yet to be determined.

The only thing you guys have going for you is Trump ran as a Republican so he's going to owe that base something and you guys won the Senate and House so you are going to get your right wing way a lot more than we would like. And the shit you pass will be unpopular so hopefully costs you future elections. I wouldn't mind a Trump white house as much if we had Pelosi and Reed running the 2 houses. Or even just one of the houses would be better than what we have now.

The thing I like about you guys having full control is you won't be able to blame Pelosi Reed or Obama. Remember Obama handed Trump a good economy. Don't give us that bubble bullshit in 2 years when the middle class is struggling.
It was really a weak "disavowing." He needs to do it on camera and with enthusiasm.
For you cry babies it wouldn't make any difference what Trump said or to who or how often.
NOTHING he will EVER do or say will EVER satisfy you losers!
Deal with it asshole!
Your side lost!

I was not for Hillary, I didnt had a horse in the race. Im neutral. I said some things in favour of Trump too before, I dont get why people attack me and say "I worship Hillary" etc.

You are showing nuts, likely paid for by the Democrat National we saw evidence of on video with bob craemer and scott foval admitting they paid people to do things like this.......trying to smear Trump as a nazi....which he is doing this you become the asshole smearing Trump........

you are either stupid.....or a left wing totalitarian.....which is essentially being both......

Maybe because of my thread title but in my content I said often enough its not about Trump himself but the nazis who support him.

Yeah....nice are trying to smear the worst are an asshole....

Well we see a sharp rise in hate crimes and swasticas being spray painted and white men running around telling dark people they are going to be deported and to go back to their own country.

But we all understand this isn't Trump but this is his base. Problem is that he empowered them and he riled them up during the elections. Boy are they going to be pissed when he doesn't build a wall. You can just tunnel under a stupid wall. Or come on a visitors visa and overstay.
I dont know if He is "evil"...... but too many nazis support him and use his name.
You don't want Nazis to vote? What about Capitalists? Communists? Fascists? Jews? Moslems? Cigani? Catholics? Protestants? Any others whose support make the candidate look bad?

They say "Hail Trump Hail Victory" they said exactly the same about Hitler? Is Trump aware of that and you think he made them do it or he is not like that himself?

Hey Mortimer! :bye1:
No I don't think he's the new Hitler.
Nobody could be a new Hitler today.
These people are just extreme right wing fans and nothing more I guess.
Maybe they think Trump is some kind of aryan nationalist but he's not :)

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