Is Trump's Conviction Really Going to be Overturned?

And now crappypussy is plainly hiding behind its wall of tears.

Crappypussy ^ is so clueless, he doesn’t even recognize a Soviet style show trial when it’s presented to him,
Ah, such sweet Stalinist sore-loser tears.

If even DearLeader can be prosecuted for criminal actions, then those of lower status can be prosecuted too. And if you're a criminal, that's concerning.

That's why so many Trump cultists are hysterical. If they no longer have the usual immunity from prosecution that every Republican was supposed to get, then jail awaits them for their lifetime of crime and depravity.
Ah, such sweet Stalinist sore-loser tears.

If even DearLeader can be prosecuted for criminal actions, that those of lower ranks can be prosecuted too. And if you're a criminal, that's concerning.

That's why so many Trump cultists are hysterical. If they no longer have the usual immunity from prosecution that every Republican was supposed to get, they know jail awaits them for their lifetime of crime and depravity.

Ah another denier of reality post by the imbecile known as manboob.
This one was especially depraved, so he's especially hysterical. He needs to go off-grid immediately.
If you’re referring to yourself, I congratulate you on your first ever spark of honesty.

Otherwise, you’re just being a dishonest asshole some more.

Back on topic:

The Bragg and Merchan miscarriage of justice is going to be overturned.

Try not to cry too hard.
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The Bragg and Merchan miscarriage of justice is going to be overturned.
On what grounds?

The prosecution's case was airtight.

The behavior of judge and prosecutor was impeccable.

You poor thing. Your masters have really done a number on you.

You were babbling for over a year that Trump would clearly be acquitted, and how everyone that TheParty told you to hate would go to jail. Your record of successful prediction is, shall we say, lacking.

So, what did TheParty tell you the grounds for appeal would be? And why did you fall for it, again?
On what grounds?

The prosecution's case was airtight.

No. No it wasn’t. From the very outset, it strains credulity to assert that an NDA (which is legal) or paying for an NDA (which is legal) can be in any way the subject of a falsified business record entry.

And to claim that the alleged (but actually non existent) falsification could even conceivably have been made to commit a crime or conceal a crime when there was no crime from the outset is also legally ridiculous.
The behavior of judge and prosecutor was impeccable.

No. Neither one of them behaved impeccably. They both showed completely improper partisan political bias.
You poor thing. Your masters have really done a number on you.
I’m not a libturd like you are. So, I’m not the one with “masters,” you dishonest twat.
You were babbling for over a year that Trump would clearly be acquitted,

Another lie by manboob. Quote any such post of mine. But you won’t because you’re just a liar.
and how everyone that TheParty told you to hate would go to jail.

Your record of successful prediction is, shall we say, lacking.

So you need to lie to make your claim? Sucks to be a completely dishonest shitbag like you always are, manboob.
So, what did TheParty tell you the grounds for appeal would be? And why did you fall for it, again?
Unlike you, I don’t have to rely on the claims of others to reach perfectly valid and reasonable conclusions.

The fact that the indictment doesn’t even spell out a proper allegation of any crime should be your starting point.

But, being the retard you are, you’ll ignore that, too.
That is pure nonsense. Your cases have insisted Biden won't go to prison. After his son, next the father. And you support this criminal family.
The Judge as a condition of felon Trump's sentencing may order the slob not to associate with other convicted felons. Uh, oh. If that's the case what will Tramp do considering the gang of criminal scum that he runs with such as Manafort?
Just one small reason for 100% confidence

"The first absurdity is that the jurors were not given copies of their extensive instructions, being expected to memorize what the judge just said.
They can ask for a repeat of specific points, but no paper copies were made.
This is proof enough the whole thing is a fake, but it doesn't stop there.
Even better was the judge's instruction that of the three charges on the table, any one would do and they could take their pick.
As long as they believed he was guilty on one of the three, the verdict would be the required unanimous.
Of course that isn't how it works. The law isn't a grab bag. A guilty verdict has always required unanimity on a given charge, and you can't bundle them like this.
etc "

One of these days the RW is going to stray from the propaganda sites and be exposed to some truth for a change.

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