Is Trump's Conviction Really Going to be Overturned?

Unless the NY State appellate system decides that the law and justice actually matter, it is somewhat questionable that they will reverse the conviction. That means that the appeal will be taken to the SCOTUS.

I believe they will take the case and then they will reverse it as an obvious miscarriage of justice.

But, of course, we shall see.
Judiciary Act of 1789, made clear that the Supreme Court cannot review state court judgments on questions of purely state law.
Unless the NY State appellate system decides that the law and justice actually matter, it is somewhat questionable that they will reverse the conviction. That means that the appeal will be taken to the SCOTUS.

I believe they will take the case and then they will reverse it as an obvious miscarriage of justice.

But, of course, we shall see.
Judiciary Act of 1789, made clear that the Supreme Court cannot review state court judgments on questions of purely state law.
No shit. But a denial of due process or a fair trial etc is not purely a state law question.

You're living in a fantasy land
Your feeble and erroneous expression of disagreement is petty and silly and proof of your weak you are.

The trial was an obviously staged show trial.
Me personally, I think that it's only just for show. I sure hope that I'm wrong though.


If dems can...they will. Their ultimate goal is to send Trump to prison, take away Secret Service protection and Trump will not come out of prison alive.

commies no return.jpg
He had his day in court, but he wasn't allowed to spout crap about the jury. What due process do you think he was denied?
Denial of the motion to change venue.

Denial of the earlier defense motion to inspect and dismiss the defective indictment (for, among other things, its failure to allege a legally cognizable “crime.”).

Denial of a fair trial.

Denial of a jury of his own choice (fair selection).

Etc etc etc.
Throw out the jury system, because a spoiled old, trust fund baby had to pay the price?
Not just a stupid ^ attempt at how to “load” a question, but also a ridiculous one in any event.

I also never even suggested throwing out our jury system.

Get your stuff together.
Not just a stupid ^ attempt at how to “load” a question, but also a ridiculous one in any event.

I also never even suggested throwing out our jury system.

Get your stuff together.

Trump was indicted, tried, convicted. He's been found guilty. "Oh woe is me!" Prisons and jails are full of people acting like him.

Let him appeal. He deserves to lose again, and again, and again.
Of course if the NY appellate courts do care about the law and justice, the Trump conviction will be overturned.

It is nonsensical and contractual anti assume they would do anything else, in fact, if they care about the law and justice.

But even if they decide to just go along with the Democrap lawfare, ultimately the final say is likely to come from the SCOTUS. JUSTICE should there prevail.
The thing is….the N.Y. appellate court is composed of leftists too, and they want to see Trump lose.

I suspect they will drag their feet and reverse the verdict, eventually, after half the country have early voted.
Well, yeah. That's what happens to people who don't commit crimes. They don't go to prison.

Remember, your longed-for Stalinist utopia hasn't come about, which means TheParty can't send innocent people to TheGulag for CrimesAgainstTheParty.

Good, good, you've stopped pretending not to be a Stalinist. Being honest about your evil is better than denying it.
We are experiencing Democrats give it hell trying. Biden has committed crimes. The Congress will rush it to courts.
Trump was indicted, tried, convicted.
That order of events is doubtful.

He's been found guilty.
Yeah. That’s that whole “convicted” part of that list in your 1st sentence.
"Oh woe is me!" Prisons and jails are full of people acting like him.
No. That’s not true at all. Not even true of what he was accused of.
Let him appeal.
“Let?” As if you could deny him that right, too.
He deserves to lose again, and again, and again.
He deserves justice. Accordingly, he deserves a reversal of this “conviction.”
Lol, this dude ^ ain't all there, is he.
Crappypussy ^ is so clueless, he doesn’t even recognize a Soviet style show trial when it’s presented to him, by our aparatchik media, as a real “news story.”
The thing is….the N.Y. appellate court is composed of leftists too, and they want to see Trump lose.

I suspect they will drag their feet and reverse the verdict, eventually, after half the country have early voted.
Don’t give them any ideas.
Crappypussy ^ is so clueless, he doesn’t even recognize a Soviet style show trial when it’s presented to him, by our aparatchik media, as a real “news story.”
Just saying stupid shit over and over doesn't make it true out here in the real world, kiddo.

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