Is tthere any reason anyone with any knowledge of economics should post here?

There are plenty of good economic discussions here. It just sounds like the OP got butthurt and is now proclaiming he quits rather loudly. I see it often. He'll be back later to vent his views and participate.
Still waiting for that successful libertarian economy. Or your admission that there are none. How about the group trying to find an island and start their own. Hell, that's good for comic relief. Cause hell, step, now you look like an idiot, backing an economic system that does not exist. Of course, you are an idiot.
What could be more threatening to a right-wing troll than someone with an understanding of the topic? Fortunately for them I am not threatening in any topic. :)

I dunno? :dunno:

When will you leftists produce someone with an understanding of the topic?
And if your favorite justice is Clarence Thomas, then you have proven yourself a congenital idiot.
My answer is there is not. Further, most posters with any knowledge of the subject are abstaining from posting.

Congratulations to the right wing trolls. You have what you want, an invective filled, disgustingly vulgar forum to launch personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with you. There are no meaningful economic discussions going on, which I believe was your objective. You have a fact-free and logic-free zone to play in. Enjoy yourselves.


Do you think you are so special that just because you claim to have knowledge of a subject you don't have to put up with the assholes? I have a degree in theology, do you see me insisting that every person who can not match my education refrain from replying to my posts? Does that degree grant me a magical ability to never be wrong?

I can only think of one time I actually let loose and actually fired off a post designed to utterly destroy a person that was arrogant enough to think that he had the answers to everything, most of the time I just let whoever it is take whatever position they want, I just point out the flaws in their analysis.

If you weren't such a self righteous prick you might be able to handle the trolls.

Negged for whinging.
Another right wing troll malady. They consider anyone to the left of Red State writings to be leftists. Sad.
There are plenty of good economic discussions here. It just sounds like the OP got butthurt and is now proclaiming he quits rather loudly. I see it often. He'll be back later to vent his views and participate.
Still waiting for that successful libertarian economy. Or your admission that there are none. How about the group trying to find an island and start their own. Hell, that's good for comic relief. Cause hell, step, now you look like an idiot, backing an economic system that does not exist. Of course, you are an idiot.

So you clearly have no economic understanding, yet you continue to spout off? That's comic relief, dullard.

Go have a good cry about it in the corner or something. Or read a book.
Speaking of Con trolls, say the word and they crawl out from under a rock and start throwing insults. Because they can not discuss any subject. Normal.

So, it's insulting to point out that Jason, and most of the left on this board, are ignorant of virtually all concepts required in a survey level course on economics?

There are plenty of good economic discussions here. It just sounds like the OP got butthurt and is now proclaiming he quits rather loudly. I see it often. He'll be back later to vent his views and participate.
Still waiting for that successful libertarian economy. Or your admission that there are none. How about the group trying to find an island and start their own. Hell, that's good for comic relief. Cause hell, step, now you look like an idiot, backing an economic system that does not exist. Of course, you are an idiot.

So you clearly have no economic understanding, yet you continue to spout off? That's comic relief, dullard.

Go have a good cry about it in the corner or something. Or read a book.
I just think libertarians are a hoot. I think those who believe in ghosts are a hoot, too. Same thing. So, you keep on believing in things that do not exist. Funny.
Still waiting for that successful libertarian economy. Or your admission that there are none. How about the group trying to find an island and start their own. Hell, that's good for comic relief. Cause hell, step, now you look like an idiot, backing an economic system that does not exist. Of course, you are an idiot.

What is the meaning of "turns?" what mechanism is it related to? What school of thought references this?
My answer is there is not. Further, most posters with any knowledge of the subject are abstaining from posting.

Congratulations to the right wing trolls. You have what you want, an invective filled, disgustingly vulgar forum to launch personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with you. There are no meaningful economic discussions going on, which I believe was your objective. You have a fact-free and logic-free zone to play in. Enjoy yourselves.
Exactly the conclusion I came to last night. Poster after poster with far right wing agendas show up saying nothing that they can back up with no economic arguments of any kind. Which simply wastes everyone's time. Even their own, since they all come here with the same agenda. No thought, no change.
Hell, I went away for over 2 months while I had and recovered from a heart attack and open heart surgery, and hoped that by now there would be a positive change. No such luck, just more of the same.

I haven't seen you make a cogent argument on any subject, much less economics. You know less about economics than my cat.

Funny thing, the different economic schools often get involved in heated debates, and people with both PhDs and Nobel Prizes in their field can disagree about all sorts of things. Yet, the only pepole who complain about it are the self described left wing intelligentsia.
Speaking of Con trolls, say the word and they crawl out from under a rock and start throwing insults. Because they can not discuss any subject. Normal.

So, it's insulting to point out that Jason, and most of the left on this board, are ignorant of virtually all concepts required in a survey level course on economics?


If you're into the idea that everyone gets a plaque or trophy for showing up, then yes. I believe those types find it insulting to point out they failed. No child left behind and all... :badgrin:
Speaking of Con trolls, say the word and they crawl out from under a rock and start throwing insults. Because they can not discuss any subject. Normal.

So, it's insulting to point out that Jason, and most of the left on this board, are ignorant of virtually all concepts required in a survey level course on economics?

That would be your opinion. And I do so value your opinion.
Still waiting for that successful libertarian economy. Or your admission that there are none. How about the group trying to find an island and start their own. Hell, that's good for comic relief. Cause hell, step, now you look like an idiot, backing an economic system that does not exist. Of course, you are an idiot.

So you clearly have no economic understanding, yet you continue to spout off? That's comic relief, dullard.

Go have a good cry about it in the corner or something. Or read a book.
I just think libertarians are a hoot. I think those who believe in ghosts are a hoot, too. Same thing. So, you keep on believing in things that do not exist. Funny.

YOu keep on asking about this "libertarian" economy thing. Funny shit. I laugh at that type of ignorance on this board regularly.
My answer is there is not. Further, most posters with any knowledge of the subject are abstaining from posting.

Congratulations to the right wing trolls. You have what you want, an invective filled, disgustingly vulgar forum to launch personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with you. There are no meaningful economic discussions going on, which I believe was your objective. You have a fact-free and logic-free zone to play in. Enjoy yourselves.

I took economics in college. People want to quote politicians. They don't want to hear about economics.

Then you have the people that think Krugman is still an economist.
Speaking of Con trolls, say the word and they crawl out from under a rock and start throwing insults. Because they can not discuss any subject. Normal.

So, it's insulting to point out that Jason, and most of the left on this board, are ignorant of virtually all concepts required in a survey level course on economics?

That would be your opinion. And I do so value your opinion.

No, actually that would be a question, Dullard. But since you've shown you fail at econ, why not double down and show you have a comprehension problem while youre at it.
My answer is there is not. Further, most posters with any knowledge of the subject are abstaining from posting.

Congratulations to the right wing trolls. You have what you want, an invective filled, disgustingly vulgar forum to launch personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with you. There are no meaningful economic discussions going on, which I believe was your objective. You have a fact-free and logic-free zone to play in. Enjoy yourselves.

I took economics in college. People want to quote politicians. They don't want to hear about economics.
Oldfart is an econ phd that has been personally attacked by every con on the board. None had the knowledge to stay with him, so they simply made stupid statements and insulted him. He mostly just left it alone. But then got to the point that it was useless to discuss economics here.
Too bad. It was worth a lot to learn what he could lay out. Unfortunately, the con trolls do not want to learn anything. They are simply here to propagandize this board with the agenda their heroes fill them with. Sad.

I have a ThD and have been attacked by all the hacks on the board, left and right. Have you seen me start a single thread complaining about it?
Step, me boy. You are a self admitted libertarian. A true believer in libertarianism. Yet you can not tell me of a single successful libertarian economy. I am still waiting. And you are still failing at the job. Cmon, man, either admit there is no such thing or admit that you believe in things that do not exist.

This is why I know you are full of shit when you claim you studied economics.

Libertarianism is a political ideology, not economic theory.
That would be your opinion. And I do so value your opinion.

Sorry, that isn't opinion.

There are some fundamental ideas required for a basic knowledge of the subject.

A "PhD. in literature" who has never heard of William Shakespeare is a fraud.

Those who profess a knowledge of economics, yet have not heard of Jean Baptiste Say, are likewise frauds.

It's clear that you are angry because you tried to bullshit your way through, and got shot down by people who spend countless hours on economic theory.

Do you even know who that is in TakeAStepBack's avie?

You don't, do you?

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