Is tthere any reason anyone with any knowledge of economics should post here?

This is how you prove what you are. I am not a Keynesian. Though we can probably forgive you for your mistake. You do not know enough about economics to understand that.
So, again, me girl, NO ECONOMIC ARGUMENT. What a surprise.
What I am is a pragmatist. I spend a lot of my time looking at economic history. Which you know nothing of, and prefer to ignore. Which is why you are ALWAYS wrong. Always.
Listening to the drivel from far right bat shit crazy con sources is mind destroying. Lots of studies on the subject. And you are simply more proof of those studies.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party
Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Everyone is a holistic realistic pragmatist. Anything slight more definitive in the self-description?
No. Tired of attacks. You guys tend to propagate.
So, what are you??? Libertarian?? Or what??

Me? Oh, insanity follows no doctrine. I make it as I go. While I have your attention, what economic theory would you say best aligns with the current economic process of this country?
Step, me boy. You are a self admitted libertarian. A true believer in libertarianism. Yet you can not tell me of a single successful libertarian economy. I am still waiting. And you are still failing at the job. Cmon, man, either admit there is no such thing or admit that you believe in things that do not exist.

This is why I know you are full of shit when you claim you studied economics.

Libertarianism is a political ideology, not economic theory.
It is, me boy, a political philosophy that completely controls the economics of the country concerned. So, did you have a point. Look up economic liberalism, me boy. You will then understand why I tend to refer to libertarianism as an economic system. As many do.

Actually, it would all but completely free the economy of the country, which is more evidence that, not only do you not understand economics, you don't know anything about politics.
That must have been a very long time ago. Maybe instead of whining he could start posting some substance.
He posts primarily Keynesian central planner voodoo, in the most pompous and patronizing of tones.

You could read a book of collated Paul Krugman op-eds and have your intelligence insulted less.

I'll pass.
This is how you prove what you are. I am not a Keynesian. Though we can probably forgive you for your mistake. You do not know enough about economics to understand that.
So, again, me girl, NO ECONOMIC ARGUMENT. What a surprise.
What I am is a pragmatist. I spend a lot of my time looking at economic history. Which you know nothing of, and prefer to ignore. Which is why you are ALWAYS wrong. Always.
Listening to the drivel from far right bat shit crazy con sources is mind destroying. Lots of studies on the subject. And you are simply more proof of those studies.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party
Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone


Your skirt is showing with this post. Americans Against the Tea Party with Racist tones articles........................Fox news makes you stupid...........and the Rolling Stones.

Pretty Liberal Hack sites you use as information against those who disagree with you.

And goes the I'm an Economist and nobody but me has the ability to discuss economics because you have a degree and we don't.

That's pretty Arrogant posting there.........ME BOY...........

Your Anti-Liberatarian posts also ensures that people are going to tell you to take a long walk off a short bridge.............
OK, I'm a minarchal libertarian who is more comfortable with the Schumpeter/Hayek wing of the movement than the Rothbard/Mises sub-school. However I post not to explain that "The General Theory"'s multiple equilibria is pretty fair description of how the general economy is chaotic and if decent computers had existed in the time of Keynes and the Cambridge school Hicks would probably have discovered Chaos thus saving us from what is in retrospect a disaster.

I post to get actionable intelligence that I can use. That's it. I also abide by the principle that any strategy is not idiot proof is useless because higher brain functions trip out and the limbic system takes over during major market moves. So, I am continuously on the look out for more strategies that fit the KISS criteria and fall outside of the parameters of HFT. Sorry, if that bothers any of you but that's why I am here.
Everyone is a holistic realistic pragmatist. Anything slight more definitive in the self-description?
No. Tired of attacks. You guys tend to propagate.
So, what are you??? Libertarian?? Or what??

Me? Oh, insanity follows no doctrine. I make it as I go. While I have your attention, what economic theory would you say best aligns with the current economic process of this country?
Probably post keynesian, or neo keynesian, with a whole lot of MMT.
He posts primarily Keynesian central planner voodoo, in the most pompous and patronizing of tones.

You could read a book of collated Paul Krugman op-eds and have your intelligence insulted less.

I'll pass.
This is how you prove what you are. I am not a Keynesian. Though we can probably forgive you for your mistake. You do not know enough about economics to understand that.
So, again, me girl, NO ECONOMIC ARGUMENT. What a surprise.
What I am is a pragmatist. I spend a lot of my time looking at economic history. Which you know nothing of, and prefer to ignore. Which is why you are ALWAYS wrong. Always.
Listening to the drivel from far right bat shit crazy con sources is mind destroying. Lots of studies on the subject. And you are simply more proof of those studies.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party
Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone


Your skirt is showing with this post. Americans Against the Tea Party with Racist tones articles........................Fox news makes you stupid...........and the Rolling Stones.

Pretty Liberal Hack sites you use as information against those who disagree with you.

And goes the I'm an Economist and nobody but me has the ability to discuss economics because you have a degree and we don't.

That's pretty Arrogant posting there.........ME BOY...........

Your Anti-Liberatarian posts also ensures that people are going to tell you to take a long walk off a short bridge.............
Funny. I am not an economist, just have a simple ba in it and a whole lot of study of the subject because I find it interesting. There are large number better educated in the subject than I. But bullshit is bullshit. And I call it as I see it.
Libertarians?? Not that many of them out there, though if you are in possession of a higher economic degree and like money, there are a number of groups and individuals who will pay you big time to propagandize for the cause. So, no, there are a lot of them here, but I find them harmless. Their theories just do not work. Never have, never will. And the economic theories that they advocate have become as popular as a fart in church as a result of recent worldwide economic occurrences.
Rshermr is the biggest bullshit artist on this board. He actually claimed to have taught Econ at the college level but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him what school of economics one of his theories was based on. He's the George Costanza of the US Message Board!

[ame=]Jerry, just remember. It's not a lie... if you believe it... - YouTube[/ame]
Rshermr is the biggest bullshit artist on this board. He actually claimed to have taught Econ at the college level but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him what school of economics one of his theories was based on. He's the George Costanza of the US Message Board!

Jerry, just remember. It's not a lie... if you believe it... - YouTube
Another con tool heard from. Attacks, entirely based on lies, and no ability to argue economics. They keep proving my point.
Rshermr is the biggest bullshit artist on this board. He actually claimed to have taught Econ at the college level but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him what school of economics one of his theories was based on. He's the George Costanza of the US Message Board!

Jerry, just remember. It's not a lie... if you believe it... - YouTube
Another con tool heard from. Attacks, entirely based on lies, and no ability to argue economics. They keep proving my point.

You don't HAVE a point! You post drivel and prance about like you're an authority on something that you OBVIOUSLY know little about. I was a History major and know more about economics than you do from taking two classes. You are to Economics what George Costanza is to Architecture...
Rshermr is the biggest bullshit artist on this board. He actually claimed to have taught Econ at the college level but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him what school of economics one of his theories was based on. He's the George Costanza of the US Message Board!

Jerry, just remember. It's not a lie... if you believe it... - YouTube
Another con tool heard from. Attacks, entirely based on lies, and no ability to argue economics. They keep proving my point.

You don't HAVE a point! You post drivel and prance about like you're an authority on something that you OBVIOUSLY know little about. I was a History major and know more about economics than you do from taking two classes. You are to Economics what George Costanza is to Architecture...
Whatever, Oldstyle. No one cares about your incessant attacks and lies. Gets old way fast. And yes, I do have a point. You came right in and proved it. Thanks. Now Maybe you should check. I suspect you have more dishes to wash.
What gets old fast are internet George Costanza's like you who are so insecure about themselves that they have to pretend to be things that they obviously are not...then whine about people "attacking" them when exposed as frauds.
George Costanza pretends to be an architect to get laid...what do you pretend to know about economics for? The admiration of people too stupid to know you're nothing but hot air? How pathetic is THAT?
Yes, those pesky principled people who believe in the principles of non-aggression just will never bend pragmatically to promote or participate in Statist related violence and coercion against others.

Boo-fuckin'- hoo for you.


I don't care how well intentioned your devotion to naïve ignorance is, it is still naïve ignorance.
Yes, those pesky principled people who believe in the principles of non-aggression just will never bend pragmatically to promote or participate in Statist related violence and coercion against others.

Boo-fuckin'- hoo for you.


I don't care how well intentioned your devotion to naïve ignorance is, it is still naïve ignorance.

SHouldn't you be off advocating theft or violence against other people? Clearly this topic is way too advanced for you. A libertarian economy.... :lmao:

Yes, those pesky principled people who believe in the principles of non-aggression just will never bend pragmatically to promote or participate in Statist related violence and coercion against others.

Boo-fuckin'- hoo for you.


I don't care how well intentioned your devotion to naïve ignorance is, it is still naïve ignorance.

SHouldn't you be off advocating theft or violence against other people? Clearly this topic is way too advanced for you. A libertarian economy.... :lmao:


Real theft and violence would only go up if you got your way. Like I said you are naïve and ignorant.
Me? Oh, insanity follows no doctrine. I make it as I go. While I have your attention, what economic theory would you say best aligns with the current economic process of this country?

Fascism, as defined by Mussolini. Without question. 1/6th of our economy is now structured to combine federal and corporate power structures.
Me? Oh, insanity follows no doctrine. I make it as I go. While I have your attention, what economic theory would you say best aligns with the current economic process of this country?

Fascism, as defined by Mussolini. Without question. 1/6th of our economy is now structured to combine federal and corporate power structures.

Social Corporatism. Close to fascism but with several nuances that make it look fundamentally different. Though, it's really not different.
Social Corporatism. Close to fascism but with several nuances that make it look fundamentally different. Though, it's really not different.

There are nuances to all things, but Corporatism is the key concept. Corporations as agents of the state, with the full backing of the state. The IRS as bill collector for Blue Cross should give any thinking person pause.
George Costanza pretends to be an architect to get laid...what do you pretend to know about economics for? The admiration of people too stupid to know you're nothing but hot air? How pathetic is THAT?
I imagine he could run for political office, as a democrat. :lol:

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