Is Wikileaks Founder Going to be Turned over to UK? US?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

He's been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy for six years.

In March, the Ecuadorian government cut Assange’s phone and Internet contact with the outside world and barred his friends and supporters from visiting him.

The Ecuadorian authorities explained their action by stating that “Assange’s behavior, through his messages on social media, put at risk good relations this country has with the UK, the rest of the EU and other nations.”

Putting Assange on trial for espionage is a priority according to AG Sessions.

More @ Ecuador Prepares to Hand Julian Assange Over to UK, US - Reports
World News
January 11, 2018 / 5:46 AM / 5 months ago

Ecuador gives Assange citizenship, seeks end to embassy stay

Alexandra Valencia, Mark Hosenball

QUITO/LONDON (Reuters) - Ecuador has given citizenship to Julian Assange as part of its efforts to allow the WikiLeaks founder to leave the country’s London embassy where he has been holed up for more than five years.
Ecuador made the move hours after the British government refused a request from the South American nation for Assange to be given diplomatic status, which could give him immunity from arrest should he try to leave the embassy.
After a year in which Ecuador’s president has spoken out against Assange, Ecuador’s Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa said she hoped to find a solution to his dilemma.
“Ecuador is currently exploring other solutions in dialogue with the UK, like good offices of renowned authorities, other states, or international organizations that could facilitate a just, final and dignified solution for all parties,” Espinosa told a press conference in Quito.
Britain saw only one resolution to the diplomatic standoff.
“Ecuador knows that the way to resolve this issue is for Julian Assange to leave the embassy to face justice,” said a British Foreign Office spokesman.


June 8 2018 - 7:05AM
Aust officials pay visit Julian Assange

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been visited by officials from the Australian High Commission.

Two officials on Thursday went to the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Mr Assange has been living for almost six years.

His internet and phone connections were cut off by the Ecuadorian government six weeks ago and he was denied visitors.

The Australian-born campaigner fears being extradited to the US if he leaves the embassy and being questioned about the activities of WikiLeaks.

It is believed to be the first time officials from the Australian High Commission in London have visited him.

Jennifer Robinson, a member of Mr Assange's legal team, said: "I can confirm we met with Australian government representatives in the embassy today.

"Julian Assange is in a very serious situation, detained without charge for seven-and-a-half years.

"He remains in the embassy because of the risk of extradition to the US.

"That risk is undeniable after numerous statements by Trump administration officials, including the director of the CIA and the US attorney-general.

"Given the delicate diplomatic situation we cannot comment further at this time."

Australian Associated Press
Ecuador has just granted Assange citizenship. That means their next step might be to grant him diplomatic immunity so he can leave their embassy.
World News
January 11, 2018 / 5:46 AM / 5 months ago

Ecuador gives Assange citizenship, seeks end to embassy stay

Alexandra Valencia, Mark Hosenball

QUITO/LONDON (Reuters) - Ecuador has given citizenship to Julian Assange as part of its efforts to allow the WikiLeaks founder to leave the country’s London embassy where he has been holed up for more than five years.
Ecuador made the move hours after the British government refused a request from the South American nation for Assange to be given diplomatic status, which could give him immunity from arrest should he try to leave the embassy.
After a year in which Ecuador’s president has spoken out against Assange, Ecuador’s Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa said she hoped to find a solution to his dilemma.
“Ecuador is currently exploring other solutions in dialogue with the UK, like good offices of renowned authorities, other states, or international organizations that could facilitate a just, final and dignified solution for all parties,” Espinosa told a press conference in Quito.
Britain saw only one resolution to the diplomatic standoff.
“Ecuador knows that the way to resolve this issue is for Julian Assange to leave the embassy to face justice,” said a British Foreign Office spokesman.

If no one has been to Ecuador, just FYI they are not really a 3rd world country, I have a friend down there who races boats

Assange may not be the one who published the ICE information for a few reasons...WikiLeaks has a lot of people involved. Also, no one has seen Assange for awhile and his internet was cut off awhile back.
2016: Nov 8: begins changing. Some files are deleted. Checksum hashes no longer match old backups.
Ecuador has just granted Assange citizenship. That means their next step might be to grant him diplomatic immunity so he can leave their embassy.

Diplomatic immunity doesn't work just because you are a citizen. That's kind of why it has diplomat in the name.

Ecuador's Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa © RODRIGO BUENDIA / AFP

Ecuador’s foreign minister is denying her government is trying to censor WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange by restricting his internet access and denying him visitors at the embassy in London.

Maria Fernanda Espinosa defended the move to cut Assange’s internet access in March, saying that he disregarded a vow to cease all “political activity” when he spoke out about the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury. He also made repeated statements about Spain’s bid to stifle the independence movement in Catalonia.

“On several occasions he [Assange] has agreed on not intervening in internal politics of third-party countries and unfortunately he has not complied with his commitment, so for the time being he is not allowed to have access to the internet,” Espinosa told the Associated [URL='']Press, adding that the restrictions are “not a matter of censorship.”[/URL]

"I think all parties are interested in finding an outlet, a solution, to this complex situation," she said. Espinosa was speaking from the UN headquarters in New York ahead of an election for the presidency of the next General Assembly.

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno, who was elected last year, recently told DW Spanish that Assange “continues to be a problem,” but added that his country “will respect his right to asylum if Assange respects the margins.”

The WikiLeaks founder was granted asylum by former President Rafael Correa in 2012, and he has been at the embassy in London ever since. Assange was facing charges in the US over WikiLeaks’ publication of secret US documents in 2010. His legal troubles in the UK, however, stem from allegations of sexual assault in Sweden, which were dropped last year. Assange feared Sweden would extradite him to the US, which is why he sought refuge in Ecuador. That, however, violated the conditions of his bail, according to the British High Court.

Roger Waters displays pro-Assange message at Berlin gig

— RT (@RT_com) June 4, 2018
Ecuador is continuing its effort to get Assange out of embassy without him being arrested. The plans have been met with resistance by the British government.
WIKILEAKS showed Ice patrol info that was public and the "project" had appeared elsewhere and was taken down:

Lavigne, who is also a professor at the NYU Tisch School of the Arts’ Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), wrote a Medium post about his project. The post linked to a GitHub repository that contained the data...already PUBLIC information...

[URL='']Kenneth Roth

Executive Director, Human Rights Watch
New York
Joined December 2008
Kenneth Roth‏ Verified account @KenRoth Jun 23

The US Espionage Act was meant for people who leak secrets to foreign governments, not someone like Assange who published leaked material. It has no public-interest defense. Journalists could be next. Charges should be dropped.

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