Is your country overpopulated?

You can't be serious with Africa. Famine is due to the droughts and and the constant wars.
Worse is that Africa's population is growing 2.5 percent per year.

Apparently there's a lot of water under their feet, but will take money to develop it, money from the west.

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You can't be serious with Africa. Famine is due to the droughts and and the constant wars.

Droughts? You mean deserts. People should not be living in a desert. No water. Can't live or grow food with no water. Aiding these countries then just allows them to perpetuate the problem, which then requires MORE aid. Worse, they are technically, socially and economically incapable of developing self-sufficiency. Most of Africa is nay uninhabitable, and the grasslands and Savannah are where all the big killer animals like rhinoceros and lions are! So, not a good place to live neither!

Admit it, despite all of the horrors and atrocities involved in importing slavery, in the long run, getting a lot of those people out of there was the best thing that ever happened to them.
Droughts? You mean deserts. People should not be living in a desert. No water. Can't live or grow food with no water. Aiding these countries then just allows them to perpetuate the problem, which then requires MORE aid. Worse, they are technically, socially and economically incapable of developing self-sufficiency. Most of Africa is nay uninhabitable, and the grasslands and Savannah are where all the big killer animals like rhinoceros and lions are! So, not a good place to live neither!

Admit it, despite all of the horrors and atrocities involved in importing slavery, in the long run, getting a lot of those people out of there was the best thing that ever happened to them.
You mean to their descendants, the ones that are screaming for reparations.
You mean to their descendants, the ones that are screaming for reparations.

Exactly. While not trying to justify slavery and the often horrors that sometimes went along with some of it, back in the 16th-18th centuries the neolithic Africans were seen as little different from cattle, only good for doing dumb labor. But without that, none of these people would be here alive today, and the admission to that is that you don't see any of them arguing for a ticket back home to Africa!
Exactly. While not trying to justify slavery and the often horrors that sometimes went along with some of it, back in the 16th-18th centuries the neolithic Africans were seen as little different from cattle, only good for doing dumb labor. But without that, none of these people would be here alive today, and the admission to that is that you don't see any of them arguing for a ticket back home to Africa!
Millions of Americans would happily provide such tickets.

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