Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection


Now you know why people point and laugh at you and your goofy cutting and pasting.


Faun: I'm literally laughing at you...

Hollie: Now you know why people point and laugh at you...

Aww, you poor thing... you can't even think for yourself. Poor baby. :itsok:
Could have been planted. Probably was.

“… because I say so”…

There. Fixed that for ya’ darlin.’

Were therefore 18 oath keepers? Trying to get you to identify why you invented that number.

There were about 18 idiots convicted of seditious conspiracy. That's where the number 18 comes from. That you're not aware of that exposes your ignorance and answers a lot of questions about you.
You want the man who said on the debate stage last night in front of 70 million viewers that black immigrants in Springfield Ohio are eating their neighbor’s dogs and cats to be the next president of the United States of America.

I don’t. And you think I’m creepy. Glad to hear you’re not a Christian..

I'm dressing my dog incognito so he doesn't get eaten...

It IS funny. It's funny how you all went from "all cops are bastards" and "defund the police!!" to "THE POLICE NEVER LIE THEY ARE ALWAYS 100% HONEST!!"

Was the U-turn painful? Did it make you dizzy?

No, it's hysterical that you're such a conspiracy nut, you think they would plant a pocket knife, but not a gun, on her. <smh>
Really, though, it's not like you guys would ever question it. They could say she was armed with a ball-point pen and you morons would say she deserved to be shot.

She deserved to be shot because the cop who shot her had a reasonable fear for his own safety as a violent mob was in the process of breaking through the doors and she was stupid enough to try to climb over the police barricade.

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